Of the best ways to get to know someone is to discover how they react to new situations; this includes how a person responds to unusual questions.
If you’re a regular reader here as a HealingMindN, then you may already know the answer to the following questions. I’ve never provided the actual answers. You would have to know them through your own intuition and learning experience.
If you please, answer one or all three of the following questions to help me understand you. When I understand you, I can serve you better with the kind of materials you prefer:
- How is the Mind like Time?
- How is Time like the Mind?
- Why is this blog called Healing MindN Power Circle?
I would prefer the most heartfelt, original answers. As always, I provide special incentives to subscribers of Way of the MindGate Newsletter.
Thanks for your time.
Healing Thoughts, HealingMindN
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