Healing Science Self Improvement

How To You Serve Your Love on Valentine’s Day: Sleep Well

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True Love

On the morning after Jack Benny’s death, his widow, Mary, received a single long-stemmed rose from the local florist. When another rose was delivered the next day, Mary called the florist and was told her of an order her husband had placed before he died: He had made provision in his will for the florist to supply “one perfect red rose daily for the rest of Mary’s life.”

Jack Benny was before my time, but he is still one of my favorite comedians. He was a violinist who would point out ridiculous behavior in others with his own embarassment. For now, I also want to point out a certain behavior in others who have unrequited love.

Mostly young people have dreams of unrequited love. When we’re young, we tend to be a bit selfish, so we dream about how a person we admire from a distance (regardless of time/space/social barriers) returns our love.

On the other hand, when we become elderly, like Jack Benny, we have a tendency towards unrequited love – especially after we’ve passed on: We have a tendency towards people who have requited our love. We want to be remembered by that person. We want to make them feel good. We want to make them feel secure even after we’re gone.

People like Jack Benny had the advantage of having requited love, being remembered, feeling good and secure. I would say he had the advantage of an “eternal rest,” but who am I to say what happens to us after we’ve passed on? Perhaps, his energy was dispersed into parts of humanity which also feel embarassement for ridiculous behavior. Perhaps, his soul touched each of those perfect red roses.

As for the rest of us, the way we rest or sleep hinges on our ability to relax in the wake of stress, all kinds of stress. The way we treat our love life hinges on our ability to be able to relax and sleep when we need it.

Young people in particular suffer from stress because of demands on their academic performance, their social lives, demands from drug/vaccine pushers and then some; young people dream of unrequited love on a regular basis because they feel they don’t get enough in return. They feel insecure because no matter how well they do in their own lives that this world is still falling to pieces – without unrequited love. And they’re right.


Before I go any further on the above subject, let’s discuss how insomnia affects us. The Institute of Heart Math was kind enough to send me an interesting titbit on sleep:

“Concerns about work, school, health or family can keep your mind active at night, making it difficult to sleep,” the Mayo Clinic in Rochester Minn., explains at its online site. “Stressful life events, such as the death or illness of a loved one, divorce or a job loss, may lead to insomnia.”

Various sources, including the NSF, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and others estimate sleeping disorders affect 50 million to 70 million people in the U.S. alone.

Facts and Myths About Sleep

  • Studies have estimated sleep deprivation costs U.S. businesses nearly $150 billion annually in absenteeism and lost productivity.
  • 69 percent of children were found in a survey to experience one or more sleep problems a few nights or more per week.
  • Adults can cheat on sleep? Wrong. Experts say most adults still need seven to nine hours of sleep for health and effectiveness.
  • Older people need less sleep? Wrong. Sleep patterns may have changed for older people, but not the amount of sleep they need.

What other problems does insomnia cause? Without sleep, we experience cognitive problems:

  • Our short term memories fail us.
  • Our patience fails us.
  • Our ability to relax fails us.

And let me tell you, guys – this is no joke. The women expect us to be steady like a rock – no matter how crazy they get. Sure, they like sympathetic guys with the heart of a poet, but they also want us to brave and fearless.

Can you be brave and fearless without enough sleep? Ha. Let’s let’s face it: Without enough sleep, we are like zombies – we don’t care about the feelings of others – we just grunt and growl and hope we can fall asleep next time under all that stress. Therefore, if you are like a zombie, how can you have love on Valentine’s Day? You can’t.

The Sleep Switch

Fortunately, there is a way to help us get at least seven to eight hours of peaceful rest. The Institute of Heart Math has interesting instructions, but I think the person who wrote it also needs sleep:

Attitude Breathing® Tool – an effective sleep aid

Take five minutes shortly before bed to do these simple steps. They’ve been adapted from HeartMath’s Attitude Breathing® Tool and have proven effective for many IHM followers.

  1. Focus on your heart as you breathe in. Focus on your solar plexus as you breathe out.
  2. Concentrate on a positive feeling or attitude as you breathe. Lock in this feeling.
  3. As you become adept at using Attitude Breathing, select new feelings and attitudes.

You get ten points for understanding each of the above instructions on Attitude Breathing®. If you are not familiar with any of the concepts in Attitude Breathing®, you get no points. that’s OK. All that means is that you have spent your time at other things – like reading this.

My intention is to help you at the next post – which, hopefully, will be today – to grasp, comprehend, and apply the above instructions using neurolinguistic programming (NLP).

Until then, please consider if your true love is waiting for you in a place you have yet to explore through remote viewing through the Probable Future Courses. This guided meditation course requires great discipline, but it will also help you to relax and get the sleep you need, so you can have true love – again.

Healing thoughts,

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