Butterfly Effect
While working on a weather prediction problem one day in 1961, Edward Lorenz, using a computer to model the weather with a system of 12 basic equations, ran a program from the middle rather than the beginning — and entered parameters to three decimal places, rather than the normal six.
Lorenz was surprised to see how differently the weather patterns evolved. Such minute changes, he supposed, might be caused by something as trivial as the beating of a butterfly’s wing.
Lorenz had discovered the so-called “butterfly effect,” and was soon embroiled in chaos theory…
In chaos theory, the butterfly effect is the sensitive dependence on initial conditions, where a small change at one place in a deterministic nonlinear system can result in large differences to a later state…
I have yet to mention the Butterfly Effect, anywhere, as it applies to self-aware, living systems like us. Most of us know the butterfly effect as “karma” or the old saying, “what goes around, comes around.” Psychoenergetics Experts like Peter Lindemann, Rupert Sheldrake, William Tiller, and Gerald O’Donnell of Probable Future infer the butterfly effect as it applies to self-awareness in the same vein wherein small, yet significant changes can lead to larger, (non-linear) effects in our lives.
In this continuation from Epigenetics, part 2: How to Program Your Genes and more, I want to show you how small changes in our lives and our seemingly random choices positively (or negatively) affect our DNA expressions via epigenetics, ergo, our quality of life.
Those of you who are familiar with the movie of the same name starring Ashton Kutcher should know that mainstream sci-fi has a tendency to fictionalize reality. Reality can be stranger than fiction. Ashton’s character could exist in only one time line at a time. Each of us are more complex in that every potential timeline including the ones that can result in large differences in our lives later exists within our minds, right now. Let me elucidate the butterfly effect as it applies to the fabric of your reality.
Sewing Together the Fabric of Your Reality
Edward Lorenz based the Butterfly Effect upon a ripple effect of small, random changes in nature; to give you a handle on this in consideration of special variations of life like us, it’s the equivalent of a passing thought.
Peter Lindemann provided me with the first scientific study by Dr. William Carpenter on the ideo-motor response in 1852. Here is an excerpt from Ideomotorischer Effekt – Carpenters Originalarbeit von 1852, “On the Influence of Suggestion in Modifying and Directing Muscular Movement, Independently of Volition:”
…we perceive that it is not really the will of the operator which controls the sensations of the subject; but the suggestion of the operator which excites a corresponding idea, the falsity of which is not corrected, simply because the mind of the subject, being completely engrossed by it, cannot apprehend the truth less forcibly impressed on it through his own senses. Not only muscular movements, but other bodily changes attest [to] the reality of this domination…
Ergo, many of us unconsciously act out “programmed responses” in our lives, and find them very difficult to change. Conventional science has latched onto inherent genetic predisposition to “programmed responses” whereas psychoenergetics and psychoneuroimmunology advocates epigenetic potential of “passing thoughts.” What are passing thoughts? They are suggestions – and suggestions are like keys for unlocking “programmed responses” from our subconscious.
In contrast, the Law of Attraction advocates intense sensory visualization of a well defined objective.
A passing thought, however, can sustain itself within the subconscious for reasons demonstrated by the ideo-motor reflex, show up in a dream, motivate a change in lifestyle, change a life forever. A passing thought is a suggestion, the beating of a butterfly’s wing.
How can this happen? I want to make my NLP teacher, Steve G. Jones proud of me; this goes back to neurolinguistic programming principles: Law of Attraction principles require will power which stems from our conscious awareness; this is only 10% of our mental resources. On the other hand, a passing thought may surface from that 90% slice of our mental resources; these resources stem from our subconscious awareness [Id, Ego, Super-ego].
Let’s get specific. We all have our idiosyncracies, our personal likes and dislikes which help form our reality. Perhaps, you have a favorite food with a certain aroma and flavor. Let’s take Italian, for example. Maybe you know a restaurant that cooks pasta a certain way which you prefer above all others because all the shapes, colors, flavors, aromas, and textures fit together “just right.” According to Lorenz, your idyllic pasta moment consists of more significant digits which resonate with your reality.
“Significant digits” in this case are like multi-dimensional “threads” sewn into further complex patterns within the “tapestry” of your desires as part of the fabric of your reality.
“Threads” can also be sewn into your virtual reality. WE all have our favorite musical artists. The more sensually resonant experience that artist imparts to our senses, the more that artist tends to get integrated within our subconscious. You might have a favorite type of music, but there’s one artist in particular wherein you put forth extra effort to learn about that person, their personal likes and dislikes, their influences, their heritage, etcetera.
Perhaps, you find that artist especially irresistable to the point of being a “guilty pleasure.” During those idyllic moments when you’re up all night listening to your favorite musical artist (I’m pointing at you Jana), then you are sewing more intense patterns into your “tapestry.”
Your reality was tweaked slightly through the butterfly effect starting with small “suggestions” or “passing thoughts” for you to experience these moments.
Life-Positive vs. Life Negative Patterns
Life-positive patterns enhance the “fabric” of your reality to make it stronger, healthier, durable, symmetrical and attractive to similar patterns around you. The examples above can be considered life-positive – (as long as you don’t over indulge to the point of not being able to get your work done). When your subconscious impulses and habits are life-positive, your “butterfly effects” starting with your “random acts” have far reaching life-positive effects for your reality and beyond. Here’s a small example:
One night, at 11:30 PM, an older African American woman was standing on the side of an Alabama highway trying to endure a lashing rain storm. Her car had broken down and she desperately needed a ride. Soaking wet, she decided to flag down the next car…
A young white man stopped to help her, generally unheard of in those conflict-filled 1960’s. The man took her to safety, helped her get assistance and put her into a taxi cab. She seemed to be in a big hurry, but wrote down his address and thanked him…
Seven days went by and a knock came on the man’s door. To his surprise, a giant console color TV was delivered to his home. A special note was attached. It read: “Thank you so much for assisting me on the highway the other night. The rain drenched not only my clothes, but also my spirits. Then you came along. Because of you, I was able to be with my dying husband before he passed away. God bless you for helping me and unselfishly serving others… Sincerely, Mrs. Nat King Cole.”
I’m guessing that the above story is true, if Nat King Cole’s wife was on her way to California. As you might know, the main negatives that Nat King Cole encountered were rascism and the delusion that cigarettes were “healthy” for him, but his main butterfly effect led him to fame as an all time great singer-musician (who died before his time).
We all experience problems in the fabric of our reality; these are problems caused by fear, hatred, greed. Ponder each sin and wonder no further about the crux of problems in human society.
We also have life-negative impulses and habits which allow our problems to exist. Our life-negative patterns despoil the “fabric” of our reality to make it enharmonic, asymmetrical, and disturbed – appealing only to others who display the same disturbing patterns.
Life negative patterns do not resonate with most of the universe which is life-positive. Therefore, life-negative people seek out each other to give themselves strength, assurance, and impunity (“birds of a feather…”).
We all encounter people, places, and truths we find unpleasant. For most of us, the unpleasantness is life-negative. Our lives would be perfect if not for life-negative influences. The reality of life-negative people encroach upon ours on a regular basis. As I will show you in a moment, you will learn how to activate keys within your subconscious to help you remove life-negative patterns.
Stressors and Tensors in the Fabric of Your Reality
If not for the uniqueness of a certain chef who spread that uniqueness to other chefs, you would not experience your favorite pizza parlor which appeals especially to your senses; all pizzas would taste the same.
If not for the uniqueness of a certain person’s musical upbringing and social / professional circle, you would not experience your favorite artist who appeals especially to your senses; all the music in your favorite genre would be the same. Your favorite music serves as further Keys to your programmed responses.
By the same token, it may have been a passing thought for you to stop at a random hole in the wall restaurant that would change your taste in food; it may have been a passing thought for you to glance in just the right place to find a pair of eyes piercing through you into your soul. In turn, you seek out theirs. In the Great River of Life, we discover that each soul we encounter through so-called “random acts” provides us with Keys to our own.
Small, seemingly random acts can change our lives. They are still part of the fabric of our reality because they help us reveal our further reality to ourselves, our selected timeline.
Rather than “random acts,” we can call them “suggestions.” I also like to call them “invitations.” We invite people, places, and things into our lives which resonate with our reality. These “invitations” are part of our self-aware Butterfly Effect since the “suggestions” come from within us..
Potential Timelines
As I stated earlier, the potential for every one of your timelines exists within your mind. Our dreams are symbolic to be sure, but they also reveal potential timelines. The parallel processor you know as your subconscious is constantly absorbing information from every one of your experiences – no matter how small, no matter how brief.
Important pieces of information are constantly gathering within your psyche. While you are reading this, that 90% hiding behind your conscious awareness is piecing together myriad potential timelines for you – like sewing together an infinite tapestry, your subconscious is constantly sewing together all of your potential timelines.
Each individual tapestry of our minds has the same foundation pattern. As Gerald O’Donnell would say, “each individual tapestry begins with the (universal) matrix as the foundation…” Therefore, we are also part of the Universal Mind. What does that mean? Better ask Gerald.
Within each timeline exists a “key,” “tensor,” or “random act” as Lorenz would put it which brings you into that timeline; in our case, it is a “suggestion” which seems like a “random act” to a conventional scientist leading to the “butterfly effect,” but whatever impulse brought you into that new time line, you subconsciously knew exactly what your “programmed response” would be – like precognition of your own life. This principle also goes hand in hand with the old proverb, “Your teacher will reveal him/herself when you are ready,” but not always.
The subconscious is undiscerning about the type of information it absorbs. Unfortunately, there are life-negative influences which we invite into the fabric of our reality. We have a vices like junk food / instant gratification. We allow our brokers to invest our hard earned money into zombie investments as we turn a blind eye. We might watch too much TV while inviting all forms of mainstream commercial hype into our minds. We might choose to put our faith in whatever “expert” or authoritative figure who comes along to convince us of our genetic predisposition to cancer.
Should we have those experts cut off whatever body parts might be prone to cancer – rather than educate ourselves about epigenetics? Should we ignore alternate sources of education? What is your programmed response? Your preconceived notion? If I tell you that you can educate yourself with Collective DNA Consciousness or Dr. Joseph Mercola’s Article: Falling for This Myth Could Give You Cancer, what’s your first impulse? Ignorance is truly bliss for some, but not for others. What about you?
What if you see an example of what epigenetics can do using the power of your mind, like Gerald O’Donnell’s Personal Tale of Infinite Love & Healing, it might be exactly the Butterfly Effect you need.
Lost Remote Viewing/Influencing Reviews Contest
Gerald O’Donnell’s Personal Tale of Infinite Love & Healing also contains links to all of my personal reviews of the Probable Future Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing Courses, or, at least, it should.
The switch to WordPress has disrupted the continuity of links at this blog, so I need assistance in finding those lost reviews. Within that .pdf document, you should see every missing review marked in red. These marked items also contain small descriptions as clues to each review. As you see in the document, there are four reviews missing.
For the first four people who discover the links to each of these missing reviews, please post your response here. You have one month to find the links to those missing reviews before WordPress cuts off the ability to comment at this post.
The prize for each of those four people is the CD of psychic power tools described within Personal Tale of Infinite Love & Healing. Thereupon, I will contact you for your mailing address, so I can send you your prize.
Epigenetics, part 4: How to Remove Life Negative Patterns using the Butterfly Effect
How to Remove Life Negative Patterns using the Butterfly Effect uses combined methods from, Steve G. Jones, Stewart Swerdlow, and Gerald O’Donnell to activate impulses from your higher consciousness to induce beneficial, life-positive patterns in your life. The password to this document = h******m***n.
Healing Thoughts,
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[…] contest at Epigenetics, part 3: How to Program Your Genes using the Butterfly Effect on how to win a CD full of Mind Power Tools until 24 July […]