Mind Control Self Improvement

The Secret to Isochronic Tones in Brainwave Entrainment

Isochronic Tones” have been quite the buzz word these days as far as it’s application to brainwave entrainment. Among the advocates, isochronic tones are far more effective than monaural and binaural beats when entraining a person. Why is this?

I decided to look a little deeper into this phenomenon and discovered an old friend.

How do we define “Isochronic Tones?”

First, I looked up “isochronic tones” at Wikipedia. Here’s what I found:

Isochronic Tones as a set of square wave pulses

Isochronic tones are regular beats of a single tone used for brainwave entrainment. Similar to monaural beats, the interference pattern that produces the beat is outside the brain so headphones are not required, but since isochronic tones are more pronounced, the stimuli is even stronger. They differ from monaural beats which are a sine wave pulse rather than entirely separate pulses of a single tone.

Unfortunately, this description of “isochronic tones” is skewed. When I looked up three more definitions on the web of isochronic, or isochronal, the same basic concepts are:

  1. equal or uniform in time.
  2. performed in equal intervals of time.
  3. characterized by motions or vibrations of equal duration.