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HealingMindN answer to skepticism - Healing Mind N Blog for Mental Health and Self Improvement

HealingMindN answer to skepticism

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You might realise that I have a few videos on YouTube, one of which is entitled, “How to make your own Philosopher’s Stone.” In this video, I am simply demonstrating how m-state matter can be derived by stressing simple seawater.

The premise is that if we can do this with simple seawater, then imagine what the human body can do since we not only contain the same ingredients in trace amounts; we also have psychoenergetic, intention oriented physiology to create our own stress mechanisms and the subtle bioenergy fields created by those superconducting components in the microtuble networks to modify regular orbitally rearranged monatomic elements (ORMEs) into superconducting orbitally rearrange monatomic elements (S-ORMEs).

This video has a number of comments, most of them bad, and they are all brought on by the presiding, misdirected social mood of anger, frustration, and rage at the current state of affairs – most of which brings down morale. Most people get on the web to blow off steam against other innocent people.

I’m not going to go into any kind of exchange with you or anyone else to change yours or anyone else’s opinion, mind patterns, reality, or any other aspect of your life.

Instead, let me express my opinion by asking you, why don’t you look in the mirror and say, “that’s a healer and a great person who is capable of amazing things. As a result, the people around me are also great and capable of amazing things…

Why don’t you do that? Because I completely understand where you’re coming from. The people around us can be lowly. Look at Jessica Alba: She just has a baby, but look at all the vitriole that people are spewing at her. See this small article on her treatment of the birth of her baby at sfgate including all the vitriolic commentary.

And I thought most of the comments at my video were bad! How many people are wishing Jessica health, wealth, and well being for her baby and family? I barely count them on one hand! I’ve met these actors and actresses and they’re all good people who deserve the respect of fellow human beings.

You feel that you don’t have the supernatural control that I claim you have? This is understandable. Look at the sort of vitriole that’s constantly reported by mainstream news: Officials Struggle With Rise in Knife Crimes Among Britain’s Youths: “Too many people, young and old, do not feel safe in the streets, and sometimes even in their homes… Many people are growing up in environments where they feel they have very little to lose.”

It’s healthy to have a bit of skepticism, but the question is, are you allowing mainstream attitudes to control your opinion, thus shaping your reality? (That’s what mainstream news does; it shapes public opinion – and it’s made to bring people down.)

Do you really want to class yourself with these people who have so much misdirected anger, frustration and rage from the evils in this world that they get on the web to verbally attack innocent people?

You want proof of your supernatural abilities? It all starts with your own investigation. For starters, look up the works of: Dr. William A. Tiller in psychoenergetics and his proven clinical research with intention imprinted electronic devices; Case histories of emotional freedom techniques, an energy psychology founded by Gary Craig; DNA morphic research and spiritual science by Gregg Braden; Remote healing methods by Stewart Swerdlow; Remote viewing methods by Maj. Ed Dames; Remote Viewing and Influencing methods by Gerald O’Donnell; the list goes on.

I don’t know if you’re willing to face the facts, but you are a great person among many great people. You have the amazing ability to control your own reality. But are you more willing to cut off my nose in spite of your fate as a living conscious part of the holographic paradigm we call the universe?

Perhaps, you should try a few of the guided delta meditations at Gerald O’Donnell’s site, so you can really experience this for yourself. You can also try my guide on Visual Ray Psionics at to see how you control the elements.

Peace and Good Will,


P.S. See the good in yourself, so you can see the good in the rest of the world.


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