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Power of Belief in the Law of Attraction - Healing Mind N Blog for Mental Health and Self Improvement

Power of Belief in the Law of Attraction

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Review of Choose To Believe: A Practical Guide to Living Your Dreams by Alan Tutt

Every once in a while, a book comes along that promises to uncover the secrets of the Universe, and offers the tools you need to produce miracles in your life.

Most of the time, these books fall far short of their promises, giving only rehashed theories that sound good, but provide nothing of substance you can actually take action on.

At first glance, Choose To Believe appears to be just such a book. The subtitle alone gives this impression – A practical guide to living your dreams. Since when are dreams practical?

So it was with caution that I agreed to review Alan Tutt’s newest book. As you’ll see below, I’m glad I took the chance.

When I received the book, I glanced at the back cover. A strong focus on science is indicated, as well as a line that evokes a feeling of distrust – “You really CAN have it all, when you Choose To Believe!” Yeah right, I’ll believe that when I see it.

I next flipped through the pages, and was pleasantly surprised to find this is a REAL book. A full 220+ pages of text, with lots of subheadings to break it up into manageable bite-sized pieces.

As I started to read, I realized that Alan has extensive knowledge and insight into his subject matter. Each thought, each concept, is well presented with a degree of logic absent from most other books. Even so, it’s not as dry as you might think, and Alan’s sense of humor may be seen from time to time.

The introduction cautions you to have an open mind, referring to many scientific advances that have radically shifted the world’s view on reality, and the fact that even the best and brightest scientists are still human, capable of making mistakes. Excellent advice to follow when one wishes to learn new things.

The first 3 chapters set the foundation upon which the rest of the book is built. A lot of scientific evidence is presented that overwhelmingly supports the idea that our beliefs indeed create our reality.

Even so, Alan allows for the possibility that this creation process is limited to a chain between beliefs, decisions, actions, and results. This practical view of the power of beliefs keeps this book grounded in reality for anyone, whether they accept the more extreme possibilities or not.

Chapter 4 covers several processes for discovering what you believe on multiple levels. It is the multiple-level concept, what Alan calls a Belief Hierarchy, that explains why our experiences sometimes contradicts our beliefs.

In this discovery process, Alan provides some very interesting concepts, such as a Belief Scale on which the strength of any belief may be measured. Once I tried it for myself, it seemed so obvious, yet I can’t recall ever coming across the idea before.

Alan also provides several lists of questions to use for self-discovery, covering areas such as money, relationships, health, self-image, and more. I can honestly say that I know more about myself now than I ever did before.

In chapter 5, Alan switches from discovering belief to changing them. This one chapter covers a wide range of processes that may be used, including daydreaming, pretending, visualization, affirmations, prayer, hypnosis, and even conversational hypnosis.

Pacing and leading is an NLP (conversational hypnosis / Neuro-Linguistic Programming) technique generally used to persuade others to your way of thinking, yet Alan demonstrates how this very powerful technique may be used on yourself to change what you believe. After testing it out for myself, I can report that it works – beautifully!

Other NLP techniques covered include anchoring and submodality modification, which sound complicated, but are very easy to use once you understand how it’s done. I think Alan has explained these as well as anyone could in this context.

Wrapping up chapter 5 is a section which talks about a concept Alan calls ‘Belief Leverage’. These 2 pages explain why some people seem to get results when using such far-out techniques like burning candles and incense, chanting mantras, sitting in pyramids, wearing copper bracelets, and so on. While some folks may call these superstitions, Alan presents them as method of tapping into the Power of Belief.

In chapter 6, Alan presents a wealth of insights and suggestions for getting the most out of working with your beliefs. While there are reminders of many traditional suggestions, such as building a momentum, working from general to specific, and creating an immersion experience, he also offers another new concept – Master Beliefs.

As Alan points out, there are some beliefs that are involved in the process of working with other beliefs. Our belief about how easy or difficult it is to change beliefs is one such example. Our belief about whether beliefs can actually affect the physical world around us is another. Alan suggests that we work with these beliefs first in order to enhance our ability to get results when working with more specific issue-oriented beliefs.

Chapter 7 contains many examples of how Alan and his coaching clients have used the material in his book to create changes in their lives. This chapter really gives you a good picture of how to put the rest of the book’s material into action. You get specific step by step instructions anyone can follow.

And lastly, chapter 8 covers an area that few books ever address – how to help others using this material. Again, some of this is common knowledge, but a good reminder nonetheless. Other parts are more obscure and known only by those versed in NLP.

Choose To Believe includes a generous bibliography and even has an index, so you can look up any part of the system to refresh your memory. Also in the back matter is an offer to get a package of ebooks and audio programs from the author for a small shipping & handling fee.

Overall, I was very impressed with Alan Tutt’s “Choose To Believe” and I feel it represents substantial value for anyone wanting to improve their circumstances.

For more information, or to purchase a copy, go to: ‘

Thanks for your time.



P.S. One of the key aspects of using the power of your belief in the Law of Attraction is your trance state. Most people are in a trance state. This trance state contains a set of rules or cognitive commitments about reality or “the way the world works.”

When you shift your trance state into a more positive mode for smaller things, you attract those smaller things into your life. Then you work up to the bigger things.

For example, you are completely confident, beyond a shadow of a doubt that there will always be a good parking at your job or near a store where you go shopping – waiting for you. This is your trance state.

Your trance state also tells you that people will always be smiling and happy around you. Every time you find this is true, you reinforce your trance state, your cognitive commitments, “the way the world works.”

Not only is this the Law of Attraction at work, this is also how all psychic phenomena work – like remote viewing. Gerald O’Donnell of the Academy of Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing stated in one of his interviews that you have to start small to reinforce your confidence in your abilities. Then you work your way up to larger and larger tasks – in the paranormal as well as any other arena of your life.

It’s a matter of building your confidence in your abilities. This is how you build your trance state. Some people have trouble building that trance state, so they need some extra help. If you’re one of those people, try Mind Stereo. I have a special, value added offer listed at eBay with all kinds of examples of Mind Stereo.


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