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Milton Model: Art of Disorientation - Healing Mind N Blog for Mental Health and Self Improvement

Milton Model: Art of Disorientation

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There’s a study that’s been going around the web recently that appears to indicate that we are more receptive to requests made to our right ear (as opposed to our left).

The June 2009 paper, published in the German Journal, Naturwissenschaften (Science of Nature), looks at a series of three studies of listening preference.

Here are two places where you can access this information: New research demonstrates humans’ right ear preference for listening, EU study confirms people prefer right ear for listening, but I will give you the gist:

Controlled laboratory studies have shown a preference for right ear dominance with the reasoning being that humans process verbal information more efficiently with their left brain hemisphere.

However, the researchers wanted to see if this crossed over into the real world (with a field study).

In the first study, they looked at 286 night club visitors in their natural, “night club” setting. By just watching them talk, 72% of the interactions occurred on the right side of the listener.

In the second study, the researchers approached 160 night club visitors and mumbled total inaudible gibberish, then waited for the subjects to either offer their right
ear or their left ear.

58% offered their right ear. 42% offered their left ear. [Interestingly, only women showed a preference here].

In the third study, researchers approached 176 people at a night club and asked for a cigarette (they approached half to the right ear and half to the left ear).

The result was that they obtained significantly more cigarettes when they approached people to the right ear!

According to the authors, the results were significant. This was a field study based on an established fact.

We can look at this study, “Left Ear vs. Right Ear,” published on 8 October, 2006 from Indiana University to discover that the right ear is mainly for communication while the left ear is mainly for discerning sound patterns like for determining emotional states. Obviously, we need both to be proper social creatures.

There’s even more interesting info on the left brain at Wikipedia, but for now, let’s go over a clandestine form of subliminal communication.

Milton Model

I have a confession to make. When I was invited to a local NLP group, I realized that I didn’t belong there because I do Milton Modeling of which NLP is a subset. I’m not that interested in NLP, in and of itself. To me, it’s like being interested in the hinge that keeps the refridgerator door attached; it’s obviously an integral part, but it’s not that important in and of itself.

I use NLP in the title of my videos because it’s a good keyword. Some NLP is incorporated, but I do a lot more in the form of the Milton Model.

You can look up the Milton Model for yourself at Wikipedia’s NLP page.
To give you a reference point, but I’ll copy a few lines for you to give you an idea:

..It makes use of pacing and leading, ambiguity, metaphor, embedded suggestion, and multiple-meaning sentence structures. It has been described as “a way of using language to induce and maintain trance in order to contact the hidden resources of our personality.” The Milton model has three primary aspects: First, to assist in building and maintaining rapport with the client. Second, to overload and distract the conscious mind so that unconscious communication can be cultivated. Third, to allow for interpretation in the words offered to the client…

Of course, all the concepts that go into Milton Modeling are nothing without the artful tongue and the sharpened mind to execute it; it’s like martial arts, dance and music. We can learn all the concepts we want about these subjects, but the real success comes with its successful execution – and this comes through diligent practice and discipline.

When am I gonna teach you the successful execution of the Milton Model? I’ve been teaching it to you all this time. In fact, this article I’ve written only for you, my special reader, provides you with a key to successful Milton Modeling.

In “Storm NLP,” I deliver a series of romance related concepts and anecdotes. I overload and distract the conscious mind with audio/visuals and vague concepts that are open to interpretation.

More than that, you noticed that the audio cuts out for a moment in the right channel while there’s a [weird mechanical sounding] lightning strike in the left channel. That wasn’t a glitch in the video. I did that on purpose.

At that moment, the right brain is distracted with the audio/visual. A Lightning strike has many individual interpretations and can bring up all kinds of feelings, but in Storm NLP, I cut out the right channel at that moment. The sudden lack of information going to the left brain interpolates as a feeling of deafness in the right ear, thus causing temporary disorientation.

In that moment, “no real danger” is up to individual interpretation, but there is an embedded suggestion. I distract the right brains of my audience while embedding a suggestion in their left brains. Do you remember what it is?

The difference is, you’re wondering how you can also do Milton Modeling in any situation without the benefit of special F/X. Let me help.

The Art of Disorientation

There are all kinds of experiences that can be disorienting. You know the feeling. Even a new experience like at a new job or a new school or a new country can be disorienting.

What’s the first thing we look for during a new, scary experience?… Familiar reference points. Thereupon we grasp at anything that anchors us to something we know, even if only similar.

For example, an experienced hypnotist asks his clients if they’ve ever been hypnotized. A veteran hypnotist bases his client’s session on his previous experience and mind patterns.

Although, Erickson claimed that he was unable to explain how he did his method of modeling, I believe his use of hypnotic language patterns were providing a new, disorienting experience for his patients.

Through the art of roundabout story telling, his patients would latch onto familiar reference points in the same way kids used to grab brass rings while riding the carousel.

I don’t know if you’ve ever ridden a carousel; it’s a bunch of weird, colourful horse carvings among other animals bobbing up and down on poles on a giant turn table. When the alarm sounds, all the kids run and find their favourite animal to ride. Then you sit on the hard saddle grasping the metal pole with one hand as you fondle the painted animal caricature underneath you and the familiar carnival music begins playing.

The carousel goes round and round, faster and faster as your horse bobs up and down faster and faster, then you see kids going for the brass ring and you know you gotta try it. The wind is sailing through your hair with joyfully loud music playing as you extend waiting fingers to latch on to that bright brass ring. When you finally catch it, it’s cold and dirty, but you feel accomplished in some way, so you keep going for another and another…

In fact, Milton Erickson was practicing a manifold ancient mind control method known as Way of the MindGate.

Just as there are acupuncture / trigger points in the body, there are also trigger points in the mind. Erickson knew how to push these trigger points by understanding a person’s mind patterns. Conversely, Our mind patterns represent our trigger points.

We also know that most of us interpret and communicate through our right ears while determining sound patterns through our left ears, so let’s put that all together in the form of an embedded subliminal command. I want to show you two examples. One will be a personal encounter, the other, professional.

But I’m not going to show that to you here. I’m going to show you at Way of the Mind Gate Newsletter. That’s right, I’m only sharing this key information with my loyal subscribers. You need only subscribe to Way of the Mind Gate for my periodic newsletters to be a loyal subscriber and learn how to combine Milton Modeling with our left brain/right brain interpretations to embed suggestions – for your own altruistic purposes.

Healing Thoughts, HealingMindN,

Randolph Fabian Directo

P.S. You also get your choice of new age, self help, personal development manuals for subscribing to Way of the Mind Gate.


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