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Psychometry, Remote Viewing, and Psychic Sensitivity - Healing Mind N Blog for Mental Health and Self Improvement

Psychometry, Remote Viewing, and Psychic Sensitivity

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I would like to address the article, Lost Colony Site Discovered Through Remote Viewing, wherein George McMullen of British Columbia, perhaps the best known Archaeological Remote Viewer ever studied by science, provided The Lost Colony Project, in the person of its Director, Sam Sumner, with the location of the previously unknown location, including highly specific descriptive information as to what would be found. This technique has been previously used for archaeological work that resulted in the discovery of Cleopatra’s Palace, and Mark Antony’s Timonium, in Alexandria Egypt — in which McMullen also participated — and by the CIA, for intelligence work.

George McMullen described his ability to relate details about the past or future condition of an antiquated object or location, usually by being in close contact with it. To be more precise, this ability is called psychometry, yet this does fall under remote viewing.

In addressing the skeptics, I wish to provide two points of arguement in the favour of psychic sensitivity: One is common sense. The other is scientific basis of psychometry. I encountered the science years ago and it’s almost beyond my schooling, but I will dig up that proof and provide it in detail shortly.

For now, common sense tells us that there are mysteries in this universe we have yet to explore; this means that conventional science has yet to be further refined to provide concrete evidence of psychic powers. Did we have bioinformatics or even know the existence of biophoton emissions from the body 50 years ago? No. We had to build up to these things. We had to further refine our science.

Meanwhile, the skeptics enjoy sticking their heads up their arses while convincing themselves that human society can’t get along without them. As I said at Constructs of Belief, human society has never gone forward on pure skepticism. We all need that balance of idealism and realism to ground us while reaching for the stars. More on this later.

Healing Thoughts,


The following excerpt from The Holographic Universe is not the technical explanation that I was searching, but it’s an arguement worth examining in terms of the holographic model:

Bohm believes the ubiquitousness of meaning offers a possible explanation for both telepathy and remote viewing. He thinks both may actually be just different forms of psychokinesis. Just as PK is a resonance of meaning conveyed from a mind to an object, telepathy can be viewed as a resonance of meaning conveyed from a mind to a mind, says Bohm. In like manner, remote viewing can be looked at as a resonance of meaning conveyed from an object to a mind. “When harmony or resonance of ‘meanings’ is established, the action works both ways, so that the ‘meanings’ of the distant system could act in the viewer to produce a kind of inverse psychokinesis that would, in effect, transmit an image of that system to him, ” he states.

Jahn and Dunne have a similar view. Although they believe reality is established only in the interaction of a consciousness with its environment, they are very liberal in how they define consciousness. As they see it, anything capable of generating, receiving, or utilizing
information can qualify. Thus, animals, viruses, DNA, machines (artificially intelligent and otherwise), and so-called nonliving objects may all have the prerequisite properties to take part in the creation of reality.

If such assertions are true, and we can obtain information not only from the minds of other human beings but from the living hologram of reality itself, psychometry—the ability to obtain information about an object’s history simply by touching it—would also be explained. Rather than being inanimate, such an object would be suffused with its own kind of consciousness. Instead of being a “thing” that exists separately from the universe, it would be part of the interconnectedness of all things—connected to the thoughts of every person who ever came in contact with it, connected to the consciousness that pervades every animal and object that was ever associated with its existence, connected via the implicate to its own past, and connected to the mind of the psychometrist holding it…

(A Pocketful of Miracles, the Holographic Universe; pp. 145-146; Michael Talbot; 1996)

You can get your own fully searchable .pdf copy of the Holographic Universe by subscribing to Way of the MindGate Newsletter. See how Holy Scripture applies to the Holographic Paradigm of psychic senses.

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