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Emotional Aspect of Psychic Sensitivity - Healing Mind N Blog for Mental Health and Self Improvement

Emotional Aspect of Psychic Sensitivity

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I recently discovered a book on psychoenergetics written by a few medical doctors and recommened by a number of other doctors. The Spiritual Anatomy of Emotion: How Feelings Link the Brain, the Body, and the Sixth Sense would seem to me more of a subject on psychoneuroimmunology, but it treads into more esoteric areas of the paranormal; The authors discuss the general health constitution of psychically sensitive people.

Here is a description that introduces us to the concept of emotion as the gateway to psychic sensitivity:

A cutting-edge examination of feelings, not thoughts, as the gateway to understanding consciousness

• Contends that emotion is the greatest influence on personality development

• Offers a new perspective on immunity, stress, and psychosomatic conditions

• Explains how emotion is key to understanding out-of-body experience, apparitions, and other anomalous perceptions

Contemporary science holds that the brain rules the body and generates all our feelings and perceptions. Michael Jawer and Dr. Marc Micozzi disagree. They contend that it is our feelings that underlie our conscious selves and determine what we think and how we conduct our lives.

The less consciousness we have of our emotional being, the more physical disturbances we are likely to have–from ailments such as migraines, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, and post-traumatic stress to anomalous perceptions such as apparitions and involuntary out-of-body experiences.

Using the latest scientific research on immunity, sensation, stress, cognition, and emotional expression, the authors demonstrate that the way we process our feelings provides a key to who is most likely to experience these phenomena and why. They explain that emotion is a portal into the world of extraordinary perception, and they provide the studies that validate the science behind telepathic dreams, poltergeists, and ESP.

The Spiritual Anatomy of Emotion challenges the prevailing belief that the brain must necessarily rule the body. Far from being by-products of neurochemistry, the authors show that emotions are the key vehicle by which we can understand ourselves and our interactions with the world around us as well as our most intriguing–and perennially baffling–experiences.

So far, this looks like a rediscovery of old concepts. In Traditional Chinese Medicine as well as Ayurvedic Medicine, we know that all the internal organs with their corresponding energy network are the source of the emotions. Of course, the limbic source is the source of raw emotions, but the higher levels are also generated from our organs and viscera.

Let me take a few examples from The Healer’s Handbook: A Journey into Hyperspace, since it seems to summarize in a practical form everything that The Spiritual Anatomy of Emotion wants to tell us. these few examples are only from Chapter one of the Healer’s Handbook:

  • The solar plexus is the center of the physical body and is pale yellow. Pale yellow represents what you are learning and digesting about yourself. Problems in this area indicate that you are upset about something you learned or that was not understandable (digestible). All of the organs in this section of the body relate to the digestive system.
  • Each [organ in the solar plexus area, chakrum #3] represents a different aspect of how you learn about life and absorb the experiences. The pancreas represents the sweetness of life, the liver is the center of anger and emotion, the stomachf assimilates ideas, and the intestines analyze and break down experiences. These areas represent our ability to understand [and digest] issues…
  • Blood represents the joy of life as it flows throughout your body. Blood loss indicates a loss of joy in your life. A female with a heavy menstrual flow indicates that she feels a loss of joy her her womanhood and needs to look at her love relationships. High blood pressure shows stress in the avenues of life chosen to express joy…

I still recall as a child in my first few years of grade school how I had so much digestive trouble, especially in school. I was always nauseous. By the same token, I didn’t have many friends because I found the behaviors of most kids as vile and unacceptable.

If I recall around the same time, there were regular television spots showing the brutality and horrors of the Vietnam war. There was a paranoid buzz about a zodiac killer, and my favorite actress in the whole world, Judy Garland, had passed away due to “unknown” circumstances.

My personal feeling is that I was living in a world full of careless, horrid people, so I would express myself by vomiting just about everyday. I believe around this time, I also had a number of paranormal experiences of which I share a few at this post, History of Paranormal Activity.

As far as the blood aspect, I remember when my mother was having trouble. As far as I know, she was never truly happy with my father. Especially after they would argue, I discovered that she was having tremendous trouble with her cycles. When my father passed away, she had even worse trouble with bleeding. Fortunately, that health problem has passed as she has learned to accept herself and has since then learned that she is relatively happier.

Do you remember how I said that it’s the man’s responsibility to keep his woman healthy, happy, and satisfied? Menstrual troubles are only the tip of the iceburg when the man doesn’t do his husbandly duties. Please look up more on this subject at Sexual HealingMindN.

Although this book doesn’t cover everything that I’ve covered, what grabs me about the Spiritual Anatomy of Emotion is this interesting finding on the predisposition of certain psychically sensitive people:

People seeing ghosts? There may be a genuine mind-body foundation for such anomalous perceptions, according to two researchers, Michael Jawer and Marc Micozzi, MD, PhD. Their book, The Spiritual Anatomy of Emotion, suggests that sensing a presence, seeing an apparition, or feeling energy around a person or place may be related to the workings of the limbic system – the “emotional brain” – as well as a personality type that rapidly registers feelings.

As surveys consistently show that anywhere from one-third to two-thirds of the public say they’ve had an extra-sensory experience – with nearly 25% of respondents stating they’ve actually seen or felt a ghost – anomalous perceptions are nothing to shrug off. “People have had these experiences down the ages and across all cultures,” comments Micozzi, a physician and anthropologist. “They’re quite universal. What we’ve begun to document is that there’s a certain type of person most likely to experience them.”

That person is environmentally sensitive, according to Jawer, an expert on the condition known as Sick Building Syndrome. “Our data show that anomalous perceptions parallel other forms of environmental sensitivity, such as having pronounced or longstanding allergies, migraine headache, chronic fatigue, chronic pain, irritable bowel, even synesthesia (overlapping senses) and heightened sensitivity to light, sound, touch, and smell. Women make up three-quarters of this sensitive population but there are other markers as well: being ambidextrous, for instance, or recalling a traumatic childhood. The more we look at the people who say they’re psychic, or who have recurring anomalous experience, the more it seems there’s a mix of nature and nurture that predisposes them.”

The researchers posit that brain and body are effectively unified – a perspective taken by the pioneering field of psychoneuroimmunology – and that highly sensitive people react more strongly than others to what they’re feeling as well as to incoming environmental stimuli. This raises the possibility, Jawer and Micozzi assert, that subliminal feelings and other environmental nuances could be picked up by individuals who are sufficiently sensitive. A reputedly “haunted” place, therefore, could exhibit stimuli that register more with certain people and less with others.

“The whole field is ripe for study,” remarks Micozzi. “We have the technology these days to study emotion as it’s processed in the brain – why not widen the scope to study how feelings are felt, and perceptions registered, in the rest of the body. If we look at human beings more holistically, we’re bound to discover more interesting things about us and our interactions with the environment.”

Jawer agrees. “What’s been termed ‘paranormal’ needn’t be beyond the pale of science. What’s been considered ‘occult,’ or hidden, needn’t be. What is needed is to take seriously what highly sensitive people are telling us, and investigate the mind-body basis of what they’re feeling.”

I have to agree with that part of “environmental sensitivity.” From what I’ve observed in psychics is that none of them are ever the perfect picture of health; they always have some kind of chronic ailment or sensitivy. I also have chronic environmental sensitivity, but I would be worse if I didn’t develop a sense of humour. I also detox on a regular basis and I employ a number of “psychic shields.”

The way I desensitized myself as a kid was to be like the kids at school, who were basically perverse and careless. I wasn’t nearly as psychically sensitive when I did that, but it kept me from vomiting in school. At first, the teachers thought I was a bit retarded because of my nausea, but when I got over it, they tested me and found out my intellect was superior to most kids.

This reminds me all too well that kids grow up having to desensitize themselves to the insensitive adults around them who enjoy categorizing rather than treating kids as individuals. Unfortunately, these same kids never quite grow up, become very egotistical, and take high positions in places of power as I discuss in the post, How Corporate Etiquette Affects Consumers.

These same kids also become skeptics as adults who diss people who are psychically sensitive. In fact, the skeptics deride those who are sensitive because true psychics represent the gifts that most have lost through desensitization.

The Spiritual Anatomy of Emotion doesn’t preclude the fact that paranormal entities are captured on recording devices. As you recall, I discussed how certain paranormal entities wouldn’t exist in Do You Believe in Ghosts and Spirits if not for the presense of living beings. The emotional energies of Living beings is key to manifesting certain types of spiritual entities, mainly “spirits of the dead.”

Therefore, The Spiritual Anatomy of Emotion is only half the equation; it’s the digestible half of the equation for most people who choose not to be psychically sensitive, therefore, it has all five star reviews.

The other half of the equation is represented by authors like Drs. William Tiller, Roger Penrose, Stuart Hameroff, etc. who usually provide the esoteric spin into alternate dimensions of humanity with their much less digestible writings on psychoenergetics (all available through Amazon).

Personally, I love the more esoteric half of the equation because that’s where I’ve been living. If you are the same, then probably also have a palate for more exotic foods made with the freshest, untainted produce.

The way we live and learn is represented by our diets, so please try to avoid processed foods; they represent “processed” information. Be sensitive to information in the same way you are sensitive to foods.

I hope that you find the references and inferences I have provided here useful in your quest for spiritual growth. If you find that you suffer from chronic ailments due to your environmental sensitivity, then I provide several sources for detoxification as well as ways to protect yourself from electromagnetic noise at Bioenergetic Spectrum Science Circle.

Healing Thoughts,


P.S. There are several ways to resensitize yourself to psychic phenomena. Here are three:

  • Reawaken your psychic senses by way of remote viewing. The ARVARI Courses train you to focus on your psychic senses through a series of hypnotic trances, intense sensory imagery, and further guided meditation.
  • Increase your psychic awareness of spiritual entities using a highly specialized source of brainwave entrainment in OceanScape GhostShip: Altered States. Of the six favorite sounds to human ears, OceanScape Ghostship incorporates three: The looming power of the ocean as pink noise, birdsong as staccato sounds of the dawn chorus, and human voices, all based in the golden ratio upon which all beauty in nature is based.
  • Get your Hands on Awakening the Third Eye by Samuel Sagan which works by way of stimulating the throat chakra, a very effective and practical method of tuning in the world around you including the food you eat. Download it now by getting your subscription to Way of the MindGate newsletter.

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