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Begin 2012 by Shifting the World with Your Conscience - Healing Mind N Blog for Mental Health and Self Improvement

Begin 2012 by Shifting the World with Your Conscience

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GCI January 2012 Full Moon Synchronized Care Focus
Welcome to the Global Coherence Initiative’s January 9, 2012 full moon (07:30 UTC) synchronized Care Focus. In order for GCI members around the world to participate at a convenient time, we have chosen 4 a.m., 12:00 p.m. (noon), and 8 p.m. Pacific Standard Time ( GMT/UTC minus 8 hours ) when GCI members in the Global Care Room can do the Care Focus together.* (The following website – – is a time conversion site for determining the exact time the Care Focus will take place in your Local Time Zone. Select time: 8 p.m. (date optional). Convert from: Location: U.S.A. – California – San Francisco. Convert to: Location: Select your Country/City.) Thank you for being with us.Many people anticipate 2012 to be a momentous year – an opportunity for individuals and for the collective to co-create a consciousness shift. The purpose of GCI is to increase heart coherence in the planetary energetic field environment to make this shift easier and accessible to more people. GCI research, membership, webinars, partnerships and the Global Care Rooms are for this purpose.

Global coherence doesn’t mean that every soul on the planet has to be heart coherent all at the same time (All we need is one tenth of one percent of the world’s population for the Maharishi Effect to take place!); and total coherence won’t happen all at the same time. Coherence will increase in ratios over time, based on individual participation and actualization.

However, collective heart-based events and intentions throughout 2012, involving myriad care-agents from all parts of the world, can cause a considerable jump in the coherence baseline, more so than we’ve experienced as of yet. This increased vibration in the field environment will encourage more people than ever to pursue becoming “who they truly are” (their real self), and to take the necessary steps to actualize it. We are individually responsible for sorting out “what’s our old self” and “what’s the new,” then using our heart’s intuitive guidance to help make the needed upgrade and align with our authentic nature.

As we individually change, so does the planetary well-being.The GCI hypothesis is that: Increased individual coherence leads to increased social coherence which leads to increased global coherence (in the planetary energetic field environment).

As people commit to increasing their personal heart coherence baseline and radiate coherent intentions into the global field environment – it generates a synergistic feedback loop between humanity and the earth’s energetic fields (Look up “The Maharishi Effect” at this blog). This alignment helps to raise the vibration of consciousness which inspires a deeper heart-felt connection among each other along with increased heart-based cooperation, yielding creative solutions for taking care of the earth and all its inhabitants.

(The benefits are endless, yet this is not the space to elaborate.) The goal is to realize that we are one Earth, one yard and one people.

For 2012, let’s resolve to upgrade our personal coherence. Let’s commit to increasing our capacity to self-regulate our mind and emotions by aligning them with our heart’s intuitive guidance. Then they become the expressions of our higher qualities—love, care, compassion, kindness, gratitude, patience, forgiveness, acceptance…

When our mind and ego vanities run the show without our heart’s guidance, our mental and emotional energy can tend to manifest as insecurity, frustration, impatience, separation, worry, anger, fear, depression, resignation… We all have our own personalized list. (This reads like a chapter in a self-help manual, doesn’t it—a bit of humor.) Yet it’s these types of feelings and emotions that prevent global coherence and especially block our personal coherent connection to who we truly are.

Let’s start the New Year with a collective GCI member’s resolution and commitment to access the power of our heart and patch these age-old energy leaks and coherence blocks. This is one of the highest contributions to the field environment we could make.

Let’s envision more people than ever through 2012, finding a deeper heart connection in their interactions and communications with each other as this is the baseline for social coherence which precedes global coherence. See qualities of the heart such as kindness, respect, non-judgment and compassion going viral within the global community. As we practice heart qualities in our local environment, it strengthens the coherence we radiate into the global field.

Now let’s do the January 2012 full moon synchronized Care Focus together.

For those of you who are new participants in the synchronized Care Focus, if you are logged into the Global Care Room, you can see your green marker and the gold light points of others around the world in the Care Room at the same time. Realize that one gold light can represent a family, a group or an entire audience viewing the Care Room and doing the Care Focus together.

We will start by breathing love and genuine care in and out through our heart area to increase our heart coherence … Now let’s radiate heart energy to everyone participating in this Care Focus. Imagine our interconnectedness as a network of light, and see our collective heart energy being amplified through the network of light…

Care Focus: Upgrading our Personal Coherence
Let’s radiate our coherent heart intention into the planetary field environment to upgrade our personal coherence. Let’s commit to increasing our individual and collective capacity to self-regulate our emotions by aligning them with our heart’s intuitive guidance. Then they become the expressions of our higher qualities—love, care, compassion, kindness, gratitude, patience, forgiveness, acceptance… Let’s envision more people than ever through 2012, finding a deeper heart connection in their interactions and communications with each other, as this is the baseline for social coherence which precedes global coherence… See qualities of the heart such as kindness, respect, non-judgment and compassion going viral within the global community…

Once you feel complete with this, radiate the collective heart energy to Iran, Syria and other stress points in the Middle East and to other global challenges taking place, as your intuitive heart directs you.

After 15 minutesYou can continue to do this Care Focus in the Global Care Room after the full moon period. Remember that as we practice heart qualities in our local environment, it strengthens the coherence we radiate into the global field.Thank you for your participation in this Care Focus.

The GCI Staff

* To join the GCI Care Focus in the Global Care Room, you can enter the room directly from Simply log-in with your e-mail and GCI password. Until the next synchronized Care Focus, it would be effective for the planet if we individually continue this Care Focus often in the Global Care Room.Global Coherence Initiative – 14700 West Park Ave – Boulder Creek, California 95006 – 831-706-2981

GCI News and Updates

The much anticipated Year 2012 is now here. Amidst the 2012 predictions and cosmic alignments that many are aware of, one thing is for sure: it will be an interesting and exciting year as the speed of change continues to increase, bringing both chaos and great opportunity.

One benchmark of these times is a shift in many people from a paradigm of competition to one of greater cooperation. All across the planet, increasing numbers of people are practicing heart-based living; and more groups are forming online activities that support positive change and creative solutions for manifesting a better world. GCI is working in concert with other initiatives, as we all realize the increased effectiveness of collective alignment.

We appreciate GCI members for using the power of collective heart-focused intentions to help create more love, light and coherence as a foundational energy for the positive changes unfolding in these all-important transformational times.

The “now-moment” is ripe for making our greatest contribution to this ensuing planetary consciousness shift, along with experiencing more growth and enlightenment in our personal lives. The world needs more collective love, care and energetic support than ever through this transitional adventure; so together, let’s roll up our sleeves, open our hearts and bring it.

Upcoming Events
Howard Martin, GCI Steering Committee member will be one of the guest speakers for the Season Six, Quantum Healing, Consciousness and Soul Teleseminar Series: The Coming Era: Aligning With the Power of Your Core, on January 10, 2012 at 6:00 p.m. (PST). Hosted by Shifra Hendrie, spiritual life coach, this teleseminar is energetically and spiritually designed to help you access your own untapped transformational wisdom. Please join Howard Martin, together with transformational leaders and spiritual mentors such as Gregg Braden, Dr. Norm Shealy, Marci Shimoff, Lynne McTaggart, and many more luminaries from around the globe for this unique event. Registration is free. Click here to learn more.GCI is partnering with the Winter Feast for the Soul, for a worldwide forty-day spiritual practice period for people of all faiths. You are invited to become part of this creation of a more peaceful world that starts on January 15 and goes through February 23. Dr. Rollin McCraty, GCI Steering Committee member, is a guest speaker for the Winter Feast for the Soul.Join us on January  28, Saturday 11:00 – 12:00 noon or 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. (PST), for a free GCI member webinar, Energetic Aspects of Spiritual Transformation, presented by Karl Maret M.D. and Rollin McCraty Ph.D. They will discuss how the changing environment on Earth, as well as in our solar system, appear to be affecting human consciousness and evolutionary development, offering potential opportunities relative to 2012 calendar cycles. The importance of the human heart as an instrument of intuitive perception also will be talked about, including opportunities for spiritual transformation. Click here to join or learn more.

Did you know that you can find other Care Rooms within the Global Care Rooms website? Just click on the Events Tab to see the list. We want to let you know about the “Be Good To Our Earth” Care Room, where you will find a new guided meditation led by a different thought leader every month. Currently it is being led by Jeddah Mali, a GCI Steering Committee Member. You may also enter this room directly at and log in with your Global Care Rooms password.

With Appreciation,

GCI Staff

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