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PNI - Healing Mind N Blog for Mental Health and Self Improvement


How to Eliminate Headaches and Migraines using Meditation

Mindfulness based stress reduction (MBSR) has become mainstream in alternative medicine because its practice has proven to be effective in…

10 years ago

What is World Sleep Day?

World Sleep Day - Presented by WASM the World Association of Sleep Medicine World Sleep Day occurs every 14 March…

10 years ago

How to Eliminate Stress and be Happy for the Holidays

Dr. Joseph Mercola discusses important points concerning stress and anxiety in his article: Anxiety in Your Brain: What Happens When…

11 years ago

Epigenetics, part 3: How to Program Your Genes using the Butterfly Effect

Butterfly Effect While working on a weather prediction problem one day in 1961, Edward Lorenz, using a computer to model…

11 years ago

Epigenetics: How to Program Your Genes and more, part 2

At HealingMindN, we've always advocated "forging our bodies in the fire of a spirits;" this is a martial arts principle…

11 years ago

How to Cure Loneliness on Valentine’s Day and Beyond

The following article was among the latest findings in psychoneuroimmunology on the effects of loneliness: Study: Loneliness Triggers Inflammatory Illnesses…

13 years ago

Face Your Fears Every Day like it’s Martin Luther King Day

From the time he assumed leadership of the Montgomery, Alabama, bus boycott in 1955 to his murder 13 years later,…

13 years ago

How Depression is Linked to Inflammation

Some depression might have roots in immune-generated inflammation By Katherine Harmon Oct 28, 2010 (excerpted from Scientific American) NEW YORK—The…

14 years ago

How to Meditate on The Big Picture

This post is a reprint of the most recent Way of the MindGate Newsletter. Way of the MindGate Newsletter is…

14 years ago

How We Get Our “Knee Jerk” Responses When We’re Awake

As of late, I've been collecting studies related to my latest work in progress, Brainstorm Trifecta, a music album that…

14 years ago