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Derren Brown: Piano Girl Analysis - Healing Mind N Blog for Mental Health and Self Improvement

Derren Brown: Piano Girl Analysis

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For me, Derren Brown put Ashani (Piano Girl) through a mysterious transformation, but I’m sure her transformation is mysterious to most of us.

When I say mysterious, I mean his method is obscured and his voice his muffled by the video editing. Other times when he’s describing a visualization to Ashani, his voiced is echoed – again obscured.

Please observe part one of this video as I try to analyze the scraps of info that Derren Brown and his crew throw at us:

Derren Brown – Piano Girl, pt.1 “spending hours with crazy mind control guy”

There are slight indications here and there that Derren is putting Ashani through an Erickson therapy.

Ericksonian hypnosis uses metaphor and story to help you unearth the resources you already have within you, so you can overcome issues that leave you stuck – like Ashani’s. As you heard in the video, Derren is treating the musical notes as metaphor. Apparently, Ashani is instructed to treat the musical piece as a metaphor. (I wish I knew exactly what that metaphor was as she was waving her arms about.)

Since Ashani couldn’t really remember much of her sessions, all the information was rooting in her subconscious – which is where it should be for a seasoned musician.

Please observe part 2 for the result of Piano Girl and my further analysis of what Derren’s therapy may have done:

Derren Brown – Piano Girl, pt.2 “I made you forget how to play the piano (echo, echo, echo)”

Don’t you wish you had a local school that would teach you how to be a concert pianist in a week? Let’s remember that Derren hand picks his targets for maximum success. What he did was made her forget all the cold, hard adult logic (attached to her insecurity) about playing the piano and re-taught her according to her specific thought patterns.

What he really did was recover to her artistic passion that she had since age seven towards music. As I mentioned, there are a lot of obscurities covering Derren’s exact methods and devices, but I believe that I’ve figured out how it’s done, at least, from my perspective.

Derren claims to use a combination of NLP, hypnosis, magic, and showmanship to pull off his stunts. This was the first time I ever saw him use his talents to help someone go forward in her life. In fact, this was the nicest thing that I’ve ever seen him or anyone else do for another person.

In only one week, Derren re-opened that opportunity for musical passion for Ashani by understanding her thought patterns and nurturing her passion that was already there.

I would love to do this for people on a regular basis. Imagine uncovering people’s childhood passions and watching them flourish and unchained from the bonds of fear to completely let go, to go forward in their lives. That’s what Derren did for Ashani; she allowed her talent to flood forward from her subconscious into an amazing piano concerto.

Most professional psychotherapists would prefer to take years to “treat” someone like Ashani including whatever neuroleptic drug therapy. Derren proved them all wrong by taking only one week to recover Piano Girl’s passion and return her confidence. This is because after that one week, she felt that she had been playing the piano all her life.

Everyone has an amazing passion, but how many of you truly explore it for lack of confidence or for reasons of being “practical?” The real key to doing this is that you have to ask for it – like Ashani did of Derren when she signed onto the show, in front of the camera no less. (The same applied to this guy with the essay contest.)

Which reminds me, I should probably write up my own waivers, so I can do anything to you because this is what I want to do too. I want to use NLP, hypnosis, and brainwave entrainment to help people uncover their passion. I’m relatively sure that Derren combined Erickson Therapy with brainwave entrainment on Ashani. This is what I would like to do for you in the form of your own personalized living mandala, basically a brainwave entrainment video that tells a story specific to you.

The difference between myself and Derren is that I don’t have a team of neuroscience experts as part of my crew and I’m not right there with you to observe your progress, so I can’t promise you results in a week the same as Derren.

For this reason, I’m going to work harder than I ever have – just for you, to help you share your goodness with the world. Stay tuned!

Thanks for your time,

Randolph (HealingMindN Medicine Man)

Related article:

Binaural Harmonics

P.S. It seems that yesterday, 30 September, was “International Passion Day.” Among others, Jose Silva’s daughter talks about it, but I can’t find any official references to “International Passion Day.” Perhaps, you believe this article is in step with that day, but I didn’t know such a day existed – until today.

Could you please leave a comment and tell me the real origins of “International Passion Day?” I would really appreciate it. Thanks.


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