Binaural Harmonics in brainwave entrainment: Bioheterodyning

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Learn How Certain Types of Brain Waves are Keys to Healing

  1. Overview
  2. What are Brainwaves?
  3. The Significance of Brainwaves
  4. Brainwave States
  5. Binaural Beats
  6. Frequency Following Response
  7. Brainwaves: Dominant, Mental States, Specific Frequencies
  8. Whole Brain Synchronization
  9. Stimulate New Neural Development
  10. Harmonically Layered Frequencies
  11. Binaural Beats in History
  12. Mind Stereo BWE
  13. Comment on this Article

Introduction to Brain Wave Entrainment

To recognize why various brainwave states is significant, it is important to understand how the brain (as well as overall psychoenergetic processing) contributes to a person's state of mind and level of consciousness.

When we say "brain" here, we are talking about the brain, the attached neural pathways and networks (i.e. autonomic, parasympathetic, sympathetic), and all of the attached functions that it serves.

There are several types of brainwave states. Your brain consistently cycles through each of these brainwave states many times throughout the day and night. It is a completely natural biological occurrence in every human being.

Your brain does not operate in only one brainwave state at a time but instead pulses in all these brainwave states simultaneously, with one of the states being dominant at any given time. The dominant state indicates your "state of mind" or level of consciousness. Because different areas of the brain may have different activity at any given time, you may have activity in one brainwave state in one area of the brain while at the same time a different brainwave state may be more active in another area of the brain. Each of these brainwave states occurs in a specific frequency range.

What are Brainwaves?

Your brain is made up of billions of brain cells called neurons, which use electricity to communicate with each other. The combination of millions of neurons sending signals at once produces an enormous amount of electrical activity in the brain, which can be detected using sensitive medical equipment (such as an electroencephalogram {EEG}), measuring electricity levels over areas of the scalp.

The resultant wave activity is related to the standing resonant electromagnetic waves on the earth due to electrical storm activity.

The combination of electrical activity in the brain is commonly called a BrainWave pattern, because of its cyclic, "wave-like" nature.

Below is one of the first recordings of brain activity.

antiquated EEG reading of brainwave patterns

Here is a more modern EEG recording:

modern EEG reading of brainwave patterns

What is the Significance of Brainwaves

With the discovery of brainwaves came the discovery that electrical activity in the brain will change depending on what the person is doing. For instance, the brainwaves of a sleeping person are vastly different than the brainwaves of someone wide awake. Over the years, more sensitive equipment has brought us closer to figuring out exactly what brainwaves represent and with that, what they mean about a person's health and state of mind.

Brainwave States:


Gamma brainwave states are the most rapid in frequency. They have received the least attention and research, although more attention is currently being paid to them than in years past. Research has indicated at moments when bursts of precognition or high-level information processing occur, your brainwaves briefly reach the Gamma state. The Gamma brainwave state corresponds to frequencies of 40Hz or higher.


The Beta brainwave state is associated with a heightened state of alertness and focused concentration. When your mind is actively engaged in mental activities, the dominant brainwave state will be Beta. A person in active conversation, playing sports or making a presentation would be in a Beta state. The Beta brainwave state corresponds to frequencies ranging from 13Hz to 40Hz.


Alpha brainwaves are slower in frequency than Beta brainwaves and represent a state of relaxed mental awareness or reflection. Alpha brainwave states are typically associated with contemplation, visualization, problem solving and accessing deeper levels of creativity. The Alpha brainwave state corresponds to frequencies ranging from 8 Hz to 12 Hz.

(We also need to acknowledge that brainwaves, particularly alpha rhythms, do not exist in and of themselves as simply a matter of coincidence. We express alpha brainwaves in response to geophysical electromagnetic effects, outside of auditory stimulation, namely, the Schumann Resonances, as a form of harmonic translation - more on this soon.)


Theta brainwaves are even slower in frequency and represent a state of deep relaxation and meditation, enhanced creativity, stress relief, light sleep and dreaming. Theta brainwave states have been used in meditation for centuries. Research has proven thirty minutes a day of Theta meditation can dramatically improve a person's overall health and well-being. Theta meditation has also been known to cause the need for less sleep. The Theta brainwave state corresponds to frequencies ranging from 4Hz to 8 Hz.


When your dominant brainwave is Delta, your body is healing itself and "resetting" its internal clocks.

Delta brainwaves are the slowest in frequency and represent a state of deep dreamless sleep. Delta brainwave states have long been associated with healing. While Delta brainwave states usually only occur in deep sleep, it is possible to train yourself to remain awake while reaching the Delta state to experience even deeper levels of meditation and awareness (See Remote Viewing/Influencing Course for this method by Gerald O'Donnell). The Delta brainwave state corresponds to frequencies from 0Hz to 4Hz

You can tell a lot about a person simply by observing their brainwave patterns. For example, anxious people tend to produce an overabundance of high Beta waves while people with depression tend to produce an cacaphoney of brainwaves due to manic-depressive states of mind.

Researchers have found that not only are brainwaves representative of mental state, but they can be stimulated to change a person's mental state, and even help treat a variety of mental disorders. Certain Brainwave patterns can even be used to access exotic or extraordinary experiences such as "lucid dreaming" or ultra-realistic visualization.

With the help of our audio / visual technology, you can guide your brain into any of these brainwave states naturally and effortlessly, simply by listening to an audio CD using stereo headphones. No special equipment is required. As long as you are using stereo headphones, you can listen via your stereo, a portable CD player, or even your computer's CD-ROM drive. The choice is yours.

What are Binaural Beats?

Binaural beats were originally discovered in 1839 by German experimenter H. W. Dove. He discovered when signals of two different frequencies are presented separately, one to each ear, the brain detects the phase variation between the frequencies and tries to "reconcile" that difference.

In doing so, as the two frequencies mesh in and out of phase, the brain creates its own third set of "phantom" signals — a binaural beat — equal to the difference between those two frequencies.

In electrical engineering, this is similar to heterodyning of electromagnetic or radio waves where we obtain beat frequencies by combining waves. In the case of human energetics, we have the ability to heterodyne environmental harmonics across the spectrum as a form of harmonic translation. (I like to call this bioheterodyning.) By the same token, the magnetic field of the earth gently entrains our brainwave patterns into resonant harmonic patterns. Let's talk about audio frequencies for now.

For example, if a frequency of 100 Hz is presented to the left ear, and a frequency of 105 Hz is presented to the right ear, the brain "hears" a third frequency pulsing at 5 Hz, the exact difference between the two frequencies. In the living system, we call this a binaural beat.

Research has proven that introducing a binaural beat will cause the brain to begin resonating in tune with the frequency of that beat. This is called the "Frequency Following Response" and was thoroughly researched and tested in 1973 by biophysicist Gerald Oster at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City. His research on binaural beats and the frequency following response was published in Scientific American and paved the way for further development in the area of auditory stimulation to enhance brain functioning.

The central theme of Oster's article is that processing of auditory binaural beats bears distinct differences from that done for normal sound, emphasizing different neural pathways and highlighting different parameters of the sound stimulus.

Oster's observations inspired a wave of research into the ways in which binaural beats could affect the brain. One area of research explored how binaural beats could evoke a "frequency-following response" (also known as "brainwave entrainment") in EEG measures.

Of particular interest from Oster's thesis (that binaural beats are processed in ways fundamentally different from normal hearing) was the fact that binaural beats are perceived even when one of the two frequencies is below the human frequency threshold, and also when both frequencies are below the human volume threshold. This, combined with the brain data available at that time; this suggested to Oster that the processing of binaural beats follows different neural pathways in the brain from other auditory processing. (Please reference the short synopsis at Gnaural: Binaural Audio Beat Software - free download;)

In my humble opinon of human biodynamics, the same neural pathways ARE involved, but in a manifold. Since binaural beats are generated with or without input from the audio receptors, these bioresonant signals must be an integral result of further biodynamic perceptions in the body.

When we examine how the Flanagan Neurophone works, we can see that we utilise the entire nervous system to receive and process information (like a giant antenna with brain serving as modem and harmonic translator).

Since Oster's time, binaural beat technology has been endorsed by scores of doctors and scientists around the world.

What is the Frequency Following Response?

By introducing a binaural beat via stereo headphones, you can guide your brain into very specific brainwave frequencies via the Frequency Following Response.

For example, by listening to a binaural beat pulsing at a frequency of 5 Hz — a low Theta frequency — you can trigger your brain to resonate at that same 5 Hz frequency, automatically inducing brainwaves in the Theta range. By listening to a binaural beat pulsing around a frequency of 10Hz — an Alpha frequency — you can effortlessly guide your mind into the Alpha range.

When your brain begins to resonate with the binaural beat, or "follow" along with the beat, it is called the Frequency Following Response (FFR). Neural Phase Locking takes place when a brainwave directly resonates with an entrainment signal; this means one or more brainwaves have reached coherence with an external stimulus. Neural Phase Locking, resonance, and coherence are desirable qualities for inducing a desired state of consciousness for learning, relaxation, mood enhancement, etc.

FFR is a component of Brainwave Entrainment (BWE) which refers to the brain's electrical response to rhythmic sensory stimulation, such as pulses of sound or light.

When the brain is given a stimulus, through the ears, eyes or other senses, it emits an electrical charge in response, called a Cortical Evoked Response (shown below). These electrical responses travel throughout the brain to become what you see and hear.

cortical evoked response

When the brain is presented with a rhythmic stimulus, such as a drum beat for example, the rhythm is reproduced in the brain in the form of these electrical impulses. If the rhythm becomes fast and consistent enough, it can start to resemble the natural internal rhythms of the brain, called brainwaves. When this happens, the brain responds by synchronizing its own electric cycles to the same rhythm. This is commonly called the Frequency Following Response (or FFR.)

(More succinctly, this is a form of psychoenergetic harmonic translation wherein the original harmonics are are truely described as rhythmic interpolations and subharmonics:)

brain wave entrainment

FFR can be useful because brainwaves are very much related to mental state. For example, a 4 Hz brainwave is associated with sleep, so a 4 Hz sound pattern would help reproduce the sleep state in your brain. The same concept can be applied to nearly all mental states, including concentration, creativity and many others. It can even act as a gateway to exotic or extraordinary experiences, such as deep meditation or "lucid dreaming" type states.

Brainwave Entrainment has over 70 years of solid research behind it.

While the scientific effects of binaural beats on the brain were not formally studied until the past century, various cultures have been inducing the frequency following response through more primitive means for thousands of years.

By introducing a harmonically layered combination of frequencies and binaural beats to your brain via the audio technology developed by the Binaural Beats Meditation, you can effortlessly induce amazingly powerful states of focused concentration, deep relaxation, intense creativity, and more, while stimulating various parts of your brain to work together in synchronization.

Super Brain Power

What are Brainwave Bands?

There are certain bands (subcategories) of brainwaves that are related to specific functions of the body and mind. Brainwave stimulation can be a very effective treatment for many types of mental and physical disorders. It can also be a gateway into exotic or extraordinary mental states.

What are Dominant Brainwaves?

The brain is constantly emitting nearly every type of brainwave. However, based on the strength of the certain bands of brainwaves, and depending on where the EEG electrodes are placed on the scalp, a person can be said to be "in" a certain brainwave. As you are reading this, you are (assumedly) wide awake and are most likely producing more Beta brainwaves than any other type. So you could be said to be "in" Beta.

How are Mental States Induced?

By stimulating the brain to produce or decrease certain brainwave bands, we can induce a huge variety of mental states and emotional reactions, including meditation, excitation, motivation, anxiety, irritation, sexual excitement, relaxation, spiritualism and more. Manipulating brainwave bands through auditory stimulation is still highly experimental, but is in regular use by the marketing/music industry.

For instance, if we were to embed Alpha waves into music, listening to it would be very relaxing, even causing your body to physically relax. If we embedded Theta waves into music, people might even fall asleep!

What are Specific Brainwave Frequencies?

In addition to bands of brainwaves, very specific frequencies have been shown to have certain physiological effects, such as stimulating the release of Serotonin or human growth hormone (HGH) among other biological responses to bioresonant energy. (Examine the Solfeggio Scale at Healing Music Spectrum and Dr. Royal Rife's work in therapeutic electrokinetics for further details.)

What is Whole Brain Synchronization?

When both hemispheres of the brain begin to resonate to the binaural beat in synchronization, this is called "whole brain synchronization". This is also sometimes referred to as "whole brain functioning" or "hemispheric synchronization."

Whole brain synchronization occurs when the various parts of your brain begin to work together, resonating at the same frequencies and causing neural pathways to fire more rapidly.

The left and right sides of your brain begin to work in concert with each other. Electrical activity and energy patterns in your brain become more widespread throughout the brain instead of remaining confined to certain areas. Your brain reaches extraordinary levels of performance not normally attainable without years of practice.

Research has indicated this type of "whole brain synchronization" is present in the brain at times of intense creativity, clarity and inspiration. EEG patterns recorded from various test groups comprised of extremely successful individuals also displayed an extraordinarily high level of "whole brain synchronization".

By listening to the audio technology offered by the Binaural Beats Meditation, for example, you can train your neural functions towards this high level of synchronisation, opening up the way for positive and beneficial effects. From the moment you first listen to the binaural beat induction, your brain will begin the process of reorganizing itself for higher thinking and enhanced levels of performance.

How to Stimulate New Neural Development

While using the audio technology, electrical activity and energy patterns in your brain become more widespread throughout the brain instead of remaining confined to certain areas.

When this type of stimulation to the brain occurs, your brain begins to create new neural pathways. The neural stimulation encourages new dendritic growth within the brain. New dendritic growth allows for faster and smoother neural communication in the brain, and also provides more "processing power" in the brain. The dendrites are the many branching fibers extending from the neuron/cell body. These fibers increase the surface area available for receiving incoming information. The more dendrites the brain has at its disposal, the more quickly and smoothly it can process information.

Dendritic growth is a process that occurs throughout our lifetime. Whenever you learn something new, such as learning to play the piano, new dendritic growth occurs as a result of stimulating the mind in a new and different way. At the same time, old dendritic connections can become inactive and dissipate. (The shortening of dendritic branches and the reduction of the number of branches is associated with senility in the elderly, but new neurons and their associated pathways always form as the mind remains active.)

One of the goals in using the audio technology is to stimulate dendritic growth to occur on an ongoing basis to provide an ideal situation for the brain, allowing the brain to operate at its maximum possible potential rather than only using a portion of its potential, and allowing the brain to establish dendritic growth for long-term benefits, including benefits that work to counteract the debilitating effects of aging.

Through this type of neural development and whole brain synchronization, the brain eventually learns to achieve more powerful states of performance on its own, so that in time these states may be achieved at will.

What are Harmonically Layered Frequencies?

The Binaural Beats Meditation worked for several years to develop and test proprietary harmonically layered audio technology — a new more advanced and more effective form of binaural audio. We call it the "next generation in brainwave technology." (Please excuse the hyperbole.)

Most companies offering binaural audio recordings stop with one frequency, introducing only one binaural beat that may gradually raise or lower your brainwaves into a specific frequency over a period of time, usually in anywhere from 10 to 60 minutes.

What's wrong with using only one binaural frequency? Your brain typically operates not in only one frequency but in all brainwave frequencies simultaneously, with one frequency typically being the dominant one at any given time.

Every moment of the day and night, various brainwaves in your brain are pulsing in delta, theta, alpha, beta, and even gamma frequency ranges, all at the same time. Your brain has its own individual brainwave patterns, incorporating a combination of all the frequencies pulsing in your brain. Just like your fingerprints or vocal patterns, your brainwave patterns are unique to you.

Our technology has a unique new form of harmonically layered audio rhythms that work to create actual patterns, not just single frequencies. Binaural Beats Meditation binaural (induction) frequencies are combined in a way that replicates your brain's natural way of functioning, with frequencies that interact with your own brainwaves to evoke the most powerful response on all levels for a dramatically improved listening experience.

Binaural Beats Meditation binaural (induction) frequencies based on the way your brain naturally functions; we also use a form of harmonic layering with a foundation in the principles of music science. Even though the binaural frequencies are placed beneath the sounds of natural rain, and are embedded below the audible level and therefore not heard out loud in the same manner music would be heard, the brain still responds more effectively to binaural frequencies that are blended together in a harmonically pleasing way that is soothing to the ear and mind. This enhances the effectiveness of the audio technology and allows your brain to resonate smoothly and comfortably with the binaural beats.

What are examples of Binaural Beats from different cultures in History?

From the droning chant of Tibetan monks to the rhythmic beat of a Native American drum, sound has played an important role in healing and spiritual practice throughout history. Primitive cultures were aware of the powerful and beneficial effects of binaural beats on the brain centuries before modern science recognized those same effects.

Research conducted by Melinda Maxfield, PhD, demonstrates how the drumbeats found in the rituals of various cultures beat at a steady rate of 4.5 beats per second, inducing a trance-like state in listeners. This trance-like state is a result of the brain's shift into a 4.5-beats-per-second brainwave pattern, a low Theta brainwave state.

Using repetitive beats or chanting, Native American shamans, Samigita healers, Tibetan monks, Sufi dervishes, and practiced Yogis have been able to induce an entire range of brainwave states for healing and the attainment of higher levels of consciousness. In India, there exist songs and mantras created specifically for use in curing illness and disease, practiced by Babaji — Hindu healers — to heal even such medical problems as arthritis and smallpox.

(Samigita: The combination of vocal music, instrumental music and dance, believed to influence the whole workings of the universe in Hindu tradition.)

Everywhere we turn, in every culture throughout history, binaural beats have been a powerful tool in the healing process, as well as a guide in spiritual ceremony and ritual. At the Binaural Beats Meditation, they've taken the research and those thousands of years of proven effects and paired them with the power of today's technology.

Review: Mind Stereo

Mind Stereo operates on a more monotonic level of brainwave entrainment since it focuses only on certain brainwave patterns rather than harmonically layering all the patterns with emphasis on certain rhythms - which is obviously more natural to the human mind as described above.

On the other hand, Mind Stereo works on your windows PC using your digitized music - including web radio. (You poured money into a computer and a web connection, so you could find this page. Why not also make it a brainwave entrainment multimedia jukebox?)

There's a playlist tab, session tab, and a subliminal tab. The subliminal setup allows you can incorporate your own hypnotic suggestions from any audio file. The brainwave entrainment sessions in mind stereo are easily programmable. For instance, I tweaked the alpha rhythm with binaural beat session, so it travels down to the Schumman 7.83Hz average and saved it as a new, different session. You can tweak any number of sessions however you want and create new ones.

The accompanying visualisations are really interesting; they move with the music and the screen flashes in sync with the entrainment rhythms. I believe there are 20 different visualisations - each one with an infinite number of variations according to the music you're playing. You can switch them manually or automatically according to whatever interval you see fit. I did notice something interesting: Different visualisations are attracted to different songs, so you'll see them repeat - as in "Free Me" by Trancevision. Some of the visualisations repeat on their own - and it's different for each song. (Is it the sensitivity setting? AI?)

Mind Stereo has a reasonable choice of web radio stations - or you can just create a playlist from your own music files and save it.

As far as the effect on your music, Mind Stereo opens up another dimension to it. At first, it might sound choppy, but when you start following the frequencies - you won't notice because you'll be slipping into a different level of consciousness. As long as you play music that takes full advantage of your PC's gain and frequency range - especially at the low end, the modulations on the neural patterns are relatively unnoticeable.

Mind Stereo uses Audio AND Visual (photic) impulse patterns to stimulate the brain through BWE.

Listening closely to sound played through Mind Stereo, you hear small, rapid pulses of sound. As you look at the visualization screen you see subtle pulses of light. As time progresses, the frequency rate of these pulses is changed slowly, thereby changing your brainwave patterns and guiding your mind to various useful mental states.

Most of the provided sessions are set up for 30 minutes - which is usually enough for programming, but you can change the time interval too.

Mind Stereo BWE

Mind Stereo embeds entrainment into audio and visuals in a number of ways:

What is Sound Modulation?

Mind Stereo embeds brainwave entraining frequencies into the sound files or net radio stations in your Playlist. Instead of just masking tones like most companies, Mind Stereo actually alters the audio to form neural patterns, using the existing sound as the "carrier wave." The entraining modulations may be barely noticeable to the listener(s) while, subconsciously, dramatically altering their brainwave patterns.

One unique feature of Mind Stereo is called Pitch Modulation Panning. This filter modulates the pitch of the left and right side so that when the two sides are combined in the brain, they form the beat we call a Binaural Beat. This unique feature allows you to experience actual binaural beats using carriers as complex as a symphony. With this feature, you don't need headphones. Everyone in ear shot gets a taste of altered consciousness.

How do I use Tones and Binaural Beats for Brain Wave Entrainment?

Binaural beats and tones pulses are undeniably the most widespread and popular method of stimulating the brain via brainwave entrainment. Over the last 30 years, embedding binaural beats underneath music has become a very popular technique, used in thousands of CDs around the world.

Additionally, Mind Stereo supports the embedding of Monaural Beats and the very powerful Isochronic Tone method. While not as subtle as binaural beats, these methods are far more effective from a neurological perspective.

In Mind Stereo, you don't need to use tones to stimulate the brain - in fact, the Pitch Modulation Panning feature (explained above) can actually create binaural beats in any song added to your playlist using the song as the carrier. (Did I mention - you use your own music with Mind Stereo?) However, the option to generate binaural beats or tones is available if you choose to use it, and a number of binaural beat sessions are included.

What is a Brain-Enhanced Visual Plugin?

People have been using light to affect the brain almost as long as they have been using drums to enter altered states of consciousness. Ptolemy noted that when looking at the sun through the spokes of a spinning wheel, a feeling of euphoria would take over. Shamans would have their subjects walk single-file past a fire, obscuring the light in a rhythmic fashion. In WWII, many people noticed that those who monitored the radar frequently entered altered mental states because of the rhythmic pulses of light coming from the screen.

Mind Stereo allows you to use your computer screen as a powerful brainwave entrainment device. Visual plugins in MS are embedded with flashes of light, precisely timed according to the target brainwave. You will quickly find your mental state changing after only minutes of using this technology.

Mind Stereo supports a popular visual plugin format, giving you access to a large number of user-created plugins, many of which are mesmerizing and hypnotic even without brainwave stimulation! One in particular that grabs me is "Down the Rabbit Hole," a very effective 3-Dimensional visualisation that makes you feel like you're flying through the hole (waterfall effect).

Use with Eyes Open!

Most devices that use light to entrain the brain require that the user close his or her eyes, relying on the thinness of the eyelids to let sufficient light in to entrain the brain, without suffering the irritation of flashing light. This is the old way.

Mind Stereo has photic stimulation capabilities designed to be easy on the eyes, and comfortable to experience fully with eyes open (as long as you take it easy on the flash setting). You can even use this with relaxation sessions. If you start to feel tired, allow your eyes to close naturally. The audio component of the BWE session will then take over and relax you even further.

AudioStrobe (LED Glasses) Compatible (optional)

LED glasses are a powerful and effective way to entrain the brain. Like the light pulses embedded into visual plugins, AudioStrobe uses light to entrain the brain. LEDs are mounted onto glasses and positioned an inch or two away from the eyelids. The lights are then flashed according to the target brainwave frequency.

Most mind machines today are AudioStrobe compatible, meaning their glasses can be controlled and synchronized using AudioStrobe signals. If you own or plan on buying an AudioStrobe-compatible device, Mind Stereo will be able to communicate with, and control the LED lights. You can synchronize the audio and visual impulses to create stronger entrainment, or control the LEDs independently, creating a mental light show for yourself. This can be particularly enjoyable using musical selections where you can synchronize the light with the tempo of the music.

Can Mind Stereo be used without headphones?

Many entrainment techniques used in Mind Stereo are revolutionary in that they do not require headphones or even stereo speakers. Veterans of brainwave entrainment may find this strange, since headphones are traditionally part of the brainwave entrainment experience. The reality of the matter is that headphones have never been required for use with anything except Binaural beats, which present a slightly different tone to each ear and thus require stereo separation. Monaural beats, for example, do not require such separation and can be used very effectively without headphones. So can modulations, pulses, clicks and light stimulation. Any repeating stimulus can entrain the brain, with or without headphones.

Below, I made a sample of Mind Stereo audio/visual stimulation. Unfortunately, I had to pare down the video for the web, so it doesn't give you the full effect, so I threw my face in there just for kicks.

If you would like to experience the full effects now, then please get your free trial of Mind Stereo.

ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAPHY: Brain science of recording and analyzing the electrical activity of the brain. The EEG (electroencephalogram) recording is made through electrodes attached to the patient and an electroencephalograph. The brain activity appears as characteristic wave patterns. The EEG is an important aid in diagnosing brain disorders and malfunctions.

Mind Stereo is available through Transparent Corporation:

Mind Stereo Free Download, 2 Week Trial

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The Proper Application of Delta and Theta BWE are Keys to Accessing the Most Important Parts of Your Mind.

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