Mind Gate Mailing List Group + Membership Subscription Service

Spiritual Journey is Healing

"What is Way of the Mind Gate Mailing List Group + Membership Subscription Service?"

Why should I subscribe to Way of the MindGate?

The purpose of Way of the MindGate is an open circle of discussion. Share your ideas and get feedback with MindGate Subscribers around the world. Way of the MindGate works like a Yahoo Group wherein we are responding to each other using a common email. Discussions are moderated to help keep out spammers and keep legitimate reponses.

How do I know if Way of the Mind Gate is right for me?

As a subscriber, we travel more exotic roads of understanding persuasion as we share multi-cultural perspectives. We are all interested in esoterica of the mind; we want to learn to apply natural, disciplined abilities of the human body such as employing the meridians of Qi flow and the Chakra System. As a group ,our lesser known, inherent abilities in psychoenergetics are explored in depth.

Please keep in mind that the ancient Chinese and Indian subtle energy systems of the body have nothing to do with religion or a belief system. The living body has been scientifically proven to consist of multiple layers of energy (e.g. higher gauge symmetry) as proven by the works of researchers such as Gary Craig, Gerald O'Donnell, Roger Penrose, Stuart Hameroff, Stewart Swerdlow, and William Tiller to name a few.

SIGN UP NOW as a Subscriber to Way of the MindGate Mailing List Group

Why should I get a Membership Subscription at HealingMindN?

Just as a carpenter requires a number of specific tools to build a house, you also require a number of tools to accomplish what you want in your life. Therefore, you want a wide array of "tools" to call upon to build your resources. You want to know how each tool works and to be able to use it. Your membership provides access to these tools and information references which I and others have been collecting for over a decade.

There are three levels of access available at Membership Subscription Services:

1) Free Level: Behavior Modification

At the free level, you have access to a complete library of categories within the 360+ megabyte library of ebooks and more.

  1. Exercise Health
    • +Kung Fu
  2. Hypnosis
  3. Magic
  4. Mind Control
    • +cults
  5. Neuroscience Studies
  6. Patents
  7. Self Help
    • +NLP

As a free level member of HealingMindN Subscription Service, you have complete access to the aforementioned archives with a focus on behavior modification. Your free level membership to the 360+ megabyte archive is a privilege that you may upgrade or cancel at any time. Your membership remains free until you upgrade your membership for deeper archives of psi esoterica and meditation music. See Terms of Membership.*

2) Basic Level: Deep State Experiments

At the Basic Level, you have access to the free level categories including the further 280+ megabyte category and sub categories of Psi Esoterica:

  1. Independent Remote Viewing Studies,
  2. CIA Programs,
  3. DIA Programs,
  4. SRI Programs,
  5. Stargate Programs

As a Basic Level Member of HealingMindN Subscription Service, you have complete access to the aforementioned archives at the basic level; this includes the 280+ megabyte Psi Esoterica Archive with a focus on psychic experiments by the Deep State. Your paid Basic Level Membership to the total 640+ megabyte archive may be upgraded, downgraded, or canceled at any time, but is non refundable for all months you have been a member including the last month of your membership. (e.g. if you have already paid for September on the 1st and you cancel on September 2nd, then you remain a member at that level until the end of September). The price for your membership subscription remains the same until you upgrade for the deeper archives of meditation music, downgrade back to the Free Level or cancel your membership. See Terms of Membership.*

3) All Access Level: Brain Wave Entrainment

At the All Access Level, you have access to the Free and Basic levels of the HealingMindN Subscription Service including the 3+ gigabyte Meditation Music Categories:

  1. Classical Relaxation
  2. Guided Meditation
  3. HealingMindN
  4. Heart Chakra
  5. Miscellaneous Meditation
  6. Native American Meditations
  7. Nirvana
  8. Unexplainable Samples

As an All Access Level Member of HealingMindN Subscription Service, you have complete access to all archives at the All Access Level; this includes the 3+ gigabyte Meditation Music Archive with a focus on behavior modification using brain wave entrainment. Your paid All Access Level Membership to the entire 3.6+ gigabyte archive may be canceled or downgraded to the Free or Basic Level at any time, but is non refundable for all months you have been a paid member including the last month of your membership. (e.g. if you have already paid for September on the 1st and you cancel on September 2nd, then you remain a member at that level until the end of September). The price for your membership subscription remains the same for the life of your subscription service until you downgrade to Basic or Free Levels or cancel. See Terms of Membership.*

*Terms of Membership

You understand that as a subscribing member that you are paying for an archiving service for articles and media that may or may not be freely available on the web. You further understand that this service is reserved only for you as a member and may not be shared with non-members. You may not publicly share URLs reserved for members only. URLs leading to reference media may change without notice. New articles are added on a regular basis at all levels.

Do I have to both the MindGate Group and the Membership Subscription Service?

No. These services work in tandem with each other, but you do not need to join both. By the same token, you are NOT automatically subscribed to either service when you join one. If you want to join both HealingMindN is moving to WP and Membership Subscription Services, then you must do this on your own.

The purpose of these services in tandem is to take advantage of group discussions about the articles and related subject matter from the membership service.

After entering your email at the MindGate Email Submission Form, there is just one verification email after this. You will be receiving a special confirmation message from the healingmindn.com server. You may want to whitelist this address to prevent it from being classified as spam.

As for the Membership Subscription Service, remember that you get complete access to a 3.6+ gigabyte archive on some of your favorite subjects and multimedia as an All Access Member. Your paid Basic Level Membership to the total 640+ megabyte archive still opens the doors to strange psychic experiments by the Deep State. Even at the Free Level, the 360+ megabyte archive may be complete for your personal growth/self improvement needs and is yours to explore and download at your leisure.

SIGN UP NOW as a Subscriber to Way of the MindGate Mailing List Group and/or Membership Subscription Services at HealingMindN

Tour Brain Wave Science

Learn to connect to the Universal Mind
Remote viewing is a psi-based mental process... The term "remote viewing" was used by the United States military in defense-related research projects from the 1970s through much of the 1990s. Probably because of this, the term appears to have developed a permanent place in the public's vocabulary of psychic phenomena. However, remote viewing can mean different things to different people. It typically involves the ability of a person to perceive and describe some thing or place that is separate from him or her in space and/or time... remote viewing is not limited to visual information. Some scientists have desired to use other more general terms to describe psi functioning, such as Dr. Edwin May's recent and useful coining of the term "anomalous cognition." Nonetheless, the term "remote viewing" is likely to remain the term most widely recognized by many people as referring to the apparently psychic ability to describe distant places and events.1 Learn more about remote viewing from the SRI and DoD files archive when you subscribe to Way of the MindGate Mailing List Group

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