NLP Life Philosophy: "Mind Control in Modern Society"

Neuro Linguistic Programming Life Philosophy

  1. What is NLP?
  2. What is the purpose of Anchors in NLP?
  3. What is the purpose of Future Pacing in NLP?
  4. How is Milton Erickson's Pacing for Hypnosis used in NLP?
  5. How to Control Big Egos using NLP
  6. Comment on this Article

What is Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP)?

NLP means Neuro-Linguistic Programming, which are practical communication skills. Programmers were using NLP before it became known as NLP in 1976. Some NLP techniques are obvious truths, and some are more subtle truths in dealing with human nature. NLP can be more of an art, than a science. One of the truths in NLP is Everyone lives in their unique reality built from their sense impressions and individual experiences of life, and we act on the basis of what we perceive our model of the world. (O'Connor, Joseph & John Seymour. Introducing NLP. San Francisco, CA: Aquarian Press, 1993, p.4.)

Here are a few assumptions used by NLP Practitioners:

  1. Knowledge of content is not required to make behavioral changes. Our internal representation of the world is not the world but only our own feeble map of it. The map is not the territory.
  2. People will choose predicates which correspond to what representational system they are using, and which one they choose can be seen from eye accessing cues.

NLP books such as Basic Techniques Book II by Clifford Wright, teach people how to create dissociative states which are alternate personalities, and that they teach people how to develop different states of mind, and pseudo multiple personalities. One of NLP's suggestions is that a person assess their "present state'' and their "desired state." This simply common sense suggestion is often carried out during programming. Milton Erickson's work on altered states was picked up by NLP Programmers.

What is the purpose of Anchors in NLP?

NLP is the art of building associations with an anchor. A past emotion can be linked to something today. If a person is afraid of public speaking, then a good feeling can be linked to giving talks. The skilled programmer will anchor an emotion with several sense cues including auditory, visual, and touch. The person visualizes an emotional state from the past. When the state is reaching its peak, the anchor is placed in. The anchor needs to be unique, distinctive, and easy to repeat in the exact form that it was done.

NLP researchers have noticed that people have emotional states in which the entire body will take up a posture in carrying it out. Memories can come into a person that causes the body to take up the negative states again. The NLP practitioners have developed language which includes such terms as Anchors, emotional states, and triggers. These words are used to describe ideas that have long been in use.

For instance, let's say that when you heard a particular song at some point in your life you were having a good time (emotional state). Every time you receive a trigger to that memory, such as the song, you regain that good feeling that is attached to the memory of the song. Every time you hear the song, you feel good, which then in turn, continues to act as reinforcement of the association of a good feeling to the song. A stimulus that is linked to and triggers a physiological state or emotional state is called an anchor. Our lives are filled with naturally occurring anchors, such as our favorite childhood smells and sounds - or the feeling we get when we see red, white, and blue flashing lights in our rear view mirror.

What is the purpose of Future Pacing in NLP?

Future pacing can be used to help program a person toward his occupational objective which was charted for the victim when they were small. Future pacing is a mental rehearsal that is practiced in the imagination so that the person can deal with some future challenge. Expectations can often become self-fulfilling prophecies. NLP also is used to teach people how to learn. It teaches people to learn a variety of methods for a single skill. Future Pacing might be used if the programmers needed to develop the person hypnotically in a certain direction.

How is Milton Erickson's Pacing for Hypnosis used in NLP?

Because Milton Erickson stands out as a genius among those who have used hypnosis, and people are still trying to figure out fully what he did, it is appropriate to mention his work. Here is just a small sampling of Erickson's methods.

Pacing for Hypnosis, also used for NLP pacing, was developed by Milton Erickson. He would gain rapport with anyone by describing to them what they were feeling, hearing and seeing. He would induce a peaceful state by speaking slowly, using a soft tonality, and pacing his speech to the person's breath.

Gradually hypnotic suggestions are introduced to lead them into what is called "downtime." Erickson would gently encourage people with gentle suggestions such as, "It's easy to close your eyes whenever you wish to feel more comfortable..." He would use phrases and terminology that seemed to match his patient's thoughts. Erickson developed language that was vague enough for people to match their own thinking to what he described. He would use smooth transitional words such as "while," "and," and "as." The type of vague sentences he would say are "It is well known that people can read books and make changes."

Milton Erickson learned to distract the dominant brain hemisphere, and also speak in a complex way that all seven (plus or minus two parts of the conscious mind) would get engaged in trying to figure out what his ambiguous statements meant. Milton found that he could say anything if he set it up in the context of someone else saying it. He also found that the unconscious mind does not process the linguistic negative. For example, rather than tell a child "Don't fall" tell him "Be careful."

How to Control Big Egos using NLP

Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) can be used on people who have big egos. Within their institutes of "higher" education, mainstream academicians and "brainwash" professionals also acquired a life philosophy which teaches them that they are better than other people.

Big egos are biased against concepts that don't jibe with their closed-minded, austere philosophy on life and the universe in general. (Constructs of Belief demonstrates how beliefs based in fear and hatred create distorted perceptions of reality.) No matter how much the proof there is of bioenergy and psychic phenomena, a big, mechanistic ego will deny it and deride the people who suggest such things.

The canned responses of a swollen ego vary from "you need to read more" to "you need to go back to school." The problem is that big ego couldn't care less about the education of people who remain obedient to their opinions. As long as you stroke those big egos (like a "master-debater"), you can have the intelligence of a doormat. What the big ego really wants to say is "you need to come around to my way of thinking..."

Since big egos are so predictable this way and they are quite prevalent, it's up to good people like you to take advantage of that big ego using NLP, power words, and other hypnotic techniques. We can learn all kinds of methods and tactics for appealing to these mind patterns.

Since I'm a certified NLP Practitioner, the following are abilities that I would also like you to gain through NLP:

  1. Be your best in tough situations, all the time.
  2. Turn problems and obstacles into springboards for super success.
  3. Speed up your learning in any field.
  4. Make dramatic, positive changes in the way you think, feel and act.
  5. Successfully get your message across, every time.
  6. Detect patterns in human behavior.
  7. See and hear more efficiently as you improve your sensory acuity.
  8. Learn to model yourself based on characteristics common among high achievers.
  9. Recognize how other people respond to you.
  10. Defuse tense situations.
  11. Understand where your competition is coming from.
  12. Use objections to improve your communications.

NLP is just as much art and science as it is "philosophy." The main philosophy of NLP is to model excellence in every aspect of our lives; this concept is similar to Lao Tzu's Tao - the way of living with nature. When we model excellence, we can:

  1. Remove the emotional charge from unpleasant memories.
  2. Eliminate and remove difficulties in our work and personal life by recognizing and altering the patterns that create them.
  3. Be able to build rapport with anyone.
  4. Control almost any situation.
  5. Improving and using states of mind.
  6. Catapult ourselves to great success using the secrets of managing our emotional states.
  7. Create useful states of mind, and use the best states of mind at the worst of times.
  8. Break out of unwanted emotional states of mind at will.
  9. Have our best resources available to us any time we need them, by developing our personal circle of excellence.

Please understand, we don't force any of the above concepts on anyone including ourselves. NLP allows us to access resources we already have and amplify upon them.

For example, some where next to an unwanted emotional state, is a desireable emotional state that is far more productive. When we use NLP, we amplify more productive emotions, actions, and ways of thinking. Think about it: How much better would your life be if you helped people become more productive in ?

Please take my life philosophy with a grain of salt as well. I have honed my philosophy through years of esoteric research and the paranormal experiences of many people including myself.

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