How to get your copy of Rex Sikes Ultimate NLP Home Study Course

How to get your copy of Rex Sikes Ultimate NLP Home Study Course

How do I get my personal copy of Rex Sikes Ultimate NLP Home Study Course?

What Is Neuro Linguistic Programming? The Long Definition

Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a completely unique synthesis of cybernetics, neurology, and linguistics that offers you practical methods for rapid personal improvement. When you learn NLP, you will discover easy to follow road maps that lead you to enriched personal achievement and interpersonal and professional influence. Literally millions of people from all walks of life have used NLP principles and techniques to change their own behavior patterns and influence others more effectively.

The study of human behavior is one of the few areas that for the most part continues to operate from outmoded theories and information. In contrast, NLP is a technology that brings us into the modern world, a technology that can be used to create the quality of life you want right now!..

For you to continue to benefit most from this training program, it is important for you to continue to practice each area you are learning. Those who receive the greatest rewards are those who commit to making a difference in their lives by rigorously applying what they learn each and every day.

Eventually you will begin to see how everything fits and works together. These models are about the structure of communication with another person as well as one self. While learning and practicing, it is equally important for you to maintain an optimum learning state. You can learn quickest when you relax, be curious and maintain an outrageous sense of fun.

Set daily practice goals (Well-formed Outcomes) that you can achieve alone or with study group partners. Make it a part of each day to focus on succeeding even in small areas of your life. Soon you may find yourself absolutely surprised and delighted to begin to notice how the other areas are changing too. Haven't they? And take credit for the changes you are making, aren't you? Live, love and laugh enjoying each day to the fullest with passion and fun!

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Table of Contents from Rex Sikes Ultimate NLP Home Study Course

    Your Trainer, Rex Steven Sikes
    IDEA Seminars, Inc.

  • Mind Design
  • The Mastery Loop(tm)
  • Cross-Crawling - Educational Kinesiology
  • Cross-Crawl Exercises
  • What is NLP? The Short Definition
  • What Is NLP? The Long Definition
  • The Framework of Neuro Linguistic Programming
  • Techniques vs. Learning the NLP Methodology
  • The Shortest UP Seminar In The World

    Perceptual Positions

  • Diagram Of The Brain
  • The NLP Model For How The Brain Works
  • Why Affirmations Don't Work
  • Why Traditional Visualization Doesn't Work
  • The Expert Communicator
  • Responsible Communication
  • Pattern Interrupts Or Break State
  • Exercise - Calibrate a Friend
  • Exercise - Calibrate Yes and No
  • Exercise - Calibrate State Changes
  • Exercise - Increasing Visual Acuity
  • Exercise - Increasing Kinesthetic Acuity
  • Exercise - Increasing Auditory Acuity
  • Pacing Statement
    Calibration and Sensory Specific Information
  • Exercise - Mind Reading vs. Sensory Acuity
  • Exercise - Calibrating to State Changes
  • Exercise - 'Think of Someone You Like' Visual Sensory Acuity
  • Exercise - Calibrating Yes and No
  • Exercise - 'Think of someone you like' Auditory Sensory Acuity
  • Exercise - Guiding Another Person Into An Experience While Calibrating
  • Exercise - Sensory Based Language Drill

    The Representational Systems

  • Eye Accessing Chart
  • Eye Accessing Chart
  • Characteristics Of Visual People
  • Characteristics of Auditory People
  • Characteristics of Kinesthetic People
  • External Indicators of Internal Representations
  • Predicates: The Three Languages Inside of English
  • Leading with Persuasive Language
    Rep System Exercises
  • Exercise, Part A - VAKOG
  • Exercise, Part B - Matching and Translating
  • Exercise, Part C - Representational Systems
  • Exercise - Natural Language Predicates
  • Exercise - Matching Predicates
  • Exercise - Overlapping Systems Predicates
  • Exercise - Match/ Mismatch/Match representational predicates
  • Exercise - Match representational sentences
  • Exercise - Match and translate predicate sentences
    Rapport: Pacing and Leading
  • Exercise - Leading
  • Exercise - Matching Body Posture and Breathing
  • Exercise - Matching Emotional State
  • Exercise - Matching Chunk Size
  • Exercise - Matching Values and Leading
  • Practice Session - Rapport
  • Value Elicitation, Criteria and Pacing
  • Anchoring: Accessing And Re-Accessing States
  • Stacking Anchors
  • Collapse Anchor
  • Goals And Outcomes
  • Blame Frame vs. Outcome Frame
  • Well-Formed Outcome
    Practice Session
  • Well-Formed Outcomes

    Practice Session 2 - Well Formed Outcomes

  • Submodalities
  • Elicitation Hints
  • Exercise - Elicitation and Submodalities
  • Association and Disassociation
  • The Circle of Excellence
  • Submodality Interventions
  • Practice Session - Submodalities and Anchoring
  • Introduction To NLP Techniques For Personal Change
  • The Resource Triangle
  • The Swish Pattern
  • Confusion to Understanding
  • Using Someone Else's Learning Style
  • Beliefs
  • Changing Beliefs
  • Visual Squash or Parts Negotiation
  • Fast Phobia Cure
  • Timeline Version of Change Personal History
  • Timeline: Eliminating a Limiting Decision
  • New Behavior Generator
  • Compulsion Blowout
  • Replacing Old Compulsions
  • The Compulsion Swish Pattern
  • Watch Your Language!
  • Rex's Rules
  • The Art of Using Language Patterns
  • The Milton Model
  • The Milton Model Patterns
  • Presuppositions
  • Some Useful Presuppositions
  • Exercise - Presuppositions
  • Exercise - Presuppositions or Mind Reading
  • Exercise - Determining Presuppositions
  • Exercise - Finding Presuppositions in Statements
  • Exercise - Back Tracking Through Experience
  • Exercise - Forming and Recognizing Presupposition Patterns
  • Exercise - Utilizing Presuppositions in Changing States
  • Exercise - Generating Conversational Postulates
  • Exercise - Generating Embedded Commands and Embedded Questions
  • Exercise - Integrating the Patterns
  • Exercise - Practice in Hypnotic Language Patterns
  • Exercise - Generating Hypnotic Language Patterns
  • Exercise - Inducing Altered State Using Milton Model Patterns Exercise Seventeen
  • Exercise - Double Induction Using Hypnotic Patterns Exercise Eighteen
  • Exercise - Handshake Interrupt
  • Exercise - Writing Language Patterns
  • Practice Session - Recognizing Language Patterns
  • Practice Session - Writing Language Patterns
  • Meta Model And Milton Model
  • The Meta Model
  • Meta Model Patterns
  • The Meta Model and General Modeling
  • Tips for Using the Meta Model Elegantly
  • Exercise - Generating Meta Model Distinctions, Part A
  • Exercise - Generating Meta Model Distinctions , Part B
  • Exercise - Generating Meta Model Distinctions, Part C
  • Exercise - Cause / Effect or Complex Equivalence .
  • Exercise- Generating and Responding to Meta Model Distinctions
  • Exercise- Cause and Effect; Complex Equivalence
  • Practice Session - Identifying and Responding Using the Meta Model Distinctions
  • Exercise - Behavioral Cause & Effect; Complex Equivalence
  • Practice Session for Continuing Development
  • Submodalities Worksheets

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