Multiple Mentalism Lesson 2, Exercise I

Multiple Mentalism exercise 2 for memory improvement: Transposing the alphabet.

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Lesson 2, EXERCISE I: Transpose the Alphabet

Second Lesson:  Transpose in 1-3 2-4 order the letters of the alphabet from A to Z as follows:

A C B D, E G F H, I K J L, M O N P, Q S R T, U W V X, Y Z

Do this FIFTY times from MEMORY ONLY.  It will be by no means easy the first few times, but you will gain accuracy quickly (especially if you have mastered the first lesson).  However, you will profit nothing if you look at the letters of the alphabet in order to copy the exercise, so make sure you have plenty of scratch paper. 

Its value lies in the training given you by breaking up the sequence of letters in YOUR MIND without the help of your eyes.  You can readily understand how this will lead to mental agility in grasping and revolving business problems in your mind. 

Therefore, do this exercise AT LEAST fifty times, or as many more times as may be necessary for you to be able to do it quickly and accurately.

Use the following text field to practice writing the transposed alphabet (from memory):

Click here for multiple mentalism lesson 3, exercise I: (Books on the subject of Harry Kahne and Multiple Mentalism may be found at

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Free eBook: Harry Kahne Multiple Mentality Course

Hello, I have a confession to make. It's been my aspiration to publish Harry Kahne's Multiple Mentality Course at this website in full, but for some reason, I'm not getting round to it. In fact, I would like to develop a video game with all the bells, whistles, and timers to help you train your own multiple mentality.

I have seen that this is a very well visited page, so to help the multiple mentality enthusiasts go forward, I am providing the entire course in eBook format.

All you have to do is get a free subscription to HealingMindN is moving to WP. You will be asked to confirm your subscription where you will find a link that goes to the "Refer A Mental" Page. From there, you are provided a link to download your personal copy of Harry Kahne's Multiple Mentality Course.

Thank you for going forward with your personal development!


Learn how to get your personal copy of The Multiple Mentality Course, a Series of Exercises leading to the Development of Greater Mental Power. A True Course in Right/Left Brain Training, Development of Creative Intelligence and Conscious Fostering of Intuitive Powers by Harry Kahne.

Tour Multiple Mentalism, lesson 1
