Disciplinary Studies Mind Control Psychoenergetics Self Improvement

How to Heal with a Biblical Name of God using Inner Power

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This is an addendum to the page on utilizing God’s Names. This method utilizes symbols and colors which are common among several ancient traditions as discussed in the Healer’s Handbook by Stewart Swerdlow; it also uses a method of QiGong known as Tenaga Dalam or “inner power” which is attached to the Pencak Silat martial art form of Indonesia.

Usually, I’m heavy into theory, but I’ll discuss the theory in another post because I know most people prefer to get straight to the method. Since many people lack the morality of will and mind, but crave a healing, I want to give you a method which can be practiced on different levels of discipline, so you can pick and choose whatever level for which you think you are ready.

This method can be used for healing wounds in flesh, emotion, time and everything in between.

When you want to heal the flesh, imagine the capital letter N:

Hyperspace Symbol for Healing

This is the hyperspace symbol for healing; it is used for healing physical things, but the uses can vary.

In general, the effects of a healing mind are felt more slowly than quickly on the physical level. We use this for healing chronic ailments rather than first hand traumatic injuries. For example, we don’t immediately pray over a person who just broke a leg. We call for help, comfort them to prevent trauma, and put the leg in a splint.

If you truly want to be a healing mind, you should also learn first aid and CPR. Medical science can save life and limb, but we need to be healing minds to truly heal injuries and sickness; this gives the nature within the other person a push to do what comes naturally.

Healing emotional trauma is slightly different in that emotional trauma can actually be prevented when we resonate with the following symbol:

(Healing Mind Symbol)You may have noticed that these symbols are taken from The Healer’s Handbook: A Journey into Hyperspace by Stewart Swerdlow. This tireless work is a constant reference for us to help us understand patterns in our lives through these symbols which are derived from ancient cultures. Each symbol resonates with an aspect of the Mind of God because they are hyperspace symbols. The capital letter “N” represents healing.

As you notice, both symbols are deep green which is a healing color; this color resonates with the heart chakrum which leads into the arms and into the hands. The heart chakrum further correlates with the heart and pericardium channels of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) wherein the point of “Qi” exit in the palm is at “LaoGong” or Pericardium 8.

The instructions here may be bizarre to you, even if you practice QiGong. I’m not asking you to change religions or your belief system. Since I’m skipping the theory, please take my word for it that Ayurvedic Science and TCM have made these correlations through 1000’s of years of research. Indonesian Traditions of Tenaga Delam put the concepts together like hand in glove.

If you prefer more modern examples, then please have a look at the following examples from Collective DNA Consciousness:

The Power of Prayer?

Grow mold in two identical petri dishes 1 and 2 and pray for dish-1. Don’t pray for dish-2. The mold in dish-1 will grow bigger [1998]. (The National Institute of Health, Office of Alternative Medicine) [btw: In a similar experiment in 1986 at UCSF, 24 heart patients were randomly assigned to two groups of 12 and the group receiving prayers did better.]

This experiment was done by the Institute of Heart Math and the paper that was written about this was titled: Local and Non local Effects of Coherent Heart Frequencies on Conformational Changes of DNA.

This is the experiment that relates directly to the anthrax situation. In this experiment, some human placenta DNA (the most pristine form of DNA) was placed in a container from which they could measure changes in the DNA. Twenty-eight vials of DNA were given (one each) to 28 trained researchers. Each researcher had been trained how to generate and FEEL [contrasting] feelings, and they each had strong emotions.

What was discovered was that the DNA CHANGED ITS SHAPE according to the feelings of the researchers:

  1. When the researchers FELT gratitude, love and appreciation, the DNA responded by RELAXING and the strands unwound. The length of the DNA became longer.
  2. When the researchers FELT anger, fear, frustration, or stress, the DNA responded by TIGHTENING UP. It became shorter and SWITCHED OFF many of our DNA codes!

If you’ve ever felt “shut down” by negative emotions, now you know why your body was equally shut down too. The shut down of the DNA codes was reversed and the codes were switched back on again when feelings of love, joy, gratitude and appreciation were felt by the researchers.

This experiment was later followed up by testing HIV positive patients. They discovered that feelings of love, gratitude and appreciation created 300,000 TIMES the RESISTANCE they had without those feelings. So here’s the answer to what can help you stay well, no matter what dreadful virus or bacteria may be floating around. Stay in feelings of joy, love, gratitude and appreciation!

These emotional changes went beyond the effects of electro-magnetics. Individuals trained in deep love were able to change the shape of their DNA. Gregg Braden says this illustrates a new recognized form of energy that connects all of creation…

As healing minds, we must also resonate with another healing aspect of God, His Biblical Name: Jehovah Rapha. There are numerous references to “the healer” within the Holy Bible. Several connotations of the Hebrew Term, Rapha, exist depending on context; it is most important to focus on channeling this singular aspect of healing through yourself into others. Here are a few Bible passages to help you understand this Healing Facet of God.

And said, If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the LORD thy God, and wilt do that which is right in his sight, and wilt give ear to his commandments, and keep all his statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I am the LORD that healeth thee. [Exod.15:26]

Abraham prayed to God, and God healed Abimelech and his wife and his maids, so that they bore children. [Genesis 20:17 (NASB)]

Therefore, confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another so that you may be healed. The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much. [James 5:16b (NASB)]

He heals the brokenhearted And binds up their wounds. [Psalm 147:3 (NASB)]

Tenaga Dalam takes example from several religions wherein there are common threads; among them are Christianity. If you are Christian, that should be enough motivation for you. Remember to thank the Lord, Jehovah Rapha, for the healing before and after the session.

If you are not Christian, then imagine the entire universe as a Chladni plate which gains order and balance when certain frequencies are applied. The harmonious two dimensional geometric patterns are related to crop circles whereby we need only extrude the three dimensional pattern in our minds; this is how we derive hyperspace symbols.

Before you begin with any healing, you must first do internal cleansing.

Internal Cleansing

Follow this Tenaga Dalam QiGong exercise before attempting to heal others in order to prevent any personal inclemencies, disparities and what ever negative attitude that is holding back your potential. Tenaga Dalam takes extreme concentration and discipline. If your intention is to be a healing mind, then you have experience with these qualities.

Please pick up the HealingMindN Meditation Guide if you have not done so already. Do the seven steps in one flowing motion in a standing position with your feet shoulder width apart. With arms at your sides, you are in a beginning Taijiquan position:

  1. Tense your arms while inhaling
  2. Vibrate your arms while exhaling

Beginning Vibrotic PowerExcept for your arms, relax your entire body while doing this, so you do not get tired. Do this until your arms feel warm, then relax your arms by loosening and swinging them back and forth 32 times. When they warm, you may begin with your internal cleansing:

  1. Tense your arms while inhaling and circling them inward and upward above your head. Imagine inhaling a white light or bright white smoke.
  2. Vibrate your arms while exhaling and circling them outward and downward. Imagine breathing out dark particles which represent any negative feelings while the vibration from your arms transforms and disperses the particles into white light.
  3. Do this until you feel you have expelled your negative thoughts and attitudes (i.e. you only breathe out white energy).

Loosen and swing your arms again after the above exercise.

Ordinarily, I would recommend emotional freedom techniques (EFT) for expelling negative thoughts. Since I don’t know most of the people reading this, I couldn’t recommend the right words for you to say because we all have individual needs. This method of cleansing is a “catch-all” that needs no words – like music.

In fact, as a healing mind, imagine your body as a musical instrument of light and sound which can resonate with any frequency in the universe. For the moment, we focus on healing harmonics of light, symbols, and sound.

From my experience, the regular and cursive letter “N” are interchangeable depending on the context of the situation. Some people have trouble healing physically because of a deep rooted emotional problem. Others have trouble healing emotionally because they physically suffer from too many toxins or other unknown malady in the body. Then there are those who are both mentally and physically toxic.

Of course, it’s also up to the subject in question if they want to accept a healing. (Animals are easy to receive healing because they have no emotional hang-ups like humans.) Since negative forces around a person can prevent them from accepting a healing, which is integral to the love and acceptance of nature, there is a tactic wherein you can give your subject that necessary “push” which I discuss in the next issue of Way of the MindGate Newsletter.

Becoming the Channel

The following exercises are strenuous since they involve holding the breathe. Do not perform these exercises unless you know how to hold your breathe without breaking a blood vessel and you are in relatively good health.

To avoid breaking a blood vessel, hold your breathe with your diaphragm – not your throat. Remember to tense only your arms and diaphragm while relaxing the rest of your body. Ready yourself as a channel for healing with the following exercises:

  1. While slowly and deeply inhaling, tense your arms and circle them outward and above your head. As you inhale, imagine pulling down a pillar of white light as you internally sing the name “Yeh-ho-vah Raa-phaa.” Then pull the pillar of light into your chest (Think of a healing melody.) Pull White Energy into Your Body
  2. Vibrate your arms with palms facing your chest as you hold this pillar of light. While holding your breathe, internally sing the name, “Yeh-ho-vah Raa-phaa,” long and loud within yourself. Make each syllable last two seconds for a total of ten seconds.
  3. Keep vibrating your arms as you pull the pillar of light into your stomach with palms facing your naval. While holding your breathe, internally sing the name, “Yeh-ho-vah Raa-phaa,” long and loud within yourself. Make each syllable last two seconds for a total of ten seconds. Focus the energy into your chest and T’an Tien
  4. Keep vibrating your arms with palms facing each other at chest level. Audibly sing the name, “Yeh-ho-vah Raa-phaa,” as you vibrate the sound into the space between your palms. As you do this, imagine the letter “N” between your palms as it extrudes into three dimensional shapes. Remember the sensations you experience here.
  5. This was your first set. New comers to this practice should loosen and swing their arms while breathing deeply between sets. Try to perform the above set twenty times to be an ideal channel for healing. Do not over exert yourself, especially when holding your breathe. Take baby steps. Slow and steady wins the race.

Channeling the Healing for someone in your presence

When the subject is in your presence and allows your healing:

  1. Imagine yourself and your patient bathed in golden light. This light protects you and your subject from negative outside influences.
  2. Breathe in sync with your subject as you hold your hands above the affected area. You must identify with their pain, suffering and anguish. Ask them to describe the ailment and how it makes them feel with as much detail as possible. As an empath, you must bring their thoughts and feelings into yourself. Your healing intentions protect you and your subject.
  3. While deeply inhaling, tense your arms. Circle one hand upward (no need for dramatics). As you inhale, imagine a pillar of white light being pulled into your upward reaching hand as you internally sing the name “Yeh-ho-vah Raa-phaa.”
  4. While holding your breathe, vibrate both palms over the affected areas. Imagine the pillar of light pouring into your subject from one palm. The light highlights troubled areas as a network of dark lines and/or spots. Focus on these dark areas for about ten seconds as vibrations from the other palm define these dark areas.
  5. Hold your breathe as you vibrate your palms over the dark areas. Internally sing the name, “Yeh-ho-vah Raa-phaa,” long and loud within yourself for a total of ten seconds as you imagine the letter “N” glowing brightly within the subject, regular or cursive depending on the situation.
  6. Breathe out the name, “Yeh-ho-vah Raa-phaa,” as you extrude the letter “N” into three dimensional shapes to fill these dark areas.
  7. (You already recall the sensation when singing the name out loud. If you prefer, and if your patient doesn’t mind, sing the name out loud. With experience you need only sing the name internally.)

  8. Repeat the above procedure until all dark areas are filled with light.

Channeling the Healing for someone who is distant

  1. Use the Silva Assumption Method to assume the other person’s identity. If you do not know the other person, you need to at least know the ailment of which they are suffering. You also need a recent picture of this person. There are more methods of tuning in people within The Healer’s Handbook: A Journey into Hyperspace, but the Silva Assumption Method is an easy catch all that anyone can do in a short amount of time:
    1. Bathe yourself and this person in golden light.
    2. Imagine yourself standing behind this person.
    3. Imagine crawling into the other person’s skin from behind, one limb at a time, then the torso, then finally, the head.
    4. Imagine you are wearing the other person like a body suit wherein you can feel everything the other feels and hear their thoughts.
    5. Imagine feeling the other person’s malady, the origin of the problem, the attached miasms causing multiple symptoms, the feelings attached to problem, etc.
    6. Imagine yourself as the subconscious within this person with their personal mannerisms in the way they would move and react and breathe.
    7. Perform all the following steps as if your subject is doing it:
  2. While deeply inhaling, tense your arms and circle them outward and above your head. As you inhale, imagine pulling down a pillar of white light as you internally sing the name “Yeh-ho-vah Raa-phaa.” Then pull the pillar of light into your chest.
  3. While holding your breathe, vibrate both palms over the affected areas. Imagine the pillar of light pouring into your subject. The light highlights troubled areas as a network of dark lines and/or spots. You may have to look in a mirror to see if there are any dark areas in the head, face, or neck. Focus on these dark areas for about ten seconds as vibrations from your palms define these dark areas.
  4. Keep Holding your breathe as you vibrate your palms over the dark areas. Internally sing the name, “Yeh-ho-vah Raa-phaa,” long and loud within yourself for a total of ten seconds as you imagine the letter “N” glowing brightly within the subject/yourself, regular or cursive depending on the situation.
  5. Breathe out the name, “Yeh-ho-vah Raa-phaa,” as you extrude the letter “N” into three dimensional shapes to fill these dark areas.
  6. Repeat the above procedure until all dark areas are filled with light.

This method of healing takes great discipline and determination just as any exercise in psychoenergetics. If you have followed thus far, it is most likely that you have the necessary qualities to be a healing mind. A healing can take days, weeks, or months depending on the problem. The more people who focus on the same healing, the faster the healing takes place.

I was inspired to provide this article on healing by the ARVARI Remote Viewing Course. I sense that there are many people in need of a healing who can take advantage of these instructions right away. Thank you for your time. Next time, we discuss how to heal tears in the fabric of time.

Healing Thoughts,

Randolph Directo

P.S. The next post is another review on the ARVARI Remote Viewing Course.