Evil Control Mind Control Self Improvement

How do You Vote? By Your Caucus or Your Conscience? part 3: Projection

Conscience, Judgment, and Value Systems

A while back, I said this blog was for expressing personal opinions, especially mine; this series on conscience is no exception. Although HealingMindN is based in psychic human potential, that human potential is only as stable as the conscience which supports it.

Conscience is the guiding recognition of right and wrong in regards to our actions and motives. Although this may seem to be a global definition of conscience for every human being, let’s have a look at a popular quote by Thomas Hobbes from Leviathan, part 2, chapter 29:

“A man’s conscience and his judgement is the same thing, and as the judgement, so also the conscience, may be erroneous.”

For a moment, let’s focus on what might make us erroneous. As individuals, we are all brought up with different values. For me, that’s OK. I respect different cultures with their different value systems – as long as they’re life-positive.

Disciplinary Studies Economic Control

Socionomics Summit 14 April 2012 Atlanta GA

Presentation Topics

Robert Prechter

Robert R. Prechter, Jr., CMT“Social Mood, Stock Market Performance and US Presidential Elections”

Terry Burnham

Terry Burnham“The Neural and Emotional Basis of Herding in Financial Markets”

Kevin Coogan

Kevin Coogan“Social Mood as a Predictor of Global Equity Market Inversions”

Jordan Kotick

Jordan Kotick
Presentation Abstract
“The Three Epistemological Questions”

Peter Atwater

Peter Atwater“Horizon Preference: How Changes in Social Mood Affect Decision Making”

Johan Bollen and Huina Mao

Johan BollenHuina MaoJohan Bollen and Huina Mao of Indiana University are the main authors of the recent study, “Twitter Mood Predicts the Stock Market.”

Richard Peterson

Richard L. Peterson“Investors Reacting: Greed, Fear, and the Predictive Power of Financial Emotions”

Jose Carlos Carvalho

Jose Carlos Carvalho“Brazil’s Socionomics: From Basket-Case to Superstar”

Leena Ilmola

Leena Ilmola“Social Mood Indicator”

Euan Wilson

Euan WilsonWilson will present the socionomic story of the drug war.

more info at Socioeconomic Summit

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Mind Control Philosophy Self Improvement

How do You Vote? By Your Caucus or Your Conscience? part 2

So, here I am nearly $1000 down and one new, custom PC up. What have we learned from this? We pay the price to stay connected – whether to our work or socially. Some of us pay a much bigger price to feel connected, important, respected. Some of us pay a much bigger price to feel like part of something bigger – sometimes at the cost of others.

For example, people go to church, so they can feel like they are part of something bigger, but there’s not much of a price being paid there unless you’re following a cult leader or TV evangelist.

Other sunday activities include farmer’s markets. Have you ever been to your local farmer’s market? There’s usually a lot of hustle and bustle (aka hubu), especially when the crowd gets bigger. I have a friend who told me about one day when he was at the local farmer’s market with his 80 year old mother.

One of the younger hubus who like to run around with wheeled cases behind them tripped up this 80 year old woman and caused her injuries (i.e. bruised her knee, then she fell and hurt her lip, her cheek, her brow, and broke her glasses). Evidently, the hubu felt guilty at the time and provided my friend with his name and phone number for a follow up.

A few days later when my friend called the younger hubu, he would admit to no wrong doing – because there was no police report and no medical documentation of the event. The hubu felt guilt free with a clear conscience – ready to return to the next farmer’s market, so he could join all the other hubus again. Of course, this is only one hubu story of many.