Evil Control Mind Control

Video: CIA Mind Control

During the Cold War, the CIA launched a highly classified program aimed at mastering the art of mind control.

U.S. Soldiers may be in it for God and Country, but what exactly is the U.S. Gov’t’s intention with all the druggings, shockings, poisonings and brain washings of American Citizens?

Your answers are deeply appreciated. Thanks!

Philosophy Psychoenergetics Spiritual Control

Video: Super Human Morals of a Qigong Master

excerpt from:

Return of the Jedi: Five Questions with a Neigong Expert

neigong (pronounced nay-gung): the science of observing, strengthening and directing bio-energy, or chi.

A repository of extraordinary skills such as telekinesis, pyrogenesis, telepathy, remote viewing and levitation, the esoteric Eastern school known as Mo-Pai has been described as a real-life order of Jedi Knights. Some have even speculated that its history inspired George Lucas’ script for Attack of the Clones.

Jim McMillan, who identifies himself as a longtime disciple of John Chang, has graciously agreed to share a few of his experiences with Martial Development readers… (continued at Return of the Jedi: Five Questions with a Neigong Expert)

What was Dynamo Jack’s Moral Dilemma?

After you’ve watched this extraordinary video and read the interview with Jim McMillan, I would like to discuss some principles with you to help with your understanding.

What you see in that video is human achievement of Qigong (chi kung = energy training) through intense mental discipline. Anyone can achieve what “Dynamo Jack” is doing with the proper discipline. They can manifest their Chi or living energy as electricity and heat. They can push a wooden chopstick through a solid formica table by changing its molecular structure.

If you saw the video, then you know that there is an even greater truth attached to these powers: A code of ethics and a sense of morality.

When Dynamo Jack struck the chopstick from the table, a splinter hit a woman right between the eyes and made her bleed. This was very upsetting to Dynamo Jack. Do you know why? There is one main reason.

Prior to Dynamo Jack’s training with Mo-Pai, he, more than likely, swore an oath that he would use his abilities only to help people and never for personal gain. When he showed off his skill with the chopstick through the table, he was doing it for personal pride. That sliver which flew at the woman could just as easily have taken out her eye.

Dynamo Jack lost control of his faculties, his personal surroundings, because he was showing off his Qigong skill. As a result, someone got hurt. This sort of action goes completely against the morals and ethics of someone like Dynamo Jack, but when he did it, he saw how completely wrong he was. In doing this, he became an embarassment to his school, his master, and his way of life.

People of a modern day, western mind-set usually don’t understand this reasoning; they believe that getting these amazing abilities on video is all important for everyone to see.

True, it is important for people to realize true human potential; it’s also important to realize the intrinsic nature of Dynamo Jack’s abilities – which cannot be captured on video because it can only be experienced.

The Intrinsic Nature of Nei Gong Training

In his interview, Jim McMillan gives us some insight into the Nei Gong training which goes into building these amazing Qigong skills. As you might know Nei Gong is sort of a generic term for still meditation; there are all kinds of still meditation, yet they all train the flow of Chi or “living energy.”

The school of Mo-Pai has its own kind of Nei Gong particular to medical Qigong. There’s also scholarly Qigong and martial Qigong. In medical Qigong, you have a hypocratic oath as a healer as in Dynamo Jack’s practice in energy medicine.

But where is Jim McMillan coming from when he says that he has a greater connection with God? Jim goes on and on about his connection with God. A western mind-set might ask, “What does spirituality have to do with Nei Gong training?” According to my experience, everything.

I have an idea about the way Mo-Pai works because of the McMillan interview. I assume this medical form of Qigong for building inner power is similar to a martial form of Qigong known as Tenaga Dalam in Indonesia.

Tenega Dalam means “inner power.” Inner power in Indonesia is a part of the indigenous Indonesian art of self defense called Pencak Silat. If you’ve never seen this Indonesian Martial Art, think about those wild kung fu movies where the training methods are basically cruel and unusual punishment. Strangely enough, the kung fu movies are very accurate when it comes to the Pencak Silat training methods.

Beating large bamboo posts with hands and fists until they’re bruised and bloodied, running barefoot back and forth across river beds with sharp rocks, and sparring with real, razor sharp knives are just a few training methods in Pencak Silat. Be thankful for the American Style Dojo where they only make you sweat with a few strains and bruises here and there.

When you torture yourself with Pencak Silat training, you’ve got to have some kind of spiritual motivation to keep you going – like a good Christian. All martial arts have their own form of qigong, even the hard styles have qigong further down the line than the soft styles.

Pencak Silat has Tenega Dalam which runs parallel to the harsh training exercises. Tenega Dalam is spiritually oriented to an amazing degree. Tenega Dalam is Nei Gong Meditation wherein you actually call upon the Powers of God for inner power. I’m not even talking about a pagan God; the practitioners actually call upon the Biblical Names of the Lord of Jehovah, but this method comes along during the more advanced levels of building spiritual power or “Tenega Batin.”

Tenega Dalam uses pranayama breathing principles combined with intense visualization and feeling. Pranayama breathing means holding and adjusting the breath at precise moments. Soft-Hard styles of martial arts use pranayama breathing to build the Chi to a high level before a strike.

Tenega Dalam depends on the principle that all things in nature have auras (energy fields) that are inter-dependent upon one another. For example, your aura is a living extension of the earth’s aura. The earth’s aura is a living extention of the solar system’s aura, and so on. Through practice, you can channel your aura and the auras around you to manifest it as a force.

In a real fight situation where emotions run high, Tenega Dalam applied in the martial arts allows you to block your opponent’s attack without touching him. In addition, you can deliver a long distance blow, so your opponent is thrown back without your touching him. This is because you are taking advantage of your opponent’s aura in his high emotional state and using it against him.

This means the martial aspect of Tenega Dalam can only be used in a real fight situation, so it would not work in routine, unemotional dojo sparring.

But as a real world application, through mastering this technique of inner power, you could protect your property or protect someone from a criminal act from a distance. This inner power remains effective when you’re asleep or not immediately conscious of enemy or opponent.

Yes, this is real Jedi Knight business of which I speak. This all sounds incredible, but if you saw the video of the healer above and his incredible feats, and you are familiar with these concepts, then you know there are real “Jedi Knights” who also take human performance to new levels.

These type of people must live by strict principles of morals and ethics in order to maintain their power. Why don’t they stop the evil that’s happening in this world? They do. They’re few and far between, but they do stop evil in its tracks.

FYI: There is very little information if any on Tenega Dalam in the mainstream. You will find smatterings of information on inner power in Pencak Silat books here and there. Fortunately, I have my personal sources. I’ll see what I can do about sharing mine with you.

Thanks for your time.

Randolph (HealingMindN)

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Mind Control Self Improvement

Meditation keeps your brain healthy

A study carried out by the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine in 2007 has provided good evidence that just 12 minutes of meditation a day can improve cognitive abilities.

This heartening study was conducted amongst the 52 – 70 age group who already had some form of mental decline and after just eight weeks of daily meditation their memories showed startling improvements.

Andrew Newberg, M.D., the study’s principal investigator, said, “For the first time, we are seeing scientific evidence that meditation enables the brain to actually strengthen itself, and battle the processes working to weaken it.”

Other studies at Massachusetts General Hospital show that regular meditation thickens the cerebral cortex in the brain by increasing the blood flow to that region and some researchers believe this can enhance attention span, focus, and memory.

There are many, many good reasons to add a regular meditation practice to your life and a sharp clear mind is just one of them.

As you might know, Kuji Kiri Meditation is my favorite meditation because it ties in chi kung breathing exercises with psychic keys that call upon powers of higher consciousness. You can get your own copy of Secrets of the Ninja which contains Kuji Kiri methodology from Ashida Kim. The link is located at Way of the MindGate Newsletter intro page.

Of course, if you subscribe to the newsletter, you get access to all kinds of “how to” manuals on NLP, hypnosis, and mind control. In fact, there’s one manual hiding at this blog, HealingMindN Meditation Guide, written especially for people who want to take the benefits of meditation with them to any situation to maintain calm, focused self control.

One more thing you should know: I had to do plenty of cross referencing with more academic manuals with diagrams on chi kung, chi flow, and how to use it to completely understand and appreciate the Kuji Kiri. I share this information with the subscribers of Way of the MindGate Newsletter.

Thank you for your time.

Yours Truly,

Randolph Fabian Directo (HealingMindN)

Mind Stereo: Brainwave Enhancement

Philosophy Self Improvement

eBook Give Aways at Way of the Mind Gate

I have a lot of ebooks that I want to give to subscribers of Way of the MindGate Newsletter.

I have resale rights to these books, but I prefer to give them away in the spirit of sharing and for sharing goodness in the world. I believe there are too many people who want to sell information that’s readily available on the web for free.

By giving these ebooks on hypnosis, mind control, NLP and other mental disciplines, I’m helping my subscribers understand the context for a lot of the material which I discuss here and a few other places. I’m also helping to create a level playing field for every subscriber at Way of the MindGate. I want everyone to know the same information, so no one gets left behind.

In that sense, Way of the MindGate is like an academic class with text books, but the only testing that’s done is what you do in the field of your own life. I believe it’s a method that you will truly appreciate because you will be educated to understand the most prolific persuasion tactics by training to use them for yourself .

When you sign up for Way of the MindGate Newsletter, please look up the special edition entitled “How to share goodness using NLP Tools” wherein you will find a link that allows you to download your personal copy of “Rex / Sikes Ultimate NLP Home Study Course.”. This is the present ebook give away at the time of this writing.

This offer is good until the next give away where I’ll give away yet another useful eBook, which may have something to do with CIA tactics. If so, then it’s a big one.

Thanks for your time,

Randolph, HealingMindN Medicine Man