This is an addendum to the page on utilizing God’s Names. This method utilizes symbols and colors which are common among several ancient traditions as discussed in the Healer’s Handbook by Stewart Swerdlow; it also uses a method of QiGong known as Tenaga Dalam or “inner power” which is attached to the Pencak Silat martial art form of Indonesia.
Usually, I’m heavy into theory, but I’ll discuss the theory in another post because I know most people prefer to get straight to the method. Since many people lack the morality of will and mind, but crave a healing, I want to give you a method which can be practiced on different levels of discipline, so you can pick and choose whatever level for which you think you are ready.
This method can be used for healing wounds in flesh, emotion, time and everything in between.
When you want to heal the flesh, imagine the capital letter N:

This is the hyperspace symbol for healing; it is used for healing physical things, but the uses can vary.
In general, the effects of a healing mind are felt more slowly than quickly on the physical level. We use this for healing chronic ailments rather than first hand traumatic injuries. For example, we don’t immediately pray over a person who just broke a leg. We call for help, comfort them to prevent trauma, and put the leg in a splint.
If you truly want to be a healing mind, you should also learn first aid and CPR. Medical science can save life and limb, but we need to be healing minds to truly heal injuries and sickness; this gives the nature within the other person a push to do what comes naturally.
Healing emotional trauma is slightly different in that emotional trauma can actually be prevented when we resonate with the following symbol:
You may have noticed that these symbols are taken from The Healer’s Handbook: A Journey into Hyperspace
by Stewart Swerdlow. This tireless work is a constant reference for us to help us understand patterns in our lives through these symbols which are derived from ancient cultures. Each symbol resonates with an aspect of the Mind of God because they are hyperspace symbols. The capital letter “N” represents healing.
As you notice, both symbols are deep green which is a healing color; this color resonates with the heart chakrum which leads into the arms and into the hands. The heart chakrum further correlates with the heart and pericardium channels of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) wherein the point of “Qi” exit in the palm is at “LaoGong” or Pericardium 8.
The instructions here may be bizarre to you, even if you practice QiGong. I’m not asking you to change religions or your belief system. Since I’m skipping the theory, please take my word for it that Ayurvedic Science and TCM have made these correlations through 1000’s of years of research. Indonesian Traditions of Tenaga Delam put the concepts together like hand in glove.