Dear Holiday Happiness Seeker,
Do you ever just wish you could turn off all the “bad” news for a while and relax into something that lifts your spirits and eases your mind? I’ve been skimming the social media sites and it seems that too many people, especially kids, are feeling depressed for some reason. How is it that some people are feeling sadness instead of happiness at Christmas / Hannukah / Kwaanza time?
It’s simply time for a different perspective.
These days it can feel nearly impossible to maintain a compassionate attitude and a sense of hope in the midst of the struggles and challenges we face. Yet, as spiritually minded people, we know how important it is to feel good on the inside if we want to create good on the outside.
If you’re like me, you may already engage in positive practices – prayer, meditation, exercise, healthy foods, gratitude, inspirational reading. They all help, but wouldn’t it be great if you could give yourself a little “good vibration re-boot” by simply settling into your favorite chair, gathering loved ones around and pressing “Play”?
I’m happy to say it is possible!
I do it by watching great films from Spiritual Cinema Circle! These high quality, inspirational films are showcased at elite film festivals, like Sundance, but rarely do they make it to the theater or other standard outlets.
You, however, can get a front row seat now, when you take advantage of the free trial membership (a $21 value). You only pay $4.95 shipping and handling.
Start your Free Trial Today!
Healing Thoughts,
Randolph Directo
PS: One of the best things about Spiritual Cinema Circle is the incredible bonus content you’ll (yule?) receive in addition to the amazing monthly films: thought provoking interviews with the film makers, exclusive content from the most inspiring teachers of our time – Louis Hay, Jack Canfield, Dr. Wayne Dyer to name a few!
Start your Free Trial Today
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