Disciplinary Studies Spiritual Growth

Why Are We Ignoring the Anomalous Data around Malaysian Flight MH370?

If Gerald O’Donnell’s interview is still available, you can catch it at Elegance of Conscious Living Online Summit Replays Elegance of Conscious Living.

This is a continuation from a previous post on Malaysian Flight 370: What is a “De-Manifestation?” and from Exactly Where Did it “Disappear?”

Gerald O’Donnell, founder of Probable Future, made an announcement in his most recent interview that Malaysian Flight MH370 was “de-manifested.” I will provide you with the gist of that in a moment.

Disciplinary Studies

Malaysia Flight 370: What is a De-manifestation?

I’m going to present to you, a piece at a time, the information that’s been coming to me concerning Malaysia Flight 370. I will also be tossing in the information that I have accumulated over the decades concerning missing boats and planes from these mysterious spots on the planet that some researchers call “vile vortices.” 

In the process, I may or may not disregard the mainstream information like a satellite, somehow, was able to sense the engines of that 777 going for seven hours after disappearing from radar, but not being able to locate it? If I miss anything that you feel is worth mentioning, then please feel free to comment.

First, here’s what Gerald O’Donnell of Probable Future has discovered during one of his remote viewing sessions:

Disciplinary Studies Mind Control PNI

What is World Sleep Day?

World Sleep Day – Presented by WASM the World Association of Sleep Medicine

world sleep dayWorld Sleep Day occurs every 14 March which began in 2008. According to Wikipedia:

The World Sleep Day is an annual event organized by the World Sleep Day Committee of the World Association of Sleep Medicine (WASM) since 2008. It is aimed to celebrate the benefits of good and healthy sleep and to draw society attention to the burden of sleep problems and their medicine, education and social aspects; to promote sleep disorders prevention and management.

Through the World Sleep Day the WASM tries to raise awareness of sleep disorders and their better understanding and preventability, and to reduce the burden of sleep problems on society that constitute a global epidemic and threaten health and quality of life for as much as 45% of the world’s population…

According to research by Dr. Joseph Mercola, poor sleep patterns can lead to chronic ailments. One of his articles, Research Again Confirms Links Between Poor Sleep, Weight Gain, and Cancer indicates world wide chronic sleep disturbances and provides suggestions for maintaining healthy sleep patterns.
Dangers of Sleep Deprivation
If you believe that you are suffering from poor sleep patterns leading to further chronic ailments, then please look into brainwave entrainment tools: Unexplainable Store has a 30% discount on their sleep products until March 17th. Please have a look at the Brainwave Science Page.

Healing thoughts, Healthy Sleep,

P.S. With the way the world is going with a further missing plane in Malaysia, the situation in Ukraine, and unknown nuclear fallout from Fukushima and New Mexico, we need all the sleep we can get.

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