Disciplinary Studies Mind Control Psychoenergetics Self Improvement

Remote Viewing 101 for Increasing Your Learning Potential

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I’ve been going through this “CIA Remote Viewing” manual lately; it’s entitled “The Controlled Remote Viewing Manual” wherein following a structured environment is key to success in Remote View (RV).

From what I gather, this is an instructor’s manual that was thrown together by two successful Remote Viewers, Paul Smith and Lyn Buchanan and their resources (who they refuse to name). This manual has a number of links and references for our further studies, but it is self contained, easy to understand, and defines the parameters necessary for successful RV.

What may make kids and adults alike happy about this manual is the way a learning environment should be structured for optimum results. The following is a passage from a discussion from page 26:

Learning theory for RV methodology is governed by the idea that the student should “quit on a high point.” Traditionally, the learning of a skill concentrates on rote repetition, reiterating the skill a large number of times until it is consistently performed correctly.

Recent developments in learning theory which have been applied with particular success in sports training methodology indicate that the rote repetition concept tends more to reinforce incorrect performance as opposed to developing the proper behavior or skill.

Much success has been realized by implementing the concept of “quitting on a high point.” that is when a skill or behavior has been executed correctly taking an extended break from the training at that point allows the learning process to “remember” the correct behavior by strengthening the neurological relays that have been established in the brain by the correct procedure.

The phenomenon of overtraining is a very real danger in the training cycle, generally brought about by pushing ahead with training until the learning system of the viewer is totally saturated and cannot absorb any more. This results in system collapse, which in effect is a total failure to function psychically at all…

Do you know what this means? It means that piling mounds of homework on kids is completely the wrong approach to their learning process. Drilling kids again and again on the same concept after they’ve correctly learned the skill takes them in the wrong direction.

This concept applies ALL subject matter, not only RV. The concept of “quitting on a high point” to relax and allow those successful neural patterns to take hold may be the key difference in the way kids are taught in more learned countries like India or Japan as opposed to the zombification of kids through rote overtraining in countries where kids are not as smart. 

Therefore, the key to learning RV or any other skill successfully is to take a well deserved break after successfully learning a new skill or concept.

For this reason alone, “The Controlled Remote Viewing Manual” is the most significant text of it’s kind; it’s only 98 pages, but it easily knocks out any other teacher’s manual with the concept of “resting on a high note” alone.

Please download “The Controlled Remote Viewing Manual” for your own viewing pleasure.  The only further recommendation I can make outside of this manual is achieving the correct state of consciousness. This is why Paul Smith and Lyn Buchanan are offering their services for personal instruction through this manual.

The other option is a home study course in the form of audio instruction with brainwave entrainment. The best one that does this is by Gerald O’Donnell in his Remote Viewing Course offered through the Academy of Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing; his instruction if quite detailed, easy to follow and very similar to learning QiGong, but with the bonus of learning RV.

Thanks for your time, Healing Thoughts, HealingMindN,

Randolph Directo

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