Disciplinary Studies Psychoenergetics Self Improvement

Holiday Remote Viewing Super Saver Discount 2009

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Holiday 2009 Super Savings Specials

Large Savings Coupons: See Below


Get Two Combination RV/RI Sets for the Price of One


We know the power of our training, as countless of you have already experienced and proven it for 11 years. We feel that now, more than ever, you need to transform you mind, spirit, and biology through attaining the Higher vibrations and peaceful awareness it snuggles you within. Denial and procrastination will only make things harder for you. In order to achieve such, you need to awaken many dormant parts of your brain and DNA structures to confront our new realities. You need to shift into a Higher Being and take that quantum leap sooner rather than later.

Our training is highly transformative, and will enable you to navigate in peace and high awareness the big shift ahead. In order to help you, we have decided to make these two unique very special offers available to you for the holiday season. Think also of your loved ones and how such a gift could have much more meaning than just a gifting of purely material “stuff.”

“You can gift tasty fish to loved ones, but the ultimate is to gift them the ability to learn to fish for themselves”



Kindly choose between these two Holiday specials:

Holiday Special #1 Valid until 01/15/2010

  • We are offering a super discount of $100 on each Combination RV/RI course. Please order on-line and when asked for it put in coupon # CY121708C in the on-line coupon window.

  • You pay only $298 and save $100.

  • You can also choose to order the course with the Easy 3 monthly Payments Plan option and send a first payment of $39 + shipping costs, a second payment of $139 30 days later and a final payment of $139 30 days later. You are sent the combination RV and RI courses immediately after the first payment.


  • We are also offering $50 off our Remote Influencing training. Kindly input Coupon # CY121708RI on the on-line order page.

  • You pay then only $177 with this special holiday savings.

  • You can also choose to order the RI course using our Easy 3 monthly Payments Plan option and send a first payment of $49 + shipping costs, a second payment of $99 30 days later, and a final payment of $99 30 days later. You are sent the RI course immediately after the first payment.


  • We are gifting a $30 rebate on the Remote Viewing Training. Put in coupon code # CY121708RV in the coupon window when you order.

  • You send then only $147 for this course and save $30



Holiday Special #2 Valid until 12/31/2009

  • Get TWO Combination RV/RI Sets for the Price of Only One. Enter the Following Coupon on the on-Line Order form # CTWO4ONE and click either of these following links:

  • To get 2 combo sets for the price of one: $397

  • To get 2 combo sets for the price of one using the Easy 3 Monthly Payments Plan of $139 each

  • You will only be charged an additional $10 shipping cost for the second combo course. Free shipping is still available for US customers only and takes 5-12 days.



We truly hope that this will help you acquire the body of High Mind techniques we would like you to master.

We know from experience that children as young as 12 years of age have benefited greatly, as did older seniors. There is no age when it comes to transform into a Higher being and enter a new Higher Self.

We hope that you will take advantage of this offer for yourself and gift yourself and others you care about perfect this really meaningful gift which will change you life forever and finally bring you inner peace.

In this very special Holiday season on the cusp of an incredible year which will bring much changes to humanity, and help it evolve, I want to wish you all a beautiful festival of Lights: Christmas, Chanukah, and winter solstice, celebrated with all your loved ones, close and distant alike.

May all of your Lights shine high and bright in the days ahead.

You friend forever,

Gerald O’Donnell

Probable Future Corp.

2234 N. Federal Highway PMB 499
Boca Raton, FL

P.S. Gerald O’Donnell represents my ideals since his course improves humanity through spiritual growth and psychic self discipline.Entering Deep Theta is a sample of Gerald’s Methods of guided meditation which is reminiscent of a QiGong instructor teaching NeiGong or “internal training” wherein you mentally “expand” your energies in different directions.Entering Deep Theta is only a sample. The entire course guides your focus on the “matrix” automatically (like a well trained musician who knows how to play notes on the grand staff) where all the universal information is stored for you to tap it.The sample definitely enhances your psychic senses. Imagine what the entire course can do for you…Healing Thoughts,Randolph

Hack the Matrix, Reload and Influence


The Complete Remote Influencing Training System



The Complete Remote Influencing Training System Summary:

The Complete Remote Influencing Training System By Gerald O’Donnell

  • Publisher: Gerald O’Donnell
  • Publication Date: 2006
  • ISBN-10 / ASIN: B001HUB0GA

Become A Master At Powerfully Influencing Your Reality And Have The Life You Desire And Deserve The Complete Remote Influencing Training System openly reveals the jealously guarded core secrets of old mystery schools, stripped of superfluous rituals, and blends them with the latest advances in mind research, quantum physics, and neurobiology, into a comprehensive course.

In it you will be given the knowledge and will experience the ancient key of “One finally made manifest, so that you can enter the “inner Kingdom” where you can crystallize any dream into reality. These manifestation techniques are effortlessly learned and integrated just by listening to these CD’s.

Created by ARVARI (The Academy of Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing), this revolutionary training system was the first to train students to enter the Delta State rapidly and remain fully conscious in that state of mind.

This allows you to deeply influence thought and reality. What was once only achieved after a lifetime of training by advanced Yoga and Zen masters, can now be easily attained by you with our Training System.

Beyond Remote Influencing The system guides you through healing and empowering techniques to access incredibly high levels of Creative energy to manifest your desires based upon your thoughts. These powerful methods teach you to rediscover your wonderful powers within and learn how to use them to influence your reality to be surrounded by serenity, prosperity, health, and happiness.

Your creative potential is unlocked, freed from negative trappings of your past, freed from limiting perceptions of your reality, and freed from the fear – based confines of mass-consciousness; your creative energy is activated by understanding your real nature and reconnecting to your Higher Self; and your creative power is amplified by accessing powerful inner realms previously available only to mystery school scholars.

The Original Remote Influencing System The Academy of Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing (ARVARI) introduced the term Remote Influencing in 1997 and released the revolutionary courses to the world in 2002. This original and unique technology most powerfully allows you to influence thoughts and consensual reality by mind-power and inner energy alone.

Gerald O’Donnell, the creator of this program and founder of ARVARI, expertly inspires and guides students with his gentle and commanding voice through meditations and exercises that allow you to develop these abilities.

His soothing voice also narrates the e-Book and other expositions illuminating understandings of how powerful our thoughts truly are, how the preprogrammed Lattice of Creation, alias Matrix, operates, and how we have the ability to rise above the low-hum vibrations to connect with the Source and co-create a positive world for us all to enjoy.

Train with the Combination Course! We have found, after extensive research and testing of numerous combinations, that there is a best sequence to integrate the two courses that will manifest the most beneficiary results for the students. These results are presented in the RV&RI Combination Training System Course.

We are very excited at the dynamics that the combination of the Remote Viewing & Remote Influencing Training Systems represents. This is an ongoing project.

Many students have or are achieving tremendous inner changes and purification of anger and fear caused by deep scars or programming lodged within their inner very deep subconscious realms, and are now exhibiting new positive, strongly optimistic reprogrammed personalities, that automatically reject negative fear-based thinking (Therefore, subjects like impending doom on December 21, 2012 slide off our backs. We control our own destinies).

They seem to operate, even in their same old surroundings, totally stress -free, convinced that they are fine, protected and that all will work out for the best. Even when fear-based situations are thrown at them, they smile and deflect the negative energy. And they manifest then happiness and inner peace, first in their immediate reality, and hopefully eventually on a much wider basis.

We must say that most of these trainees always mention how they notice high synchronicities in their daily lives, and how fast their dreams are now becoming reality. This was the original intent of the Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing Training Systems.

We cannot but express our enthusiasm at starting to show great initial success in turning the tide away from the doom-and-gloom, fate based, fear-driven world that many have and are still trying to impose on us, so that we believe ourselves impotent in changing, each of us, our lives, and being able to prove that we can all, by changing – by ourselves – our deep thoughts, experience more happiness, control, true freedom, true democracy, true freewill, and built-in inner care for our fellow humans, and creatures, big and small, on this Divinely gifted magnificent earth.

Complete Course Contents:

RI Disc 1 Brain-waves Entrainment

  • Track 1 Theta Brain Entrainment (39:47)
  • Track 2 Delta Brain Entrainment (39:53)

Teaches you to command your brain to rapidly enter deep levels of mind with Alpha, Theta, and Delta brainwaves. Although this disc may appear to be a repetition of ocean waves, it actually is a specific changing sequence of sound patterns waved within each wave to help you open up to the material in the RI and RV courses.

You may listen to RI Disc 1 while meditating, reading the RI or RV Secrets Revealed eBooks, relaxing with eyes opened or closed, or even during the night while sleeping. The Delta track can be used as a powerful sleeping aid. You can even use it successfully with toddlers. The Theta track can be listened to if you feel the need to deeply relax.

RI Discs 2, 3, and 4 Remote Influencing Secrets Revealed Audio Book and RI eBook PDF File:

This book explains the basic mechanisms involved in Remote Influencing and its modus operandi. The RI Secrets Revealed book details the principles of thought manifestation and many concepts that offer a perspective of the world that surrounds you.

RI Disc 5 RI Training Session 1 (77:00)

Brain entrainment that rewires your brain circuitry so that it multi-processes information bilaterally and multi-dimensionally. Increases dramatically your brain’s processing ability (intelligence), scope of information gathering, and sensitivity to data acquisition.

RI Disc 6 RI Training Session 2 (55:19)

• Deprograms and cleanses past memories.

• Experience the Great Void RI Disc 7 RI Training Session 3 (67:00)

• Explores the levels of the mind with full consciousness: Alpha, Theta, and Delta

• Create the flame of Eternal Joy within your heart.

• Reconnect to the Womb – The Source

RI Disc 8 RI Training Session 4 (79:30)

• Experience Delta, your center of energy, and the silvery cord

• Reprogram your DNA and healing rejuvenation

• Reprogram yourself into a new being : healthy and strong physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually

• Learn principles of manifestations and increase inner vibrations

• Experience Joy, overcome fear-vibrations of mass-consciousness

• Use flowers and nature’s portal to the non-physical quantum level

• Liberate yourself from mind bondage RI Disc 9 RI Training Session 5 (69:55)

• Reach deep Delta and experience other mental states in the process • Cultivate your inner smile

• Learn lucid dreaming and manifesting from that level

• Use deep Delta as a Stargate to higher levels

RI Disc 10 RI Training Session 6 (78:32)

• Go through “the portal” and enter the High Mind

• Experience the Light and manifest from this level and higher ones

• Recognize and listen to the little voice within • Learn healing techniques

• Explore multi-faceted High levels of vibration of your deep Higher Self RI Disc 11 RI Training Session 7 (54:56)

• Remote Influence from Beta

• Create your body of Light, your Diamond Self, and manifest from this level

• Erase addictions and unwanted habits

• Mold new physical, mental, and emotional bodies • Learn powerful rules for Remote Influencing reality and others

• Create a protective vibratory shield against energy and thought intrusions

RI Disc 12 RI Training Session 8 (53:12)

• Recreate and climb the ladder of Creation and manifest from that level

• Experience the “inner Sun”

• Create and reinforce the Golden Shield of protection

RI Disc 13 RI Training Session 9 (54:38)

• Create from the Gap

• Connect to the Great Mother

• Become an Eternal Flame of the One

• Experience the Great Awakening

RI Disc 14 RI Training Session 10 (53:05)

• Come home to the One

• Merge and unite with the Universe

• Use the portal of nature and old trees to be both here and above this matrix

• Heal yourself and the Womb of Life

• Rebirth into the Eternal Light

• Experience the core pulse of our Creation

• You are a co-Creator

Time to invest in your own Creation