Evil Control Mind Control Self Improvement

Jack Canfield Solutions for Self Confidence and more

Many, many years ago, a $600-million-dollar man changed the life of JACK CANFIELD, who has become America’s #1 success coach, the co-author of the most successful book series in history, Chicken Soup for the Soul, and one of the stars of the film The Secret.

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Jack Canfield Living Luminary

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We are All One Consciousness

Disciplinary Studies Evil Control Mind Control Psychoenergetics Self Improvement Spiritual Control Spiritual Growth

The Key to Defeating Evil through Remote Influencing in Psalms 73

{Evil People = The People of Psalms 73}

Political Ponerology: A Science of Evil Applied for Political Purposes


Truly evil people, on the other hand, actively rather than passively avoid extending themselves. They will take any action in their power to protect their own laziness, to preserve the integrity of their sick self. Rather than nurturing others, they will actually destroy others in this cause. If necessary, they will even kill to escape the pain of their own spiritual growth. As the integrity of their sick self is threatened by the spiritual health of those around them, they will seek by all manner of means to crush and demolish the spiritual health that may exist near them.

I define evil, then, as the exercise of political power – that is, the imposition of one’s will upon others by overt or covert coercion – in order to avoid extending one’s self for the purpose of nurturing spiritual growth. Ordinary laziness is non-love; evil is anti-love…

This section is an addendum to the three part series: How to Remote Influence using the Power of God. Some of you may find it difficult, if not impossible, to assume the identity of an evil target. We MUST assume the identity of a person, place, or thing in order to remote influence them.

According to the Political Ponerology excerpt, this type of person is probably the exact opposite of you. Please remember from the sections on How to Remote Influence using the Power of God that no person is truly evil. The evil part is consistently trying to crush the good within them by crushing the good around them.

Evil Control Spiritual Control Spiritual Growth

Holy Scripture on the Gulf Eco-Disaster and its Perpetrators

Mark Chap. 13 and Matthew Chap. 24 seem to elaborate on each other. Please notice the reference to “diver’s places:”


[1] And as he went out of the temple, one of his disciples saith unto him, Master, see what manner of stones and what buildings are here!
[2] And Jesus answering said unto him, Seest thou these great buildings? there shall not be left one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down.
[3] And as he sat upon the mount of Olives over against the temple, Peter and James and John and Andrew asked him privately,
[4] Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign when all these things shall be fulfilled?
[5] And Jesus answering them began to say, Take heed lest any man deceive you:
[6] For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.
[7] And when ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars, be ye not troubled: for such things must needs be; but the end shall not be yet.
[8] For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be earthquakes in divers places, and there shall be famines and troubles: these are the beginnings of sorrows.

Evil Control Spiritual Control

God’s Will on the Gulf Oil Disaster and “Ungodly Men”

As a reminder to those who believe the Gulf Oil Disaster is God’s Will, You’re wrong. According to Holy Scripture, God promised us:

“And the LORD smelled a sweet savour; and the LORD said in his heart, I will not again curse the ground any more for man’s sake; for the imagination of man’s heart is evil from his youth; neither will I again smite any more every thing living, as I have done.” [Genesis 7:21]

Therefore, the “smiting” we are experiencing at the moment is all the doing of men. Some “Christians” claim that the world will one day be destroyed by fire according to 2 Peter 3:3-7, while only those who are right with God will be saved from future judgement. Here is an excerpt from the King James Version:

“..Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts,

“And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.

“For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water:

“Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished:

“But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men…”

We also must wonder WHEN God will do this; this is difficult to say considering the next line from the same chapter:

“But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day…”

2 Peter 3:3-7 MIGHT be referring to 21 December 2012, but it might not. Holy Scripture doesn’t indicate that God is not particularly interested in this date. Considering that 1000 of our years is the same as one of God’s Days, that event may not happen in a satisfactory amount of time. We have to consider that, maybe, we, the good people, should do something about the evil people ourselves.

I come from a very old school of thought: We all originated from a spiritual reality consisting of polarities. Good and evil cannot possibly know each other in spiritual reality because they repel each other. On the other hand, good forces resonate with good and evil resonates with evil.

God put us in this physical reality, so good could understand evil. The only way that could happen is if both good and evil forces can coexist within the same body. Our physical bodies allow us to know and study good and evil forces because they coexist within us.

Our purpose on this planet is to recognize evil and destroy it – beginning with the evil within ourselves. Please understand that no physical person on this planet is completely evil; there are people who have succumbed to evil forces such as those who caused and perpetuate the disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. These people are mostly evil, not completely.

Recall the excerpt on the works of Dion Fortune from Holy Life, HealingMindN:

Someone has said if Christians really understood the full extent of the power we have available through prayer, we might be speechless. In W.W.II there was an advisor to Churchill who organized a group of people who dropped what they were doing every day at a prescribed hour for one minute to collectively pray for the safety of England, its people and peace.

Dion Fortune’s “Society of Inner Light” during WWII had the threefold purpose of protecting Great Britain, blocking and destroying the evil which had taken over Germany, and laying the foundations for a better and more just world after the war. We must wonder about the still unresolved mystery of Hitler’s fanatical deputy, Rudolph Hess, and his strange, some say, insane flight to England on the night of May 10, 1941 bearing a peace offer. There are strong indications that far more forces were at work rather than a guilty conscience.

Some of the greatest advice from Ms. Fortune can be extrapolated from this quote: “Nothing and nobody is altogether evil, therefore it is never justifiable to destroy any person or thing by direct action, but only to open a channel whereby spiritual forces are brought to bear upon the problem… Our work is a work of healing, and no hate must come of it…”

When we open that channel of spiritual healing through prayer, we call upon the good spiritual forces to resonate with the good within the person who needs saving, like Tony Hayward, for example.

For the skeptics who deny the power of prayer, there have already been psychoenergetic studies done on it’s effects on physical reality. Here is an exerpt from Collective DNA Consciousness:

The Power of Prayer?

Grow mold in two identical petri dishes 1 and 2 and pray for dish-1. Don’t pray for dish-2. The mold in dish-1 will grow bigger [1998]. (The National Institute of Health, Office of Alternative Medicine) [btw: In a similar experiment in 1986 at UCSF, 24 heart patients were randomly assigned to two groups of 12 and the group receiving prayers did better.]

Faith Heals

Reproducible scientific experiments carried out by Harold Koenig of Duke University show that people who have a religion, any religion, are healthier, are more disease resistant, and live longer than those who don’t. (See also the book by Dale Matthews, 1998)

We are spiritual beings intimately attached to physical bodies. Our faith and the effects of our prayers proves our spiritual connections. Mechanistically minded people might say that this is merely a phenomenon of psychoneuroimmunology (PNI), but how does PNI explain that mold experiment?

ungodly men

I’m here to ask you to pray for the “Ungodly men” as indicated in 2 Peter 3 in the same vein as Dion Fortune – to make them stop their sinful ways. I could be wrong, but I believe “ungodly men” also refers to the people of Psalms 73. Here is a reminder from Psalms 73:3-12:

For I was envious at the foolish, when I saw the prosperity of the wicked.
For there are no bands in their death: but their strength is firm.
They are not in trouble as other men; neither are they plagued like other men.
Therefore pride compasseth them about as a chain; violence covereth them as a garment.
Their eyes stand out with fatness: they have more than heart could wish.
They are corrupt, and speak wickedly concerning oppression: they speak loftily.
They set their mouth against the heavens, and their tongue walketh through the earth.
Therefore his people return hither: and waters of a full cup are wrung out to them.
And they say, How doth God know? and is there knowledge in the most High?
Behold, these are the ungodly, who prosper in the world; they increase in riches…

These are the “ungodly” types for whom we must pray. We must also defend ourselves against them for they are waging war against us and all of life on this planet with their “disaster capitalism.”

Many good scientists are being stonewalled and denied access to stopping the leak in the Gulf. Those who have come forward with the ISIS Research on asphaltenes are being stonewalled. The research on asphaltenes was done specifically for oil companies because they would clog their pipes, thus, stopping the flow of oil.

Asphaltenes are a natural bandage in nature when there is crude oil in the presence of clay; they are showing up as “tar balls” on beaches. ISIS has the correct formula for clogging that pipe, but BP DOES NOT want to do that.

All BP used in their “top kill” formula was “driller’s mud,” golf balls, and car tires; BP had no intention of stopping the flow of oil with their “top kill” method just as they have no intention of stopping it now. Please listen to a radio interview with former scientist from UC Berkeley labs, Leuren Moret, on how the Gulf Disaster is a method of disaster capitalism: “How to wreck the environment.” “There is an infinite supply of oil due to fractionation of the mantle… Obama has granted 27 deep water leases to BP since April 27…”

The miracle we need RIGHT NOW is to stop the ungodly men from perpetuating the disaster. Therefore, I implore you to put aside all negative feelings and pray for these people including those with our gov’t who allow this to happen. Help us open a channel to whatever is good and descent within these “ungodly men” to do what’s right. Please choose the most ungodly man in this situation and pray for his wakening to goodness. That’s all I ask.

Thank you for your time.

Healing thoughts,

Randolph Fabian Directo


God’s Will is God’s Country.
Protect His Will.
Keep His Country Clean and Safe.
Our Prayers
for a Bright, Beautiful World
are God’s Will.

God’s Will [Mark 11:23-25]

Economic Control Evil Control

Analysis of Haiti Earthquake among other World Affairs

If you’re an old school epidemiologist like me, you will notice that there are a few discrepancies in the conventional wisdom discussed at Conspiracy Theory: Haiti EarthQuake Natural or Man Made? – not only in the data that’s there, but moreover in the data that’s not there.

Evil Control Mind Control

Give Away: One Sentence Persuasion

“One Sentence Persuasion” report by Blair Warren? It goes something like this:

“People will do anything for those who encourage their dreams, justify their failures, allay their fears, confirm their suspicions and help them throw rocks at their enemies.”

In this report, Blair Warren condenses his report in this single sentence, so it’s easy for us to remember. He explains how politicians and cults manipulate the masses by confirming suspicions, how commercials manipulate our desires, and how strangers break up families by encouraging unsatisfied dreams and unrequited love.

Blair does not bother mentioning the label, “devil’s advocate,” although this is exactly what he’s talking about. That’s why he knows that some people could be offended by the concepts in his report; it’s not within the cognitive commitments of the average person to understand that big business and big politics does not have his interest at heart.

Basically, by using the concepts in “One Sentence Persuasion” to get what we want, we’re using the emotional securities and cognitive commitments of immature people in our favour; we’re playing the devil’s advocate.

I can give you one example of this. In fact, I’ll give you an example from an article I recently read at Elliot Wave International, “Bailing Out Speculators Just Like a Bad Liver Transplant” which gives us a pretty good analysis of how this “bailout” by the U.S. Gov’t is really working.

In this case, the smokescreen is by mainstream media, namely NY Times, to stroke the emotional securities of it’s readership with the soft earmark of “Quarantine.” Mainstream media reporters do the bidding of powerful people behind the scenes. Fox News, for example, is the most powerful, Tavistock trained, devil’s advocate in mainstream news; they serve the agenda of their masters – not the people.

Therefore, this begs the question: Do you have any problem playing the devil’s advocate considering so many other people are doing it? That depends on what you want – doesn’t it? The end justifys the means, perhaps. That depends on your desires which should always play second fiddle to your prospect.

In any type of communication, the other person always sets boundaries induced by their cognitive commitments created by their emotional securities. Those emotional securities are set by culture and social mood, which the average person follows.

Are you an average person? I don’t think so, or else you wouldn’t be here. For this reason, I’m giving you “One Sentence Persuasion.”

Please subscribe to Way of the MindGate Newsletter. Then you will be redirected to the Refer a Friend page for the download link to find your personal copy of “One Sentence Persuasion.”

Thanks for stopping by. Happy Holidays!


Randolph, HealingMindN

Evil Control Mind Control

Give Away: Cult Recruitment Tactics on the Web

Get your personal copy of “RUNNING HEAD: RECRUITMENT TECHNIQUES OF CULTS ON THE WEB, A Comparative Study of Persuasion and Recruitment Techniques Exhibited by Organized Groups on the Internet.” by Maria Kjaerland, M.Sc, Laurence Alison, PhD Department of Psychology, University of Liverpool & Samantha Lundrigan, P.hD Department of Criminology, Victoria University of Wellington.

This paper covers all of the mainstream methods of advertising that we see every day. For example, when it mentions happy, smiling faces as a tool for selling products, I think of drug commercials. Those happy, smiling faces are a tool for web types of cult recruitment as well – of which you are probably familiar. For example:

* Scientology
* Mormonism
* Heaven’s Gate (used the web quite heavily)

Now, this paper covers new religious movements (NRMs) on the web in general, but you will understand how the tactics are applied by just about everyone who wants to make money on the web – including me – using the basic methods of recruitement:

* Rule of Reciprocity: Incentives to buy, Subscription to Newsletter, Free Information, etc.
* Authority: For example, Where the authority claims some sort of special or superior knowledge.
* Liking: Example, Photographs of smiling people.
* Scarcity: For example, The offering of higher awareness and consciousness by the NRM, The offering of ways to improve relationships with other people, etc.

I got the examples above from a table of examples from this report on page 14.

This 10 page report with 5 pages of reference materials pretty much hits the nail on the head as far as mainstream advertising and recruitment methods. And You’re going to recognise a lot of names and organisations on this report.

What stands out in this report for me is the following passage which fingers the cult recruitment tactics of most of my affiliations including Burt Goldman, Jose Silva’s daughter, Gary Craig and his EFT movement, and a host of others, who are actually nice people, but their marketing teams use cult tactics:

“Information based recruitment techniques focus upon disseminating the ideology of the movement through writings from the “leader,” the purchase of books, and offering subscriptions to newsletters whilst the image based recruitment techniques offer promises of successful relationships, happiness, an association with attractive and famous people and even cosmic awareness. The latter portrays the NRM as friendly, approachable and desirable. With this comes the promise of empowering the new recruit with the capacity to change one’s life instantly – a significant incentive for the disaffected…”

I would like to make that kind of promise too. In fact, I will because I’m pretty sure I hit the nail on the head with this new product. As I understand from seasoned web gurus, If you try to sell to everyone, then you end up selling to noone.

Then I thought, “What if I try selling to just one person at a time – this idea of revealing their passion to uncover their hidden talents – while everyone else has to wait in line for theirs?” Now, that’s scarcity.

This report only points fingers; it doesn’t sink anyone’s battleship. I have no problem in sharing this report with you because it has everything to do with vibration.

You ever hear new age people use the word “vibration?” They say things like, “you’ll be in a higher vibration when you use this method of reiki, matrix energetics, etc…” In fact, they’re using the cult recruitment tactic of scarcity and these cult tactics appeal to lower vibrations that aspire to higher vibrations – like when we go to church every sunday.

On the other hand, I would prefer to raise your vibration, so you make objective, informed decisions. When you have a higher vibration, then you can understand things my point of view, so I don’t have to use any cult recruitment tactics on you.

Besides, I’m just not that good at cults. I would prefer to talk with you like a friend.

In reciprocity for Cult Recruitment Tactics on the Web, please subscribe to Way of the MindGate Newsletter. Then you will be redirected to the Refer a Friend page for the download link. It would be nice to have one more of your friends understand cultish behavior on the web – which is basically “mind control.” That’s what Way of the MindGate is all about – isn’t it?

Happy Holidays,

Randolph Fabian Directo
HealingMindN Medicine Man

Evil Control Mind Control

Microwave Mind Control Video

The only problem I have with this video is that it keeps using the label “spys.” Is “spy” a proper label for someone who wants to scramble your brains with microwaves? What would be a better label?

FYI: Here are a few U.S. patents that involve the direct transmission of information via microwaves:

US PATENT 4,877,027–HEARING SYSTEM –Sound is induced in the head of a person by radiating the head with microwaves in the range of 100 megahertz to 10,000 megahertz that are modulated with a particular waveform. The waveform consists of frequency modulated bursts. Each burst is made up of ten to twenty uniformly spaced pulses grouped tightly together. The burst width is between 500 nanoseconds and 100 microseconds. The pulse width is in the range of 10 nanoseconds to 1 microsecond. The bursts are frequency modulated by the audio input to create the sensation of hearing in the person whose head is irradiated.

US PATENT 4,858,612 – HEARING DEVICE –A method and apparatus for simulation of hearing in mammals by introduction of a plurality of microwaves into the region of the auditory cortex is shown and described. A microphone is used to transform sound signals into electrical signals which are in turn analyzed and processed to provide controls for generating a plurality of microwave signals at different frequencies. The multifrequency microwaves are then applied to the brain in the region of the auditory cortex. By this method sounds are perceived by the mammal which are representative of the original sound received by the microphone.

But it’s not like we wouldn’t know. It’s like the professor says (the one who bombarded himself with microwaves), you’re going to hear clicking or chirping prior to any kind of manipulation with microwaves.  A few articles that I’ve seen on this subject claim that only “two clicks” is all you will hear before the eventual “programming.”
Of course, microwaves are only one way. The Flanagan Neurophone is based on an ultrasonic carrier that travel the perpheriphy and the nerves, completely bypassing the regular avenue of sound waves, until they reach your cochlea where you can hear them.

Super efficient learning processes have been associated with regular use of the Flanagan Neurophone. A fun device available through Future Tech!

Your Info Source For Frequency Generators – Click Here For Cutting Edge Health Research

Evil Control

Mumbai: A Deadly Attack on Meditation?

I’ve been subscribing to Google Alerts for a while on “meditation.” To my dismay, news of the terrorist attack in Mumbai have been showing up in these alerts in the last few days. Here are a few example headlines:

US Jewish, meditation groups’ members die in Mumbai


Virginians Slain in Attacks Lived Out Peaceful Ideals

“It’s an unbelievable tragedy that he should be struck down by terrorists when his whole life was about creating peace,” said Marcia Kaspark, Alan Scherr’s ex-wife. “His whole life was about spirituality…”

(Washington Post)

Drawn to India for meditation

Kiwi couple David and Vinka Clemmett were taking part in a meditation programme by a group called Synchronicity when they were caught in the Mumbai terror attacks…


Nashvillians watched as bodies fell in India cafe

Two Nashville-area women who went to India to study the art of taking the mind to a peaceful state of relaxation were recuperating from gunshot wounds Friday.

Andreina Varagona, a Nashville yoga and meditation studio owner, and Linda Ragsdale, an Old Hickory author and illustrator, were shot by terrorists while dining in a hotel restaurant in Mumbai…


Kelowna couple seeks peace, finds terror in Mumbai

For seven hours Wednesday Kelowna’s Maya Koftinoff suffered the agony of not knowing what had happened to her parents who were staying at the Oberoi Hotel in Mumbai when it was attacked and overrun by terrorists intent on killing westerners.

Her parents Larry and Bernie Koftinoff — who own the specialty food Sunshine Market in Kelowna — had travelled to India two weeks ago with a U.S.-based meditation group the Synchronicity Foundation…

(The Vancouver Sun)

Canadian actor’s spiritual journey to India shattered by three bullets

A Canadian actor’s long-planned spiritual journey to India saw its peace shattered by bursts of gunfire that left him hospitalized Thursday in the wake of the Mumbai attacks.

Michael Rudder, a Genie-nominated actor from Montreal, was resting in the critical-care unit of an Indian hospital following surgery to treat three bullet wounds. He was reported to be in stable condition early Friday…

(Michael Rudder, of Montreal, was shot three times while in the restaurant area of Mumbai’s luxury Oberoi-Trident Hotel, said Bobbie Garvey, vice-president of the Synchronicity Foundation, a U.S. based meditation group.)

(The Canadian Press)

Canadian actor, yoga instructor among those shot in Mumbai attacks; reports

Bobbie Garvey, vice-president of the Synchronicity Foundation, said a group of Canadians, Americans and others were injured while on a meditation retreat when the violence broke out on Wednesday…

(National Post)

Tennessee woman injured in India terrorist attacks

A Tennessee woman was injured in the terrorist attacks in India.

Andi Varagona is from Oak Ridge, but now lives in Nashville.

According to her Web site, she’s a musician who now goes by the Sanskrit name Rudrani Devi and teaches meditation classes.

Her mother told 10 News that Devi was in India on business and was due to return home next week…

Armed Islamic terrorists simultaneously attacked several hotels, restaurants, a train station and tourist sites. The terrorists claimed they were going after Americans and Britons…


As you can see, my google alerts on “meditation” were literally flooded with this news of terrorist attacks. As far as the terrorist claims of who they were targeting, “oh, really?” Why did you attack the Jews then? You couldn’t tell them from westerners? Not that it justifys any of your actions.

I can’t shake this feeling now that some body (Islamic group?) is attacking my brethren. But why? Then I thought to myself, “What kind of power to meditators have that these so called terrorists want to take away?”

The Maharishi Effect

I mention the Maharishi Effect only briefly at my page on Meditation in Mental Health. This effect is actually very powerful and was a key component of Dion Fortune’s Society of Inner Light as I discuss at Holy life, HealingMindN:

Dion Fortune’s “Society of Inner Light” during WWII had the threefold purpose of protecting Great Britain, blocking and destroying the evil which had taken over Germany, and laying the foundations for a better and more just world after the war. We must wonder about the still unresolved mystery of Hitler’s fanatical deputy, Rudolph Hess, and his strange, some say, insane flight to England on the night of May 10, 1941 bearing a peace offer. There are strong indications that far more forces were at work rather than a guilty conscience.

Let’s look a little closer at the Maharishi Effect at this excellent article: US Department of Defense using meditation for “Strategic Stress Management:”

Extensive scientific research indicates that the best way to reduce collective societal stress, eliminate extremism and thereby snuff out war and terrorism, is to adopt an ancient strategy. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi has revived the ancient Vedic technology of Invincible Defense Technology (IDT) in a non-religious manner. It has been quietly and successfully used by members of many faiths to eliminate conflict in the past…

Extensive research shows that the group size needed to reduce social stress depends on population size. It needs to be at least the square root of 1% of the population.

To calculate this number, multiply the population size by 0.01, and then take the square root of this number. For instance, the U.S. population is approximately 305 million. 305,200,000 x 0.01 = 3,052,000. The square root of 3,052,000 is approximately 1,747, so a group of at least 1,747 IDT experts is needed. The group size needed globally is currently about 8,126. Studies show that when these thresholds are crossed, the “Maharishi Effect” (ME) takes place.

Crime goes down, quality of life indices go up, war and terrorism abate. For instance, an ME intervention was studied in the U.S. capital in 1993. Predictions were lodged in advance with government leaders and newspapers. An independent Project Review Board approved the research protocol. Crime fell 23 percent below the predicted level when the group size reached its maximum. Temperature, weekend effects, or previous trends in the data failed to account for changes. Social Indicators Research published the results…

Perhaps, this is only coincidence, but I can’t shake the feeling that meditation groups especially were targeted for this reason.

It’s exactly for this reason that I don’t like to put all my “eggs in one basket” like other people. I receive invitations to these UFO/conspiracy type lectures and festivals, but I go to these events, I can’t shake the feeling that we’re putting all our “eggs in one basket.”

I hope I’m wrong, but I never would have fathomed the idea of terrorists targeting meditation groups, but that seems to be what happened. According to the above research, it’s because these so called “terrorists” also know about the Maharishi Effect.

Like I said, I hope I’m wrong, but I can’t shake the feeling.

Thanks for your time,

Randolph, HealingMindN

P.S. Latest News:

FBI was warned years in advance of Mumbai attacker’s terror ties

October 15, 2010 5:28:15 PM

Three years before Pakistani terrorists struck Mumbai in 2008, federal agents in N.Y. investigated a tip that an American businessman was training in Pakistan with the group that later executed attack.

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Evil Control Mind Control

Video: CIA Mind Control

During the Cold War, the CIA launched a highly classified program aimed at mastering the art of mind control.

U.S. Soldiers may be in it for God and Country, but what exactly is the U.S. Gov’t’s intention with all the druggings, shockings, poisonings and brain washings of American Citizens?

Your answers are deeply appreciated. Thanks!