Healing Science Self Improvement Spiritual Growth

Belated Entrees + International Day of Peace, 21 September

Please excuse my absence. I have not made any new posts in a while because I have been reconstructing which is taking me longer than I anticipated. Soon, there will be guest authors at HealingMindN Power Circle who will provide you with further variety while giving me more time to build a more personable, user-friendly website.

Meanwhile, I highly recommend that you participate in the up coming International Day of Peace.  You may ask, “What does this mean? What good is a ‘Day of Peace’ when the rest of the year is filled with war?”

Good question. First, can we agree that peace time activities are far more productive than war time activities? If that’s a yes, can we also agree that peace in our personal lives takes place in “baby steps?”

That is, we don’t usually make quantum leaps into a peaceful activity. For example, when we go on vacation, our target is whatever destination we have chosen to spend that peaceful activity. In order to get there, we have to plan, create an itinerary, pack our bags, if necessary, wait in line on the road, in the airport, at the train station, ad infinitum.

Meanwhile, we are focused on our chosen destination. None of those in between steps matter to much as long as where focused on our chosen destination. In the case of the International Day of Peace, this is one of those “baby steps” to World Peace.

There are actually a number of steps besides International Day of Peace including World Tai Chi and QiGong Day. When these days come along, I do my best to announce them for you ahead of time.

In the case of International Day of Peace, We can rely on organizations like Be the Peace and International Day of Peace to facilitate our intentions towards World Peace.

“What good is it to participate in International Day of Peace when most people couldn’t care less about it or don’t even know it exists?” Another good question. Fortunately, most people ARE interested in peace, but in their own way. In reality, the psychotic people who always want war are a very, very small percentage while people who live in fear with beliefs based in fear are a much larger percentage.

Here’s an article that will help you understand that social mood is the source of public behavior and the driver of fads in society: Hard Data, Hard Knocks and Hard Times. The article uncovers how fear as the prevalent social mood has leads equivalent types of actions.

Let’s be truthful with each other: People who live in fear prefer peace; they don’t want to stir up trouble with the “authorities.” What better way for a person who lives in fear to help induce World Peace without stirring up trouble than participating with International Day of Peace?

To top it off, we don’t need EVERYONE on the planet to participate in order to induce the Maharishi Effect. I have discussed the Maharishi Effect on previous posts wherein we need only the square root of 1% of the population to participate in order to induce peaceful enlightenment in the rest of the world.  Written as a formula, we only need:

(sqr (world population x 1%))

As of this writing, the number of people we need, not necessarily in a transcendental meditation state, but focused through meditation and prayer upon World Peace is only 8,351 People.

You can begin preparing for Be The Peace and International Day of Peace events on Sunday, Sept. 16, in a live teleseminar with HeartMath Inc. President and CEO Deborah Rozman. A member of the GCI Steering Committee, Rozman will speak about peace and spirituality from 9-10 a.m. (PDT) in a free presentation sponsored by GCI and the Summer of Peace 2012.

Thanks for your time, healing thoughts, healing mindn,

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Healing Science Self Improvement

How the Year of the Dragon can be Your Year of Prosperity

Hong Kong property tycoon Li, Ka-shing, a superstitious man, was fortunate to have been born in 1928, the year of the dragon. Each of his key buildings was blessed (or subsequently endowed) with excellent feng shui. And because ‘eight’ sounds like ‘prosperity’ in Cantonese, Ka-shing once explained, his watch was regularly set eight minutes early. Ka-shing was certainly prosperous. The perfectly timed sale (in November 1999) of his stake in Orange (a British mobile-phone operator) netted him a profit of some $15 billion.

Ka-shing, Li (1928- ) Chinese property tycoon, Chairman of Chueng Kong Holdings and of Hutchinson Whampoa Ltd.

Since we are, once again, in the year of the dragon, Li, Ka-shing provides us, not only with an appropriate anecdote on prosperity, but a glimpse upon a frame of mind which leads to prosperity in the form of Li, Ka-shing. (Now, you know the origin of “Ka-Ching” when we win at something.)

I recently completed a course on NLP with Steve Jones who says that there’s nothing wrong with being superstitious or having superstitious rituals as long as that superstition helps you to prosper and be the best person you can be.

Successful professionals (mostly pro athletes) have a ritual they perform for good luck before competition; it may anything from a spiritual blessing like that of sumo wrestlers to doing a magical number of reps in the gym to wearing a lucky jersey.

Successful people have rituals that put them in a frame of mind, so they can recognize opportunities. More importantly, their conscious and subconscious impulses lead them to take advantage of opportunities.

I believe this is a good lead in for the guest article on prosperity which may or may not be from Jim McElwee, the Rudolph Steiner of brain wave entrainment. As you might know, Jim usually signs off on his articles, but not this time.

The following article from the Unexplainable Store tells us that we can access a prosperous frame of mind through brain wave entrainment; this makes sense; this makes sense because an opportunistic frame of mind requires a conscious awareness provided by a predominant brainwave pattern. I will discuss the prosperous neural pattern after this guest article.

Since I don’t know if Jim McElwee wrote this article, I’m embellishing upon it wherever I feel necessary like with that lead in anecdote on Li, Ka-shing, a man literally born and bred as a “dragon person” to be lucky and blessed:

Disciplinary Studies Healing Science Psychoenergetics Self Improvement Spiritual Growth

Full Moon Venus Transit Synchronized Care Focus June 4 2012

GCI June 2012 Full Moon Synchronized Care Focus
Welcome to the Global Coherence Initiative’s June 4, 2012 full moon (11:12 GMT/UTC) synchronized Care Focus. Thank you for being with us. In order for GCI members around the world to participate at a convenient time, we have chosen 4 a.m., 12:00 p.m. (noon), and 8 p.m. Pacific Time (GMT/UTC minus 7 hours ) when GCI members in the Global Care Room can do the Care Focus together.* (The following website – – is a time conversion site for determining the exact time the Care Focus will take place in your Local Time Zone. Select time: 8 p.m. (date optional). Convert from: Location: U.S.A. – California – San Francisco. Convert to: Location: Select your Country/City.) Thank you for being with us.

There are several astronomical events releasing more light onto the planet, including the “super moon” and annular solar eclipse in May, Venus transiting the sun in early June, and more that will follow. These unfolding events make more light and love available to facilitate the planetary shift. It’s our individual responsibility to integrate and anchor this energy into the collective consciousness field environment. Just being in the state of heart-coherence or radiating heart-coherence helps to integrate the divine love and facilitation from Universal Source.

Some newer members of GCI have asked why the Care Focuses often ask us to send heart energy to planetary stress points. Major stress events generate fear, anger, blame, despair and other incoherent energies in people that dim their perceptions of light and love at times when they need it most. These lower vibrational energies form a cloud of mental and emotional density that permeates the planetary field environment.

Radiating coherent love, care and compassion helps to dissipate these clouds of energetic density, similar to when the sunlight breaks through on a cloudy day. This focused care helps to comfort the hearts of people and facilitate quicker adjustments to shock and emotional disarray. It can also help to offset the amount of stress they experience along with helping to draw an easier, more facilitated recovery. Radiating heart coherent energy is one of the highest forms of service we can do for the people, the planet and ourselves.

This full moon we will do a Care Focus to help integrate and anchor the increasing light coming into the planet, then direct our heart coherent energy to help dissipate the density surrounding current global stressors, such as the massacre of civilians including women and children in Syria, the earthquake in Italy, the ongoing Fukushima nuclear threat and other stress points as your heart intuition guides you.

We’ll do this June full moon synchronized Care Focus together for fifteen minutes. It’s fine to stop sooner or continue longer if you choose. There will be music playing, or you can mute the music if you prefer.

Care Focus: Density Dissipation
1. Center yourself in the heart and breathe appreciation for a few minutes to warm the heart and increase heart coherence. This also helps to bring more light and healing into your own system.

2. Now radiate genuine love and care from the heart into the mental and emotional density accumulation surrounding the planet, seeing it dissipate, the way the sun dissipates clouds.

(You can imagine that your heart is like the sun streaming gold light into the density cloud. For some people, this adds more texture to the experience, but it’s not necessary for effectiveness. It’s the feeling of genuine care that counts.)

3. Now direct love and care to current global stressors or to any area of the planet or situation where more light is needed to help dissipate the density and facilitate positive outcomes.

4. Close with a few minutes of visualizing the planet and humanity as you would want it to be, experiencing peace, harmony and heart-based connection.

After 15 minutes

You can continue to do this Care Focus in the Global Care Room after the full moon period, holding the intention to integrate and anchor the increasing light coming into the planet.

Thank you for your participation in this Care Focus.

The GCI Staff

For those of you who are new participants in the synchronized Care Focus, if you are logged into the Global Care Room, you can see your green marker and the gold light points of others around the world in the Care Room at the same time. Realize that one gold light can represent a family, a group or an entire audience viewing the Care Room and doing the Care Focus together.

* To join the GCI Care Focus in the Global Care Room, you can enter the room directly from First time users will need to sign up for access. You can use the e-mail and password that you use for the Global Coherence Initiative website. Then, simply log-in with your e-mail and GCI password.

Global Coherence Initiative – 14700 West Park Ave – Boulder Creek, California 95006 – 831-338-8500

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Disciplinary Studies Healing Science Self Improvement

Fountain of Youth, part 3: Self Actualization

In this third and final installment of Jim McElwee’s dissertation on Fountain of Youth, I expand upon his treatise on the subject and the previous two parts. As some of you might know, Jim is like the “Rudolph Steiner” of brainwave entrainment which makes his dissertations insightful.

When I elaborate upon any works, I like to think in terms of martial arts. You ever hear the expression in a karate dojo, “focus beyond the target?” If you have yet to benefit from a sensei, that’s OK. Focussing beyond a target can be taken both literally and figuratively.

Figuritive is one way to describe part 3 of “Fountain of Youth.” When Jim is finished, we will apply the concept of self actualization to his reasoning and where our real point of focus should be to achieve our own fountain of youth.

We should also ask ourselves, “what do older people really want?” when we talk about returning to our youth:

Healing Science Mind Control Self Improvement

Fountain of Youth, part 2: Tricks for Feeling Young

Jim McElwee’s second installment on the Fountain of Youth gives us a better idea of how to achieve a new beginning.

After Jim provides his dissertation on the subject of staying active and getting support from your social circle, I’m going to elaborate with a few secrets on how others maintain their social “atmosphere” of youth.

There’s also a super Unexplainable Discount going on until the end of 21 May 2012 (today). If you like, skip straight to the P.S. and find out how deep those discounts go on this time limit special. Meanwhile, let’s examine the Fountain of Youth in more detail:

Healing Science Mind Control Self Improvement

Fountain Of Youth, part 1: Involution

Normally, I’m all praises for Jim McElwee’s thoughtful treatments on brainwave entrainment and this is no exception.

However, I feel that I must elaborate on a few of his colorful assertions on maintaining our youth. When I say colorful, I mean that any individual interpretation under the rainbow can be applied to that statement. Jim is clearly relying upon good judgemental heuristics of his readers; some people might take, “the younger you act, the younger you look” in a neurotic, less than mature way.

The following is part one of Jim’s Dissertation on the Fountain of Youth. After that, I follow with a few of my own ideas and that of a few holistic doctors on maintaining our youth:

Disciplinary Studies Healing Science Psychoenergetics Spiritual Growth

Begin 2012 by Shifting the World with Your Conscience

GCI January 2012 Full Moon Synchronized Care Focus
Welcome to the Global Coherence Initiative’s January 9, 2012 full moon (07:30 UTC) synchronized Care Focus. In order for GCI members around the world to participate at a convenient time, we have chosen 4 a.m., 12:00 p.m. (noon), and 8 p.m. Pacific Standard Time ( GMT/UTC minus 8 hours ) when GCI members in the Global Care Room can do the Care Focus together.* (The following website – – is a time conversion site for determining the exact time the Care Focus will take place in your Local Time Zone. Select time: 8 p.m. (date optional). Convert from: Location: U.S.A. – California – San Francisco. Convert to: Location: Select your Country/City.) Thank you for being with us.Many people anticipate 2012 to be a momentous year – an opportunity for individuals and for the collective to co-create a consciousness shift. The purpose of GCI is to increase heart coherence in the planetary energetic field environment to make this shift easier and accessible to more people. GCI research, membership, webinars, partnerships and the Global Care Rooms are for this purpose.

Healing Science Self Improvement

Amazing End of Year Brainwave Entrainment Give Away

Unexplainable Store is giving EVERYONE a 15 minute recording from our Solfeggio Collection! Download UT Isochronic Below:
P.S. If you like this one, you will LOVE the Solfeggio Collection!

MP3 Link- 

Zip Link-


Grab Unexplainable‘s Amazing End of Year Discount! Get their coupon codes at Brain Wave Science: Introduction to Psychoneurophysiology


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Healing Science Mind Control Self Improvement

How to take this Relaxing Labor Day With You

Jim McElwee at The Unexplainable Store provides us with an amazing digital drug  that all of us can download. This brainwave entrainment is called Eternal Peace. It is 20 minutes long and a nice ride that takes you from Beta, through Alpha, Through Theta, Dips into Delta, then progresses back up to Beta.

Imagine being able to relax every day like it’s labor day while keeping your head in the game?

It’s a wonderful tour of the brain frequency spectrum and should provide a feeling of eternal peace in your core level of existence. You can use this recording when you need peace in your life. I was just listening to Eternal Peace a few minutes ago. I was thinking, “I feel great – what if more people listened to this?”

Maybe, just maybe, there would be far less stress, anger, and violence in the world around us. More importantly, the Eternal Peace mp3 helps you reach that altered state of consciousness that allows you to manage your stress and relax – as if you’re on a psychiatric drug, but without the consequential side effects.

Why don’t you download Eternal Peace Now? It’s a special gift waiting just for you…

BONUS: Brainwave Entrainment Video

As if the above gift wasn’t enough, Jim McElwee also gives us a brainwave entrainment video to download, Earth’s Beauty Video: This 10 minute visualization video was designed to bring the user to peaceful Alpha and Theta states while utilizing printed affirmations and visualization imagery for deep programming.

If you have trouble using Google Earth, like me, All you need to broadcast your care focused intentions to people most in need on this planet is Earth’s Beauty Video. What more could you ask for?

Surplus Sale- We have an Over-Stock of the Creative Free Flow CD. So we are liquidating them at $10 each..  These WILL sell out.
Get A Copy Now >>> <<<

Labor Day Weekend Savings:

Save An Extra $10 On All Orders Over $50
(This Is On Top Of The Built In Discount!)

Enter Coupon Code 92011 at checkout to take advantage.
Coupon expires Tuesday, September 6th

>>>>> <<<<<

Today is the last day to take advantage of the Labor Day Sale!  Use coupon code 92011 at checkout to save $10 on all orders over $50!

Go To The Unexplainable Store Now  >>>   <<<<

And remember ALL products are now available on CD!

Healing Thoughts,


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Disciplinary Studies Healing Science Self Improvement

Unexplainable Weight Loss towards Your Balance and Health

With obesity at an all time high, especially in the United States, we must take all issues into consideration. We have to step back and look at the big picture.

The following guest article by Jim McElwee provides us with easy, less traveled alternatives to the usual diet pills and liposuction, but he does not mention everything that has contributed to modern day, chronic ailments of obesity. Jim doesn’t mention what’s wrong with eating junk food, fast food, processed diets.

Quite frankly, I wish he had made reference to holistic doctors like Joseph Mercola who cite research on the effect of garbage foods and their preservatives / flavor enhancers on the human body; they not only affect the body – they also affect brain chemistry, which affects the mind.

Modern civilization has an obesity problem because the mind set is geared towards obesity – that’s where the money is for the big food industry – which is focused upon pushing junk food, fast food, and processed foods onto unwitting consumers who keep craving more.

Without a “civilized” society focused upon instant gratification, there would be no one pouring money into foods laden with neurotoxins like aspartame and MSG that creates even more hunger in their consumers.

Brainwave entrainment can help obese people with type 2 diabetes who are uneducated about good fats versus bad. When they educate themselves on what’s healthy and what’s not, they’re on the road to recovery. Fortunately, brainwave entrainment can open a person’s mind to a healthy attitude, but the motivation needs to be consistent.

For this reason, Jim McElwee advocates a healthy lifestyle – which is further induced through brainwave entrainment – like a feedback loop. Healthy adjustments in diet and lifestyle create a healthy, balanced mind pattern; this is what I want from you and I believe this is what you want.

All the healthy adjustments, no matter how small, add up to consistent motivation towards your balance and health. Please enjoy the following guest article by Jim McElwee on how you can accomplish your weight loss goals through brainwave entrainment: