Healing Science Mind Control Self Improvement

How to take this Relaxing Labor Day With You

Jim McElwee at The Unexplainable Store provides us with an amazing digital drug  that all of us can download. This brainwave entrainment is called Eternal Peace. It is 20 minutes long and a nice ride that takes you from Beta, through Alpha, Through Theta, Dips into Delta, then progresses back up to Beta.

Imagine being able to relax every day like it’s labor day while keeping your head in the game?

It’s a wonderful tour of the brain frequency spectrum and should provide a feeling of eternal peace in your core level of existence. You can use this recording when you need peace in your life. I was just listening to Eternal Peace a few minutes ago. I was thinking, “I feel great – what if more people listened to this?”

Maybe, just maybe, there would be far less stress, anger, and violence in the world around us. More importantly, the Eternal Peace mp3 helps you reach that altered state of consciousness that allows you to manage your stress and relax – as if you’re on a psychiatric drug, but without the consequential side effects.

Why don’t you download Eternal Peace Now? It’s a special gift waiting just for you…

BONUS: Brainwave Entrainment Video

As if the above gift wasn’t enough, Jim McElwee also gives us a brainwave entrainment video to download, Earth’s Beauty Video: This 10 minute visualization video was designed to bring the user to peaceful Alpha and Theta states while utilizing printed affirmations and visualization imagery for deep programming.

If you have trouble using Google Earth, like me, All you need to broadcast your care focused intentions to people most in need on this planet is Earth’s Beauty Video. What more could you ask for?

Surplus Sale- We have an Over-Stock of the Creative Free Flow CD. So we are liquidating them at $10 each..  These WILL sell out.
Get A Copy Now >>> <<<

Labor Day Weekend Savings:

Save An Extra $10 On All Orders Over $50
(This Is On Top Of The Built In Discount!)

Enter Coupon Code 92011 at checkout to take advantage.
Coupon expires Tuesday, September 6th

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Today is the last day to take advantage of the Labor Day Sale!  Use coupon code 92011 at checkout to save $10 on all orders over $50!

Go To The Unexplainable Store Now  >>>   <<<<

And remember ALL products are now available on CD!

Healing Thoughts,


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Mind Control Psychoenergetics Spiritual Control

Maharishi Effect vs. Hurricane Irene

At this moment, at the time of this writing, we need just under 8,400 people to focus their healing intentions towards the east coast of the U.S. according to the Maharishi Effect:

(sqr (world population x 1%))

The interface at Global Coherence Initiative allows everyone with access to a PC to focus their healing intentions on the most troubled areas of the world. Please join us in helping to dissipate Hurricane Irene – because those are mostly good people and wonderful places on the East Coast. Please help with only 10 or 20 minutes out of your day. Only a few hours remain before Irene hits. Only 8400 out of over six billion in this world are needed to affect real change:

GCI Care Focus
Hurricane Irene
All indications point to Hurricane Irene being extremely destructive to the Eastern Coast of the United States, including densely populated areas such as New York City and the East Cost of New Jersey. President Obama and the mayors of East Coast cities are ordering evacuations.In this Care Focus, let’s radiate our love and care to the entire region. Visualize the hurricane dissipating in strength and moving further out into the Atlantic Ocean, with less impact on potentially affected populations.Let’s sustain our vision for the highest best outcome and maintain our compassion and unconditional love for those involved and throughout any recovery process.
Through these emerging global stress events, it’s important to practice the caring maintenance of our own energy balance in relationship to these seemingly ongoing occurrences. When our emotions are exhausted and frayed, it compromises our personal system and diminishes the effectiveness of our intentions to be helpful. We compassionately realize it’s harder to prevent emotional drain at times when personally connected to these stressful events. Yet it’s worth taking time out on occasion to consciously breathe the feeling of calm and restoration into your system. Doing this from your genuine heart feelings restores emotional resilience, which is especially needed when giving energetic care and support to others who are experiencing a harder time. Use any restoration techniques that work for you. The important thing is: at least remember to do it. Self-care is an essential component in global care.To join us in the Global Care Room; you can enter the room directly from First time users of the Global Care Room need to SIGN UP—please use your Global Coherence Initiative password. Thank you for providing energetic care and support.In order for GCI members around the world to participate at a convenient time, we have 8 p.m., 4 a.m. and noon Pacific Standard Time ( -7 hours GMT ) when GCI members in the Global Care Room can do the Care Focus together. Of course you are welcome to participate at any time, day or night.Thank you for your participation,The GCI Staff

Thanks for your time, and Healing Thoughts,

Related Articles: Real Rain Making by Trevor Constable

News Alert: Breaking News: Irene downgraded to tropical storm
August 28, 2011 9:35:04 AM

The National Weather Service downgraded Irene to a tropical storm as the system made landfall over Coney Island in New York.

The storm is maintaining winds up to 65 mph.

Hurricane Irene has Dissipated to a Tropical Storm! Thanks to every one who participated!

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Disciplinary Studies Mind Control Self Improvement

How to Respond Intelligently to Disasters Every Day

As of late, there’s been all kinds of talk of impending doom and catastrophe – not only solar cycle 24 effects, December 21, 2012, Galactic Superwaves, but disasters that are constantly happening.

Every day, we must deal with the effects of effects of the BP disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, the nuclear fallout from Fukushima and other garbage that’s NOT being reported by mainstream news.

What’s important is that we don’t run around like a chickens from the butcher like the people in New York during an earthquake about to face impending doom from Hurricane Irene. Here are six ways to survive Hurricane Irene.

Preparedness is most important in the face of impending disaster. Unfortunately, unintelligent people are not interested in preparedness – unless the threat is apparent; they’re not interested in protecting themselves from all the garbage in their lives RIGHT NOW.

Why should they be interested in protecting themselves or their loved ones from impending doom? Because it’s the smart thing to do or the right thing to do? Or is it because the threat is so obvious?

Why isn’t the threat from every day dangers just as obvious to most people? Let’s increase our intelligence to discover why.

In terms of intelligence quotient, I decided that Jim McElwee needed some help. I mean in terms of discussing it in the following guest article. I like to elaborate a little more, so it sticks in your mind.

In the Milton Erickson tradition, I like to engage the imagination wherein our true intelligence works – as long as the imagination is kept in check by our wisdom and understanding of reality. As a result, you see my comments in italics and blockquotes like this.

In this world, mental intelligence is highly regarded. There’s also emotional intelligence, the passion and burning desire that drives our discipline and “vision” for gaining further mental intelligence; they are both flames which fan each other.

Truly intelligent people have a careful balance between the two. In reality, we should all be “Savants,” people of extreme mental and emotional intelligence.

Unfortunately, there are toxins and backwards education in this world which are holding back the human race. At the moment, we’re slaves of multi-national food, pharma, oil cartels, and banking industries; it’s in THEIR best interest to hold back the human race for the sake of greed.

It’s in YOUR best interest – and mine – that your I.Q. and the I.Q. of your loved ones takes a step forward – to break the chains of emotional “securities” and sub-human frailties.

Right Now, unintelligent people are emotionally secure with the way the world is going; they tend to be violent when we go against their grain or their “status quo” of debt-filled impulse buying and instant gratification penchants for junk food, drugs, sex slaves, and techno-toys.

In fact, unintelligent people have deeply engrained fears of authority. They fear resisting “socially acceptable” drug use will make them social outcasts and cause trouble for them. They are like the Jews during the holocaust; they don’t want to “rock the boat,” so they submit themselves – and their children – to all the filthy vaccines, drugs, chemotherapy, x-ray scans, fluoride water and all the other human experiments that decadent authoritarian leaders impose upon them.

What the hell. Here’s a video on personal disasters to help us understand:

Suffocated, dominated, and dumbed down, they’ll just sit back and watch their young ones suffer needlessly, for fear of “rocking the boat” – like Jews during the holocaust – under the whip of Pharoah – while they bow down to their “masters.”It’s time to break the chains. It’s time to go forward and rejoin the human race:

Mind Control Psychoenergetics Spiritual Control Spiritual Growth

Maharishi Effect: GCI August 2011 Full Moon Synchronized Care Focus

Around the world, Only around 9000 people out of six billion are need to precipitate REAL peace and prosperity on this planet. The vehicle we use for applying the Maharishi Effect is the GCI August 2011 Full Moon Synchronized Care Focus:

Welcome to the Global Coherence Initiative’s August 2011 full moon synchronized Care Focus. In order for GCI members around the world to participate at a convenient time, we have chosen 4 a.m., noon and 8 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time ( GMT/UTC minus 7 hours ) when GCI members in the Global Care Room can do the Care Focus together.* (The following website – – is a time conversion site for determining the exact time the Care Focus will take place in your Local Time Zone. Select time: 8 p.m. (date optional). Convert from: Location: U.S.A. – California – San Francisco. Convert to: Location: Select your Country/City.)Thank you for being with us.For those of you who are new to the Care Focus, if you are logged into the Global Care Room, you can see your green marker and the gold light points of others around the world in the Care Room at the same time. Realize that one gold light can represent a family, a group or an entire audience viewing the Care Room and doing the Care Focus together.

Let’s start by connecting with our own heart’s love, while breathing love and care in and out through our heart area to increase our heart coherence… Now let’s radiate our love and care to everyone participating in this Care Focus… Imagine our interconnectedness as a network of light, and see our love and care being amplified and uplifted by each other’s light.…

The sun unleashed a massive X-class solar flare on August 9th, the strongest yet in Solar Cycle 24, and scientists predict a wave of solar storms that could cause disruptions in satellite, telecommunications and electrical equipment. They can also cause excitability in people’s emotional and electrical (nervous) systems which can outplay in social, political and economic disruption. It’s very important that we intentionally maintain our emotional balance and increase our heart coherence at this time. By increasing our compassion for others and for ourselves, we remain more poised and positively affect the energetic field environment around us. As we discussed in last month’s full moon Care Focus, solar influxes on our planet provide us with an opportunity to use these energy influxes to create humanitarian advances.

For this full moon synchronized care focus, we will continue the current GCI Care Focus, synchronizing our energetic contributions and commitment to increasing heart coherence as we send our care and compassion to the humanitarian crisis in Somalia and East Africa.

We’ll do the following August full moon synchronized Care Focus together for fifteen minutes. It’s fine to stop sooner or continue longer if you choose. There will be music playing, or you can mute the music if you prefer.

Care Focus: Somalia and East Africa

Let’s send our heart focused care and compassion to the people suffering from famine in Somalia and other countries in Africa due to drought and civil war. While radiating compassion and care, let’s create a coherent heart-field environment to facilitate relief efforts and see food, water and medical supplies reaching the people in need.Now, send heart-focused care and compassion to your own emotional balance, then to people, issues and areas of the world in need of energetic stability, compassion and care. (After 15 minutes)

It would be effective for the planet if we individually continue to do this Care Focus often in the Global Care Room. Use your own heart discernment on how long and when you participate. Connect in the heart with all groups and individuals supporting the possibility and the opportunity for meeting personal and global changes with love, care and compassion.

Thank you for your participation in this Care Focus.

“Through these changing times, increasing numbers of people are approaching heart-based living as an employment of common sense and practical intelligence. The desire to expand our heart connection and become “who we truly are” is an accelerated momentum on the rise, not just as a trendy notion, but inspired from Universal Source and felt within the hearts of individuals. This new momentum will birth and unveil the transformational power of “we the people,” to progressively restore peace through heart-based living and compassionate care.” – Doc Childre
* To join the GCI Care Focus in the Global Care Room, you can enter the room directly from Simply log-in with your e-mail and GCI password. Until the next synchronized Care Focus, it would be effective for the planet if we individually continue this Care Focus often in the Global Care Room.Global Coherence Initiative – 14700 West Park Ave – Boulder Creek, California 95006 – 831-338-8500

There are those of you who may have trouble understanding or achieving the necessary state of consciousness to send heart felt healing to places around the world in the most need. Allow me to help you with that.

Jim McElwee at The Unexplainable Store provides us with an amazing brainwave entrainment that all of us can download at the cost of a few minutes (and a fast web connection). This brainwave entrainment is called Eternal Peace. It is 20 minutes long and a nice ride that takes you from Beta, through Alpha, Through Theta, Dips into Delta, then progresses back up to Beta.

It’s a wonderful tour of the brain frequency spectrum and should provide a feeling of eternal peace in your core level of existence. You can use this recording when you need peace in your life.

More importantly, the Eternal Peace mp3 helps you reach that altered state of consciousness that allows you to broadcast your heartfelt healing to others on the planet as well who need it the most.

BONUS: Brainwave Entrainment Video

As if the above gift wasn’t enough, Jim McElwee also gives us a brainwave entrainment video to download, Earth’s Beauty Video: This 10 minute visualization video was designed to bring the user to peaceful Alpha and Theta states while utilizing printed affirmations and visualization imagery for deep programming.

If you have trouble using Google Earth, like me, All you need to broadcast your care focused intentions to people most in need on this planet is Earth’s Beauty Video. What more could you ask for?

OK, I’ll admit it. You need a fast web connection and a little time. Most importantly, what goes around, comes around. The healing and care focus comes back to you, ten-fold.

Even if not for the people in Somalia, do it for the people in the most need who are closest to you, so they can have the health and well being to heal others.

Thank you for your considerate, healing intentions.

Healing Thoughts,

Randolph Fabian Directo

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Disciplinary Studies Mind Control Psychoenergetics Self Improvement Spiritual Growth

Cognitive Resonance vs. Cognitive Dissonance in Training Psychic Powers

As you discovered from my post, Remote Viewing Morality and ARV, Session 7 Review,” the Academy of Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing Course from Probable Future is weak in it’s mere fifteen minute instruction on Associational Remote Viewing. My intention is to repair this situation as a value added seller through my years of gathering materials on paranormal human achievement.

First, let me give you the big picture of what the course is: The foundation of the ARVARI Course is guided meditation with brainwave entrainment. The intention is to get listeners into cognitive resonance with the world around them including all types of energies – from Sun Energy to Earth Energy and every living energy in between.

The catch-22 is that people in cognitive dissonance have very little if any sympathy and empathy for the world around them – including underlying, subtle energies. They are highly skeptical of the existence of “psychic powers” and the “soul.” Although they are in the most need of a course based in cognitive resonance, they wouldn’t be interested in it. Why would they want to learn how to “resonate” with others when they feel life on this planet is just one big accident with no real purpose, therefore, we are nothing more than “slabs of meat” with neurochemical reactions as “personalities?”

People in cognitive dissonance are part of a “herd” personality on this planet known as the “veil of darkness” – from the dark ages.

On the other hand, People in cognitive resonance have sympathy and empathy for the world around them; they are not necessarily “new age,” “born again,” or overtly spiritual. They are mostly people who prefer to keep to themselves, but talk about crazy things sometimes – like what you see at this blog. Some of these people choose to reveal themselves. Of all the people who publish materials and lecture on psychic powers, around 20% are actual psychics. Does that mean around 80% only want to cash in on the new age psychic crazies? Yes.

This doesn’t mean 80% of the books, audios, and videos on training the sixth sense are junk; what they’re doing is simply regurgitating material from that 20%. Let’s face it; people copy from each other. And the most helpful material (20%) gets copied.

To give us an example of that 20%, please have a look at this video from Lyn Buchanan:

Intro to Associative Remote Viewing Method by Lyn Buchanan

“Can I win the lottery?”

Mind Control Self Improvement

How Music Enhances Learning Capacity

Music increases frontal EEG coherence during verbal learning from Neuroscience Letters explains how we can use music for learning. Let’s examine how we can apply this information for our personal use.

David A. Peterson and Michael H. Thaut provide us with a five page clinical study on how test subjects learned a list of words better while putting them to music. According to this study, music induces learning-related changes in coherence (LRCC). Small wonder how we recall the lyrics from our favorite music so easily…

Coincidently, these researchers applied electroencephalographs (EEG) and functional magnetic resonance imagining (fMRI) to their test subjects. The Music Group had greater coherence within their theta, alpha, and gamma brainwaves. “Coherence” in this case means greater consistency in the frontal lobes of the brain.

As you might now, our “ego” and “identity” are more closely related to the functions of our front lobes. The frontal lobe functions helps us personally identify with external stimuli, but all is not about the brain; there’s the rest of the body.

Disciplinary Studies Mind Control Psychoenergetics Self Improvement Spiritual Control Spiritual Growth

Collective Consciousness and “Judgement Day”

Recent disastrous events and the foretold “judgement day” are subject to our collective consciousness. Decadent Human Society is the cause of the most heinous disasters on this planet. Please use this article to break out of the collective focus on dark themes and help bring real goodness into your life.

Gerald O’Donnell of the Academy of Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing has been in Israel for a few weeks. He goes there to meditate. I’m guessing the holy land is especially receptive to spiritual awakenings from God, or else why does he bother? I know other people who have traveled to the Holy Land to accomplish the same, so who am I to judge

On 1 May 2011, Gerald had yet another spiritual awakening when he was in Jerusalum. Then he turned around and put his spiritual awakening as well as he could in word language in his latest message to his subscribers: Message from the One and Only, Jerusalem, May 1, 2011..

Mind Control Psychoenergetics Spiritual Control

The Arguement for Your Paranormal Abilities

My first intention for using the training courses from Academy of Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing was to make a positive difference in my own life. Like anyone else, I wanted to take the most profitable path. Then I took the remote influencing course.

Now, I think about the rest of the planet. I’m thinking, “what good is success on a planet that’s going to hell?” As I write this, there’s hell happening in the Gulf of Mexico, Libya, nukes in Fukushima (which is spreading hell every where) and a lot of other places. Then I wonder to myself what everyone else around me is doing about it.

Considering that most people have their faces buried in their own lives with not much of a care for the rest of the world, I’m glad you’re here. Like me, I hope you crave a higher path to success. I hope that you crave heaven on earth or something similar. I hope that you want to take an active part in creating heaven on earth. Some of the richest people on this planet have achieved great success insofar as how they have helped the world around them.

Disciplinary Studies Mind Control Psychoenergetics Self Improvement

Baby Steps to Your Psychic Powers to Save the World, part 1

Visual Ray Psionic QiGong Fundamentals

In the same way that Beginning QiGong Practitioners learn to feel Qi or bioelectricity through diligent practice, you will also learn to feel the same through your visual ray in the next few steps.

I have a manual floating around here on visual ray psionics. You need only click through the links of the same name at Visual Ray Psionics to find it.

The manual contains all the details you need to utilize your visual ray, but I thought I should touch upon the basics from a slightly different perspective in terms of getting a feeling for it. Even skeptics, if they correctly follow these steps, will be convinced of the existence of psychic energy.

  1. Hold your hands palms facing each other just below eye level as if to pray, but allow a small space between them.
  2. Slowly push your palms towards then away from each other with an oscillating motion. While you are doing this, relax your gaze between your palms.
  3. As you oscillate your palms together, you should begin to experience a gossamer feeling between them such as a sensation of warmth or resistence. You are building a bioelectric (Qi) potential between your palms.
  4. When you achieve this sensation, slow the oscillations further then shift your gaze slowly to and fro between your palms.
  5. When you feel a definite force gliding between your palms with your gaze, you are sensing your visual ray.

We lose most of our psychic energy throughout the day through the visual ray. When we practice QiGong, we regain that energy. Another way to regain that energy is through cloudbusting as discussed in the Visual Ray Psionics Manual.

Disciplinary Studies Mind Control Psychoenergetics Self Improvement Spiritual Control Spiritual Growth

A Musical Approach to Remote Influencing

p { margin-bottom: 0.08in; }h4 { margin-bottom: 0.08in; }a:link { }For those of you who have trouble conceiving a Universal Creator or a Universal Mind as the basis of order in the universe, think of a song. What is the origin of music? Where did humans first get the idea to make music?

Nature, of course. But there’s far more to nature than the tweeting of birds or how the wind plays through trees. A driving force within each of us allows us to make music out of those sounds; this is because WE are part of nature. WE are part of that flawless order.

Let’s examine ourselves from a slightly bigger perspective: What is our reality based upon? What is our reference frame for “consciousness” based upon?