Evil Control Mind Control Self Improvement

Jack Canfield Solutions for Self Confidence and more

Many, many years ago, a $600-million-dollar man changed the life of JACK CANFIELD, who has become America’s #1 success coach, the co-author of the most successful book series in history, Chicken Soup for the Soul, and one of the stars of the film The Secret.

Who was that man, and what did Jack learn that you need to know?

Find out in the new original Gaiam series, ENCOUNTERS: Portraits of Inspiring Lives. In this up-close and personal film, Jack reveals little-known stories about his early childhood, lifelong dreams, and personal philosophy.


Jack Canfield Living Luminary

In ENCOUNTERS, Jack Canfield shares:

*His passion to help people break out of their “self-imposed limitations.”
*Why he loves anything that helps you go “further and faster, with less effort.”
*The essential philosophy that keeps him happy and balanced.
*The divine connection behind the creation of the title “Chicken Soup for the Soul.”

Additionally, you will be treated to Jack speaking to an in-studio audience, sharing everything from how to do your own “joy review” to clarifying your vision for the future.

Thanks to our friends at Spiritual Cinema Circle, you can receive this video of Jack Canfield, along with the feature film, Broken Hill, and two short films, for just a small shipping fee*. To see the trailer and start your free trial click here!


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We are All One Consciousness

Disciplinary Studies Mind Control Self Improvement

The Value / Reward System of Self Confidence, part 4 of 4

This latest installment by Jim McElwee on self confidence may confuse some people; Jim addresses personal value systems as the source of self confidence.

Most people would say that faith in oneself is the source of self confidence. This makes sense. Now, let’s look at faith in oneself from a larger perspective.

The way we gain faith in ourselves is from… our abilities. Where else? What do we get in return for our performance values and abilities?…

Rewards. Concrete rewards such as money and vacations for our work are obvious, but wherein do we gain confidence from rewards? When that reward is in the form of admiration or agreement from others for our work, we gain confidence.1 We also gain rewards from our positive perspective of the way others see us; this is a form of self reward.3

Mind Control Self Improvement

Self Confidence: Turn Fiction to Reality, part 2 of 4

Some people mistake arrogance as self confidence. As a consequence, they lack respect for others. I still recall a time when I lacked respect for music teachers because one of them decided it would be fun to making a laughing stock of a little fifth grader.

When I decided to take music classes in college, I thought I was self confident enough to follow one of my dreams. Instead, I was vindictive and disrespectful of their teaching style and demands – which made the teachers dislike me in return. Of course, they had nothing to do with that teacher from my fifth grade, but I saw all of them in the same light. In turn, I gained very little if anything from the classes.

I was also fearful while going to school for a lot of reasons. As I recall my top three fears were lack of resources for attending higher education (my parents had nothing set aside for it), inability to perform as perfectly as my teachers wanted, and lack of a proper social life (including a regular GF) – not necessarily in that order.

Disciplinary Studies Evil Control Mind Control Psychoenergetics Self Improvement Spiritual Control Spiritual Growth

The Key to Defeating Evil through Remote Influencing in Psalms 73

{Evil People = The People of Psalms 73}

Political Ponerology: A Science of Evil Applied for Political Purposes


Truly evil people, on the other hand, actively rather than passively avoid extending themselves. They will take any action in their power to protect their own laziness, to preserve the integrity of their sick self. Rather than nurturing others, they will actually destroy others in this cause. If necessary, they will even kill to escape the pain of their own spiritual growth. As the integrity of their sick self is threatened by the spiritual health of those around them, they will seek by all manner of means to crush and demolish the spiritual health that may exist near them.

I define evil, then, as the exercise of political power – that is, the imposition of one’s will upon others by overt or covert coercion – in order to avoid extending one’s self for the purpose of nurturing spiritual growth. Ordinary laziness is non-love; evil is anti-love…

This section is an addendum to the three part series: How to Remote Influence using the Power of God. Some of you may find it difficult, if not impossible, to assume the identity of an evil target. We MUST assume the identity of a person, place, or thing in order to remote influence them.

According to the Political Ponerology excerpt, this type of person is probably the exact opposite of you. Please remember from the sections on How to Remote Influence using the Power of God that no person is truly evil. The evil part is consistently trying to crush the good within them by crushing the good around them.

Disciplinary Studies Mind Control Spiritual Control

How to Remote Influence using the Power of God, part 3 of 3

Choosing the correct Target for Remote Influencing

At times, the best target is not in the public eye. We must let our intuition guide us. Our intuition should be based on a strong foundation of beliefs in love and healing. We set aside our beliefs based in fear while curbing the earthly boundaries of our ego and physical sensations; this is done with the cleansing exercises from the previous post.

Cleansing exercises are also part of the guided meditation from the Academy of Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing (ARVARI).

Sometimes it takes a great deal of research, other times the target comes to us in a “flash.” Depending on the situation, we may need both research and intuition to find the correct target.

Preferably, listen to your intuition; this is a remote viewing exercise which may require your further discipline using guided meditation. As Gerald O’Donnell of ARVARI has mentioned, “You can remote influence the same target as remote viewing.”

Group remote viewing is the most accurate practice for “triangulating” correct targets. Controlled, coordinate, and scientific remote viewing are especially geared towards group RV, but can still be accomplished on an individual basis.

As individuals, we latch on to “people who know people.” To remote influence the correct people deep within the bowels of a multi-national organization, for example, it means we first remote view the correct people to ascertain who is lurking in the shadows, the same people who are truly in power.

We can do this by first remote viewing the public figures in their secret conversations as we funnel our way down through the shadows.

Disciplinary Studies Mind Control Psychoenergetics Spiritual Control

How to Remote Influence using the Power of God, part 2 of 3

Then how do we perform this miracle?

One way is that we all gather at the same time in our specific times zones to pray for this miracle. In theory, this is an ideal method, but difficult because we all live in different time zones with different schedules to meet.

The other way is to pray using emotional freedom techniques (EFT), a modality of energy psychology. Helps us to resonate ideas into spiritual reality because we are resonating with that subspace part of ourselves, the soul.

Although Gary Craig has retired from professionally practicing his brand of energy psychology, EFT still lives on as a viable healing modality with many people including myself. If you’re not quite familiar with EFT, please have a look at EFT vs. Ancient Keys.

EFT also helps us resonate with a target. Practitioners call this “surrogate” EFT. There are many examples of surrogate EFT at Please visit this site and do a search of “surrogate EFT.” These examples give us an idea on how EFT works on healing a target. In more esoteric circles, this is also known as remote influencing.

Mind Control Psychoenergetics Spiritual Control

How to Remote Influence using the Power of God, part 1 of 3

This post is an addendum to “Way of the MindGate, encounters of the 1st kind” from Mind Patterns: Abundance vs. Poverty. I’m also responding to another earlier post I made on how remote influencing is negated by Tesla Technology.

This is correct to a certain point. We must also consider the spiritual channels that bypass all barriers including Tesla Technology; although this technology can affect subspace, it cannot serve as a barrier in the astral plane or hyperspace as long as it operates in physical reality.

Our link to spiritual reality is our souls, the subspace part of ourselves. Within each of us is the equal potential for good or evil since we are physical beings. We make that conscious choice every day. Sometimes, people choose to be evil, so good Christians must intervene.

Consider the unresolved mystery of Hitler’s fanatical deputy, Rudolph Hess, and his strange, some say, insane flight to England on the night of May 10, 1941 bearing a peace offer. Look up Dion Fortune’s “Society of Inner Light.” The subject is further covered at Holy Life, HealingMindN.

What other proof is there of “spiritual” powers?

Faith in a supreme being to perform miracles stems from two sources: Culture and personal experience. Either way, it doesn’t matter. Double blind experiments have proven that the power of prayer can produce viable, measurable results. Here is an example from Collective DNA Consciousness:

The Power of Prayer?

Grow mold in two identical petri dishes 1 and 2 and pray for dish-1. Don’t pray for dish-2. The mold in dish-1 will grow bigger [1998]. (The National Institute of Health, Office of Alternative Medicine) [btw: In a similar experiment in 1986 at UCSF, 24 heart patients were randomly assigned to two groups of 12 and the group receiving prayers did better.]

Faith Heals

Reproducible scientific experiments carried out by Harold Koenig of Duke University show that people who have a religion, any religion, are healthier, are more disease resistant, and live longer than those who don’t. (See also the book by Dale Matthews, 1998)

Superstition proved to improve performance

..The results of all four experiments showed the superstition did improve performance. In the golf task those with the “lucky ball” performed significantly better than the control, and those doing the motor dexterity test were faster and better if the researcher wished them luck.

The third and fourth experiments showed the improvements were brought about by changes in “perceived self-efficacy,” with those keeping their lucky charms reporting they felt confident and competent to carry out the task. The fourth experiment also indicated performance was improved because the superstitious belief led them to try harder and be more persistent, because those who kept their lucky charms set higher goals for themselves and kept working longer on the puzzle… (Physorg)

Mind Control Psychoenergetics Self Improvement

How Dreams become Reality for Problem Solving

Recently, I answered a question on building internal energy for athletics for one of my readers. The reader asks:

What are the most POWERFUL or what exercises generate the most chi or vital energy that I can use to improve weight lifting and sports performance?

This person is already a consummate athlete who uses traditional as well as energy psychology and QiGong Meditation to maximize his performance. Although this site is about improvement of the mind, we need a healthy body to support that mind, therefore, I’m an advocate of athletics.

When we exercise the body, we build up the energy in the limbs, especially in martial arts where the exercises are geared towards Qi flow in the energy meridians. When we meditate, as in QiGong, we manipulate and focus that excess energy from the extremities to key points of energy storage in the body such as the DanTian, Governing, and Conception Vessels.

These areas of the body serve as psychically activated “capacitors” that allow us to focus our martial arts skills with greater precision and to deliver Qi or bioenergy to any predetermined location.

For example, the more internal or bioenergy we have from our athletic activities, the easier it is for us to have extreme clarity in our dreams and visions. Athletes are particularly able to visualize any event throughout the space / time continuum because they are able to focus that energy from their powerful extremities to the necessary areas of their visual neocortex or the upper DanTian. For this reason, athletes can visualize themselves winning an event given all the necessary parameters of the competition.

By the same token, a weaker person living a relatively sedentary life probably doesn’t recall his dreams very well because they lack clarity or they’re so discursive in nature (not focused). This is because weak, sedentary people are not used to calling upon their Qi in sleeping or waking states, whereas, calling upon the Qi comes naturally to an athlete.

For those of you who are living a sedentary lifestyle, this means that none of the tools that I provide for you at this site will ever work for you: You don’t have enough internal energy to be motivated to visualize your success. This is why I also have to help heal those who are sick and weakly from chronic ailments, so they can join the ranks of the healthy and go forward with further psychic improvement at You understand now why I have both these sites? Good.

Mind Control Psychoenergetics Self Improvement

Remote Viewing: Tools, Detailing, and Limitations

Jim McElwee’s Unexplainable Store has the most eclectic supply of brainwave entrainment programs available on the market. To me, Jim is an incredible teacher of esoterica and the “unexplainable.” Remote Viewing is yet another one of Jim’s expertise, much in the same vein as Rudolph Steiner.

In this post, Jim provides us with a tangible feel for remote viewing, so anyone can get a handle on the discipline necessary to this ability. After Jim’s presentation, I have further interesting facts on remote viewing to share with you and in relation to a promise I made to Way of the MindGate Subscribers. Please enjoy!

Mind Control Psychoenergetics Self Improvement

How to Develop Telepathy for Prosperity and Happiness

Telepathy is a generalized term that refers collectively to the reception and transmission of thoughts between minds that does not rely on sensory output in order for information to be exchanged.

Of course, the five conventional senses are normally used in every day communication on a conscious or subconscious level, but we also utilize another form of communication that directly links one person’s mind to another.

Telepathy is divided into several categories and subcategories. The four main focuses of the field of telepathy are:

  • deferred,
  • intuitive,
  • emotive,
  • and superconscious telepathy