Disciplinary Studies Mind Control Psychoenergetics Spiritual Control

The Butterfly Effect vs How to protect your sanity in an insane world

How to Remove Life Negative Patterns using the Butterfly Effect provides us with methods to call upon our spiritual resources to place our life positive patterns into motion.

“The fall of reason: How to protect your sanity in an insane world and achieve spiritual victory in the process” is a different perspective for taking on problems in the world: Just look out for yourself and your loved ones and leave the zombies to their own devices.

That’s an idealistic approach. Yes, a lit fuse like the Trayvon Martin drama seems very far away for some of us, but there are other problems or realities which always encroach upon ours. For example, the ignominious actions of greedy health professionals can directly affect the health and well being of our entire families. Members of our own families can also become zombies by way of drugs, toxins, and fear-driven hype from mainstream news and even friends within their own social circles.

Our personal realities are detrimentally affected by evil people. We deal with the crux of our personal problems by way of shielding ourselves and our loved ones from evil first, then by dealing with the evil itself; this is the purpose of How to Remove Life Negative Patterns using the Butterfly Effect.

Let’s talk about Mike Adams’ first rule for a moment:

Evil Control Spiritual Control

Underground Evidence of Boston Bomber + Holy Scripture

As mainstream news actors wind down their coverage of the Boston Marathon Bombing, in the vein of providing “balanced and unbiased” coverage as the most powerful news network would say, the following are videos which present evidence which counters the occam’s razor of two brothers acting alone:

Psychoenergetics Spiritual Control Spiritual Growth

Special GCI Care Focus: Recovery from Hurricane Sandy and Tropical Storm Son-Tinh

Let’s compassionately hold in our heart space all people affected by Hurricane Sandy in the United States and Caribbean and all people affected by typhoon level Tropical Storm Son-Tinh in Southeast Asia. Both storms caused tremendous damage over the past few days and are still ongoing. While radiating our unconditional love and compassion, let’s create a heart field environment to help facilitate and ease the recovery process. Please join us in the Global Care Room. You can enter the room directly from First time users will need to sign up for access. You can use the e-mail and password that you use for the Global Coherence Initiative website. Then, simply log-in with your e-mail and GCI password.

Thank you for providing energetic care and support.
The GCI Steering Committee and Staff
Global Coherence Initiative
14700 West Park Ave.,
Boulder Creek, CA 95006
tel (831) 706-2981 | fax (831) 338-8504

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Disciplinary Studies Psychoenergetics Self Improvement Spiritual Control Spiritual Growth

How Important Are YOU on 21 September 2012?

How important is your participation with the International Day of Peace?

In the previous post, I discussed the importance of focusing on peaceful productivity on the International Day of Peace this friday, 21 September 2012. I also mentioned the Maharishi Effect in that only a small number of people on this planet are needed to affect spiritual enlightenment in the rest of the population.

What I did not mention previously is why you are so important to this day and every day of peace. In all likely hood, you have been affected by at least one International Day of Peace – which is why you’re here.

In all likely hood, you have had a personal paranormal event happen to you more than once. The only reason you found this site is because you picked up on extraordinary clues due to your first hand experience.

I could not begin to guess what your first hand experiences are. I can assume that they were similar to mine. For example:

Psychoenergetics Self Improvement Spiritual Control

What are you doing after Cinco de Mayo? What about a Full Moon Synchronized Care Focus 6 May 2012

GCI May 2012 Full Moon Synchronized Care Focus


Welcome to the Global Coherence Initiative’s May 6, 2012 full moon (03:33 GMT/UTC) synchronized Care Focus. Thank you for being with us. In order for GCI members around the world to participate at a convenient time, we have chosen 4 a.m., 12:00 p.m. (noon), and 8 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time (GMT/UTC minus 8 hours ) when GCI members in the Global Care Room can do the Care Focus together.*

Note: The following website – – is a time conversion site for determining the exact time the Care Focus will take place in your Local Time Zone. Select time: 8 p.m. (date optional). Convert from: Location: U.S.A. – California – San Francisco. Convert to: Location: Select your Country/City.

Let’s start by connecting in the heart with everyone in the Global Care Room and radiating love and appreciation to each other.

Mind Control Psychoenergetics Self Improvement Spiritual Control Spiritual Growth

GCI Response to 2012 Deathly Predictions from Mayan Calendar

With all the predictions and theories of destruction flying around due to the Mayan Calendar, it’s important to get alternate, reasonable points of view. The following research from Dr. Annette Deyhle reassures us that no natural disasters will befall humanity on December 21st, 2012 outside of what has already happened.

Please understand what he tells us with an open heart. An open heart is all that anyone ever asks of us wherein understanding and compassion are most important. We will discuss the introductory coherence technique by Doc Childre after wards:

Mind Control Psychoenergetics Spiritual Control

Holiday Wish with the World on 10 December’s Full Moon

GCI December 2011 Full Moon Synchronized Care Focus
Welcome to the Global Coherence Initiative’s December 10, 2011 full moon (14:36 UT) synchronized Care Focus. In order for GCI members around the world to participate at a convenient time, we have chosen 4 a.m., 12:00 p.m. (noon), and 8 p.m. Pacific Standard Time ( GMT/UTC minus 8 hours ) when GCI members in the Global Care Room can do the Care Focus together.* (The following website – – is a time conversion site for determining the exact time the Care Focus will take place in your Local Time Zone. Select time: 8 p.m. (date optional). Convert from: Location: U.S.A. – California – San Francisco. Convert to: Location: Select your Country/City.) Thank you for being with us.

For those of you who are new to the Care Focus, if you are logged into the Global Care Room, you can see your green marker and the gold light points of others around the world in the Care Room at the same time. Realize that one gold light can represent a family, a group or an entire audience viewing the Care Room and doing the Care Focus together.

We will start by breathing love and genuine care in and out through our heart area to increase our heart coherence … Now let’s radiate heart energy to everyone participating in this Care Focus. Imagine our interconnectedness as a network of light, and see our collective heart energy being amplified through the network of light…

During the month of December, millions of people celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa and other holidays as a time for deeper spiritual connection and heartfelt sharing with others.

A most effective celebratory gift we could give to ourselves and the global community is our individual commitment to eliminate separation and prejudice from our consciousness. This has been written and said countless times all across the world, yet more than ever in our heart-of-hearts, we are sensing that it’s now time. Committing to eliminate separation and prejudice is a pivotal step towards creating peace and birthing a new consciousness frontier.

Also, emotional energy will become amplified through December as the planetary shift continues to accelerate. This can become an energetic asset or deficit, depending on how we manage our emotional response to people and situations. Consciously radiating heart frequencies, such as love, kindness, patience, gratitude, peace, ease, etc., helps to stabilize and balance our emotions, which reduces stress and raises the vibration of the energy field environment. During this month and in the Care Focus, let’s commit to sending these heart qualities into the planetary field environment and into our interactions with others. Let’s also remember to radiate the light of compassion to all those who are experiencing extreme hardships and challenges.

Care Focus: Stabilizing Emotional Energies
Let’s radiate the heart frequencies of love, kindness, gratitude, peace and ease into the planetary field environment. Experience these feelings genuinely within your own heart first, to increase the effectiveness. Visualize these heart frequencies helping to balance and stabilize emotional energies as well as raising the vibration of the planetary field… After you feel complete with this, radiate the light of compassion to people experiencing extreme hardships and challenges, or to global issues taking place, as your intuitive heart directs you.

After 15 minutes

You can continue to do this Care Focus in the Global Care Room after the full moon period. Remember to keep radiating these stabilizing heart frequencies into the planetary field environment and into your interactions with others throughout the month.

Thank you for your participation in this Care Focus.

The GCI Staff

* To join the GCI Care Focus in the Global Care Room, you can enter the room directly from Simply log-in with your e-mail and GCI password. Until the next synchronized Care Focus, it would be effective for the planet if we individually continue this Care Focus often in the Global Care Room.

Download the free The State of Ease e-booklet.

Global Coherence Initiative – 14700 West Park Ave – Boulder Creek, California 95006 – 831-706-2981

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coming soon: How to Radiate Your Psychic Energy to the World Using This Amazing Course on Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing at a Holiday Price!

Free Yourself, Review and Influence the Matrix

Mind Control Self Improvement Spiritual Control

Thanksgiving Message for the Sake of Love, Life, and Humanity

The only way that humanity can go forward, technologically, is to first go forward, spiritually.

The Thanksgiving “message from Oneness” by Gerald O’Donnell of the Academy of Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing expounds, expands and enhances upon very simple ideas which are extremely difficult for most people to conceive.

“How can we achieve ‘Oneness’ with God without conceiving it first?” By the same token, how can we achieve unconditional love without first conceiving it? How can we truly be thankful without first conceiving it?

Did you know that the first step towards ‘Oneness with God’ is to have love and respect for God’s Creation? Unfortunately, there are too many people who can’t conceive love and respect, period, much less for God’s Creation.

In his somewhat long-winded Thanksgiving Message, Gerald attempts to squeeze in a lot of concepts into a small space. A few are obfuscated (e.g. “One” is interchangeable with Christ). I’m somewhat opposite of that. I’m long winded too, but I try to deliver smaller, more digestible chunks of information. Of the concepts that Gerald delivers, I latched onto two in particular because they hit home with me; they struck a nerve.

The first is that humanity is spiritually “asleep,” therefore we allow our technology to work against nature rather than with nature. We allow our mother earth to literally be “raped” for her minerals with so many life-negative consequences. When our technology works against nature, this means it’s moving backward, not forward the way it should. I refer to technology that works against nature as “dark age” technology. Gerald expounds upon this concept.

The second is our Rasputin-like treatment of God. We go to houses of worship every sunday with our kids to learn how to pray and fear an omnipotent being, but no one is teaching us how to have unconditional love for God’s Creation. For example, in Catholicism, confessing our sins is stressed over love and respect of God’s Creation.

Drug Addiction

Something that Gerald does not mention is the prevalence of mainstream drug use in modern day society and the results on social mood and judgement. Neuroscientists at the University of California, Berkeley have recently found how neural activity in the frontal lobes of the brain regulates our choices – and how those choices are affected through addictive behaviors.

Rasputin would get his disciples addicted to certain drugs knowing full well their will-bending effects including the Family of Czars in his day. As you know, Charles Manson also performed drug rituals with his subjects whom he had commit murder. In a way, decadent society has taken care of that facet for today’s “priests” by allowing the recycling of drugs into drinking water from daily excrements with the illegal addition of fluoride by city officials because of its intended use as a drug.

Rasputin would also stress confession of sins – and most people are like Rasputin; they believe they NEED to sin (to be “human”), so they can find a priest to confess their sins, thus absolving themselves of being sinners. This is the equivalent of believing you NEED to have a car accident on a weekly basis, so you can visit a mechanic and an insurance agent on a weekly basis, thus absolving yourself of being a bad driver; it makes no sense – except to a person with impaired neural functions in their front lobes.

There was a famous question back in the 60’s and 70’s – especially among the pot smokers, but I still hear it today – probably from regular drug addicts: “If there is a God, why does He allow so much suffering in the world?” No holy scripture explains better why humanity needs to clean up its own act as he told Noah:

And the LORD smelled a sweet savour; and the LORD said in his heart, I will not again curse the ground any more for man’s sake; for the imagination of man’s heart is evil from his youth; neither will I again smite any more every thing living, as I have done. [Genesis 8:21]

As you see, we can’t invoke the Name of God without knowing Holy Scripture. You want God to hit the bad guys with a flood or a bolt of lightning? God said He won’t do it any more, so it’s up to us. First, we have to “wake up.”

The worst disasters that humanity has ever experienced are man-made – and they have not been accidents or misjudgements. The worst disasters have been acts of pure malice. Of course, there are natural disasters, but those are fleeting; it’s the way decadent authority sets up society like a stack of dominos which perpetuates those disasters. THAT is the problem.

Therefore, let’s examine the following message. Glean it. Skim it. Take whatever hits home with you and strikes a nerve. But first, please, get off the drugs and detox yourself and straighten up – or you’re just going to twist the meaning of everything here. Thanks. Healing Thoughts:

Mind Control Psychoenergetics Spiritual Control

Maharishi Effect vs. Hurricane Irene

At this moment, at the time of this writing, we need just under 8,400 people to focus their healing intentions towards the east coast of the U.S. according to the Maharishi Effect:

(sqr (world population x 1%))

The interface at Global Coherence Initiative allows everyone with access to a PC to focus their healing intentions on the most troubled areas of the world. Please join us in helping to dissipate Hurricane Irene – because those are mostly good people and wonderful places on the East Coast. Please help with only 10 or 20 minutes out of your day. Only a few hours remain before Irene hits. Only 8400 out of over six billion in this world are needed to affect real change:

GCI Care Focus
Hurricane Irene
All indications point to Hurricane Irene being extremely destructive to the Eastern Coast of the United States, including densely populated areas such as New York City and the East Cost of New Jersey. President Obama and the mayors of East Coast cities are ordering evacuations.In this Care Focus, let’s radiate our love and care to the entire region. Visualize the hurricane dissipating in strength and moving further out into the Atlantic Ocean, with less impact on potentially affected populations.Let’s sustain our vision for the highest best outcome and maintain our compassion and unconditional love for those involved and throughout any recovery process.
Through these emerging global stress events, it’s important to practice the caring maintenance of our own energy balance in relationship to these seemingly ongoing occurrences. When our emotions are exhausted and frayed, it compromises our personal system and diminishes the effectiveness of our intentions to be helpful. We compassionately realize it’s harder to prevent emotional drain at times when personally connected to these stressful events. Yet it’s worth taking time out on occasion to consciously breathe the feeling of calm and restoration into your system. Doing this from your genuine heart feelings restores emotional resilience, which is especially needed when giving energetic care and support to others who are experiencing a harder time. Use any restoration techniques that work for you. The important thing is: at least remember to do it. Self-care is an essential component in global care.To join us in the Global Care Room; you can enter the room directly from First time users of the Global Care Room need to SIGN UP—please use your Global Coherence Initiative password. Thank you for providing energetic care and support.In order for GCI members around the world to participate at a convenient time, we have 8 p.m., 4 a.m. and noon Pacific Standard Time ( -7 hours GMT ) when GCI members in the Global Care Room can do the Care Focus together. Of course you are welcome to participate at any time, day or night.Thank you for your participation,The GCI Staff

Thanks for your time, and Healing Thoughts,

Related Articles: Real Rain Making by Trevor Constable

News Alert: Breaking News: Irene downgraded to tropical storm
August 28, 2011 9:35:04 AM

The National Weather Service downgraded Irene to a tropical storm as the system made landfall over Coney Island in New York.

The storm is maintaining winds up to 65 mph.

Hurricane Irene has Dissipated to a Tropical Storm! Thanks to every one who participated!

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Mind Control Psychoenergetics Spiritual Control Spiritual Growth

Maharishi Effect: GCI August 2011 Full Moon Synchronized Care Focus

Around the world, Only around 9000 people out of six billion are need to precipitate REAL peace and prosperity on this planet. The vehicle we use for applying the Maharishi Effect is the GCI August 2011 Full Moon Synchronized Care Focus:

Welcome to the Global Coherence Initiative’s August 2011 full moon synchronized Care Focus. In order for GCI members around the world to participate at a convenient time, we have chosen 4 a.m., noon and 8 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time ( GMT/UTC minus 7 hours ) when GCI members in the Global Care Room can do the Care Focus together.* (The following website – – is a time conversion site for determining the exact time the Care Focus will take place in your Local Time Zone. Select time: 8 p.m. (date optional). Convert from: Location: U.S.A. – California – San Francisco. Convert to: Location: Select your Country/City.)Thank you for being with us.For those of you who are new to the Care Focus, if you are logged into the Global Care Room, you can see your green marker and the gold light points of others around the world in the Care Room at the same time. Realize that one gold light can represent a family, a group or an entire audience viewing the Care Room and doing the Care Focus together.

Let’s start by connecting with our own heart’s love, while breathing love and care in and out through our heart area to increase our heart coherence… Now let’s radiate our love and care to everyone participating in this Care Focus… Imagine our interconnectedness as a network of light, and see our love and care being amplified and uplifted by each other’s light.…

The sun unleashed a massive X-class solar flare on August 9th, the strongest yet in Solar Cycle 24, and scientists predict a wave of solar storms that could cause disruptions in satellite, telecommunications and electrical equipment. They can also cause excitability in people’s emotional and electrical (nervous) systems which can outplay in social, political and economic disruption. It’s very important that we intentionally maintain our emotional balance and increase our heart coherence at this time. By increasing our compassion for others and for ourselves, we remain more poised and positively affect the energetic field environment around us. As we discussed in last month’s full moon Care Focus, solar influxes on our planet provide us with an opportunity to use these energy influxes to create humanitarian advances.

For this full moon synchronized care focus, we will continue the current GCI Care Focus, synchronizing our energetic contributions and commitment to increasing heart coherence as we send our care and compassion to the humanitarian crisis in Somalia and East Africa.

We’ll do the following August full moon synchronized Care Focus together for fifteen minutes. It’s fine to stop sooner or continue longer if you choose. There will be music playing, or you can mute the music if you prefer.

Care Focus: Somalia and East Africa

Let’s send our heart focused care and compassion to the people suffering from famine in Somalia and other countries in Africa due to drought and civil war. While radiating compassion and care, let’s create a coherent heart-field environment to facilitate relief efforts and see food, water and medical supplies reaching the people in need.Now, send heart-focused care and compassion to your own emotional balance, then to people, issues and areas of the world in need of energetic stability, compassion and care. (After 15 minutes)

It would be effective for the planet if we individually continue to do this Care Focus often in the Global Care Room. Use your own heart discernment on how long and when you participate. Connect in the heart with all groups and individuals supporting the possibility and the opportunity for meeting personal and global changes with love, care and compassion.

Thank you for your participation in this Care Focus.

“Through these changing times, increasing numbers of people are approaching heart-based living as an employment of common sense and practical intelligence. The desire to expand our heart connection and become “who we truly are” is an accelerated momentum on the rise, not just as a trendy notion, but inspired from Universal Source and felt within the hearts of individuals. This new momentum will birth and unveil the transformational power of “we the people,” to progressively restore peace through heart-based living and compassionate care.” – Doc Childre
* To join the GCI Care Focus in the Global Care Room, you can enter the room directly from Simply log-in with your e-mail and GCI password. Until the next synchronized Care Focus, it would be effective for the planet if we individually continue this Care Focus often in the Global Care Room.Global Coherence Initiative – 14700 West Park Ave – Boulder Creek, California 95006 – 831-338-8500

There are those of you who may have trouble understanding or achieving the necessary state of consciousness to send heart felt healing to places around the world in the most need. Allow me to help you with that.

Jim McElwee at The Unexplainable Store provides us with an amazing brainwave entrainment that all of us can download at the cost of a few minutes (and a fast web connection). This brainwave entrainment is called Eternal Peace. It is 20 minutes long and a nice ride that takes you from Beta, through Alpha, Through Theta, Dips into Delta, then progresses back up to Beta.

It’s a wonderful tour of the brain frequency spectrum and should provide a feeling of eternal peace in your core level of existence. You can use this recording when you need peace in your life.

More importantly, the Eternal Peace mp3 helps you reach that altered state of consciousness that allows you to broadcast your heartfelt healing to others on the planet as well who need it the most.

BONUS: Brainwave Entrainment Video

As if the above gift wasn’t enough, Jim McElwee also gives us a brainwave entrainment video to download, Earth’s Beauty Video: This 10 minute visualization video was designed to bring the user to peaceful Alpha and Theta states while utilizing printed affirmations and visualization imagery for deep programming.

If you have trouble using Google Earth, like me, All you need to broadcast your care focused intentions to people most in need on this planet is Earth’s Beauty Video. What more could you ask for?

OK, I’ll admit it. You need a fast web connection and a little time. Most importantly, what goes around, comes around. The healing and care focus comes back to you, ten-fold.

Even if not for the people in Somalia, do it for the people in the most need who are closest to you, so they can have the health and well being to heal others.

Thank you for your considerate, healing intentions.

Healing Thoughts,

Randolph Fabian Directo

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