Psychoenergetics Self Improvement Spiritual Control

Care Focus – Somalia-East Africa Famine

I was sent this request by Global Coherence Initiative.

Unfortunately, I cannot use their “meditation room” because it uses Google Earth which only works in Windows. I am hoping that you can make to participate in sending your heart felt compassion to the people in Somalia. In the mean time, I make time to send heart felt compassion to every where I can make my influence felt.

As you might know, Somalian People are subject to their gov’t which is subject to what ever corporate regime happens to providing the highest payola to the Somalian Gov’t. In reality, technology is far enough along to green desert areas and make them fertile for agriculture, but an agrarian society puts too much power in the hands of Somalian Peoples.

In reality, the real problem is greed. Therefore, we have to pray just as much for the people of Psalms 73. Open a spiritual channel to their dark hearts, so they collapse under the error of their ways and bear the fruits of love and human compassion.

By the same token, the heart focused care and compassion you send out is reflected back to your in your personal realm:

Disciplinary Studies Mind Control Psychoenergetics Self Improvement Spiritual Control Spiritual Growth

Collective Consciousness and “Judgement Day”

Recent disastrous events and the foretold “judgement day” are subject to our collective consciousness. Decadent Human Society is the cause of the most heinous disasters on this planet. Please use this article to break out of the collective focus on dark themes and help bring real goodness into your life.

Gerald O’Donnell of the Academy of Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing has been in Israel for a few weeks. He goes there to meditate. I’m guessing the holy land is especially receptive to spiritual awakenings from God, or else why does he bother? I know other people who have traveled to the Holy Land to accomplish the same, so who am I to judge

On 1 May 2011, Gerald had yet another spiritual awakening when he was in Jerusalum. Then he turned around and put his spiritual awakening as well as he could in word language in his latest message to his subscribers: Message from the One and Only, Jerusalem, May 1, 2011..

Mind Control Psychoenergetics Spiritual Control

The Arguement for Your Paranormal Abilities

My first intention for using the training courses from Academy of Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing was to make a positive difference in my own life. Like anyone else, I wanted to take the most profitable path. Then I took the remote influencing course.

Now, I think about the rest of the planet. I’m thinking, “what good is success on a planet that’s going to hell?” As I write this, there’s hell happening in the Gulf of Mexico, Libya, nukes in Fukushima (which is spreading hell every where) and a lot of other places. Then I wonder to myself what everyone else around me is doing about it.

Considering that most people have their faces buried in their own lives with not much of a care for the rest of the world, I’m glad you’re here. Like me, I hope you crave a higher path to success. I hope that you crave heaven on earth or something similar. I hope that you want to take an active part in creating heaven on earth. Some of the richest people on this planet have achieved great success insofar as how they have helped the world around them.

Disciplinary Studies Mind Control Psychoenergetics Self Improvement Spiritual Control Spiritual Growth

A Musical Approach to Remote Influencing

p { margin-bottom: 0.08in; }h4 { margin-bottom: 0.08in; }a:link { }For those of you who have trouble conceiving a Universal Creator or a Universal Mind as the basis of order in the universe, think of a song. What is the origin of music? Where did humans first get the idea to make music?

Nature, of course. But there’s far more to nature than the tweeting of birds or how the wind plays through trees. A driving force within each of us allows us to make music out of those sounds; this is because WE are part of nature. WE are part of that flawless order.

Let’s examine ourselves from a slightly bigger perspective: What is our reality based upon? What is our reference frame for “consciousness” based upon?

Psychoenergetics Self Improvement Spiritual Control Spiritual Growth

How to Save the World with the Maharishi Effect

You have heard me mention the Maharishi Effect in previous posts. This effect takes places when the square root of 1% of the population focuses upon enlightenment and achieves inner peace – simultaneously. Allegedly, this action precipitates enlightenment and inner peace for the rest of the population – AND – it has worked in the past.

Even small prayer groups have significant effects on the spiritual attitude of a target such as the Society of Inner Light discussed at Holy Life, HealingMindN. Further discussion on the real life physical effects of prayer groups on a target are at Collective DNA Consciousness.

But how do we save entire regions of the world when a people need enlightenment and inner peace? The Maharishi Effect is the answer. As of this writing, world population is approximately 6,950,157,887. All we need for the Maharishi Effect to take place is 8,337 people; this is a miniscule number.

If you want to know when we should all get together to go for the Maharishi Effect, The Global Coherence Initiative provides exactly what we need: Times to gather and places in greatest need for us to focus. Here’s the latest newsletter from GCI:

Disciplinary Studies Psychoenergetics Spiritual Control

Remote Viewing (Precognition) of Princess Diana’s Tragic Death

Following Princess Diana’s tragic death in 1997, psychic ‘remote viewers’ received many requests to explain what had happened in the tunnel where Diana’s car had crashed while fleeing from paparazzi.

Incredibly, Diana’s astrologer (Penny Thorton) claimed to have had two ‘precognitive dreams’ in which she had seen scenes from the accident.

Skeptical? The astrologer’s insights were published in her book With Love from Diana: the Princess of Wales’ Personal Astrologer Shares Her First-Hand Account of Diana’s Turbulent Years – in 1995, two years before the accident!

[Not surprisingly, her warnings went unheeded by Diana. Her last words? “My God. What’s happened?”

Spencer, Lady Diana Frances, Princess of Wales (‘Princess Di’ ‘The People’s Princess’) (1961-1997) British princess, wife of Prince Charles [noted for her philanthropy and for her tragic death while fleeing from Parisian paparazzi] [Trivia: In 1972, shortly after the CIA began to experiment with remote viewing, a CIA psychic produced a picture of a suspicious site in Kazakhstan. Though satellite photos (incredibly) verified the report, “one group within the agency refused to look at the Semipalatinsk data, objecting to the unscientific methodology. Another group allowed that the data might be real but called the process ‘demonic.'” Other viewers produced remarkably accurate descriptions of Soviet weaponry.]

Disciplinary Studies Philosophy Self Improvement Spiritual Control

How to Practice Bravery, Courage, and Wisdom

A key moment in the life of legendary “Simpsons” writer George Meyer occurred at Fox one day when Matt Groening invited Meyer to have lunch with him and the artist R. Crumb, whose work Meyer loves. Crumb carries a sketchbook at all times, and he let Meyer look through it. ‘When I gave it back to him,’ Meyer said, ‘I thanked him for letting me see his stuff, and he said, with a really sheepish look on his face, “My life is an open book.” For some reason, that statement was like a trigger in my mind.’

Meyer spent an entire session with his psychologist during which he would dissolve into racking sobs every time he tried to say that sentence — a session he believes was the turning point in his therapy. ‘Up until that moment, I guess, my life had not been an open book, and I hadn’t had the courage to risk being myself, or to put myself out there in an unedited way. It was a very powerful experience. Now I can’t sob like that, even as a party trick.’

I hope this third and final installment on courage IS an open book to all who find it. WE, all of us, gain important personality facets through example and the impression those examples make in our minds. For example, there are real life heros who demonstrate bravery.

For lack of personal examples within our own lives, we look to celebrities, historical figures or even fictional characters to inspire our courage in the form of anecdotes. We are inspired by stories that resonate with us at a deep level.

In the following segment, Jim McElwee elaborates upon courage as a relative concept. As in the anecdote on George Meyer, he was emotionally engrossed about a “fear” that most others would consider inconsequential. All things relative, let’s “open the book” on bravery and courage:

PNI Self Improvement Spiritual Control

Face Your Fears Every Day like it’s Martin Luther King Day

From the time he assumed leadership of the Montgomery, Alabama, bus boycott in 1955 to his murder 13 years later, Martin Luther King, Jr faced hundreds of death threats. His home was bombed, with his wife and young children inside. He was hounded by J. Edgar Hoover’s FBI, which bugged his home and hotel rooms, circulated salacious gossip about him and even tried to induce him to commit suicide after he won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964.

The defining moment of his life came late one night during the bus boycott when he received a threatening telephone call: “Nigger,” the caller began, “we are tired of you and your mess now. And if you aren’t out of this town in three days, we’re going to blow your brains out and blow up your house.”

Shaken, King went to the kitchen to pray: “I could hear an inner voice saying to me, ‘Martin Luther, stand up for righteousness. Stand up for justice. Stand up for truth. And lo I will be with you, even until the end of the world…’

King, Martin Luther, Jr (1929-1968) American cleric, Nobel Prize recipient (Peace, 1964) [noted for his instrumental role in the civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s; for his eloquence and commitment to nonviolent tactics; for his leadership of many peaceful demonstrations (among them the 1963 March on Washington, at which he delivered his legendary “I have a dream” speech); and for his assassination in Memphis, Tennessee in 1964]

Disciplinary Studies Mind Control Psychoenergetics Self Improvement Spiritual Control Spiritual Growth

Cryptic Holiday Message on Remote Influencing

Enclosed is a recent message from Academy of Remote Viewing and Influencing Founder, Gerald O’Donnell; it’s not so easy to understand on the surface, but there is a gist that comes through: When we take advantage of our birth right as co-creators of our reality rather than allow others to control our reality, we’re happier, healthier, and in control of our own lives.

Hello Dear Friends,

First let me wish you a peaceful and joyful Holiday season.

Please do yourself one gigantic favor during the harbinger of a new year:  let go if only for 2 weeks of all that you remember about this difficult period we are all experiencing during this dark night of the totality of the Soul of Creation.

Only think of your Joyful and Loving Sourcing in Light, be it within your inner heart-core where Source resides, be it within the warmth of your family origin who has given you the gift of Life and brought you so much Love, be it with your warm Motherly womb in the musical Light symphony of nature, or be it with total strangers who are all here to carry your dreams to its ultimate manifestation on the wings of a brilliant Flight in which you have so courageously engaged for you know its ultimate reward.

Please try and stay totally present in the moment for 2 weeks and laugh, dance, embrace, and hug all the creatures that you can and especially yourself.

Remember that every day is a new Creation;  that you spirit rejoins its Higher consciousness each night and that you are in fact  reborn each morning when you Heavenly Divine spirit rejoins the biological  consciousness vehicle which after having rested and rejuvenated itself is awaiting for your return .  So please try and make each future day a new chapter, a new Creation,  which it is, and do not let the memory of past hurt and fears emotionally overstep the holy boundary of the morning.

This will prepare you to fully Create in your mind a new world , a new Creation, unencumbered by all the old patterns and feeling of hurtful anxiety.  You all need to fully engage in this Co-creative process and regain you Divine power of Remote Influencing Reality which you all carry within.

In the next week I will release two interview which do address this very important subject of the inescapable reality of our needing to finally regain and then retain control over what has sadly until now not really been our Creation.  We need to stop being manipulated puppets and become fully conscious and especially fully conscience-filled Real beings.

I know that most are suffering in these harsh economic times. The cry is silent but is felt throughout the world.  In the spirit of this awareness I am announcing a very special and unprecedented deep discount on our combination Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing Courses.

Try to take advantage of it while it lasts. The rewards/cost ratio is incredibly high.

Here is a link to this Holidays’ Special

I send you much Love and thank you again for your kind support and Love. We do need it at the Academy for much antagonism to our work has been manifesting lately. I will leave this for another communication.

May the One bless you and all of your loved ones.

Gerald O’Donnell


Academy of Remote Viewing and Influencing

As far as that “antagonism” mentioned by Gerald, I can only imagine what he means because I have taken on skeptics, atheists, the Amazing Randi challenge myself.

  • There are people in this world that argue human beings are nothing more than meatsacks and accidents in the universe, that there is no such thing as the soul, therefore, no such thing as true order or universal intelligence in the universe, etcetera…
  • Meanwhile, arguements from people like me claim that we are spiritual beings inextricably connected to physical bodies, that there is REAL purpose for each and everyone of us in this reality because we are all part of an ordered universe and a universal intelligence.

Which arguement do you choose?

I choose a greater reality for myself and the people around me. The reality I choose consists of life positive morals and ethics – as opposed to life negative realities that allow BP to poison the Gulf of Mexico, for example.

It’s really a choice between life positive and life negative realities that we’re making every day. When you choose to be the co-creator of your own reality, I hope you choose to be life positive.

As you observe, people with life negative realities work like locusts: They need each other to support each other’s life negative realities.

In fact, the universe is a life positive place – which is very big. Unfortunately, we’re trapped on a very small planet controlled by life negative people. This can be changed. We can remote influence this reality to be life positive with the correct training such as that provided by Gerald O’Donnell.

Gerald teaches us how to draw upon the life positive energies in the universe including that of our own planet to influence our reality. We are trained to draw upon and focus these energies anywhere we want including that which we can remote view.

For example, my mother recently suffered malignant otitis externa (MOE) due to negligence of life negative doctors; she was severely incapacitated, but I chose a reality where my mother would live and recover.

Life positive doctors worked on her and I applied healing energies of the universe to her almost every day. About a month later, she is almost herself again and independent, whereas, one of the ENT surgeons would have sworn that she would never make it out of the hospital.

According to the surgeons, her recovery was remarkable. Please understand: My mother is an elderly diabetic with a compromised immune system, yet she has recovered from MOE whereas most people don’t. This is the power of remote influencing.

You can do this too with the correct training. Please take advantage of Gerald’s special Holiday Offer.

Healing Thoughts, Happy Holidays,

Randolph Fabian Directo

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Academy Of Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing

Mind Control Spiritual Control

The Big Picture, Rhythms and Meditations for Self Improvement

The Big Picture, my latest album of rhythms and meditations is finally available on Amazon as a CD or mp3 download, and on Amazon’s Createspace.
The Big Picture
The main purpose of the album is to increase our concentration, creative focus, and mental acuity. The brainwave entrainment is in the storm which is in the background. The music and meditations is in the foreground and they’re all in sync together. Imagine a concert of street musicians in the city during a storm playing in sync to the thunder and background; it’s beautiful and strange at the same time, but that’s just my opinion.

Does it work for me? Of course it does. This is the self improvement tool I wish I had when I was going to school. Everyone can use it – especially kids. It works beyond expectations for me. I hope the reviewers will also be thrilled. Meanwhile, please see this expanded description that couldn’t fit at Amazon to Learn more about The Big Picture:

Psst, Hey? You wanna buzz? The Big Picture is your ticket. No need for negative side effects. No more need from caffeine and other false “pick-me-ups.” No more neuroleptic benders.

The Big Picture has everything you need to maintain concentration, increase your creative focus and encourage mental speed & acuity.

The latest, most effective neuroscience research in waking brainwave rhythms have been integrated into a city stormscape. The original music and spiritual meditations in the foreground are in sync with the storm. Imagine a bunch of wild and crazy street musicians giving concert in the middle of a city on a stormy day.

A storm is in the background this time as opposed to the previous HealingMindN
Brainwave Entrainments. Since there are about 2000 lightning storms on the planet at any given moment and we have neural activity similar to this geophysical phenomenon, we pay homage to the storm once again in “The Big Picture.”

Since this album of entrainments is oriented towards the waking state such as most mainstream music, it was a pleasure to include tunes synchronized with the storm that keep your toes tapping(1):

Thoughts into Action

Electro Rock-a-Billy World Fusion Storm increases your concentration and focus to help increase your academic performance or work productivity. “Thoughts into Action” is like an intense dose of caffeine without the harmful side effects.

Great for burning the midnite oil – The music is like interval exercise training with frantic rock-a-billy guitar taking turns with meditative heavy metal/electro-balkan fusions, so it helps you get your work done faster. In that sense, it’s also a perfect song for 20 minutes of intense exercise.

Design Beneath Disorder

New Age Trance Fusion Storm increases your creative focus for artwork, writing, reading, and brainstorming. 12 Hz high alpha rhythm session focuses the mind, but keeps you close enough to alpha to access higher states of creativity and intuition.

“Design Beneath Disorder” is true inspiration for your creative needs as choir, mantra, meditation and music all come together like an intense charismatic church service in the middle of a storm. The choir is central to “Design Beneath Disorder” with hypnotic world fusion beats and rhythms that further increase your creativity and intuition.

(On a side note: This song wrote itself. It’s a perfect song for brainstorming which is why I wanted to call this album “Brainstorm Trifecta;” that is until I finished my odyssey with “The Big Picture.”)

The Big Picture

Grand Funk-a-Fusion Acoustic Guitar Storm speeds up your brain, increases activity, and encourages brain growth. Listen during work time, play time, or rehab from sickness or injury.

“The Big Picture” tantalizes us with a world fusion of funkalicious medleys while the melodies are completely built upon one ubiquitous mantra. Strangely enough, thirty minutes goes by in very little time while listening to “The Big Picture.”

“The Big Picture” reflects neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity is a non-linear function of the brain, so we need a song to reflect that. In terms of “non-linear,” think of the beginning, middle, and end of a journey, then mix it up, but you still recognize the journey.

Recent studies indicate that waking rhythms increase neuroplasticity(2) which is a function of the brain that allows new neural pathways to take over functions from older or missing neural pathways due to disease or injury.

“The Big Picture” also has a surprise, funk slapping ending which you, hopefully, will make you happy. In that sense, it’s also a perfect song for lovemaking.


Q: What kind of brainwave entrainment technology is in The Big Picture?
A: Some low alpha with a majority of high alpha and beta rhythms using pulse modulation panning. The alpha rhythms are provided in the form of Schumann Resonances which are, in turn, based upon the Golden Ratio.

Q: Who are the musicians in The Big Picture?
A: Besides myself, I’m not sure. I produced this album by mashing up samples with my own recordings. I didn’t work with anyone else, personally, for this project, but it’s quite possible you are hearing a famous artist from years ago when they sold their studio licks.

Q: Why do you include meditations within these songs?
A: We are spiritual beings who are always meditating on things. Why not meditate on good things? The meditations are on positive concepts that enhance our performance which is further engrained in our minds by the brainwave entrainment. Think of the beatnik days in the 1950’s when the stage poets were accompanied by a mean bongo player, embellish that like you crave heaven on earth, then you get The Big Picture.

Q: How do we know “waking” brainwave entrainment rhythms are effective?
A: Clinical Studies at the Department of Psychology, Goldsmiths, University of London, Lewisham Way, New Cross, London and Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, the Program in Cognitive Science, and the Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute, University of California, Berkeley indicate that entrainment of waking rhythms in subjects increased neural activity and neural plasticity in varying brain regions using varying modes of stimulation.

Q: What should we listen to in this album for it to be effective?
A: You don’t have to focus on anything in this album; it works best when you listen to it passively. For this album to be most effective, simply play it in the background while you go about your normal daily focused activities – which is on YOUR work.

Turn the volume on your stereo system up just enough so you can hear the rain in the background. The rest comes naturally. A stereo system is best because there are a lot of panning effects. Repeat the entrainments that you need the most.

Use caution when operating dangerous equipment while listening because this album can induce a trance state, albeit a waking trance.

Q: Who influenced your work on this album?
A: Besides the obvious neuroscience researchers, here is a short list in alphabetical order: Yehuda Berg, Kate Bush, Gregg Braden, Michael Cretu, Bob Dylan, Amy Lee Haltzer, Michael Hedges, Lenny Kravitz, Preston Nichols, Greta Rose, and Samuel Sagan. The long list is on the CD Jewel Case.

Q: Given the strange influences, what esoteric technology is on this album?
A: Golden Ratios, Kundalini Activation, and a few methods discussed by Preston Nichols in the Music of Time. I’m sure there are people who will try to pick apart this project, but it’s not only the technology or the music or the entrainment. It’s about me, you, and how we do ’cause we’re all part of The Big Picture.

Q: You have discussed remote influencing at this site in detail. What kind of remote influencing is in The Big Picture?
A: Assuming there is remote influencing in The Big Picture, it’s about the same as any other rock and roll album. As I mentioned, Preston Nichols was a great influence on this album as he discussed some of the technologies he used as an audio engineer for famous groups like the Beach Boys in “Music of Time.” I would say that The Big Picture definitely contains my thought forms, but mainly for spiritual growth and healing.

The other influence would be Gerald O’Donnell’s ARVARI Course; that is, if The Big Picture DOES contain remote influencing.

In fact, neuroscience takes a regular part in the entertainment industry. The difference in The Big Picture is that it pushes us into the light so we feel fulfilled rather than darkness and emptiness offered by certain mainstream music. In essence, The Big Picture is an excellent substitute for death metal, thrash and all the other mind control garbage that’s out there. So Please, Treat your kids this Christmas to something that will really help them: Get The Big Picture.

Thanks for your time.

Healing Thoughts,

Randolph Fabian Directo

(1)”For neurons to work as a team, it helps to have a beat;” University of California, Berkeley.

(2)”Endogenous control of waking brain rhythms induces neuroplasticity in humans,” “Significant changes in brain plasticity observed following alpha brainwave training;” Ros T, Munneke MA, Ruge D, Gruzelier JH, Rothwell JC; Department of Psychology, Goldsmiths, University of London

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