Disciplinary Studies Mind Control Spiritual Control

Magic, Shaman Trance for sensing Spirits

At its core, a shaman is the oldest known type of conscious magical practitioner. In order to become a shaman, in days before consciousness was more thoroughly explored, a tribesman would have to undergo a near death transformation and return with messages from the other side of the veil as well as an ability to speak with the dead. (The trance state was/is traditionally accomplished in ancient cultures using hallucinogenic substances, smoke, and rhythmic drumming which represent the spirit world.)

As many ancient cultures revered their ancestors and even asked them for help and guidance, the Shaman would be used as a mediator between the spirits of the dead and the living. As time went on, cultures merged, and safer methods of developing a shaman consciousness were discovered. Let’s take a moment to discover what some shamanistic beliefs are, and how you can use these tools to help you every day.

Philosophy Spiritual Control Spiritual Growth

Love Outside Your Comfort Zone vs. the Comfort of Death?

Imagine the following: You are a single, thirty-something professional…and you discover you have a very serious, life-threatening case of leukemia even though you are symptom-free. The next day you meet the love of your life at a nightclub and begin a relationship, knowing you haven’t long to live.



At what point, do you think, are you obligated to share what’s going on with your health?



We posed this question to a few of our favorite spiritual luminaries:



“I don’t have any judgment on someone doing otherwise, but I would personally feel an ethical responsibility to disclose that information sooner rather than later.”
Marianne Williamson



“Immediately. A good relationship and a real, loving relationship is based in truth and integrity.”
Deepak Chopra



“Decadent doctors focused on death functions rather than the spirit of their patients are the real threat. Love is the real cure.”




This scenario describes the plot of Counting Backwards, Spiritual Cinema Circle’s feature film for Volume 1. In this film, career-driven Joe is diagnosed with terminal leukemia on the eve of his big promotion. He reevaluates everything. Now that his days are numbered, the questions that used to be so easy to avoid are impossible to ignore.



Joe commits to living the life he always wanted and begins a quirky relationship with Claire, the fun-loving girl of his dreams. This romance sets the stage for an imaginative, inspiring take on what life could be about if Joe were willing to fight for it.



Thanks to our friends at Spiritual Cinema Circle, you can receive Counting Backwards plus a very special in-depth interview with WAYNE DYER along with 3great short films for free* (you just pay small shipping fee). Start your free trial today!



To see the trailers of the films and get your FREE* DVD, click here!




Healing Thoughts, Happy Holidays,







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Self Improvement Spiritual Control

Healing with Compassion, Non-judgment and Tolerance

Ocean of Pearls



What will it take to change the world? First, we must begin by changing ourselves. For many of us, becoming a loving, passionate, giving human being is high on our list of what we value.

What if you could spend a few hours watching movies that would not only help you make sense of things but also make you feel better about being a human being?

Where you touched by films such as Gandhi, Rain Man, Pay It Forward, Philadelphia, Schindler’s List, Conversations with God or Forrest Gump?

These films taught us about compassion, non-judgment and tolerance, qualities most of us would agree are necessary to healing ourselves, and the planet. Well, I’m excited to tell you that our friends at Spiritual Cinema Circle have put together a collection of films that do exactly that.


In a rare interview, LOUISE HAY, reminds us that a successful life “boils down to choosing the thoughts you think and choosing the thoughts you want, and when you can be wise in both areas, you have perfect health because the body knows how to take care of itself.”

In the out-of-this-world transformational comedy, THE GIFT, we meet two beings from a distant world, who have journeyed back to earth with a mission: to help human beings learn how to reach maximum potential.

With religious conflict simmering around the world and misconceptions about faith fueling ignorance and intolerance, the feature film OCEAN OF PEARLS reminds us that regardless of the color of our skin or the god we worship, it’s essential that we retain our values, even when living in a culture that doesn’t necessarily embrace them.

You can receive all of these films for FREE by signing up for a free trial (you pay a small shipping fee) with Spiritual Cinema Circle, the only DVD service dedicated to movies about love and compassion.

To see the trailers of the films and get your FREE* DVD, click here!


Healing Thoughts,



*$4.95 US shipping fee applies, $7.95 international.


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Mind Control Psychoenergetics Spiritual Control

History of Paranormal Activity

Epilogue by the Creator of OceanScape, GhostShip: Altered States

About five years ago, I built a highly specialized EVP electronic voice phenomena noise generator and receiver featuring a diode circuit tuner. This device combined a basic diode circuit suggested by European Experimenters with a color noise generator. The voices and sound effects are put together from the noise spectrum offered by the generators.

This approach was first suggested by Dr. Alex Schneider who long worked with Dr. Raudive in Switzerland. The noise quality produced was very uniform and easy for the “voices” to use.

I was working with this device for a few months. In that time, I not only subjected myself to this color noise generator. I also found a way to wire myself into the circuit, so I was part of the receiver.

The premise of EVP and other paranormal activity is that “the spirits” are all around us constantly because they resonate with bioenergy given off by people. In turn, the human body is like an antenna that is tuned to many kinds of energy including spiritual energy. To complete this synergy, I found a way to make my body as part of the aerial going into this color generator, so the predominant spiritual energies could use me as a their “gateway.”

The only recording of intelligible human voices I could get was, “we need to be clear, we need fear…” over and over again that sounded a little like “the Borg” from Star Trek. The clicking, beeping sounds from the Woodpecker Grid were in the background. I had a feeling that I had tapped into a form of autosuggestive program rather than the spiritual plane.

Around November to December 2005, Dick Cheney was threatening the country with a terrorist attack. Around this time, for some reason, I was constantly catching myself looking at a clock when it read “9:11,” morning and evening, analog and digital. Then I felt myself sensing danger, constantly.

When a Tsunami hit Phuket, Thailand, on 26 December 2005, I figured that must have been the danger I was sensing. Then one month later, I learned that my only nephew had taken his own life.

Although I was sensing danger, it wasn’t enough to stop these tragedies from happening. If I remember, I was experimenting with that color noise generator that day I learned about my nephew, but I stopped that day.

That night, as I tried to sleep, I felt like I was “thrown” from my body three times in a row. The feeling was sudden and violent, as if I was hit by a train three times in a row. I cannot articulate this intense feeling exactly, but someone or “something” wanted me to know what it feels like to die, violently.

I recall a few times when I actually tried to “contact” my nephew with this device. I was not successful, but I did have the feeling that I had tapped into something dangerous with my invention, something artificial that should not be there.

I got rid of the device on eBay the following May and went back to the drawing board because I knew something had gone wrong when I began hearing voices without the device.

As a child

This was not my first encounter with “noise.” When I was about seven or eight years, I recall seeing a glowing “fish head” peaking at me through the window as I lay in bed; it was huge, much bigger than me, glowing with a pulsation like one of those luminescent cuttlefish. At the same time, I heard what might have been “white noise,” but it was also pulsating.

A few nights later, I remember as I layed in bed. I opened my eyes and all I could see and hear was “white noise.” The greyish background you see here is very similar to what I saw, but it was moving and pulsating like those old analog TVs between stations. I thought I was dying or was about to die.

Obviously, I didn’t, but more strange things happened after that… The information back then was limited and there was no one I trusted enough to tell them about what I was experiencing. A few decades later, I found a book by Trevor James Constable, The Cosmic Pulse of Life, where he includes infrared pictures of living plasmoid aeroforms. A number of the pictures look like that glowing “fish head.”

From there, I found more esoteric avenues of studying paranormal activity from the scientific perspective rather than the mystical snake oil that had been denoted to it by all of the skeptics around me.

It was when I left the conventional wisdom of academia when I discovered true pioneers in science who experienced paranormal activity like Nikola Tesla, Carl Jung, Dean Radin, Rupert Scheldrake, Gregg Braden, and William Tiller. Even the unconventional wisdom and experience of Albert Einstein in the paranormal was hidden until I decided to break away from conventional wisdom.

Now, I stand on the shoulders of many to give you a part of myself and my experience, a thought form which I call OceanScape, GhostShip: Altered States which is a floating point reference, color noise generator based in the golden ratio. Since the golden ratio is based in life and creation, the evil and death functions are filtered out. Please read the following articles on what this recording can do for you.

Human Evolution Uses Golden Ratio Neural PatternsHow to Increase Your Psychic Awareness of Spiritual and Paranormal Activity

Thanks for your time. Healing Thoughts, HealingMindN,


Philosophy Spiritual Control

Love, Passion & Giving at Spiritual Cinema Circle

What will it take to change the world? First, we must begin by changing ourselves. For many of us, becoming a loving, passionate, giving human being is high on our list of what we value.

What if you could spend a few hours watching movies that would not only help you make sense of things but also make you feel better about being a human being?

Where you touched by films such as Gandhi, Rain Man, Pay It Forward, Philadelphia, Schindler’s List, Conversations with God or Forrest Gump?

These films taught us about compassion, non-judgment and tolerance, qualities most of us would agree are necessary to healing ourselves, and the planet. Well, I’m excited to tell you that our friends at Spiritual Cinema Circle have put together a collection of films that do exactly that.


In a rare interview, LOUISE HAY, reminds us that a successful life “boils down to choosing the thoughts you think and choosing the thoughts you want, and when you can be wise in both areas, you have perfect health because the body knows how to take care of itself.”

In the out-of-this-world transformational comedy, THE GIFT, we meet two beings from a distant world, who have journeyed back to earth with a mission: to help human beings learn how to reach maximum potential.

With religious conflict simmering around the world and misconceptions about faith fueling ignorance and intolerance, the feature film OCEAN OF PEARLS reminds us that regardless of the color of our skin or the god we worship, it’s essential that we retain our values, even when living in a culture that doesn’t necessarily embrace them.

You can receive all of these films for FREE by signing up for a free trial (you pay a small shipping fee) with Spiritual Cinema Circle, the only DVD service dedicated to movies about love and compassion.

To see the trailers of the films and get your FREE* DVD, click here!


*$4.95 US shipping fee applies, $7.95 international.



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Mind Control Self Improvement Spiritual Control

Teen Suicide Intervention: Recognizing the Signs

On 31 August 2009, I attended a “teen mental health” meeting lead by local faith groups. Six religious leaders took the stage wherein they offered their opinions on what may lead to teen suicide and how to prevent it.

The premise of the event was to “add the unique gifts of spiritual traditions and communities as sources of strength and guidance in service to the whole community.” The premise within my going there was for further insight into my nephew’s passing a few years ago.

Of all the people who spoke, the one who rang clearest was the one parent who lost his child to suicide. That’s right. Only one parent out of all the parents who lost their children to suicide in this community spoke at this meeting. This meeting took place exactly because there was an alarming number of teen suicides happening in the community.

This one parent wished that there was a teenage panel at this meeting, so he could hear exactly what’s on their minds. Out of 300+ people who attended this meeting only three teenagers attended; none of them spoke at this meeting. The rest were politicians, police officials, parents, religious leaders, and school officials. I’m not sure if anyone else in the audience lost kids. Only one would admit it.

This one parent also said, “..I don’t know how we could have recognized anything… nothing can be done about it…” Here’s a short mp3 audio of his saying this (please excuse the quality).

My only nephew would have been 23 this year. The signs were there, but I didn’t recognize them. Had I or my family recognized them, we might have prevented it. I hope that the experience that I share with you here will help you recognize and do something about it, whether you are a teen or an adult. For my nephew, the signs were there in the form of signs or patterns and symbols.

You may not notice all the subtle signs that I provide here within your loved ones who are at risk. If you see one pattern or symbol and if you’re sensitive enough, your intuition should alarm you to give you that gut feeling that something is wrong, so you could quite possibly save a life.

The information here is non-linear because I only kept mental notes.


Of the times I was with my nephew, I noticed certain shifts in his mood, behavior, and social habits in high school – especially after 9/11/2001.

He was a special needs kind of person because he had a hard birth. The high school counselor put him on zoloft in his freshman year. (At the time, there was no talk of anti-depressants causing feelings of suicide in teenagers). He was not always the best student, but of all his school activities, he was best at wrestling, so I encouraged him and showed him a few joint locks to give him the advantage.

Unfortunately, that didn’t last. For some reason, he dropped this activity where he completely excelled. He told me that he lost interest in what was once his favourite activity.

I recall helping him land a job that he wanted in his senior year. That lasted only a few days. He had fainted on the job because he was malnourished, then he decided not to return. I think he said he lost interest. His reasons never completely made sense.

Around his sophomore or junior year, he picked up an after school activity in studio pipeline; this lasted for six months. He even got certified with CEUs. The problem that I saw in this was the kids with whom he had to associate. According to my nephew, they were all doing drugs, recreational and prescription. (My nephew was a habitual truth teller, but he would also hide certain things.)

I recall specifically from that 31 August 2009 meeting how the moderator put the question to this panel of “experts,” “How do we address the over prescription of drugs, both legal and illegal?” Not one of those “religious leaders” would answer that question; they all strayed to another subject. More on this later.

I should also mention that my nephew was a gullible, vulnerable person. Because he was a special needs type of student, the high school put him in a remedial class. The problem with this, was that the high school was mixing special needs kids with sociopathic kids, namely burnouts. My nephew was a very innocent person until he was put in the mix with burnouts.

Burnouts are smart. In my opinion, they don’t belong in remedial class with special needs kids, but that was the school system. The problem is that sociopathes have ill will towards their fellow human beings and recognize who is vulnerable like wolves among sheep to take advantage of them. This is what happened to my nephew.

Burnouts were leeching my nephew for favors. They pretended to be his friends because my nephew lived in a nice house and he owned nice things. Of course, I asked my nephew what kind of influence these kids were having on him because he told me beforehand that some of them do drugs. He told me, “don’t worry – there’s nothing to worry about…” He believed he didn’t merit any kind of worry.

His social circle were mostly emotionally troubled kids from broken homes; they were nothing like my nephew, but they would gather at his house.

One older kid in particular latched onto my nephew in his senior year and first year of college; this was a burnout in his early 20’s. Whereas most young men his age would have been consumed with getting their degree, jobs, relationships and generally getting their lives together, this twenty something burnout took every opportunity to hang out with my nephew and other high school kids. I learned later that this older kid had a police record. To me, this screamed trouble in every conceivable way.

At this point, I hear you screaming, “what about his parents? Why did they allow that to continue?” Those are good questions. I could write an encyclopedia about his parents, but that meeting of 31 August 2009 pretty much summed up what I saw in my nephew’s parents. I’ll get back to this later.

Before this negative social circle formed around my nephew I had noticed two things: He had an obsession with catastrophe and he wasn’t afraid of getting hurt. Because he fell a lot when he was a child (mainly off his bike and out of trees), he had grown tolerant of pain and getting hurt as a teen.

There might be guys out there who say, “well, he was being manly.” To me, this indicated that he was willing to hurt himself with the false notion that he was indestructable. He told me more than once that he stuck a wire in a power circuit when he was much younger, but he didn’t get hurt. I begged him more than once not to play dangerous games.

For some reason, he was interested in the WWII holocaust of Nazi Germany. He told me it was a class project. One time, he had me drive him to the public library and he checked out ten books on the subject; this from a special needs kid with a learning disability. I wasn’t sure what to think because he called it “a class project.”

The events of 9/11/01 were more of a secret obsession with him. Whenever he knew of a replay on TV he would always tune in. When I was with him at the store he wanted to spend time on magazines devoted to 9/11/01.

I’m not sure if the 24 December 2004 tsunami in Phuket, Thailand obsessed him as much. I didn’t spend much time with my nephew in his last few months because he had a girl living with him.

My nephew had a few girlfriends, but they were always from broken homes. There was one who he assumed got pregnant; she never proved the baby was his, but he paid for her abortion. The last girl was extremely emotionally disturbed from a broken home. For some reason, my nephew’s parents allowed this girl to stay under the same roof with them.

It was a month after that tsunami in Thailand when I lost my nephew. Later, I discovered that this girl living with him had an obsession with death and that she was a drug addict.


Symbols are much more difficult to recognize than patterns. Symbols are like subliminal messages that we only notice subconsciously. Dream symbols have hidden or overt messages. Waking symbols are not that different.

If you have read the articles at my site on esoteric subjects including the Holographic Paradigm and Nature’s Mind: The Quantum Hologram, then you know that I ascribe to the philosophy that all things happen to us because we bring it into our lives; nothing happens by accident.

Signs in the form of symbols based in the patterns of our lives always enlighten us; for example, a forewarning of danger.

The works of Dean Radin and Stewart Swerdlow had proven to me that nothing in nature is truly random; we bring events into our lives according to our mind patterns and behavior patterns. We recognize symbols for these events through our intuition.

For me, the symbol was 9:11. I kept seeing this symbol when I would turn to look at digital clocks, receipts, and other places where I never before noticed this symbol; this happened for weeks in November and December 2004. The problem was my interpretation of the symbol.

Around this time, VP Dick Cheney was threatening the American Republic with a terrorist attack which never happened. I figured that 9:11 symbol was associated with Cheney’s threats. Then when the Tsunami hit Thailand, I figured that 9:11 was somehow associated with that event.

There were other signs and artifacts even stranger than this. 9:11 was the most significant. My subconscious was latching on to this number to try and warn me, but I allowed myself to be distracted so much, that I couldn’t interpret the sign correctly.

If I was properly trained in technical remote viewing back then, perhaps I could have properly interpreted the sign. Since my nephew had this secretive obsession with the events of 9/11/01, my subconscious latched onto that number to use it as a warning beacon.

If you have a loved one in danger who has a secret obsession with something life negative, then your subconscious has also latched onto a symbol representing that obsession to provide you with a warning beacon. You must trust your intuition and act before it’s too late.

False Sense of Security

I remember how I lulled myself into a false sense of security. For instance, I tried to convince myself that the school counselor was doing the right thing by prescribing zoloft. Zoloft was a gateway drug for my nephew. After that, everything went downhill.

The last time I spoke with my nephew was over the phone in January 2005. He told me that he was seeing a family physician, that he had just gotten a prescription (immetrex) for his headaches. How wrong I was to think that mainstream medical doctors are interested in looking for signs of trouble in my nephew or any teenager for that matter?

A few weeks later, I got the call. A few months later, I learned that my nephew’s blood was loaded with narcotics, prescribed and recreational. Evidence showed that he may have been a victim of the “choking game” which is usually taught by sociopathic kids to their gullible, younger victims (to get high).

Not only have anti-depressants been implicated, but the drug companies admit that they may cause feelings of suicide in teenagers. My nephew was already too vulnerable. Zoloft was mandated for my nephew. Remedial class spiked with sociopathic kids was mandated for my nephew. How wrong was I to delude myself into thinking that school officials somehow had my nephew’s best interest at heart?

After Thoughts

As for that meeting of 31 August 2009, I could tell that none of these “religious leaders” were prepared to deal with the hurt or the rage from a teen who’s been jaded to the point of suicide. They were not prepared to answer that question on drugs, therefore, they were not prepared to deal with reality. Actually, I and a few others had asked that question:

“How do we address the over prescription of drugs in our community, both legal and illegal?”

Religious leaders, politicians, school officials, parents are not prepared to deal with reality when they avoid those important questions. Their own reality, carefully balanced upon thin ice would come crashing down if they had to face the inconvenient truths that their teenage children have to face every day:

School Mandated Narcotics; School Mandated Vaccinations; Ridiculous piles of homework that leave kids feeling numb, so they end up learning nothing; Lack of sleep from doing homework; Huge doses of caffeine or some other stimulant; Peer Pressure; Sociopathic Behaviors; Threats and Bullying from teachers and other kids; Drug Dealing; Crackheads; Military Recruiters.

These are just a few pressures that teenagers must face in our decadent society. Am I getting through to you yet? No? Then let me dig a little deeper.

Kids take drugs, play the choking game, and walk in front of trains to deaden reality because they see how much the adults around them deaden reality.

I had to fight to remember that this audience of 300+ people were once kids. They were raised to avoid the inconvenient truth upon which the fabric of their reality is built. The fabric of the reality of those religious leaders was obviously based on drugs.

Kids think it’s OK to take every kind of drug because decadent drug commercials and doctors and school officials and politicians and parents tell them it’s OK. Kids don’t know and don’t care about how much or what kind is good or bad for them when they want to deaden reality – same as the adults around them.

All it takes is one powerful drug to serve as a gateway drug, then it’s a slippery slope of lies and deceit leading to a path of destruction – from them and you. Can we expect our religious leaders to teach us the morals and ethics of drugs? Obviously not.

For your convenience, I have that drug question with responses as from the Q&A session (approx. 4.5 minutes) here for you in MP3 format. Once again, please excuse the audio quality. If you would like the rest of the meeting published, please let me know at this blog.

If you get the ARVARI Remote Viewing Course, you may be able to better interpret the signs rather than allow yourself to be deluded by distractions and false sense of security. I promise to use my knowledge in RV to intercede in curtailing every potentially hazardous situation that threatens my loved ones. I hope you do too.

Healing Thoughts, HealingMindN,

Randolph Fabian Directo

P.S. Why didn’t I raise my voice and kick up dust at this meeting? Because I did not expect to hear so much applause and laughter around so serious a subject. I did not expect to hear so much chatter as if I was at a night club. If I didn’t know that I was at a “mental health meeting for teens,” I would have sworn that I was at a show in Las Vegas.

The social mood of this meeting was very nervous. They applauded and laughed to make themselves feel better; this made me feel very uncomfortable because they didn’t want to deal with inconvenient truths. The more time they took with laughter and applause, the less time they had to deal with the truth. These people would not have been receptive to me. I didn’t feel like playing devil’s advocate.

In fact, I don’t know who is interested in this article. I don’t expect laughter or applause for this work. I expect you to be sensitive to your loved ones and to act on your intuition.

I hope that by helping you uncover inconvenient truths and recognize the signs that you will save your loved one who may be in danger of deadening reality.

Did I suggest professional intervention for my nephew? Yes. Did it happen? No.

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Philosophy Self Improvement Spiritual Control

Inspirational Secret to Spiritual Liberation

Ever wonder if the inspirational leaders you admire actually walk their talk? The new documentary, Spiritual Liberation, follows a day in the life of Michael Beckwith — featured in The Secret — and shows us how he lives his own evolutionary teachings every moment.

“The role of a spiritual teacher is to consistently point to the limitless possibilities available to us,” says Dr. Beckwith, frequent guest on The Oprah Winfrey Show, and the founder and spiritual director of the Agape International Spiritual Center in Los Angeles.

“People want to know about their purpose, why are they here on the planet? It’s the question that won’t go away, because the answer reveals that we are here to wake up, to discover our true nature — our gifts, talents and capacities — and to express them. That’s why we’re here.”

Now for a limited time only you can receive Spiritual Liberation plus 3 additional films FREE* when you sign up for a trial membership of Spiritual Cinema Circle.

Spiritual Cinema Circle is a truly transformative monthly DVD club. Each month you’ll receive 4 extraordinary, inspiring films from independent filmmakers — movies you won’t find at your local cinema-plex — delivered to your home. The DVDs are yours to keep.

  • Try the first month for FREE* and then pay just $21 (the price of 2 movie tickets) monthly!

  • NO RISK — Keep the movies and cancel your membership at any time

  • EXCLUSIVE — Get the filmmakers’ perspectives during engaging discussions with Stephen Simon (director and producer of Academy Award-winning What Dreams May Come)

  • BONUS feature — Each volume includes inspirational interviews with Louise Hay, Jack Canfield, Neale Donald Walsch and other revolutionary thinkers, only available to club members

Start your FREE trial today!

*$4.95 US shipping fee applies, $7.95 international.

Healing Thoughts, Randolph

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Philosophy Self Improvement Spiritual Control

Inspirational Movies for Spiritual Growth

Inspiration + Entertainment = Spiritual Cinema Circle

Spiritual Cinema Circle


Inspirational movies brought home to you!

Enjoy inspirational films and connect with loved ones…First DVD ABSOLUTELY FREE

These tough economic times remind us of the importance of family and friends. Bring your loved ones together with Spiritual Cinema Circle’s positive, uplifting films and inspire conversations about what really matters. Spiritual Cinema Circle, a truly transformative monthly DVD club, brings you extraordinary films — that you won’t find at your local cinema-plex. Each month you’ll receive 4 extraordinary films from independent filmmakers each month, yours to keep.

  • Try the first month for FREE* and then pay just $21 (the price of 2 movie tickets) monthly!
  • NO RISK — Keep the movies and cancel your membership at any time
  • EXCLUSIVE — Get the filmmakers’ perspectives during engaging discussions with Stephen Simon (director and producer of Academy Award-winning What Dreams May Come)
  • BONUS feature — Enjoy inspirational interviews with Louise Hay, Jack Canfield, Neale Donald Walsch and other thought-leaders, only available to club members

Start My Free TrialNow Playing:
Red Like the Sky
Based on a true story, this Italian feature film set in the 1970s, is about a young boy who loses his eyesight. He struggles with his new situation until discovering a way to express his irrepressible creativity. This film reminds us to believe in ourselves above all else.

Plus three thought-provoking short films – X to Y, Change for a Dollar & Army of Happiness

Start your free trial* now!

*You can cancel your membership at any time and the DVDs are yours to keep.

Start My Free Trial

*Shipping and handling fees apply to Free Trial.
Membership is just $21 + S&H per month.



Spiritual Cinema, Inc.

833 W. South Boulder Rd.
Louisville, CO 80027

Copyright ©2009 Spiritual Cinema Circle, A Gaiam Company

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Disciplinary Studies Mind Control Self Improvement Spiritual Control

Defeat Self Sabotage, part 4: Love of Spirit

This may be a simple concept, but there are too many people in this world who are not practicing love of spirit. Who is teaching us to experience love of spirit? Do we even know what “love of spirit” means?

Let’s explore this concept on how to feel love of spirit. I believe this is a key concept of eliminating and preventing self sabotage in rich and poor, young and old. Why? Let’s break down the concept, so we can understand “love of spirit” first.

Allow me to set some standards here, so everyone sees eye to eye on these concepts.


Love is a feeling of warm, personal attachement or deep affection as for a friend, parent, or offspring. We can have a strong or passionate affection for a person of the opposite sex which can include sexual passion, desire, and gratification. A strong predilection or liking for anything.

In essence, we expand towards that which please and gratify us with feelings of love. In contrast, we contract away from that which displease us with feelings of fear.

Spiritually, we have the benevolent affection of God for His Creatures or the reverent Affection of God due to them. Since we have mutual love of spirit in this world, let’s examine “spirit.”


“Spirit” is believed to be the non-corporeal principle of conscious life in the vital principle in humans. I have mentioned a number of times that we are actually spiritual beings intimately connected to physical bodies.

The spirit or soul is also our channel to higher dimensions in the universe. I will cover this principle in a moment. Right now, let’s explore a few origins of the concept of “spirit.”

The Breath The Mind and The Spirit

The opening verses of Genesis reveal the way the macrocosm was made:

“In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters…” [Gen. 1:1-2]

The word for “spirit” for the ancient Hebrews (and for the Greeks and Romans) was the same as for “breath.” What is meant by the words “And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters” is that the breath of God caused visible ripples upon the dark mirror surface of the waters of chaos: Form from Formlessness.

The breath of Spirit that shaped chaos into the archetypal pattern of the world was not exhaled silently, but was articulated by Divine Will.

The concept of “speaking one’s mind” is equivalent to “sharing one’s spirit” in many languages such as the French “l’esprit” which means mind as well as spirit.

Now, recall this verse:

“So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.” [Genesis 1:27]

You know what this means?

Since we’re in His Own Image, then what works for God must also work for us too: We shape our own realities according to how we think and what we say.

“Oh, we’re back to law of attraction,” you might say. Actually, our reality goes deeper than that. The law of attraction is a fringe benefit of our larger reality which is spiritual.

The law of attraction is nothing without the breath the mind and the spirit that wields it. The law of attraction is nothing but evil and darkness without the love and goodness of spirit that wields it.

Therefore, “Love of Spirit” is more than just self love, more than the love of others. Love of spirit is the passion and appreciation for the pure potential to create form from formlessness, to obtain gratification by shaping your own reality.

Because you are made in God’s Own Image, you can shape your own reality; this is God’s Gift to you. By shaping your reality based in love, you mutually gratify God’s Love.


This concept is basically the same as being lovers with someone. We want to be with someone who is conducive to our reality and our enhances our reality, therefore, we have expectations.

Lovers mutually feed each other’s reality, thus, they make a greater reality for each other; for this reason, the whole becomes greater than the sum of the parts between life partners.

If a partner fails to fulfill expectations, then we don’t want that partner. This usually happens in arranged marriages and marriages of convenience. In fact, very few people bother getting to know the social circle of their partners. This is especially true of males failing to understand the female social circles that define them.

A social circle is basically a shared spirit. A social circle can be family, friends, or even co-workers with whom you are very close. Each person in your partner’s social circle represents a spiritual facet of your partner.

Whenever you meet one of your lover’s friends, that’s a piece of your lover right there; that friend is an extension of your lover’s spirit. No, this doesn’t mean you’re going to seek gratification from the friend as well as your lover.

What this means is that you pay every bit of respect and homage to that friend because that’s a person representing your lover’s spirit. You want to know each person in your lover’s social circle because they each represent a facet of your lover, some of which you may not be aware until you explore.


The same concept applies to your lover’s passion. We all have a passion. In the context of this article, I’m referring to passion based in feelings of love and goodness – which is usually productive in some way.

This can include their line of work, their hobbies, their favourite past time. You want to make things easier, more exciting, more passionate and enlightening for your partner.

You want to feed your partner’s passion. You want to fan the flames of their passion to enhance and inspire your lover’s reality. Of course, this is a two way street. When it’s only “one way” it quickly becomes “no way.” That’s why lovers are people who are conducive to each other’s reality, so they can support each other’s passion.


Like God, your partner is there to feed your reality, to love your spirit in every way, shape, and form. When the love is spiritual, the love is mutual, then the passion grows. This is like faithful Love of God; there is mutual benevolence and reverence between lovers because they have great respect of each other’s spirit.

We are all individual aspects of God (according to the holographic paradigm). When you can see God in your lover, this is the greatest form of respect.

I’m not talking about seeing priests, cardinals, bishops, the pope, or your minister in your lover. I’m talking about worshipping God through your lover through mutual benevolence and reverence.


Lovers are greater together – even when they’re physically apart. Through mutual gratification, they inspire each other. Lovers represent each others spirit. Your lover is the strongest part of your social circle. Because of this your lover (should) represent the strongest part of your spirit as you do the same.

In doing this, you provide each other inner strength, stamina, creativity, enlightenment, greater health, wealth, well being, peace, happiness, and freedom, eternal and unconditional. You have all of these things because your lover’s spirit lives inside of you. Because of these things, your reality is greater, enhanced, and inspired to even more greatness.

Love Yourself, First

At this point, you might be wondering, “what does any of this have to do with me? I don’t have a lover. I’m too busy being a self defeatist.”

Obviously, before you can experience love with others, you have to experience love of yourself. How do you do that? You already know how to do that.

You do it by feeding yourself. For example, the first act of love by a mother to her child is feeding him. Return to the basics: Feed your Spirit.

Maybe you already do that through art like music or dancing. When you feed your passion, you love your spirit. And your spirit likes varieties of love, not just a few hours a day, but all the time.

A problem arises when we get into activities that supress and sedate our spirit; this is akin to supressing and sedating our passion. This can happen a number of ways, especially when a person is raised with beliefs based in fear – then there’s tension going hand in hand with sedation and supression.

Assuming you want to get rid of all the negative feelings that are supressing you, this means you should forgive yourself, but above all, you need to feed yourself.


Here’s one forgiveness exercise from Holy Life, HealingMindN, “Releasing and Forgiveness – Spiritual Clarity:”

Visualize a white balloon. Instead of air, fill it with all people, places, things, or events that trouble you from past or present situations, including your fears of the future. Bless each as you put it into the balloon watching the balloon inflate as if filling it with air. After all conscious negativity is out of your mind and into the balloon, tie it off with a brown string. Hold onto the brown string feeling the tension in it. This tension represents the conflict of your wanting to let go yet your unwillingness to do so. Next, visualize and feel yourself letting go of the balloon. Watch it float off into the sky until it disappears. Empower the vision with this thought: I forgive and release all negativity from my mind. They are gone forever and I cannot take them back. Know that God takes care of and purges these burdens for you.

This is one type of meditation/visualisation that you can do to help lift those barriers that are holding you back. You can also revisit part 2 of this series of emotional freedom techniques.

If you’ve already done EFT and you’ve forgiven yourself, then you want to keep feeding your spirit with love constantly. This is more of a lifestyle rather than a meditation or a spiritual exercise. Rather than simply know the laws of living life, you want to live it. This begins with the way you speak to yourself and with others.

Speak Your Reality

What do you talk about during the day? What’s usually on your mind? What is your passion?

This is your reality.

You shape your reality constantly according to your communications, your mind pattern, and your passion. If you are a self defeatist in any way, this means that your lifestyle is somehow perpetuating self defeat.

What I’m saying is that you are perpetuating a model of living that was impressed upon you. If it’s a self defeating attitude, then this is not what you want.

There are people in war torn countries living in drought and famine who have never given up on their own lives, yet there are people in “civilised” society who have a roof over their heads and full stomachs, yet, somehow, their hearts have been emptied and their spirits have been broken to the point where they want to take their own lives.

How does this happen?

It’s the way we speak our reality. When we speak our minds about what we feel is reality, we create our reality. We speak our reality according to the way we’re raised.

When we’re young impressionable children, others speak our reality for us. For example, when parents, teachers, and peers praise kids for a job well done or their potential for doing a job well done, that becomes the child’s reality. The child feels love, thinks in terms of goodness, and begins the journey to fulfilling his passion.

The opposite is true when children are cursed by parents teachers and peers. School mandated neuroleptics and anti-depressants are an even worse curse when children are blamed for not having a proper attention span in a hyperactive, sugar coated, mercury laced society based in fear, but I digress.

The point I want to drive home is that being self defeatist is not your fault, but it is your responsibility to remove this frailty that’s been impressed upon you. Why? Because noone else is going to do it.

Unrequited Love

If you are a self defeatist, then your spirit is suffering from unrequited love. When we’re raised in a culture based in fear and hatred, then your passion (based in love) has been supressed.

Fortunately, although you may have been raised to disregard the spirit, your spirit has always been there for you. Your spirit drives you and inspires you to want more out of life. Your spirit is a connection to the spirits of those around you. Your spirit is also a connection to higher dimensions. Altogether, your spirit is a connection to God.

God wants us to be great; this is God’s Will [Mark 11:23-25]. We are each individual aspects of God. When we disregard our spirits, we disregard God.

God loves Us when We love God. Let’s return to the lover’s analogy for a moment:

Can you imagine having a secret admirer? What if you knew that this secret admirer could do amazing things for you? What if you knew this secret admirer could enlighten you and inspire you to enhance your life and help you in ways you never thought possible? Would you be interested in allowing this secret admirer into your life?

Of course, you want to be safe and in control. You may feel that you don’t really know this secret admirer, but this secret admirer sends you love letters in your dreams. How can you possibly avoid a secret admirer who talks about fulfilling your secret passions in your dreams? You don’t.

You find a way to fulfill your dreams because this is what your spirit wants. This is what God Wants.

Your Spirit is a High Achiever

Did you know that your spirit is an athlete, an artist, and a scientist all in one?

Well, it is. Your spirit wants to keep pushing to be faster, stronger, more powerful, more precise, more creative, more resourceful, and smarter. A spirit based in love wants it all with a “reach for the stars” kind of gusto. A spirit in love is extremely ambitious.

As in any love relationship, you should provide your spirit exotic, exciting ways to fulfill those dreams, desires, and ambitions. Beyond fulfilling earthly desires, your spirit wants to build its own business, build its own bank account, and go on its own vacations.

When you’re in love, and I mean really in love, your spirit wants the equivalent of getting into a Ferrari and driving full speed down the Audabon, then have that Ferrari turn into a flying saucer and launch into space at the speed of light.

What? You never had any weird dreams? Of course you did. That’s because your spirit loves crazy psychic experiences and paranormal phenomena. That’s your spirit’s passion; that’s how your spirit flexes its muscles.

Do you want to love your spirit? Yes? Then feed your spirit’s passion. This means going down those roads less traveled. Like a secret lover, no one has to know how you’re fulfilling her or him. You only have to know that you have mutual love and respect in a loving relationship – with your spirit.

When you give your spirit psychic exercises, say like remote viewing exercises, you’re giving your spirit an exciting workout. Do you know what atrophy is? That’s what happens to any part of you that you don’t exercise; it becomes weak, flabby, and neglected.

When you exercise parts of yourself that haven’t exercised in a while, it’s difficult at first. That’s why we always start with small weights and jog as far as we can, then we keep building up. We keep looking for positive feedback, no matter how small (or big).

The same applies to psychic exercises like remote viewing and remote influencing; it’s difficult at first, so you start small and work your way up. You have a constant source of counseling like a personal trainer when you use the ARVARI Course. You take baby steps as you observe that positive feedback keep growing.

Your spirit becomes faster, stronger, more alert, more precise, more aware of the universe in ways that you may have never imagined until you tap into those higher dimensions using remote viewing. Your spirit returns the favour with excitement, inspiration, and revelation.

Most importantly, there is no room for a self defeatist attitude where there is a love of spirit. When you have mutual gratification of yourself, you can expand your powers to the ones you love. “In His Own Image,” you also create form from formlessness.

Thanks for your time.

Healing Thoughts, HealingMindN,

Randolph Fabian Directo

P.S. The .pdf manual of the four part series is now available here as “How to Conquer Self Defeat.” This version has increased ease of use, readability, and smoother flow of thought with the underlying tone of creation with you, the reader as creator of your own reality. Thanks for visiting!

How to Conquer Self Defeat

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Philosophy Self Improvement Spiritual Control

2012: Doomsday or Dawning of a New Age?

Dear HealingMindNs,

The ending of the Mayan calendar on December 21, 2012 has sparked a worldwide discussion — bestselling books, New York Times and USA Today articles, Hollywood films and more. Will life as we know it end — metaphorically, literally or at all? Could 2012 actually represent an evolutionary leap in consciousness?

2012: Science or Superstition is an entertaining and informative documentary that will enable you to discover the many, and at times conflicting, perspectives on this enigmatic topic. Have a look at this video preview:

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Actually, the new age video producers are not the only onces studying this.Here’s an extract from 2012 may bring the “perfect storm” – solar flares, systems collapse

“Mainstream scientific concern about 2012 has grown since a recent National Research Council report funded by NASA and issued by the National Academy of Sciences, entitled “Severe Space Weather Events: Understanding Economic and Societal Impact” which details the potential devastation of 2012 solar storms on the current planetary energy grid and because of the inter-linkages of a cybernetic society, on our entire human civilization.

According to New Scientist, science’s concern is a repetition of the 8-day 1859 “Carrington event,” a large solar flare accompanied by a coronal mass ejection (CME) that flung billions of tons of solar plasma onto the earth’s magnetosphere and disrupted Victorian-era magnetometers and the world telegraph system.

The New Scientist states, “The report outlines the worst case scenario for the US. The ‘perfect storm’ is most likely on a spring or autumn night in a year of heightened solar activity – something like 2012. Around the equinoxes, the orientation of the Earth’s field to the sun makes us particularly vulnerable to a plasma strike…”

12/21/12 may be the projected aftershock of a complete economic and societal breakdown – as we know it. Assuming that there’s nothing artificial about this projected CME, I believe it’s more like what happened to Rahab, wherein God destroyed the evil in one fell swoop.

Remember as I’ve said in previous articles that there is purpose to everything in the universe; nothing truly happens by accident. We attract people, places, and things into our lives according to our mind patterns. The decadent society and economic conditions we have now are because of the overall social mood guided by our mind patterns.

We can either allow distortion of our mind patterns and survive through fear (which means anarchy, theft, war and worse) or allow our mind patterns to be in line with God’s, so we can survive through love.

Ephemeral Decadent society is based in fear: Face the Facts. Mainstream news is based in generating fear. Mainstream entertainment is full of emotions based in fear. Mainstream commercials only give the illusion of love as long as you use their product. The economy is based in fear when we allow “experts” to scare us into thinking that society would fall apart without the Federal Reserve.

This is the society that will fall.

Immortal Human society is based in love: This type of society is based in generating love, therefore, the infrastructure works WITH nature rather than against it.

This means we would be using an energy infrastructure that can survive any kind of coronal mass ejections (which means a de-centralized power grid that uses advanced forms of green energy technology).

We would use energy oriented healing devices for chronic ailments instead of expensive drugs from big pharma.

We would allow God’s Word to guide our economy rather than the greed of men.

All of our inter-relations and business dealings would be based in advancing humanity as opposed to self aggrandizing and greed.

The society based in love is the one that will rise and survive.

IMHO, if there’s any kind of superstition, it’s assuming that all of humanity will be reborn and transcend into some “higher vibration” on 21 December 2012; this is the date when the wheat gets separated from the chafe. This is the date of Ezekial 43 (extract):

[6] And I heard him speaking unto me out of the house; and the man stood by me.

[7] And he said unto me, Son of man, the place of my throne, and the place of the soles of my feet, where I will dwell in the midst of the children of Israel for ever, and my holy name, shall the house of Israel no more defile, neither they, nor their kings, by their whoredom, nor by the carcases of their kings in their high places.

[8] In their setting of their threshold by my thresholds, and their post by my posts, and the wall between me and them, they have even defiled my holy name by their abominations that they have committed: wherefore I have consumed them in mine anger…

[27] And when these days are expired, it shall be, that upon the eighth day, and so forward, the priests shall make your burnt offerings upon the altar, and your peace offerings; and I will accept you, saith the Lord GOD.

If your mind pattern is not based in love when 2012 hits, then you’re finished. For some of us, it will be a dawning of a new age. For most, it’s doomsday. For those of you reading this, maybe it’s only a DVD.

Now, for a limited time only you can receive 2012: Science or Superstition plus 3 highly entertaining short films FREE* when you sign up for a trial membership with our friends at Spiritual Cinema Circle. You’ll get all 4 of these exclusive, independent films FREE.* There’s no risk – cancel your membership at any time.

Join Spiritual Cinema Circle today to enjoy these rare films!

Healing Thoughts,

Randolph Fabian Directo

[*Shipping and handling fees apply to Free Trial. Membership is just $21 + S&H per month.]

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June 18, 1:08 PM

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