Disciplinary Studies Psychoenergetics Self Improvement Spiritual Control Spiritual Growth

How Important Are YOU on 21 September 2012?

How important is your participation with the International Day of Peace?

In the previous post, I discussed the importance of focusing on peaceful productivity on the International Day of Peace this friday, 21 September 2012. I also mentioned the Maharishi Effect in that only a small number of people on this planet are needed to affect spiritual enlightenment in the rest of the population.

What I did not mention previously is why you are so important to this day and every day of peace. In all likely hood, you have been affected by at least one International Day of Peace – which is why you’re here.

In all likely hood, you have had a personal paranormal event happen to you more than once. The only reason you found this site is because you picked up on extraordinary clues due to your first hand experience.

I could not begin to guess what your first hand experiences are. I can assume that they were similar to mine. For example:

Healing Science Self Improvement Spiritual Growth

Belated Entrees + International Day of Peace, 21 September

Please excuse my absence. I have not made any new posts in a while because I have been reconstructing which is taking me longer than I anticipated. Soon, there will be guest authors at HealingMindN Power Circle who will provide you with further variety while giving me more time to build a more personable, user-friendly website.

Meanwhile, I highly recommend that you participate in the up coming International Day of Peace.  You may ask, “What does this mean? What good is a ‘Day of Peace’ when the rest of the year is filled with war?”

Good question. First, can we agree that peace time activities are far more productive than war time activities? If that’s a yes, can we also agree that peace in our personal lives takes place in “baby steps?”

That is, we don’t usually make quantum leaps into a peaceful activity. For example, when we go on vacation, our target is whatever destination we have chosen to spend that peaceful activity. In order to get there, we have to plan, create an itinerary, pack our bags, if necessary, wait in line on the road, in the airport, at the train station, ad infinitum.

Meanwhile, we are focused on our chosen destination. None of those in between steps matter to much as long as where focused on our chosen destination. In the case of the International Day of Peace, this is one of those “baby steps” to World Peace.

There are actually a number of steps besides International Day of Peace including World Tai Chi and QiGong Day. When these days come along, I do my best to announce them for you ahead of time.

In the case of International Day of Peace, We can rely on organizations like Be the Peace and International Day of Peace to facilitate our intentions towards World Peace.

“What good is it to participate in International Day of Peace when most people couldn’t care less about it or don’t even know it exists?” Another good question. Fortunately, most people ARE interested in peace, but in their own way. In reality, the psychotic people who always want war are a very, very small percentage while people who live in fear with beliefs based in fear are a much larger percentage.

Here’s an article that will help you understand that social mood is the source of public behavior and the driver of fads in society: Hard Data, Hard Knocks and Hard Times. The article uncovers how fear as the prevalent social mood has leads equivalent types of actions.

Let’s be truthful with each other: People who live in fear prefer peace; they don’t want to stir up trouble with the “authorities.” What better way for a person who lives in fear to help induce World Peace without stirring up trouble than participating with International Day of Peace?

To top it off, we don’t need EVERYONE on the planet to participate in order to induce the Maharishi Effect. I have discussed the Maharishi Effect on previous posts wherein we need only the square root of 1% of the population to participate in order to induce peaceful enlightenment in the rest of the world.  Written as a formula, we only need:

(sqr (world population x 1%))

As of this writing, the number of people we need, not necessarily in a transcendental meditation state, but focused through meditation and prayer upon World Peace is only 8,351 People.

You can begin preparing for Be The Peace and International Day of Peace events on Sunday, Sept. 16, in a live teleseminar with HeartMath Inc. President and CEO Deborah Rozman. A member of the GCI Steering Committee, Rozman will speak about peace and spirituality from 9-10 a.m. (PDT) in a free presentation sponsored by GCI and the Summer of Peace 2012.

Thanks for your time, healing thoughts, healing mindn,

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Self Improvement Spiritual Growth

Begin your Hero’s Journey, Follow your bliss…

” Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors where there were only walls.” – Joseph Campbell

That phrase has become so common as to be nearly cliché. Is it possible that perhaps it is still as relevant our lives as it was when Joseph Campbell first spoke those words in the middle 20th century?

And what does “follow your bliss” mean exactly? How does one actually do it? What is the result when they do?

These questions and more are answered in the acclaimed film by Patrick Takaya Solomon, Finding Joe, an awe-inspiring exploration of Joseph Campbell’s continuing impact on our culture and on our individual lives.

Finding Joe beautifully illustrated by enactments of Campbell’s universal mythology are rooted in deeply personal accounts from some of today’s most well-known faces – Deepak Chopra, Mick Fleetwood, Catherine Hardwicke, Gay Hendricks and many more. Finding Joe proves how Campbell’s work remains relevant in today’s world, and provides a clear map for living your fully-realized life.

With stunning cinematography and an inspiring, applicable message, Finding Joe will inspire you to take the reins and embark on the heroic journey of following your bliss and realizing your most authentic life.

Begin you journey today when you say “yes” to a FREE trial membership with Spiritual Cinema Circle!

Join now! 

Since 2004, Spiritual Cinema Circle members have been the world’s leading supporters of films just like Finding Joe – films that uplift, inspire and make a difference.

Healing Thoughts,

P.S. Don’t wait! Activate your FREE trial membership by 7/14 to receive Finding Joe. There’s absolutely no obligation – cancel anytime!

Start your Free Trial Today 

 We’re excited to announce the films included in Volume 7 of Spiritual Cinema Circle.

Spiritual Cinema Circle brings you 4 touching, heart-warming films every month (yours to keep, forever!). We handpick the best films from festivals all over the world; movies you wouldn’t ordinarily see in the theatre near your house.

Included in Volume 7 is the feature film, Finding Joe as well as 3 short films: Raju, Minka, and Dinner with Fred.

This collection is available Exclusively from Spiritual Cinema Circle and new members who sign up before July 14th will receive the DVD for free (just pay S&H).

Below are your affiliate links.

Monthly Films Landing Page

Spiritual Cinema Circle’s 3-month Gift Membership
Looking for a last-minute gift for a friend, or family member? Spiritual Cinema Circle’s 3-month gift membership includes 12 films + one bonus CD for only $49.95 (includes shipping)!

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Disciplinary Studies Healing Science Psychoenergetics Self Improvement Spiritual Growth

Full Moon Venus Transit Synchronized Care Focus June 4 2012

GCI June 2012 Full Moon Synchronized Care Focus
Welcome to the Global Coherence Initiative’s June 4, 2012 full moon (11:12 GMT/UTC) synchronized Care Focus. Thank you for being with us. In order for GCI members around the world to participate at a convenient time, we have chosen 4 a.m., 12:00 p.m. (noon), and 8 p.m. Pacific Time (GMT/UTC minus 7 hours ) when GCI members in the Global Care Room can do the Care Focus together.* (The following website – – is a time conversion site for determining the exact time the Care Focus will take place in your Local Time Zone. Select time: 8 p.m. (date optional). Convert from: Location: U.S.A. – California – San Francisco. Convert to: Location: Select your Country/City.) Thank you for being with us.

There are several astronomical events releasing more light onto the planet, including the “super moon” and annular solar eclipse in May, Venus transiting the sun in early June, and more that will follow. These unfolding events make more light and love available to facilitate the planetary shift. It’s our individual responsibility to integrate and anchor this energy into the collective consciousness field environment. Just being in the state of heart-coherence or radiating heart-coherence helps to integrate the divine love and facilitation from Universal Source.

Some newer members of GCI have asked why the Care Focuses often ask us to send heart energy to planetary stress points. Major stress events generate fear, anger, blame, despair and other incoherent energies in people that dim their perceptions of light and love at times when they need it most. These lower vibrational energies form a cloud of mental and emotional density that permeates the planetary field environment.

Radiating coherent love, care and compassion helps to dissipate these clouds of energetic density, similar to when the sunlight breaks through on a cloudy day. This focused care helps to comfort the hearts of people and facilitate quicker adjustments to shock and emotional disarray. It can also help to offset the amount of stress they experience along with helping to draw an easier, more facilitated recovery. Radiating heart coherent energy is one of the highest forms of service we can do for the people, the planet and ourselves.

This full moon we will do a Care Focus to help integrate and anchor the increasing light coming into the planet, then direct our heart coherent energy to help dissipate the density surrounding current global stressors, such as the massacre of civilians including women and children in Syria, the earthquake in Italy, the ongoing Fukushima nuclear threat and other stress points as your heart intuition guides you.

We’ll do this June full moon synchronized Care Focus together for fifteen minutes. It’s fine to stop sooner or continue longer if you choose. There will be music playing, or you can mute the music if you prefer.

Care Focus: Density Dissipation
1. Center yourself in the heart and breathe appreciation for a few minutes to warm the heart and increase heart coherence. This also helps to bring more light and healing into your own system.

2. Now radiate genuine love and care from the heart into the mental and emotional density accumulation surrounding the planet, seeing it dissipate, the way the sun dissipates clouds.

(You can imagine that your heart is like the sun streaming gold light into the density cloud. For some people, this adds more texture to the experience, but it’s not necessary for effectiveness. It’s the feeling of genuine care that counts.)

3. Now direct love and care to current global stressors or to any area of the planet or situation where more light is needed to help dissipate the density and facilitate positive outcomes.

4. Close with a few minutes of visualizing the planet and humanity as you would want it to be, experiencing peace, harmony and heart-based connection.

After 15 minutes

You can continue to do this Care Focus in the Global Care Room after the full moon period, holding the intention to integrate and anchor the increasing light coming into the planet.

Thank you for your participation in this Care Focus.

The GCI Staff

For those of you who are new participants in the synchronized Care Focus, if you are logged into the Global Care Room, you can see your green marker and the gold light points of others around the world in the Care Room at the same time. Realize that one gold light can represent a family, a group or an entire audience viewing the Care Room and doing the Care Focus together.

* To join the GCI Care Focus in the Global Care Room, you can enter the room directly from First time users will need to sign up for access. You can use the e-mail and password that you use for the Global Coherence Initiative website. Then, simply log-in with your e-mail and GCI password.

Global Coherence Initiative – 14700 West Park Ave – Boulder Creek, California 95006 – 831-338-8500

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Mind Control Self Improvement Spiritual Growth

Tools for Lifting Your Spirits and Easing Your Mind

Do you ever just wish you could turn off all the “bad” news for a while and relax into something that lifts your spirits and eases your mind?

These days it can feel nearly impossible to maintain a compassionate attitude and a sense of hope in the midst of the struggles and challenges we face. Yet, as spiritually minded people, we know how important it is to feel good on the inside if we want to create good on the outside.

If you’re like me, you may already engage in positive practices – prayer, meditation, exercise, healthy foods, gratitude, inspirational reading. They all help, but wouldn’t it be great if you could give yourself a little “good vibration re-boot” by simply settling into your favorite chair, gathering loved ones around and pressing “Play”?

I’m happy to say it is possible!

I do it by watching great films from Spiritual Cinema Circle! These high quality, inspirational films are showcased at elite film festivals, like Sundance, but rarely do they make it to the theater or other standard outlets.

You, however, can get a front row seat now, when you take advantage of the free trial membership (a $21 value). You only pay $4.95 shipping and handling.

Start your Free Trial Today! 

Healing Thoughts,

Randolph Directo

PS: One of the best things about Spiritual Cinema Circle is the incredible bonus content you?ll receive in addition to the amazing monthly films: thought provoking interviews with the film makers, exclusive content from the most inspiring teachers of our time – Louis Hay, Jack Canfield, Dr. Wayne Dyer to name a few!

Start your Free Trial Today

We’re excited to announce the films included in Volume 6 of Spiritual Cinema Circle.

Spiritual Cinema Circle brings you 4 touching, heart-warming films every month (yours to keep, forever!). We handpick the best films from festivals all over the world; movies you wouldn’t ordinarily see in the theatre near your house.

Included in Volume 6 is the feature film, The Lamp as well as 3 short films: The Shore, The Man at the Counter, and The Sleepy Count.

This collection is available Exclusively from Spiritual Cinema Circle and new members who sign up before June 14th will receive the DVD for free (just pay S&H).

Monthly Films Landing Page

Spiritual Cinema Circle’s 3-month Gift Membership
Looking for a last-minute gift for a friend, or family member? Spiritual Cinema Circle’s 3-month gift membership includes 12 films + one bonus CD for only $49.95 (includes shipping)!

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Psychoenergetics Self Improvement Spiritual Growth

GCI Synchronized Care Focus March 8, 2012 Full Moon

GCI March 2012 Full Moon Synchronized Care Focus

Welcome to the Global Coherence Initiative’s March 8, 2012 full moon (09:39 UT) synchronized Care Focus. Thank you for being with us. In order for GCI members around the world to participate at a convenient time, we have chosen 4 a.m., 12:00 p.m. (noon), and 8 p.m. Pacific Standard Time ( GMT/UTC minus 8 hours ) when GCI members in the Global Care Room can do the Care Focus together.*
(The following website – – is a time conversion site for determining the exact time the Care Focus will take place in your Local Time Zone. Select time: 8 p.m. (date optional). Convert from: Location: U.S.A. – California – San Francisco. Convert to: Location: Select your Country/City.)

Mind Control Psychoenergetics Self Improvement Spiritual Control Spiritual Growth

GCI Response to 2012 Deathly Predictions from Mayan Calendar

With all the predictions and theories of destruction flying around due to the Mayan Calendar, it’s important to get alternate, reasonable points of view. The following research from Dr. Annette Deyhle reassures us that no natural disasters will befall humanity on December 21st, 2012 outside of what has already happened.

Please understand what he tells us with an open heart. An open heart is all that anyone ever asks of us wherein understanding and compassion are most important. We will discuss the introductory coherence technique by Doc Childre after wards:

Self Improvement Spiritual Growth

Had enough bad news? Open Your Conscience for a Shift

Do you ever just wish you could turn off all the “bad” news for a while and relax into something that lifts your spirits and eases your mind?

Thomas Hobbes once wrote: “A mans conscience and his judgement is the same thing, and as the judgement, so also the conscience, may be erroneous.” {Leviathan, part 2, chap. 29}

How can a person’s conscience become erroneous? What if that person was constantly deluged every day with bad news? How would that person feel? That person gains beliefs based in fear. Do you agree?

If that person has beliefs based in fear, then that person’s conscience and judgments will also be based in fear. Do you live in fear from all the bad news? Of course, a person with beliefs based in fear may call himself a “realist” whereas this person may call another person with beliefs based in love an “idealist.”

Truth be told, the person on one hand who lives by beliefs based in fear and the person on the other hand who lives by beliefs based in love are both realists and idealists; they both live by their own realities. They both idealize the world according to their beliefs. The difference maker is: The creation of the entire universe is based in love. People with beliefs based in love may be very few on this planet, but are still part of the 99.999999999% of the consciousness in this universe. Why not go with the majority?

Which reality do you prefer? A world based in compassion and hope? Or a world based in darkness and despair? When you finally choose a world based in love, Spiritual Cinema Circle can help keep your world alive.

These days it can feel nearly impossible to maintain a compassionate attitude and a sense of hope in the midst of the struggles and challenges we face. Yet, as spiritually minded people, we know how important it is to feel good on the inside if we want to create good on the outside.

If you’re like me, you may already engage in positive practices – prayer, meditation, exercise, healthy foods, gratitude, inspirational reading. They all help, but wouldn’t it be great if you could give yourself a little “good vibration re-boot” by simply settling into your favorite chair, gathering loved ones around and pressing “Play”?

I’m happy to say it is possible!

I do it by watching great films from Spiritual Cinema Circle! These high quality, inspirational films are showcased at elite film festivals, like Sundance, but rarely do they make it to the theater or other standard outlets.

You, however, can get a front row seat now, when you take advantage of the free trial membership (a $21 value). You only pay $4.95 shipping and handling.

Start your Free Trial Today!

Healing Thoughts,

Randolph Directo

Psychoenergetics Self Improvement Spiritual Growth

Energetic Aspects of Spiritual Transformation Webinar 28 January 2012

Free Webinar Global Coherence Initiative
Sign up today for this webinar, Energetic Aspects of Spiritual Transformation with Karl Maret, M.D. and Rollin McCraty, Ph.D.
Join Dove Health Alliance President Karl  Maret, M.D., and Global Coherence Initiative Steering Committee Member and Global Coherence Monitoring System Project Coordinator Rollin McCraty, Ph.D. for the webinar, Energetic Aspects of Spiritual Transformation. This free GCI-member webinar will be presented twice on Saturday, Jan. 28, from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m., and 6 to 7 p.m. (PST).Maret and McCraty will talk about the macrocosm of solar and planetary influences as well as the microcosm of the new energy paradigm. They will explain how the double dark theory offers new hope for humanity ’s spiritual evolution and what shifts in medicine are necessary to assist humanity during this time of transition. They also will discuss in depth how the heart acts as a coherence generator in the human body.The changing environment on Earth, as well as in our solar system, appears to be affecting human consciousness and evolutionary development, offering potential opportunities relative to 2012 calendar cycles. The importance of the human heart as an instrument of intuitive perception also will be discussed, including opportunities for spiritual transformation.

Webinar Topics:

  • Solar system and planetary changes
  • Sun in new regions of space
  • Space weather and 2013 solar maximum
  • The spiral universe and syntropy
  • The mysteries of the heart
Karl Maret About Karl Helmuth Maret: Dr. Maret practices complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), specializing in nutrition, functional medicine and energy medicine at the Dove Center for Integrative Medicine in Aptos, Calif. He holds an M.D. from the University of Toronto, a Masters in Biomedical Engineering and Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering. He completed a four-year post-doctoral fellowship in pulmonary physiology at the University of California, San Diego and developed the biomedical instrumentation for the successful 1981 American Medical Research Expedition to Mount Everest.Maret lectures extensively in Europe and the United States about electromagnetic healing approaches, new water technologies, electrosmog challenges and new integrative energy medicine therapies. As president of the Dove Health Alliance nonprofit foundation, he promotes global research networks in Energy Medicine.Maret sits on the Wisdom Council of the International Society for the Study of Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine. He received the 2011 Alyce and Elmer Green Award for creating and founding the Dove Health Alliance to bring living systems, healing processes, the nature of consciousness and all of science to an understanding of “this side” and the “other side.”
Rollin McCraty Dr. Rollin McCraty, director of the Institute of HeartMath Research Center, a GCI Steering Committee Member and project coordinator for the Global Coherence Monitoring System, has authored numerous scientific articles, papers, e-books and more and conducted a wide range of laboratory and field studies.McCraty is a psychophysiologist whose research background and interest includes the physiology of emotions and the mechanisms by which emotions influence cognitive processes, behavior and health. He is a respected international authority on the intelligence of the heart, heart-rate variability and heart coherence.
Energetic Aspects of Spiritual Transformation
Two times for this webinar: The following website – – is a time conversion site for determining the exact time the webinar will take place in your Local Time Zone. Select time: 11 a.m. (date optional). Convert from: Location: U.S.A. – California – San Francisco. Convert to: Location: Select your Country/City.
Presented by: Karl Maret, M.D. and Rollin McCraty, Ph.D.
Date: Saturday, January 28, 2012
Time: 6 – 7 p.m. PST (GMT minus 8 hours)
Register Now
Don’t miss this special event.
Have a question?
You are invited to ask Karl or Rollin whatever you would like to know about the energetic aspects of spiritual transformation.
Sign up
Click the Register Now button below.
This webinar is free for members and can be attended by phone only, or computer and phone.
Global Coherence Initiative
Energetic Aspects of Spiritual Transformation
Join us for a webinar on Saturday, January 28, 2012.
Presented by: Karl Maret, M.D. and Rollin McCraty, Ph.D.
Date: Saturday, January 28, 2012
Time: 6 – 7 p.m. PST (GMT minus 8 hours)
Register Now
System Requirements:
PC-based attendees
Required: Windows
® 7, Vista, XP or 2003 Server
Macintosh ®-based attendees
Required: Mac OS ® X 10.4.11 (Tiger®) or newerLook for reminder e-mails.
Global Coherence Initiative 14700 West Park Ave., Boulder Creek, CA 95006 | tel (831) 706-2981 | fax (831) 338-8504 | info

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Disciplinary Studies Healing Science Psychoenergetics Spiritual Growth

Begin 2012 by Shifting the World with Your Conscience

GCI January 2012 Full Moon Synchronized Care Focus
Welcome to the Global Coherence Initiative’s January 9, 2012 full moon (07:30 UTC) synchronized Care Focus. In order for GCI members around the world to participate at a convenient time, we have chosen 4 a.m., 12:00 p.m. (noon), and 8 p.m. Pacific Standard Time ( GMT/UTC minus 8 hours ) when GCI members in the Global Care Room can do the Care Focus together.* (The following website – – is a time conversion site for determining the exact time the Care Focus will take place in your Local Time Zone. Select time: 8 p.m. (date optional). Convert from: Location: U.S.A. – California – San Francisco. Convert to: Location: Select your Country/City.) Thank you for being with us.Many people anticipate 2012 to be a momentous year – an opportunity for individuals and for the collective to co-create a consciousness shift. The purpose of GCI is to increase heart coherence in the planetary energetic field environment to make this shift easier and accessible to more people. GCI research, membership, webinars, partnerships and the Global Care Rooms are for this purpose.