Disciplinary Studies Self Improvement

Memory Aid to Visitors of Multiple Mentalism

In response to the consistent number of visitors to the multiple mentalism exercise to commit 50 three letter words to memory, forwards and backwards, I would like to provide you with a memory aid from Harry Lorayne’s Book which I discuss at How to Develop a Super Power Memory eBook.

At the same page, I provide a suggestion for memorizing 50 words using the Peg and Link System. Unfortunately, that suggestion may be too cryptic to most people to take an interest, so I have published (almost) an entire chapter at Super Power Memory Excerpt: Peg System of Memory.

The Peg System of Memory exerpted from How to Develop a Super Power Memory by Harry Lorayne, the man with the most powerful memory in the world, show’s you a sample of how to use your wonderful imagination to memorize any list in any order.

Allow me to elaborate on how we can recall any list of three letter words using this system. (I will “hold your hand” for the first ten like Harry Lorayne – whereas, Harry Kahne does not hold hands.)

Forming 3-Letter Words from Peg System of Memory

Here are the first 10 phonetic pegs. Each phonetic consonant pronunciation represents a number wherein the vowels only give the words meaning (“w,” “h,” and “y” have no numeric value in this system, like vowels):

  1. tie
  2. (Noah)
  3. ma
  4. rye
  5. law
  6. (shoe)
  7. cow
  8. ivy
  9. pie or bee
  10. toe(s)

You are silly if you don’t use the phonetic pegs wherever they are three letter words, but, if you prefer, use the suggestions here. Please try to follow the (il)logic to form the first list of ten words:

  1. If you don’t use “tie,” it can be attached to a concrete thing like “eye” or an action like “spy.” (Yes, they rhyme, but the sillier the association, the easier it is to remember, thus, the longevity of “Monty Python.”) Imagine a tie made of eyes or ties made for your eyes, for example.
  2. From “Noah,” we can link it to “ark,” “boa,” “row,” or “sea,” if we want to be logical or “doG” if we want to be silly. (Try a quote from holy scripture using “doG.”)
  3. “Ma” can be associated with “maw” (a gaping dark opening that threatens to swallow one up) or “paw.” Imagine your mother with paws, for example. I’m not going near maw.
  4. If you don’t use “rye,” it can be attached to “sky,” “dye,” “fly,” “shy,” etc. (Whatever you’re not using for higher numbers since fly = 85 according to the peg/link system.) Imagine a sky full of rye instead of clouds, for example.
  5. If you don’t use “law,” then associate it with “sex;” imagine sex police. Or you can match it with “jaw,” if you want to be logical. (A jaw quoting the law.)
  6. “Shoe” can be linked to “poo” since we step in it or “art” if you want to be silly. Imagine the Statue of David wearing a shoe where it counts…
  7. If not using “cow,” try “bat” and imagine bat wings on a cow or “row” and imagine oars rowing where the horns should be.
  8. “Ivy” can be replaced with “box,” if you want to be logical or “arm,” if you want to be silly. Imagine ivy growing where one of your arms should be.
  9. Personally, I would use “pie” or “bee,” but, if you prefer, imagine the “sun” as a giant pie or bee – or what about a “gun” that shoots pie? Or a bee as a “nun?”
  10. “Toes” can just be “toe” or imagine a “hoe” that replaced the toes or a “bow” made of toes, etc.

Why Not Go with a Logical Sequence instead of Memorizing?

Naturally, a kid might say, “why not just come up with a bunch of three letters words in order of the alphabet?” (i.e. bad, cad, dad, fad, had, lad, mad,.. bat, cat, fat, hat, mat, etc.)

When we have to memorize things, those memories usually have little to do with what we consider a “logical sequence” or a “logical conclusion;” Actual memories of an event, person, place, or thing are non-linear and non-sequitor. For example, when we make a grocery list and go to the store to shop for those things, there’s little chance of finding anything in the same sequence as our list. (BTW: The list need only exist in your mind once you learn the peg and link system.)

Balance Your Left and Right Brains

By using Harry Lorayne’s Peg System of Memory, you bypass your logic sentry which tends to dismiss silly ideas – because silly ideas are key to your super power memory.

Consider it a balancing act between left and right brains. When our “logic sentry” gets “stumped” by illogical things, we end up being confused for a moment – something that happens when we tend to be left-brained/logical all the time.

By the same token, there’s are mind control experts (e.g. JK Ellis/Dantelion) who teach their students how to “stump” the “logic sentry” of others. By empowering your memory through creativity, certain others will fail to take advantage of your “logic sentry” because you will also have a “creative sentry.”

A pessimist might say, “what if a person gets caught up in silly ideas?” If that happens, you can be a creative director for your own comedy show like Monty Python, but as long as you’re mentally stable and you’re not high on drugs of any sort, then you will be fine.

The first 10 phonetic pegs that you see at The Peg System of Memory provide all the rules to form words. For example, 88 = fife, 99 = pipe, etc. I’m sure that Mr. Lorayne prefers that we form our own pegs, but, if you prefer, you can download his book to see all the memory pegs he provides for us.

Please follow the exercises from Harry’s Book, The Peg System of Memory for they are like learning to “ride a bike” or “tie a shoe lace;” “41-97-1-6-50.”

Get your copy of How to Develop a Super Power Memory by Harry Lorayne, so you can remember easily using your wonderful imagination.

Healing Thoughts,

Another system that uses your wonderful imagination:

Activate Your Mind Powers, Remove Your Fears

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