Disciplinary Studies Mind Control Self Improvement

Keys to Qigong Meditation: Yin / Yang Perspective

Qigong MeditationLet us clarify aspects of Super Human Morals of a Qigong Master, so we can understand. One of the greatest QiGong Sifus of our time, Dr. Yang Jwing-Ming, advocates theory before practice. I agree with this teaching style. Being sentient, we are curious about all things including why we exercise or do anything in a certain way. When we know why we do things in a certain way, all expectations fall into place wherein we can set goals and learn faster.

This article on Keys to QiGong Meditation provides a “new” perspective on this thousands of years old tradition. The “new” perspective is actually older than QiGong itself, but with an esoteric twist. A different point of view is usually all that is necessary for solving problems like learning the esoteric practice of QiGong.

When Dynamo Jack talks about “Separation of Yin and Yang” most western mindsets are unable to grasp this important concept. “Separation of Yin and Yang” is a key concept in Qigong Meditation.

When we see Dynamo Jack use his hands, he’s not using them like some sort of contrived psychic waving off the evil spirits; he’s actually manipulating energy through “separation of yin and yang.” When we focus upon our inner senses during meditation, what do we usually do?