Self Improvement Spiritual Growth

Community Consciousness: Connection Is Closer Than You Think

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Dear Movie Lover,

A great change is sweeping the globe. But what I’m about to tell you might surprise you. Perhaps you have been feeling it? More than in any other time on our planet, there is an emergence of community consciousness. With community consciousness comes community responsiveness.

In celebration of the spirit of community, this new volume of four inspiring films from Spiritual Cinema Circle offers you an opportunity to remember the JOY in what it means to be a human being: the joy in connecting to others, joining together, and CELEBRATING your community.

Never before in human history has so much help been offered to those in need. Never before in times of challenge have we been so CONNECTED to one another across cultures, countries, and boundaries and in real time.

The global human heart is opening WIDE. And the wider we open, the more connected to one another we feel. The more CONNECTED to one another we feel, the more good we do for the world we share. Get connected now to the Spiritual Cinema Circle Community!


Do you ever feel like you’re all alone?

But what if you’re NOT alone? Perhaps you’ve even had an encounter with a guardian angel without knowing it. Angels can be sneaky. They often appear at the moment you least expect them.

In the film Touch, a small act of compassion from a complete stranger comes just in time. The connection that is made between them in a matter of minutes turns out to be the light of hope that one of them needs to go on. Winner of the Grand Jury Award at the Florida Film festival, this is one short film you won¿t want to miss!

Remember that you’re not living an isolated life! You’re always connected to others, even by the air we breathe. When you maintain this community consciousness, acts of compassion in our communities become second nature.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama once said, “As far as your personal requirements are concerned, the ideal is to have fewer involvements, fewer obligations, and fewer affairs… However, so far as the interest of the larger community is concerned, you must have as many involvements as possible…”

Are you longing for a community that INSPIRES you each month? Sign up for your free trial with Spiritual Cinema Circle!


Do you know the people in your community? If not, after seeing this film, you’ll be inspired to befriend them! In the film Home, a young woman moves into a new house only to find her neighbors are less than helpful. No one seems to care who she is, or why she moved there. She’s determined to bring everyone in her neighborhood together by throwing a dinner party. But will anyone show up?

Discover the warmth of community for yourself. Sign up for your FREE trial with Spiritual Cinema Circle!


Transformation can be frustrating. Sometimes you know you are at the verge of a breakthrough, but you¿re just not sure what¿s going to get you there. The support of your community just might mean everything.

In the film The Man Who Never Cried, a birthday party clown named Rafe longs for the one experience in life he¿s never had: to CRY. Rafe partakes in some pretty unorthodox means to get his tears to flow. What will be the stunning breakthrough that will open his heart? Watch to find out!

Spiritual Cinema Circle is the only film club of its kind. Every month you can expect to see films that have been handpicked from festivals all over the world – films you can’t see at your local cinema. These are special films that will make you feel good about life. Let Spiritual Cinema Circle be YOUR trusted source in quality movies you can¿t see anywhere else. Sign up for your free trial now!


Healing Thoughts,

Randolph Fabian Directo

P.S. There are four incredible films for you to enjoy and discuss with your friends each month when you sign up for this FREE trial with Spiritual Cinema Circle. Hurry, because these are movies you may NEVER have a chance to see again. Sign up now, it’s free!

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