Recent Neuroscience Research
I consider “Scientists pinpoint the brain circuitry linked to making healthy or unhealthy choices“ according to recent findings by neuroscientists at the University of California, Berkeley as a land mark article. In essence, this article states that the regular intake of drugs and other toxic substances affects our ability to make rational decisions. Here is an extract:
Wallis was inspired to look into the brain mechanism behind substance abuse when he observed the lengths to which addicts will go to fulfill their cravings, despite the downside of their habit: He asked, “What has the drug done to their brains that makes it so difficult for them not to make that choice? What is preventing them from making the healthier choice?”
In the new study, he and fellow researchers targeted the orbitofrontal cortex and anterior cingulate cortex –- two areas in the frontal brain — because previous research has shown that patients with damage to these areas of the brain are impaired in the choices they make. While these individuals may appear perfectly normal on the surface, they routinely make decisions that create chaos in their lives. A similar dynamic has been observed in chronic drug addicts, alcoholics and people with obsessive-compulsive tendencies.
“They get divorced, quit their jobs, lose their friends and lose all their money,” Wallis said. “All the decisions they make are bad ones…”
Therefore, I forgive the crack heads for all their antics. “Why?” You might ask. Consider the final verdict on Michael Jackson’s “doctor.”
The main arguement for defense was that Michael Jackson administered the final, lethal injection to himself, therefore, exonerating his “good” doctor of any wrong doing; this is assuming that MJ was of sound mind and body at the time and he was capable of making a rational, logical choice. (MJ was on drugs for most of his life.)
But according to recent research by neuroscientists at the University of California, Berkeley, if MJ was already under the influence of drugs, he was NOT capable of making a rational, logical choice.
Even if MJ was threatening and screaming at the top of his lungs for that last injection, he was NOT capable of making a rational choice, therefore, the medical doctor providing access to those drugs, the one who is trained to understand the potential consequences to his patients who use those drugs, is the one who is responsible. The arguement that he “was an adult capable of making his own decisions” is no longer with standing.
Imagine yourself as a bar fly: You’re completely inebriated staggering all over the street until you find another bar, have a seat and order a drink. The bar tender sees you’re already drunk, but he also sees you have the money.
Let’s say that bartender keeps giving you drinks because you have the money. When you think about it, he’s not putting that glass to your lips and making you drink it; he’s only filling your order.
Ordinarily, bartenders know when to say “enough” to an enebriated patron. Do you know why? Because bartenders are trained to know that they are legally responsible for the well being of their patrons upon serving them. Bar flys are not signing waivers exonerating bartenders of their responsibilities should they make unfortunate, drunken choices.
On the other hand, hospitals and out patient clinics have their patients sign waivers exonerating them of responsibility on a regular basis; this is the equivalent of bartenders having their bar flys sign waivers on a regular basis, so the bartenders can go on serving them drinks and taking their money until the bitter end.
Hospitals and clinics do this on a regular basis – not because of frivolous lawsuits by patients as they contend – but because they know their patients are taking a chance on their lives when they use conventional medicine.
For example, last year around this time, my mother was suffering the effects of malignant otitis externa. She was seeing a conventional physician on a regular basis for years who was always treating her upper respiratory infections with anti-biotics. She was also getting flu vaccinations on a regular basis.
The infections kept getting worse. Her physician would prescribe more antibiotics. We even had to make an end run around this PCP to see an ENT specialist. But because of the paint-by-numbers routine in this medicare clinic, my mother was diagnosed with addiction to nose spray instead of a proper examination.
Months passed. Her symptoms got worse. The doctors at this clinic sent her home to die while telling me, “it’s nothing serious.” I decided to call emergency. She ended up at Stanford Hospital because she required major, specialized surgery and she spent over a month as an in-patient in one of the most horrible experiences imaginable for a person her age.
Does she have any legal recourse against that clinic that kept sending her home? NO. She had already signed a waiver exonerating them of any wrong doing.
Zombie Investing
When we think about it, those waivers are “good” business on their part. I’m surprised more businesses don’t use waivers. After all, who wants to invest time and money going to one trial after another just because your customers don’t “respond well to your treatment?”
Let me digress a bit more. I was recently at a seminar with a chiropractor, Dr. Richard Gringeri, who explained how diabetes type 2 is a disease of toxicity using Dorlands Medical Dictionary, the standard reference of conventional medical practitioners. Among toxic substances are drugs and junk food.
Dr. Gringeri was contacted by Bodytel Scientific Inc (BDYT), a company that wanted him to invest in their wireless diabetes monitoring “explosion” because of all the projected diabetes type 2 that is going to happen in the world.
I imagine that Dr. Gringeri was not the only doctor contacted by BDYT. Imagine which doctors actually invested in BDYT looking forward to that “explosion” of diabetes type 2; it’s only “good” business.
BDYT is the ticker symbol if you’re looking into an investment of sorts. Speaking of investments, investing in a company like BDYT would be a zombie investment. This name is a term that was recently coined in tandem with the economic state wherein these types of investments occur and is running rampant all over the web. And, as I promised to subscribers to Way of the MindGate, the first person who answers correctly with the name for this certain type of economic state at this post gets a prize.
Last week, I shared an interesting table with Way of the MindGate Subscribers. This table compares “zombies to vampires:”
In fact, I nabbed this still from a video of a seminar at the Socionomics Institute which predicts market behavior according to social mood. (Of course, if I give you the URL to that video, you will discover the coined economic status for zombie investing – I’ll tell you the URL after someone posts the correct answer.) As you see, this table is actually about zombie types of investment versus vampire types of investment.
Zombie types of investment take place in bear markets. Vampire types of investment take place in bull markets. The above table comparing zombie to vampire markets is full of double entendres. For example, investing in BDYT is a zombie investment according to the reasons you see in the above table. Give me a logical, rational reason why BDYT is NOT a zombie investment and I’ll give you a valuable prize too.
The presenter in this Socionomics Presentation had some very interesting things to say about our present economic status, how social interest in zombies causes down turns in the market. Then I decided to tune in The Walking Dead on AMC to try and gauge exactly what kind of social mood is being reflected with all this interest in zombies.
A TV Show Reflecting Social Mood
The Walking Dead is a freaking horror show to be sure; it’s about a group of desperate people (still alive) trying to get away from a zombie plague that I’m guessing is wide spread in this “fictional” world. I happened to catched the part when these people attempted to drag a bloated zombie out of a well. Suffice it to say that the zombie was too rotten to make it a clean job.
I’ve thought to myself about that scene, “What double entendre was served with the mess that rotten zombie made? What social mood is reflected in that?” If anything, it reflected the horror we sometimes see in mainstream TV.
If anything, it served as a cathexis against horror in a people who are already desperate and tired and suffering. I believe the main characters are likeable because they are suffering through so much horror and so many obstacles while supporting each other (mostly).
The Walking Dead is built around the “pursuit of society’s survivors.” Let’s play a game: If you were to place BDYT as a character in The Walking Dead, which characters would it play?.
- The Zombies
- The Main Characters
- The Incidental Characters
It’s kind of a trick question. You should know that I have forgiven the zombies since they are victims of circumstance; there’s nothing they can do except follow their instincts in terms of their condition: Zombie. The other characters are just doing what they can to escape the wave of horror.
I would place BDYT as an invisible “watcher.” I’ve only watched a few episodes of The Walking Dead. I probably missed the episode where gov’t officials from some health department or the military are trying to get the situation under control. As for BDYT, I would place them as the people with technology that allows gov’t officials and the military to sit back and remotely “watch” as the horror unfolds – probably from a stronghold where no zombie can reach.
Cross Over
If I was to place the zombies from The Walking Dead in the “real” world, they would be the crack heads, the junkies, the addicts, the drunkards and all the others who suffer from the inability to make rational choices because they ingested toxic substances. I forgive all of them. They know not what they do.
They may question,
“Why would they put it on the market if it’s not safe?”“Why would our gov’t allow unsafe products on the market for public consumption?”
“Why would my doctor hurt me?”
On and on, ad infinitum, you may ask these questions, but I still forgive you. If you’re on drugs, you suffer from poor judgement. Just don’t ever let your situation ever come to The Walking Dead.
All the mad dog gunmen who went on murderous rampages – were crack heads. They were The Walking Dead. For all intents and purposes, they were zombies following their programming. It’s no coincidence that they offed themselves when they were done with their rampage.
I forgive them too and I’m not Jesus Christ either; it would help if all of us tried to be more like Jesus. Then we’d be more interested in protecting life from toxins and eating healthy – because we’re really interested in living.
By the same token, don’t be a fool. If someone comes at you with deadly force, you have to protect yourself and your loved ones.
Let’s talk about our present economic state. Right now, we’re in a bear market, but it’s a specialized “brand” of bear market caused by zombie investing. As I told Way of the MindGate Subscribers, the first person who correctly posts the economic status which encompasses zombie investing gets the prize mentioned in the most recent Way of the MindGate Newsletter.
I patiently await your responses. Thanks for your time.
Healing thoughts,
Constructs of Belief – are built upon the emotional securities of popular thought in the average person. Learn how beliefs based in fear distort reality.
Releasing and Forgiveness – Spiritual Clarity
Forgiveness for Power – HealingMindN
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2 replies on “Why We Should Forgive Zombies but NOT Zombie Investments”
What?!? No one has gotten this yet! Damn! I don’t even care what the prize is, I just want to know the answer! Even with your hint, I can’t find or figure it out! I was hoping someone else would but nope, nothing. I don’t know if this is really that tough or if I am just not seeing whats right in my face.