Mind Control Psychoenergetics Self Improvement

Win a Mind Power Tools CD!

See contest at Epigenetics, part 3: How to Program Your Genes using the Butterfly Effect under Lost Reviews Contest on how to win a CD full of Mind Power Tools until 24 July 2013!

Disciplinary Studies Mind Control PNI Psychoenergetics Self Improvement

Epigenetics, part 3: How to Program Your Genes using the Butterfly Effect

Butterfly Effect

Lorenz AttractorWhile working on a weather prediction problem one day in 1961, Edward Lorenz, using a computer to model the weather with a system of 12 basic equations, ran a program from the middle rather than the beginning — and entered parameters to three decimal places, rather than the normal six.

Lorenz was surprised to see how differently the weather patterns evolved. Such minute changes, he supposed, might be caused by something as trivial as the beating of a butterfly’s wing.

Lorenz had discovered the so-called “butterfly effect,” and was soon embroiled in chaos theory

In chaos theory, the butterfly effect is the sensitive dependence on initial conditions, where a small change at one place in a deterministic nonlinear system can result in large differences to a later state…

I have yet to mention the Butterfly Effect, anywhere, as it applies to self-aware, living systems like us. Most of us know the butterfly effect as “karma” or the old saying, “what goes around, comes around.” Psychoenergetics Experts like Peter Lindemann, Rupert Sheldrake, William Tiller, and Gerald O’Donnell of Probable Future infer the butterfly effect as it applies to self-awareness in the same vein wherein small, yet significant changes can lead to larger, (non-linear) effects in our lives.

In this continuation from Epigenetics, part 2: How to Program Your Genes and more, I want to show you how small changes in our lives and our seemingly random choices positively (or negatively) affect our DNA expressions via epigenetics, ergo, our quality of life.

Those of you who are familiar with the movie of the same name starring Ashton Kutcher should know that mainstream sci-fi has a tendency to fictionalize reality. Reality can be stranger than fiction. Ashton’s character could exist in only one time line at a time. Each of us are more complex in that every potential timeline including the ones that can result in large differences in our lives later exists within our minds, right now. Let me elucidate the butterfly effect as it applies to the fabric of your reality.

Disciplinary Studies Healing Science Mind Control PNI

Epigenetics: How to Program Your Genes and more, part 2

At HealingMindN, we’ve always advocated “forging our bodies in the fire of a spirits;” this is a martial arts principle which, today, also translates into esoteric healing modalities using the mind.

The following post is a continuation from Epigenetics: How to Program Your Genes to Prevent Cancer, Chronic Disease, and more, part 1. At the Mind in Science blog, we educating ourselves about what we take into our bodies including exercise, nutrition, and healing energies. At this blog, we learn about how to induce positive, productive thought patterns – to induce positive expressions within our genetic patterns.

Say ‘Om’: Researchers Find Gene Action Altered After Relaxation Practice | CommonHealth is an example of recent studies in psychoneuroimmunology of the relaxation response; these are the same types of studies which I have advocated for years. Here is an excerpt from the article:

Benson’s collaborator, Towia Libermann, PhD, director of the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) Genomics, Proteomics, Bioinformatics and Systems Biology Center and co-senior author of the study, says the evidence clearly links the relaxation response to rapid changes in gene expression. “There is a relatively small subset of biological pathways affected by relaxation response,” he said. For instance, a pathway involved in immune disturbances and inflammation was repressed after the relaxation technique while another set of pathways involved in mitochondrial function and energy production were enhanced…

The following is an excerpt from Collective DNA Consciousness – DNA forms an intelligent network which is influenced and programmed by intention expressed through word language and ideas:

In essence, good, positive feelings (based in love) correlate directly to proper biological functions. Bad, life-negative feelings (based in fear) correlate directly to improper biological functions.

In the following dissertation, studies by top names in genetics and neuroscience indicate that harboring negative feelings causes a biologically weak constitution that leaves a body open to all forms of disease including mutations. Conversely, good, life-positive feelings enforces a biologically strong constitution that is resistant to diseases and mutations…

We try to do our best to harbor good positive feelings as often as possible. In a world full of dark feelings, this is difficult. We try to carry the benefits of meditation or brainwave entrainment with us into a world full of negative social mood.

The good news is that our human collective consciousness is waking up to the causes of evil in this world and we’re actually having a positive (remote influencing) effect. For example, consider NSA whistle blower, Edward Snowden, allegedly treasonous, supposedly insane actions as a super patriot protecting the privacy of the American People.

Also consider the supreme court decision to protect human genomes from being patented; this decision protects human life in myriad ways as opposed to corporations like Myriad Genetics which would prefer to own the rights to our DNA patterns for their own greedy purposes. Some people might say this supreme court ruling goes completely against the grain of their previous rulings in favor of special corporate interests.

Gerald O’Donnell of Probable Future made several predictions in this respect; that the human species is “waking up.” His guided meditation course with brainwave entrainment actually helps us to reprogram our DNA for higher purposes such as remote influencing.

In the next post, I would like to discuss with you in a little more detail about how we can deal with our personal (negative) issues during our waking hours using visualization techniques. These techniques helps us to tap into our higher consciousness as well as that of The Creator, Supreme Being, the matrix, etc.

Thank you for your time.

Healing Thoughts,

Healing Thoughts,

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Disciplinary Studies Mind Control Psychoenergetics Self Improvement Spiritual Growth

The Psi Wars Just Went Nuclear on TED + Remote Viewing Report

The C4Chaos webmaster has published one of the most comprehensive, authoritative papers I’ve seen on remote viewing and other psychic phenomena: The Psi Wars Just Went Nuclear on TED < ~C4Chaos.

The paper contains video presentations and interviews with Russel Targ, Michael Persinger, Dr. Harold Puthoff, and Jaques Vallee on remote viewing; this paper is a response to TED Talks execs who fingered the practitioners of “pseudoscience” known as remote viewing. This condemnation is on the same level of White House Rep or other authority figures believing they represent the majority of public opinion while committing the error of projecting their personal opinions.

The Boston Marathon Incident and other disasters

Those of you who believe that there is no such thing as psychic powers because “people” would have been precognitive of the event must understand something: Most people are not trained to use their psychic powers – most people get “flashes,” but their “flashes” are easily and quickly dismissed because of the dismissive culture around them.

The people who do train are not only few and far between, their opinions, predictions, and even their existence are not acknowledged by mainstream media. When they are acknowledged, irregardless of valid studies and track records in psychic research, a few skeptics representing an organization like TED Talks will point the finger of “pseudoscience” at them.

Most people who train their psychic powers are not doing it as an end means to itself; that would be like a dog barking for the sake of barking. Our psychic powers are a tool to help us accomplish our objectives. Does this mean psychic powers should be merely for personal gain? Of course not.

Disciplinary Studies Healing Science Mind Control Self Improvement Spiritual Growth

NLP: Neurolinguistic Acupressure for Generating Positive Feelings to Sleep Well

The previous post, How To You Serve Your Love on Valentine’s Day: Sleep Well, let us know how important sleep is to our love lives. While I’m sure the Attitude Breathing® Tool is an effective sleep aid for followers of the Institute of Heart Math (IHM), I have chosen to elaborate upon their instructions for your personal benefit using NLP.

The neurolinguistic programming (NLP) approach to the IHM instructions may take you more than five minutes. More than likely, you will find yourself sound asleep before you are completely done; this is fine.

When you wake in the middle of the night – as many of us do – simply continue the exercise from where you left, so you can go back to sleep right away. You may find that your dreams are even more intense, enlightening, and memorable upon your waking. Below, please see how I elaborate upon each of the IHM instructions with NLP instructions.

Disciplinary Studies Mind Control Psychoenergetics Self Improvement Spiritual Growth

Why the Mayan Prophesy for 21 December 2012 is a day for Transition (not doom)

Today, I was contacted by a few organizations which aim to open the consciousness of the human race to mass enlightenment on this day of Mayan Prophesy. Everyone who joins in whatever peace and meditation gathering they prefer helps to bring the human race closer to enlightenment (the Maharishi Effect) – which would be the end of civilization as we know it.

To me, this is a good end and an even better beginning for us. For you, this means you get your choice of good things to do on December 21st. When is the last time you asked yourself when you woke up, “What kind of good can I do in the world?” Now is your chance. Now you know. Now, You have your choice of groups to join, so you can meditate on world peace and enlightenment.

Mind Control Spiritual Growth

Black Friday Deals at Spiritual Cinema Circle + Unexplainable

Spiritual Cinema Circle

Our 3-month gift membership is a GREAT gift. Recipients will get 12 films on 3 DVDs (one per month) for only $49.95. That even includes shipping! No Expiration Date, On going. Spiritual Cinema Circle Films are discussed throughout HealingMindN Power Circle Blog.

The Unexplainable Store

We are offering a new savings plan with Thanksgiving coupons:

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Credits can be used on Downloads, CDs, And Astrology Readings.

Happy Thanksgiving!

The Unexplainable Store

Learn more about Unexplainable Products at Brain Wave Science: Introduction to Psychoneurophysiology.

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Mind Control Self Improvement

How to Know When You’re Making the Right Choice (on Election Day)

Montezuma was famed for his gluttony. On a typical night he ate chicken, turkey, songbirds, doves, ducks, rabbits, pheasants, partridges, quail, and — according to a secondhand report — once ate an adolescent boy or two, followed by tortillas and hot chocolate…

I’ll get back to Montezuma in a moment. You may ask what Montezuma has to do with this discussion; it will become clear to you.

Let’s say that you don’t quite have the conviction to make a choice on a certain decision. On the other hand, you probably had the conviction in the past to make the “right choice,” but you ended up paying for making the wrong choice – or someone else’s wrong choice. For example, when we vote on election day, we want to make sure that we vote for the “right choice.”

How do we know what is the “right choice?” Obviously, it’s the right choice if the result of making that choice benefits us. Every day of our lives, we have to make big choices and little choices. At times, there are so many little choices, that we leave them to others, so we can take care of the big choices.

Disciplinary Studies Mind Control Psychoenergetics Self Improvement

How to use NLP to Enhance Your Psychic Abilities

What kind of psychic event did you have?

All of us have had at least one psychic experience that we remember. We’re here now because the real challenge is having control over our psychic gifts. In the following neurolinguistic programming (NLP) exercise, I provide you with a tool for gaining control over your abilities.

First, let me relate one of my events to you; it’s not the most dramatic event, but it’s the kind most people experience: A Precognitive Dream. In this dream, I felt myself flying. Who hasn’t had a dream like that? Right?

In my dream, there was a bright blue sky with a few clouds and I was flying very fast making all kinds of wild aerial maneuvers up, down, and in circles all over the sky. The cool, roaring wind was blasting through my hair and hitting my chest and shoulders giving me a kind of chill as it coursed down my back.

Besides the roaring of wind, I could also hear people screaming in the distance. For some reason, I wasn’t alarmed by these screams. All that concerned me was the rush of fresh air up my nose and euphoria down my back as I soared through the sky.

The next day, my nephew visited me and said he wanted to visit the local theme park. Guess what? I found myself on a roller coaster ride with exactly the same feeling of flying.

Healing Science Mind Control Self Improvement

Fountain of Youth, part 2: Tricks for Feeling Young

Jim McElwee’s second installment on the Fountain of Youth gives us a better idea of how to achieve a new beginning.

After Jim provides his dissertation on the subject of staying active and getting support from your social circle, I’m going to elaborate with a few secrets on how others maintain their social “atmosphere” of youth.

There’s also a super Unexplainable Discount going on until the end of 21 May 2012 (today). If you like, skip straight to the P.S. and find out how deep those discounts go on this time limit special. Meanwhile, let’s examine the Fountain of Youth in more detail: