Mind Control Psychoenergetics Self Improvement

Remote Influencing Course Begins with Strange Familiarity

Up to this point, I have been using CD 5 of the ARVARI Remote Influencing Course on a regular basis because it makes me feel good. I have already been through CDs one through four. I want to start with the good news, summarize the no so good news, then go back to the good news again concerning my experience with this course so far.

RI Disc 5 of the ARVARI Remote Influencing Course contains “brainwave entrainment that rewires your brain circuitry, so that it multi-processes information bilaterally and multi-dimensionally. Increases dramatically your brain’s processing ability (intelligence), scope of information gathering, and sensitivity to data acquisition.”

In essence, it sounds like an alien space craft doing native drum rhythms. Every once in a while, Gerald O’Donnell comes to make positive affirmations of its purpose. I’m able to use this CD while I’m awake. It also sings me to sleep, so it’s quite enjoyable without my having to put any effort into it while listening.

Mind Control Philosophy Psychoenergetics Self Improvement

Why Do You Want Control Over the Life of Others?

A funny thing happened to me while I was listening to the extended remote viewing in theta disc, the bonus within the ARVARI Remote Viewing Course package. I thought that got up and went about my regular business. In fact, I “got up” in my mind and dreamed that I was interviewing people about what they want out of the ARVARI Remote Viewing Course.

The bonus theta CD is over seventy nine minutes. In one perspective, it’s a marathon session. Gerald O’Donnell leaves this gap in the session where we only hear theta brainwave entrainment or rhythmic ocean sounds – not quite the intense experience of OceanScape Ghostship, Altered States, but it’s enough.

I had this intense sensory visualization that I went down my street talking with people about what benefits they want to from a remote viewing course; this experience seemed to last for an entire day which was quite a marathon session considering that the actual gap in the theta session is about a half hour – maybe less.

Gerald racapped the main devices for going into theta and delta rhythms. He also has a slightly different method of guided meditation here, in that he has us bouncing our consciousness from an infinitely small perspective to and infinitely large one throughout most of the session. The method is a bit Kabbalist wherein we project our minds infinitely into different directions. And I must admit, Gerald worried me a bit when he began the session with “Hello, Dear One…”

With that said, the gap in the session where Gerald tells us that we should communicate with our higher selves means that he wanted us to be on our own to experience ourselves, with only our own system of beliefs and world paradigm to shape our experience. In my case, I’m guessing my higher self are these people I was interviewing in my mind, but I’m not completely sure.

Mind Control Self Improvement

The Secret to Isochronic Tones in Brainwave Entrainment

Isochronic Tones” have been quite the buzz word these days as far as it’s application to brainwave entrainment. Among the advocates, isochronic tones are far more effective than monaural and binaural beats when entraining a person. Why is this?

I decided to look a little deeper into this phenomenon and discovered an old friend.

How do we define “Isochronic Tones?”

First, I looked up “isochronic tones” at Wikipedia. Here’s what I found:

Isochronic Tones as a set of square wave pulses

Isochronic tones are regular beats of a single tone used for brainwave entrainment. Similar to monaural beats, the interference pattern that produces the beat is outside the brain so headphones are not required, but since isochronic tones are more pronounced, the stimuli is even stronger. They differ from monaural beats which are a sine wave pulse rather than entirely separate pulses of a single tone.

Unfortunately, this description of “isochronic tones” is skewed. When I looked up three more definitions on the web of isochronic, or isochronal, the same basic concepts are:

  1. equal or uniform in time.
  2. performed in equal intervals of time.
  3. characterized by motions or vibrations of equal duration.
Mind Control Psychoenergetics Self Improvement

How the Human Mind’s Psychic Switch works for Remote Viewing

The 30 minute Session 10 of the ARVARI Remote Viewing Course “trains us to connect with the biology and mind of humans, experience telepathic methodologies. Scanning and energy healing techniques are taught. Teaches us to operate at very deep levels of mind and to Remote View with your eyes open…”

Session 10 is similar to session 9 as far as scanning other life forms by jumping to different points of reference. Gerald O’Donnell instructs us to scan a person with whom we are familiar including ourselves.

Scanning yourself or anyone else is very easy when you can hold an intense image of a person to the point where you can rotate that person in different dimensions within your mind’s eye . The same is true of anything. The main purpose is get a kinesthetic feeling of that person, such as chronic ailments, pain, and toxic build ups. The next step is to step into the mind of that person based on the feelings within his/her body.

Disciplinary Studies Mind Control Psychoenergetics Self Improvement

Remote Viewing Morality and ARV Stock Market Lottery Predictions

I felt somewhat at ease during the 30 minutes of session 7 of the ARVARI Remote Viewing Course. Gerald O’Donnell doesn’t put us in a trance here. Instead he briefly reiterates the RV methodologies used thus far, talks about offerings to come in relation to this course and remote viewing morality.

In essence, we have to remember the source remote viewing information is the “Universal Mind” or God, therefore, we should be moral and ethical rather than selfish when using this psychic power. That is, don’t be too selfish by doing RV only for selfish gain or else karma will bite you in the ass. Per GOD’s Word:

“As Ye Sow, so shall Ye Reap” [Galatians 6:7-8]

Of course, Gerald doesn’t quite say it like that, but he was implying this.

Those of you familiar with the work of Charles Cosimano in techno-shamanism know he has a very opposite perspective of the way the universe works; he believes there is no karma. He has no qualms about being completely selfish and destroying his enemies while employing God’s Angels to do his dirty work. I haven’t heard much about Mr. Cosimano as of late, but who would you prefer to follow?

Disciplinary Studies Mind Control Psychoenergetics Self Improvement

How to Heal with a Biblical Name of God using Inner Power

This is an addendum to the page on utilizing God’s Names. This method utilizes symbols and colors which are common among several ancient traditions as discussed in the Healer’s Handbook by Stewart Swerdlow; it also uses a method of QiGong known as Tenaga Dalam or “inner power” which is attached to the Pencak Silat martial art form of Indonesia.

Usually, I’m heavy into theory, but I’ll discuss the theory in another post because I know most people prefer to get straight to the method. Since many people lack the morality of will and mind, but crave a healing, I want to give you a method which can be practiced on different levels of discipline, so you can pick and choose whatever level for which you think you are ready.

This method can be used for healing wounds in flesh, emotion, time and everything in between.

When you want to heal the flesh, imagine the capital letter N:

Hyperspace Symbol for Healing

This is the hyperspace symbol for healing; it is used for healing physical things, but the uses can vary.

In general, the effects of a healing mind are felt more slowly than quickly on the physical level. We use this for healing chronic ailments rather than first hand traumatic injuries. For example, we don’t immediately pray over a person who just broke a leg. We call for help, comfort them to prevent trauma, and put the leg in a splint.

If you truly want to be a healing mind, you should also learn first aid and CPR. Medical science can save life and limb, but we need to be healing minds to truly heal injuries and sickness; this gives the nature within the other person a push to do what comes naturally.

Healing emotional trauma is slightly different in that emotional trauma can actually be prevented when we resonate with the following symbol:

(Healing Mind Symbol)You may have noticed that these symbols are taken from The Healer’s Handbook: A Journey into Hyperspace by Stewart Swerdlow. This tireless work is a constant reference for us to help us understand patterns in our lives through these symbols which are derived from ancient cultures. Each symbol resonates with an aspect of the Mind of God because they are hyperspace symbols. The capital letter “N” represents healing.

As you notice, both symbols are deep green which is a healing color; this color resonates with the heart chakrum which leads into the arms and into the hands. The heart chakrum further correlates with the heart and pericardium channels of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) wherein the point of “Qi” exit in the palm is at “LaoGong” or Pericardium 8.

The instructions here may be bizarre to you, even if you practice QiGong. I’m not asking you to change religions or your belief system. Since I’m skipping the theory, please take my word for it that Ayurvedic Science and TCM have made these correlations through 1000’s of years of research. Indonesian Traditions of Tenaga Delam put the concepts together like hand in glove.

Disciplinary Studies Mind Control Psychoenergetics Self Improvement

Remote Viewing: Out of Body, Maintaining Your Health, and a Learning Skills Parable

The ARVARI methods of remote viewing have demonstrated a consistency. CDs 4 and 5 of the ARVARI Remote Viewing Course have us using our vibrational centers as reference points. That is, Gerald has us becoming our breathe, then become the light. Imagine the light as highly vibrational, then condense the light into a ball allowing that ball to find it’s center within ourselves.

The method of suddenly “expanding our body of light” may seem bizarre and, perhaps, impossible for those you who lack imagination. In fact, as far as I’ve gotten in this course, I feel as if Gerald O’Donnell is having our imaginations run away with us. For me, that happens enough already. Fortunately, the breathing exercises serve as a mental cleansing tool, therein, we experience the least amount of inclemencies.

The CD 5 session invites a complete out of body experience, wherein our consciousness is floating all around the world under Gerald’s guidance. He asks us to look at whatever small details we happen to notice and make note of them. We have to remember to take baby steps during RV. Small details can be the cost of an item on a menu at a French Restaurant or a strained work situation at a fishing pier like commercial nets being cut by rival fishermen.

The fact that I can bring this much from a trance state into my waking state is not easy. I guess I’m in a bit of a trance as I write this. Gerald seems to invite this day dream state of consciousness; that is, he never really snaps us out of it. Small wonder that the Western European method is not standard procedure among the American RV ranks.

Disciplinary Studies Mind Control Spiritual Control

Magic, Shaman Trance for sensing Spirits

At its core, a shaman is the oldest known type of conscious magical practitioner. In order to become a shaman, in days before consciousness was more thoroughly explored, a tribesman would have to undergo a near death transformation and return with messages from the other side of the veil as well as an ability to speak with the dead. (The trance state was/is traditionally accomplished in ancient cultures using hallucinogenic substances, smoke, and rhythmic drumming which represent the spirit world.)

As many ancient cultures revered their ancestors and even asked them for help and guidance, the Shaman would be used as a mediator between the spirits of the dead and the living. As time went on, cultures merged, and safer methods of developing a shaman consciousness were discovered. Let’s take a moment to discover what some shamanistic beliefs are, and how you can use these tools to help you every day.

Disciplinary Studies Mind Control Psychoenergetics Self Improvement

Remote Viewing Alien Orbs, UFOs, and Spheres

Inclemencies are subjective or objective influences outside the realm of a controlled channel of information such as remote viewing. When remote viewing, we can be influenced by our personal feelings from our experiences of an object in question.

We can also be influenced by our personal logic, culturally trained judgmental heuristics or cognitive commitments when perceiving an object and it’s internal workings. Inclemencies can apply to people, places, and things. Inclemencies can skew actual facts.

I believe that I experienced inclemencies during the ARVARI Remote Viewing Training Session on CD3. This second of ten training sessions teaches a powerful technique to allow us to operate our minds “as a highly concentrated focus of informational input/output through the use of vibratory light that we know, from quantum mechanics and religious traditions, is the basis of creation as a storage and instant conveyor of sensory and data streams;” it sounds like a load of gobbledygook, but the method that Gerald employs is very similar to Visual Ray Psionics method of creating “thought forms.”

Disciplinary Studies Mind Control Psychoenergetics

Addendum, Remote Viewing Course Review: CD2

I understand a little better now why Gerald recommends listening to each CD several times in the ARVARI Remote Viewing Course. I was experiencing “inclemencies” as discussed in “The Controlled Remote Viewing Manual,” therefore I wasn’t completely following the instructions the first time.

Each time we follow a session, it’s a filtering or refining process that helps us to reduce the inclemencies each time, therefore, our approach to remote viewing becomes more objective each time. It’s possible that my inclemencies came about because I was hearing so many familiar concepts from Gerald’s guided meditation to the music in the background.

The music would be unusual to most people unless you’re into ethnic music, like me. As best as I can “finger” this music, it sounds like Samgita because of the combinations of intense primal voices. Samgita is the combination of vocal music, instrumental music and dance (Aeolian Mode?), believed to influence the whole workings of the universe according to Hindu Tradition. The only part missing is the “dance,” unless that’s going on in your head.

Of the three times that I’ve listened to CD2, I almost expect to see “dancing” on my fourth round. Gerald informs us that the method he provides here is one method to achieve deep theta and that he provides more methods. In the CD2 method, as I’ve mentioned a previous post, he makes use of chakra colors as representing different levels of consciousness until we finally reach deep theta rhythms.