Philosophy Spiritual Growth

How to Have Better Romance thru Spiritual Growth

This month’s feature film, PLAY THE GAME is a romantic comedy that tells the story of a self-described ladies’ man, who shares his dating tricks with his heartbroken widowed grandfather. Grandpa gets mixed up in a love triangle, while the grandson strikes out with the girl of his dreams. Will these would-be Don Juans discover the real secret about romance? Try Spiritual Cinema Circle for spiritual growth on romance.

Create an entire evening of great movies to watch with friends and family. For just the small cost of shipping you’ll receive PLAY THE GAME and three short films that deliver truly inspiring, motivating, and enlightening messages.

Start your free* trial today! You can receive a free* DVD that includes PLAY THE GAME and three inspiring short films, plus an interview with James Van Praagh.

*$4.95/$7.95 S&H applies to the free trial. Membership is just $21 + S&H per month.

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Philosophy Psychoenergetics Self Improvement Spiritual Growth

Positive Attitudes, Remote Influencing and the Law of Attraction

This month, Spiritual Cinema Circle is proud to present the feature film SMILE along with three truly phenomenal short films.



Beau Bridges, Linda Hamilton, Sean Astin and Saturday Night Live’s Cheri Oteri star in SMILE… a story about two girls, born on the same day, who lead very different lives. Katie is a beautiful pampered Malibu teen while Lin is a Chinese girl born with a cleft lip.


This moving, entertaining and inspiring movie, filmed in both Malibu and Shanghai, shares important messages of honor, integrity and responsibility that can be enjoyed by the entire family.

Spiritual Cinema Circle offers a whole month’s worth of joy, inspiration and liberation. I encourage you to check it out.


Start your free trial today! For just a small shipping fee, you can receive a *free DVD that includes SMILE plus three great short films, plus Mariel Hemingway’s very special in-depth interview with New York Times best-selling author Dr. Judith Orloff! [ Spiritual Cinema Circle]

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P.S. Some of you don’t think much of Spiritual Cinema Circle for some reason. Perhaps, you have some preconceived notions about the actors or the economic motivations behind getting people to subscribe to “Spiritual Cinema Circle.”

We must ask ourselves, “What is the main purpose of Spiritual Cinema Circle? What does it hope to accomplish?” The answer is simple: “To give us hope and faith in each other – and to shift our focus from fear to love.”

A drama always reflects its audience in different ways, but it always reflects its audience at the emotional level; this is the essence of drama, to reflect its audience at the emotional level.

The Law of Attraction

Drama serves us accordingly when we are able to positively apply lessons therein to our own lives. We also listen to music for the same reasons. The artists who we appreciate reflect our thoughts and feelings in their songs.

When we allow life positive feelings from these artistic media into our lives, we reflect those same feelings into the world as in the law of attraction. Our power of attraction is controlled by our underlying feelings. When we feel hope and goodness, these things are attracted into our lives per the law of attraction.

Remote Influencing

The same concept applies to remote influencing. In fact, there’s no difference between the law of attraction and remote influencing, except remote influencing breaks the space / time barrier to bring things into our lives according to our underlying feelings.

For this reason, the ARVARI Remote Influencing Course consists of many hours of programming positive feelings into us during altered states of consciousness. The difference between Spiritual Cinema Circle and the ARVARI Course is:

  • You take time to time to watch and listen to one program in the waking state while you are induced into trance states in the other.
  • You gain life positive feelings in the waking state watching one program while you gain life positive feelings listening to the other while you’re in a trance.

Which type of program is better than the other? Actually, they are both useful for inducing positive attitudes. They can both be enjoyed simultaneously by friends and family. They are both useful in the law of attraction.

Remote influencing takes us several steps further by programming us during altered states of consciousness with positive attitudes, for example, from the ARVARI Remote Influencing Course:

RI Training Session 2
  • Deprograms and cleanses past memories
  • Experience the Great Void
RI Training Session 3
  • Explores the levels of the mind with full consciousness: Alpha, Theta, and Delta
  • Create the flame of Eternal Joy within your heart
  • Reconnect to the Womb – The Source
RI Training Session 4
  • Experience Delta, your center of energy and the silvery cord
  • Reprogram your DNA and healing rejuvenation
  • Reprogram yourself into a new being; healing and strong physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually
  • Learn principles of manifestations and increase inner vibrations
  • Experience Joy, overcome fear-vibrations of mass-consciousness
  • Use flowers and nature’s portal to the non-physical quantum level
  • Liberate yourself from mind bondage
RI Training Session 5
  • Reach deep Delta and experience other mental states in the process
  • Cultivate your inner smile
  • Learn lucid dreaming and manifesting from that level
  • Use deep Delta as a Stargate to higher levels

The above lessons are from CDs 6 through 9 in the ARVARI Remote Influencing Course. I would love to tell you about the content from these CDs, except that I have been falling asleep each time, so I can’t remember any of the content, not on a waking level. As far as the effects, I have been getting some strange dreams lately.

As of late, I’ve been having dreams about things and people I don’t recognize. In my dreams, I seem to know everyone and everything I’m doing, but when I wake up, it’s all strange to me. Last night, I had a dream that I was playing this bizarre stringed instrument, a cross between a ukelele, mandolin and a violin; it had bizarre, yet beautiful sounds coming from it as I plucked and strummed the (6) strings which raised up and down as I played it – like a piano.

It turned out I was playing for a huge audience and they all seemed pleased with my performance. I still recall their smiling faces, but I didn’t recognize anyone. OK, I guess that was a good feeling type of dream; it might have something to do with the music programs I’ve been writing lately to go with the brainwave entrainment – and I’m always looking for these special sounds.

That’s another major difference: Watching a Spiritual Cinema Circle movie with family and friends, we can ask, “Do remember that downs syndrome guy with the tape recorder?” And we would remember.

But with the ARVARI Course, if we ask, “hey, do you remember using deep Delta as a Stargate to higher levels?” The response would be, “no, but I remember these strange dreams…”

In the next post, I’m covering how our dreams reflect our subconscious abilities to solve problems. Imagine combining that with a positive attitude, how much better life would be for us and the rest of humanity?

Thanks for your time.

Healing Thoughts,


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*$4.95 US shipping fee applies, $7.95 international.

Mind Control Philosophy Psychoenergetics Self Improvement

Why Do You Want Control Over the Life of Others?

A funny thing happened to me while I was listening to the extended remote viewing in theta disc, the bonus within the ARVARI Remote Viewing Course package. I thought that got up and went about my regular business. In fact, I “got up” in my mind and dreamed that I was interviewing people about what they want out of the ARVARI Remote Viewing Course.

The bonus theta CD is over seventy nine minutes. In one perspective, it’s a marathon session. Gerald O’Donnell leaves this gap in the session where we only hear theta brainwave entrainment or rhythmic ocean sounds – not quite the intense experience of OceanScape Ghostship, Altered States, but it’s enough.

I had this intense sensory visualization that I went down my street talking with people about what benefits they want to from a remote viewing course; this experience seemed to last for an entire day which was quite a marathon session considering that the actual gap in the theta session is about a half hour – maybe less.

Gerald racapped the main devices for going into theta and delta rhythms. He also has a slightly different method of guided meditation here, in that he has us bouncing our consciousness from an infinitely small perspective to and infinitely large one throughout most of the session. The method is a bit Kabbalist wherein we project our minds infinitely into different directions. And I must admit, Gerald worried me a bit when he began the session with “Hello, Dear One…”

With that said, the gap in the session where Gerald tells us that we should communicate with our higher selves means that he wanted us to be on our own to experience ourselves, with only our own system of beliefs and world paradigm to shape our experience. In my case, I’m guessing my higher self are these people I was interviewing in my mind, but I’m not completely sure.

Philosophy Self Improvement

Learning Tool Parable for Education: Humility

Although I’ve been through the CD3 session of the ARVARI Remote Viewing Course, I’ve chosen to delay my review of it because of several inclemencies I’ve experienced during and after the sessions.

The whole idea of remote viewing is strange enough to most people. It’s just too “out there” and of course it’s a joke now because of “Men Who Stare at Goats.” The thing is there are very strange customs and practices in this world that don’t make sense until we apply them in the real world. When we do that, we’re able to look at the big picture of how things fit together.

Do you remember “Karate Kid?” “Wax on, Wax off” didn’t make much sense, right? Not until Mr. Miyagi demonstrated how “Wax on, Wax off” is applied in a real world situation of self defense. In fact, there are a number of practices in old world martial arts that are considered very strange, if not mundane, to the “civilized” Western Mind, yet have practical uses in real world situations.

The same concept applies to psychic senses like remote viewing. Like an old world martial arts dojo, each school of remote viewing has it’s own methods of teaching. These methods are very strange, much like the method on CD3 of the ARVARI Remote Viewing Course, but like I said, I’m not going to review CD3 yet. And as you know, when I say it’s “very strange,” then you know it’s got to be out there.

Instead, I want to share an important lesson with you; it’s one of many lessons in martial morality. In martial arts, remote viewing, or any esoteric activity that takes intense discipline there will always be people with the attitude, “I’ve already learned this. I already know that. What more can you teach me?” For the moment, I want to discuss humility.

Philosophy Self Improvement Spiritual Growth

Honest, Selfless, Loving, Caring = Meaning of Life?

It’s been said that the best things in life are free – although in our hyper-consumptive culture, you’d be hard-pressed to find many people who would agree with you.


Our friends at Spiritual Cinema Circle recently found a beautiful feature film entitled Amal. It’s a modern-day parable that tells the story of a man named Amal – a simple, humble auto-rickshaw driver in the colorful, bustling city of New Delhi, India. Content with the small but vital role he plays in life, to drive his customers throughout the city as safely as possible, Amal is a man who lives simply to do “the right thing” in every situation.


One day Amal drives an eccentric billionaire who, disguised as a vagabond, is searching the streets for the last morsel of humanity; someone he can leave all his money to. His children are ungrateful spoiled brats and his colleagues are corrupt, money-sucking leeches.


Despite all his wealth, the old man wanders the city hoping to find the two things his money has never brought him – hope for humanity and peace for his soul. In Amal, he discovers a dying breed: a man who is honest, selfless, loving, and caring.


This riveting and surprising tale ultimately reveals that the poorest of men are sometimes the richest.



Enjoy the movies!

“The Spiritual Cinema Circle is providing a great service to those who want to evolve and be entertained at the same time.”
-Deepak Chopra


“It’s not often you can combine entertainment with personal growth, but that is exactly what The Spiritual Cinema Circle offers. These engaging films provide important messages about life, love, and the world we live in.”
-Jack Canfield

“Spiritual Cinema Circle reminds us that goodness is reserved for the good ones.”


Start your free trial today! For just a small shipping fee, you can receive a *free DVD that includes Amal plus three great short films, plus Mariel Hemingway’s very special in-depth interview with spiritual teacher Alan Cohen! [Please Discover how these amazing stories on DVD tug on your heart strings.]


Spiritual Cinema, Inc.

833 W. South Boulder Rd. Louisville, CO 80027

Copyright ©2009 Spiritual Cinema Circle, A Gaiam Company

*$4.95 US shipping fee applies, $7.95 international.

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Disciplinary Studies Philosophy Self Improvement

How Corporate Etiquette Affects Consumers: Kaizen

Wednesday of this week, I had the dubious distinction of witnessing a deposition panel on a federal lawsuit. This lawsuit involves one of the biggest companies in the world versus another company that threatened it’s market share.

I’m not allowed to say who these companies are because I signed a confidentiality agreement. But I will describe the situation in terms of a metaphor in the form of an anecdote:

A boy and girl in high school were once dating each other. They were celebrated as the most famous couple in high school because the girl was the beautiful prom queen and the boy was the smartest and talented kid in school.

A problem started when the boy got tired of the girl; he didn’t approve of the way the relationship was going. She was closed minded, yet so demanding of him. He craved more freedom…

Philosophy Spiritual Control Spiritual Growth

Love Outside Your Comfort Zone vs. the Comfort of Death?

Imagine the following: You are a single, thirty-something professional…and you discover you have a very serious, life-threatening case of leukemia even though you are symptom-free. The next day you meet the love of your life at a nightclub and begin a relationship, knowing you haven’t long to live.



At what point, do you think, are you obligated to share what’s going on with your health?



We posed this question to a few of our favorite spiritual luminaries:



“I don’t have any judgment on someone doing otherwise, but I would personally feel an ethical responsibility to disclose that information sooner rather than later.”
Marianne Williamson



“Immediately. A good relationship and a real, loving relationship is based in truth and integrity.”
Deepak Chopra



“Decadent doctors focused on death functions rather than the spirit of their patients are the real threat. Love is the real cure.”




This scenario describes the plot of Counting Backwards, Spiritual Cinema Circle’s feature film for Volume 1. In this film, career-driven Joe is diagnosed with terminal leukemia on the eve of his big promotion. He reevaluates everything. Now that his days are numbered, the questions that used to be so easy to avoid are impossible to ignore.



Joe commits to living the life he always wanted and begins a quirky relationship with Claire, the fun-loving girl of his dreams. This romance sets the stage for an imaginative, inspiring take on what life could be about if Joe were willing to fight for it.



Thanks to our friends at Spiritual Cinema Circle, you can receive Counting Backwards plus a very special in-depth interview with WAYNE DYER along with 3great short films for free* (you just pay small shipping fee). Start your free trial today!



To see the trailers of the films and get your FREE* DVD, click here!




Healing Thoughts, Happy Holidays,







*$4.95 US shipping fee applies, $7.95 international.


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Mind Control Philosophy Psychoenergetics

Do You Believe in Ghosts and Spirits?

The purpose of OceanScape GhostShip: Altered States is to increase your psychic awareness of spiritual entities. A question I’ve been getting is “why would I want to increase my awareness of ghosts and spirits? Wouldn’t that make me crazy? Sensing ghosts and spirits like some kind of weird psychic medium?”

Let me ask you: What is a ghost? What is a spirit?

If you’ve been trained by Hollywood films and “Ghost Hunters” who jump at their own shadow, then “ghost” implies a spirit of the dead.

Since you are here, you want to know my reality: So called “spirits of the dead” would not exist without the spirits of the living to support their existence. When we talk about the “Spirit of Christmas” or that people are “in good spirits,” we’re talking about living spirits. When we say someone is “spiritually oriented,” we’re talking about someone who is living who celebrates living beings as spiritual beings.

If you’re a “spiritual medium,” you probably feel I’m making mockery of your reality. And you’re right. You’re here now, in my reality. If you don’t want me to break down your reality, then you better leave – or else, keep reading, so you can expand your reality and really grasp what you’ve been “sensing” all this time.

First, I want to give you a sample of how people are being “educated” in ghosts and spirits. The following is the 2nd part of a five parter from the series, “Most Haunted.” This particular episode is on the most haunted castle in Europe. Let’s Watch:

The “Bloody Chapel” Leap Castle was a stronghold of the O’Carroll family, powerful Irish Princes. A source of evil was found at Leap Castle that compounded and nurtured the spirit of the elemental who is believed to be the returning Carroll from Richard Coeur de Lion’S third Crusade to the holy land in 1190. A hidden ubliet (a dungeon) was found off the bloody chapel. It was a small room with a drop floor. Those who were forgotten within this room suffered unimaginable pain and misery until their death. Prisoners would be pushed into the room to fall through the floor and land on a spike eight feet below. Isabella Marshal heiress of the Lord Marshal of Leinster Eire Estates was born 9th October 1200. Folklore mystery surrounds Donoch O’Carroll of Ely and Isabella Marshal who’s grandmother was descended from the Prince’s of Ireland Carrolls of Ely.The Temple Church London Tomb of Lord Marshal of Leinster his son Richard lost his life in Ireland. Gerald Carroll, the most recent family member to chair of the Carroll Foundation, is not prepared to comment…

Philosophy Spiritual Control

Love, Passion & Giving at Spiritual Cinema Circle

What will it take to change the world? First, we must begin by changing ourselves. For many of us, becoming a loving, passionate, giving human being is high on our list of what we value.

What if you could spend a few hours watching movies that would not only help you make sense of things but also make you feel better about being a human being?

Where you touched by films such as Gandhi, Rain Man, Pay It Forward, Philadelphia, Schindler’s List, Conversations with God or Forrest Gump?

These films taught us about compassion, non-judgment and tolerance, qualities most of us would agree are necessary to healing ourselves, and the planet. Well, I’m excited to tell you that our friends at Spiritual Cinema Circle have put together a collection of films that do exactly that.


In a rare interview, LOUISE HAY, reminds us that a successful life “boils down to choosing the thoughts you think and choosing the thoughts you want, and when you can be wise in both areas, you have perfect health because the body knows how to take care of itself.”

In the out-of-this-world transformational comedy, THE GIFT, we meet two beings from a distant world, who have journeyed back to earth with a mission: to help human beings learn how to reach maximum potential.

With religious conflict simmering around the world and misconceptions about faith fueling ignorance and intolerance, the feature film OCEAN OF PEARLS reminds us that regardless of the color of our skin or the god we worship, it’s essential that we retain our values, even when living in a culture that doesn’t necessarily embrace them.

You can receive all of these films for FREE by signing up for a free trial (you pay a small shipping fee) with Spiritual Cinema Circle, the only DVD service dedicated to movies about love and compassion.

To see the trailers of the films and get your FREE* DVD, click here!


*$4.95 US shipping fee applies, $7.95 international.



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Philosophy Self Improvement

WAYNE DYER film, The Shift. A gift for You!

Do you know what your life’s purpose is? Is your life right now filled with meaning and happiness?

Imagine watching a feature film that is entertaining (with big Hollywood stars in it), and shows you the way to discovering your life’s purpose! The movie is called The Shift, and it stars Dr. Wayne Dyer and Portia DeRossi.

Through this inspiring film, you’ll:
• Discover how to fulfill your destiny and to live your life on purpose
• Learn how to recognize a “quantum moment”
• Understand the different ways men and women make the shift

Thanks to our friends at Spiritual Cinema Circle, you can receive The Shift (plus several great short films and an exclusive interview with Gary Renard) for FREE by signing up for a free trial (you pay a small shipping fee). The movies are yours to keep and cancel anytime.

To see the trailers of the films and get your FREE* DVD, click here!


Thanks for your time, Healing Thoughts,




The Shift


*$4.95 US shipping fee applies, $7.95 international.

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