Mind Control Psychoenergetics Self Improvement Spiritual Control

How to Conquer Self Sabotage, part 2: Energy Psychology

Please pickup your personal copy of free EFT Tutorial + Manual. Gary Craig is giving away all the information that people need to take advantage of this healing modality known as Emotional Freedom Techniques. Gary Craig says to “try it for everything” and people do.

There are testimonials to its effectiveness pouring in everyday; it has a proven track record of curing ailments in minutes what mainstream medicine would take years or even a life time to treat. My personal feeling is that EFT is a shotgun healing modality, but its success is testament to the fact that humans are amazingly gifted at healing.

There are several forms of energy psychology, but EFT is the most successful one to date because it is the easiest to apply. Michael Mayer, PhD in his book, “Energy Psychology, acknowledges EFT as the most recognised form of energy psychology.

You will notice from the EFT Tutorial that you tap with your finger tips on key acupuncture points and “shotgun” points while you speak aloud the issues that you’re having while also affirming your self love and self acceptance. You speak aloud issues that are affecting you at the moment. For example:

Even though I have have these self defeating thoughts that hold me back, I completely love and accept myself.

Even though I feel I don’t deserve to be happy,
Even though I have bad thoughts about myself,
Even though I have bad thoughts about people close to me,

I completely love and accept myself because I know that I’m a good person who wants to share goodness with the world…

Then you keep tapping with similar statements on whatever is on your mind. The EFT DVDs teach us all about applications to different biopathies, mental and physical issues; they help us get into the swing of how to talk out our problems while tapping the specified trigger points.

How does EFT Work?

If you’re wondering how EFT works, it seems that the amygdalae hanging like two little cherries within the crevices of our brains loves it when we talk out our problems. The amygdala is like an emotional high pressure value that waits for you to properly “let off steam” before you let go of an issue. Here’s an article at the EFT site, Working with trauma – the connection between EFT and the Amygdula, that gives you a more technical explanation.

This is part of what makes us social beings; we need to talk out our problems when there’s an issue – or else our minds implode and we go postal.

We’re also drawing upon specific principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) when we stimulate the meridians in this fashion: When we tap on trigger/acupuncture points we release excess energy. When we tap while verbally exposing issues that trouble us, we release emotional energy that would normally be trapped in the organs and their corresponding meridians.

According to TCM, all the organs in our bodies are the origin of our emotions, not only the brain, but an organ in TCM is different from the mainstream western perspective.

For example, in TCM, an organ like the heart is not only the four chambered muscle; it’s all the attached fascia including nerves, arteries, veins. The heart is also it’s function, communication, and inter-relations with all the other organs. Most important, the heart is also the attached meridian which is part of our bioenergetic framework.

The same principle is applied to all the organs and their relationship with the rest of the body. As you see, TCM theories are complicated, but suffice it to say they are easily applied by anyone.

For an esoteric western perspective you can find studies on how our feelings affect our DNA structure at Collective DNA Consciousness.

An Improvement on EFT

A humble improvement: I have this article where I discuss the sensory resonance method as it relates to EFT. What I’ve noticed of all EFT Practitioners is that they all tap at the same rate whether they are speaking of good or bad things.

When you apply the sensory resonance method to EFT, you tap with your feelings: When you have bad feelings, you should tap in slow dissonance with those feelings. When you have good feelings, you should tap in fast resonance with those feelings. There’s a reason that death marches are slow and happy dances are quick: Sad transitions in life are slow. Happy transitions in life are quick. It’s only natural.

When you apply the sensory resonance method to EFT, you let your fingers do the dancing. You let your fingers do a happy dance (on every positive statement). You breathe like you’re happy dancing, then the rest of you follows.

You do this for all the key points indicated in the EFT Tutorial. The reason you do it like this is that you’re stimulating your acupuncture points for different reasons. Gary Craig and the rest of the EFT Practitioners forgot that acupuncturists stimulate the meridian system in different ways according to the condition being treated.

Something else that Gary Craig and the others forgot to tell us is that the organs harbor different emotions, which is the main reason for accessing the meridian system in the first place for EFT.

As I mentioned previously, in Traditional Chinese Medicine, the entire meridian is the organ. Therefore, when you’re tapping in the heart meridian around the chest and under the arm, you’re tapping on the emotions in that organ. The same applies to all the organs.

When you tap in slow discord on a bad feeling, you’re telling yourself on a psychoenergetic level that this is something you don’t want. When you tap in fast resonance with a good feeling, you’re telling yourself that this is something you DO want.

The EFT Tutorial tells us to roll our eyes round and round. This action stimulates all the acupunture points in and around the eyes.

To me, this is a very good exercise for qigong exercises where we are expected to stimulate all of our acupuncture points. For EFT, I believe the cognitive approach of eyes glancing is good enough.

In the sensory resonance method, I discuss how to use the cognitive approach. Most people know how to use the cognitive approach already since birth, so it’s like I’m teaching people how to breathe.

The thing is, people forget how to breathe if they were traumatized as a child. They also forget all their other natural talents. I wish I could “shock the monkey” to jam your natural God-Given talents back into you right now. (I’ll find a way.)

The concept is that you want to access all of your available neural patterns, so you can have a crystal clear sense of the goodness that you want. Most of us are visual thinkers, so we tend to glance upper left to remember and upper right to create and idea. To make that picture in your head completely holographic including smell and taste, you should access all of your neural pathways.

If you’re the sort who believes all goodness in the world including yours is anchored in holy scripture, then you should like the next section.

Applying EFT to Prayer

If you like to pray, then you can add new found energy to your prayer using this method. For example, there are concepts in Psalms 23 that allow you to change the speed and strength of your tapping according to the way you feel about each line of scripture.

Maybe you have a prayer where one or more lines affects you at a very deep level and brings up certain issues. Here’s a line from Psalms 23 that seems to affect most people at a deep level:

“Yea, Though I Walk Though the Valley of the Shadow of Death, I Will Fear no Evil, for Thou Art With Me.  Thy Rod and Thy Staff, They Comfort Me…”

Yes, I have my own interpretation of this line, but what does it mean to you? How does it apply to your life? Let’s use a few personality dimensions for example. Let’s say that you’re an emotional, detail oriented, self centered, pain avoider – just for example:

Even though I feel afraid that bad things might happen to me,
Even though I feel the economy threatening my financial security,
Even though I feel threats of terrorism and swine flu causing me to withdraw from others,
Even though I feel safer away from crowds and having to deal with people,
Even though I’m troubled by many things, so I prefer to be alone,
I completely love and accept myself because I am in the Valley of the Shadow of Death, therefore I will fear no Evil,
I completely love and accept myself because God is with me to comfort me at my time of need…

Then you go on tapping with the rest of Psalms 23 and stop at any line that seems to bring up any issues. You can do this with any prayer where a line brings up significant thoughts and issues. God’s Word is the anchor for your truth and goodness. Isn’t that fun?

In the next post, I discuss another tool to help stop self sabotage: Brainwave Entrainment. In the mean time, here are a few relevant articles at the EFT site. There are actually a lot of articles specific obesity and weight gain concerning self sabotage, so they help you understand how overall health is affected our underlying emotions:

How to Handle Self Sabotage by Using EFT

Self sabotage-healing the parts that don?t want to heal

Healing Thoughts, HealingMindN, Stay tuned for Part 3 in this series,


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Mind Control Self Improvement Spiritual Control

How to Conquer Self Sabotage, part 1

We’ve all had self defeating thoughts or even dreams. This usually happens if we receive little if no encouragement of our dreams and desires during our upbringing, then that feeling of lack stays with us into our adulthood. Let me help you with that “little voice” in your head, so it only says positive things to you.

The little voice

For most of us, that’s the id part of us, the part that only knows desire, good or bad. The id treats us according to the way we were raised, the way we respond to the world, and to the feedback we get from our actions (or inactions).

The id speaks to us according to subliminal feedback that it receives; it pays attention to those little things in the world that the ego tends to ignore – like if someone hurt our feelings or makes us feel annoyed. When we ignore or avoid those things that trample our feelings, the id becomes a little voice in our heads.

Although the mainstream western attitude is, “You’ve grown up now – Get over it,” the problem is that little voice in the background. That little voice coming from the subconscious drills a black hole of doubt, worry, and self pity into the back of your mind that seems to swallow up all the positive ideas that should be there instead.

For example, there are a lot of naysayers of the self improvement tools that I offer through HealingMindN. I advocate raising your spirit through cultivation of your psychic powers. There are some people who say that there is no such thing as the spirit, or higher dimensions, or God; they say there’s no heaven and that once you’re dust, that’s it.

Strangely enough, the ego protects the id through logic and reason or whatever is socially acceptable. Unfortunately, hard headedness is a socially acceptable trait.

Quid Pro Quo of the id

I’ve gone to school with people who believe humanity is nothing more than meatsacks. Even members of my own family feel this way. Unfortunately, that’s how they treat themselves when they have this opinion, like meatsacks: Disrespectful, Uncaring, Nonchalent. Then they treat the people around them like meatsacks.

I wish I could say this stops at the atheists, but you’d be surprised how many kids are being raised to feel this way – even with families that claim to be religious. There’s been a pandemic of suicidal, homicidal, self destructive kids exactly because they are being raised with Godless, Spiritless, life negative values.

Is it any wonder that humanity is distressed? We are spiritual beings intimately attached to physical bodies. When we disregard the spirit, we disregard the essence of humanity.

Then there are people who believe they’re not worthy. They believe they’re not worthy of God, Heaven, or any kind of psychic powers, so they refute any connection they have with such things. The problem is when they disrespect themselves in this way, they also tend to disrespect the psychic abilities of others.

These people tend to grow up as the dry, mechanistic “professors,” mainstream medical doctors, and other so-called “scientists” who try to find ways to refute any kind of psychic powers and other enhanced abilities in humanity. They feel self defeated, so they like to do or quote the types of studies that make everyone else feel self defeated too.

Negative Feedback

Sometimes we even have self defeatist dreams that bring down our self worth and belittle us. The trigger for this is consistently waking up to negative feedback everyday – or having the expectation of waking up to negative feedback and having to deal with it.

Negative feedback occurs in many ways, shapes, and forms. Maybe the life you are waking to seem fine to others, but perhaps you expected more from yourself. Maybe you wanted to be an astronaut or the lead violinist in the Philharmonic Orchestra, but so much time has gone by that you’ve allowed that dream to slip through your fingers because someone kept drilling the idea into your head that “that’s a ridiculous dream.”

Negative feedback can be waking to a reality that you don’t want as opposed to the reality you do want; it could be something as simple as waking up with all four limbs (working) to waking up to the love you’ve always wanted. Self sabotage can keep you from living your dreams and making your dreams a reality.

Greatness Starts Young

Let me digress for a bit: There’s an evil cycle happening. When kids are not provided with the proper nurturing to fulfill their creative needs, they grow up doing the same thing to their kids. The cycle continues on and on. That’s why there are very few great people in this world. There are very few people who are raised to be great because there are very few great people to raise them.

If most people were raised to be great, and loving, and caring, the entire human race would have gone forward into the stars a long time ago instead of creating conflict within and amongst themselves. Because of this, I consider this world my personal hell until I do whatever I can to help raise your spirits.

Having children is a deep honor and privilege; It’s not a duty to have children. It’s a duty for anyone who wants to have children to learn how to raise them to be great people. This is a deep responsibility that takes amazing amounts of time, energy, and patience that most people don’t understand because they weren’t raised that way; they say, “what the hell, we grew up OK.” Then the cycle continues.

Of course, the only way you’re going to help change any of this is by first taking responsibility for yourself. I’ve already talked about all the self improvement tools you need at the HealingMindN site, but I will give honorable mention to a few, and a specific way to help you get over that self sabotage that keeps you away from your dreams using a combination of self development tools.

Before I do this, I want you to make me a promise: If I help you achieve your dreams, then, if you have kids, you have to help them achieve their dreams. I’m holding you to this promise because your destiny is to be a great person. You’re here because you know this is true.

The Super Ego

The ego is like a fulcrum balancing id and super ego. The id is more attached to earthly, primal desires while the super ego is more attached to other-worldly, spiritual desires. In this physical world, the id survives until those last few moments of life when the super ego takes over; this when we see a tunnel, a light, and feelings of floating and release.

The id wants to keep us in this physical world while the super ego wants to take us to the spiritual world. Therefore, the ego has to make this careful balancing act between them. When we’re balanced, we can be very spiritual people while still caring about the physical world.

While your id is catching subliminal cues in the physical plane, your super ego is catching subliminal cues from the spiritual plane in the form of your psychic senses or extrasensory perception (ESP). We are able to sense feelings and get information from higher dimensions exactly because we are spiritual beings.

The interesting thing about this balance is that your id and your super ego know each other’s actions. When you get positive feedback through your super ego, you id wants a piece of the action; it wants something that can help you on the physical plane and it looks forward to that help.

The more positive feedback provided by super ego to help you, the more positive feedback you get from that “little voice” inside your head. This is the reason I want to raise your spirits. Let’s look at a few tools that can help you do that.

In the next post, I discuss a proven energy psychology tool that can help you defeat self sabotage.

Stay Tuned!


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Disciplinary Studies Self Improvement Spiritual Control

Power of Christ, Enhancing Life Performance

This is an addendum to the article on Christ Consciousness: Why You should be like Jesus. The gist of this article is to alter your state of consciousness into the Christ Consciousness using binaural beats brainwave entrainment.

You might say that this is ridiculous, that the only way to assume a Christ like Mind is through prayer. Prayer is an important tool for sure, but we have to focus on the results of that prayer: The way we live life.

When we live life doing good deeds and solving problems for others, we take on a Christ Consciousness. When we alter our state of consciousness towards good, right brained behaviors based in love, we take on the characteristics of Jesus Christ.

Of course, there’s a lot more to assuming the Christ Form than altering our state of consciousness and behaving according to motives based in love. There are certain rituals we have to perform. These are occult rituals that I don’t expect anyone to perform, so this is for reference. Here is an excerpt from Donald Tyson’s Tetragrammaton: The Secret to Evoking Angelic Powers and the Key to the Apocalypse (crazy stuff!), Assuming the Christ Form, pp. 150-151:

..Assuming the Christ Form is much more than a matter than pretending to be Jesus. Earthly Jesus, the living prophet, and heavenly Christ, the Anointed One, or Messiah, are really two separate beings.

The Messiah Figure is the more ancient and powerful of the two. He appears in the Old Testament under various guises: In the prophecies of Jeremiah, Ezekial, and Isaiah, in the figure of Moses after is face is made to shine, and as the heavenly Adam who is created before the earthly Adam (see Gen. 1:27 and 2:7).

Early Christians identified their prophet Jesus with this Messiah myth. When we assume the Christ Form, we must put on the identity of this heavenly being, who is the seated authority of Metatron, the supreme active power. (Yeah, these are the kind of guys who bring golems to life.)

Fortunately, we have an excellent description of the heavenly Christ:

And I turned to see the voice that spake with me. And being turned, I saw seven golden candlesticks;
And in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the Son of man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle.
His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire;
And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters.
And he had in his right hand seven stars: and out of his mouth went a sharp twoedged sword: and his countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength.
[Rev. 1:12-16]

This is a description of heavenly Christ the king, or prince, who commands from his throne…

There is also a parallel description of heavenly Christ, the mounted knight, another version of Metatron,…

And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war.
His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself.
And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God.
And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean.
And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.
And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.
[Rev. 19:11-16]

..He is thus a man with snow white hair, probably a snowy beard as well, flaming or blazing eyes, and a body that shines radiantly with golden light, like heated brass. He wears a crown of gold and a long, shining white robe that reaches down to his bare feet. This is held closed by a sash or girdle of golden cloth wrapped around his breast

When he speaks, his great voice roars like a waterfall… From his mouth, which signifies his spoken commands, goes out a two-edged sword, two edged to cut both ways, either to protect or punish.

The severe aspect of the Messiah has essentially the same physical appearance as the merciful aspect. he is seated upon a horse to signify his manifest power of the world…

There’s a lot more to it. I didn’t even include the attached ritual. I suppose you COULD go through with the magical ritual of assuming the Christ Form. That’s up to you.

If you’re like most people, you probably don’t have the desire to do such a thing as alter your state of consciousness to assume the Christ Form, but in case you do, here’s a piece of scripture that affirms what you’re doing is OK with God:

“So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.” [Genesis 1:27]

There you have it. God created you in his own image, therefore, God expects you to take on all his facets; this includes the Christ Consciousness.

A good way to start is by activating more of your right brained activities; that’s where most of your Christ Attributes are hiding. Since you are made in God’s Own Image, then all you need to is call upon the spiritual attributes that you desire.

The Christ Form gives us superior control over the spiritual realm, therefore, the Christ Form of God is a catch all. It’s not an all or nothing either. We can take on as much of the Christ Form that we want.

The more right brained positive behaviors we exhibit, the more good deeds that we do, the more our beliefs and motives are based in love, the closer we become to the Christ Form and the more fulfilled we become in spirit.

If you feel that you have trouble in achieving any of the Christ Attributes, then there are esoteric tools to help you like the binaural beat brainwave entrainment for the Christ Consciousness to help activate your right brain activities.

There is also remote viewing and remote influencing courses by Gerald O’Donnell. You might say that RV is about impartial observance of a target. Actually, RV training allows you to see clearly into the spiritual realm as well as the physical realm.

Not only this, Gerald’s course on remote influencing has some very interesting manifestation exercises as well wherein you become as physically involved as you like within the influencing exercises.

I’ll stop here because I don’t want to bog you down with too many tools. My personal feeling is that this world would be a so much better place to live if more people wanted to be like Jesus Christ. The first step in doing that is opening your mind and heart to a life based in love.

If it didn’t happen yet, then It’s time to raise yourself in love.

Thanks for your time.

Healing Thoughts, HealingMindN

Randolph Fabian Directo

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Disciplinary Studies Philosophy Self Improvement Spiritual Control

Remote Viewing in Law of Attraction

Gerald O’Donnell of the Academy of Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing wrote this letter to his subscribers on cinco de Mayo and I’ve been trying to comprehend what he’s saying in this letter since then.

This letter is entitled “Once Upon a Creation” and he pretty much covers everything in the mainstream media that could possibly be causing us to worry of fearful including terrorism, disease like swine flu, and other evils.

I was going to try and elucidate this 14 page letter from Gerald, but I’ve decided not to; it’s too much because this is the kind of talk you hear from people in an altered state of consciousness; he’s like Genevieve Behrend as she talks about the law of attraction in “Your Invisible Power.” They’re talking from a trance state.

Don’t get me wrong. Gerald is very clear and concise in his instructions and his objectives. In matters of the spirit and heart and soul, this guy’s coming from hyperspace. I’m not kidding. Hyperspace is the “sixth density” that you may have heard some people discuss that the human race is supposed to approach sixth density in 2012.

Well, Gerald is already halfway there. He’s receiving messages from God which he calls “Oneness” and he’s giving us his best interpretation. Meanwhile, someone like Stewart Swerdlow will give us the hyperspace symbols provided in The Healer’s Handbook: A Journey into Hyperspace and tell us, “You interpret them.”

If you would like to take a crack at understanding Gerald’s letter, then please be my guest and download it in pdf format: Once Upon a Creation.

I’ve decided to publish the latter part of Gerald’s letter because the instructions resonate with me and make complete sense. I’ve included my personal interpretations in blockquotes:

If you are rich in spirit, it does not matter if you are poor in money. Many if not most people rich in money are sadly very poor in spirit.

I have relatives who are very well off, but they lost their only son took his own life exactly because they’re poor in spirit.

Don’t, I beg of you, give energy to stories that predict a world run by evil entities, either human, half-human, or dis-incarnate, for you run the risk of inviting them in your 3D holographic reality.

The dark energy is, for now, very much operative. However, most of the fear generating and conspiracy theories have been planted by the dark side, often given holographic credence, and documentary support. The purpose is not the story itself; its sole purpose is to install fear, and it companion anger. The release of fear through anger is how the old dark side of our Creational matrix feeds itself in additive quantities of energy (quantity of consciousness) and draws hence its power from.

These theories have their own “gurus,” cronies of the dark, who are given much support for their task.

For those of you who have read The MothMan Prophesies or seen the movie, heard about fourth density reptilians who feed on fear or similar stories of the boogeyman, these types of beings become real and powerful only when you denote your time and energy to them.

I could easily say that I and my family experienced MothMan Prophesies before losing that family member, but I am only feeding these entities with my time, energy, and emotion by doing that. Instead, I focus on the attributes of God more or less the same way Gerald does. By focussing on the Goodness which God provides, you empower only the goodness, thus rendering these 4th density ultraterrestrials harmless.

The dark is not evil per se, but doing its assigned job which is to instill fear, anger, and subjugation to a low vibratory hum. That is how it was Created by the One, for Creative purpose. It is a master in its ability to distract, trick, confuse, challenge, and oppose the choices of the Light side. It is a necessary “evil” so that man becomes a co-creator gifted with free-will as he can embrace the choices offered by the dark or those of the Light.

Sadly, if fear and its companion, anger, is embraced, violence may ensue if awareness is not there The role of the Light side is to project into the Creation of the dark and then to give its embodied projections the ability to ascend in their embodiments the ladder of Creation back to the Higher Levels.

i.e. When people embrace fear and hatred, we get war, famine, disease and more. When we embrace love and compassion we are productive, creative, and advance spiritually in our lives.

Another of the principal and hardest role of the Light side, is to attract the dark side to oppose it and rise above the surface of consciousness, as it feels threatened by points of Light. The Higher the Light shining from within a being, the more attention he attracts from the dark side, on purpose so, as that very attraction is what allows the healing of Creation as the dark rises up to the surface of Creation.

Man encompasses the core board figures and players in this multi-dimensional Creational chess game between the Light and the Dark side of the One. Both sides can project (infiltrate) the players on the board and do so. Even though man is often a pawn, he is gifted with Creative free-will and can keep evolving to higher and more powerful board figures as his awareness expands, his choices are wise, and his consciousness rises.

The role of Light is to cause a distillation of Creation by allowing for the dark side to emerge from its hiding abode below the board (earth level) and show its facets/parts as they are then lit and recognized within the energetic psyche of humanity and its direct Higher selves. As it is thence revealed, tagged, and studied, hope is that that this side will accept, on its own free-will, to be transmuted into a much higher format of operation that will be less destructive than what has been its evolution and operation until now.

Ultimately, after the tagging has been completed and monitored by the One, through His connections to all the points of Light projected onto earth, the period of testing individual souls and groupings of consciousnesses is terminated. This period began eons ago, almost at the beginning of Creation, and a great many opportunities were gifted to all levels of Creation to evolve and accept to reintegrate the Oneness. At that point, on that day, the One reserves His Divine right to use His ultimate fire of Oneness to affect the cleansing required at all level of Creation. This may be part of the third phase I have alluded to before.

In this Creational 3D game, man has free-will. This is the only reason for man to exist and its challenge: to free him/herself from the fear stories and situations projected by the dark side of the One and its cronies.

I don’t know if this is purely a Kabbalistic Principle, but I recall reading about this in the Sefer Yetzirah: The Book of Creation: In the spiritual world, good and evil are polar opposites, so they repel each other and they never know each other. Hyperspace is kind of like the spirit world; it’s more of a neutral zone layer where there’s a lot of traffic, but in hyperspace, distance means nothing while spiritual closeness means everything. Good attracts good. Evil attracts evil. Good and evil don’t know each other in hyperspace.

In physical reality, good and evil do know each other because they can coexist in the same physical body. Here’s the kicker: There’s a spiritual being attached to that physical body which we know as the “soul.” We are all spiritual beings intimately attached to physical bodies. Your soul is your conduit to hyperspace where all the psychic activies occur and manifest themselves in the physical plane.

God has given us the job to understand evil and defeat it. This principle rings true in every culture. We understand and defeat evil beginning with the fear and hatred within ourselves. WE transcend these human frailties by focussing on the goodness in our lives. We empower the goodness of life with our time, energy, and passion. We empower goodness by celebrating it. If we lament upon the evils in this world, we empower that instead.

What do you prefer?

Free-will makes that distilling process of Consciousness out of fear into Higher forms of operations possible.

At any moment you can choose from the Light side of Love or the dark side of fear, both will present themselves to you, as they should.

ALWAYS remember that the One is the ultimate arbiter between the Light and the Dark side and that, as of now, the One is concentrating highly on this process of ascension in which we are all involved in as a Creation.

So please, remain centered in Love and High vibration of Light. Focus on the upper Light of the Holy of Holy of the One, even if you do not yet perceive of it. It is the direction of your focus that makes the manifestation and interaction possible.

I hope that you will see then that all dark fearing situations are really, in their absolute form, igniters and fuses to your desiring thenceforth to leave the plane of fear and your subjugation to it.

You first must experience the slavery of fear in order to request, per your free will, to be taken out into a loving land of Milk (White Light) and Honey (sweet Golden manifesting Light). The process is arduous and weaklings of heart, conscience, and soul can stumble. This journey is fraught with obstacles, the conquest perilous and seemingly disturbing, but the price ahead makes all this eternally worthwhile of our full dedication.

Remember, I copied over the “easy” part of Gerald’s letter for you to read. The rest of it is really out there. Like I said, if you want to take a crack at it yourself, here’s the pdf: Once Upon a Creation.

This is how and why ascension operates as it does.

So, please judge people by their spirit, and not their outer shell, be it body or material belongings.

Do not ever watch heavy dramas and especially horror movies on your TV or theaters screens, and advise all others in your household to do the same. They create a cloud of darkness in your aura that can remain there for a long while. They are tools to bring you down and keep you in the dark.

Watch comedies, romantic stories, and fun shows exulting art, music, spirit, loving passion, the magnificence of our Creator operating through nature, and our brotherhood.

Let go of our present or past conflicts. Do not be obsessed in revisiting the past.

Let me repeat this again: our audio visual media is a favored tool of dark forces trying to instill fear in you. As we mention on our RI E-book your sub-conscious takes imagination as reality. A battle witnessed is a battle lived. You subconscious does not discern any difference between them.

So no wonder that after having perceivably watched so many murderous, frightening, depraved, and often horrific situations, your subconscious is a repository of and portal for dark thoughts that assail you day and night and bring your down into depression land.

Hey, then again, we have Prozac and co. and especially the worst culprit for the masses, alcohol, created to disconnect you from the sub-conscious, and especially the super-conscious, zombie-like! It keeps society’s productive machine operating. It numbs the brain and skews and harms its natural operations.

Alas, these chemical poisons also do the same in disconnecting you from the Super-conscious and the Higher levels of One, but does anyone really care? Please take your life and soul back! I know you should and will.

Keep a great sense of humor. Even in what may seem the darkest of situation, laugh at the movie of life being projected. See the genius of its Director and Producer. See us all as actors for this life-play, all sub-parts of the One in the only Real reality show possible. Be the court jester, as the Holy King will then bring you close by as you warm His Spirit. Most are so intensely immersed in their role/characters seeking glory and recognition that they forget their real and Higher playful Self.

Do not immerse yourself too much in seriousness, as a Light approach is preferred.

Get High on Light and fly with it, not on substances.

Fly on the carpet of Love.

Fall in Love with the One, who is but the deepest level of yourself, and also experience passionate love with others. Learn to truly make love to Oneness.

Gerald is talking about revelation and euphoria through remote viewing. He wants you to spread love through the Matrix which holds all the information of the universe, so others can latch onto it – like a viral effect.

Be and vibrate like a flower, representing unconditional Love, freely bestowing love, kindness, and beauty to your surroundings.

Understand that the highest aspect of the Living One is the Divine Feminine aspect (unconditional Love) that the One Separated first in thought in order to host and start Creation. The One or the original Divine Masculine (original Father seeding the rest of Creation with His life force) separated Itself into 2 intersecting sphere of operations forming the Vesica Piscis and hence is both Its original ALL-Being and the Divine Feminine, forming the operations of the Godliness (these two primal forces form the Elohim). That Divine Feminine aspect seeded in Spirit, and intent by the original Father (One) gave birth to what we call the second Masculine or first Son.

Don’t ask me. Elohim is the Biblical name for understanding. I wish I had more of that. The vesical piscus represents creation; that’s something.

Focus and ask to connect to this Holy Feminine aspect, because it needs to permeate all of us male and females alike, for we have gifted offerings to the altar of the lowest Masculine for too long and have lost the Highest quality of Source. We, males and females alike, relish showing low-level aggressive and competitive masculine qualities, and this is destroying all of us and killing Love.

Gerald is talking about people who focus on status symbols, creating stereotypes, pushing rocks on your competition, taking advantage of human frailties and other shallow, baser activities that take away from our spirituality.

When antagonized by others, try to hug them and tell them how much you love them. In most cases, this will destabilize their immediate fear/anger program. You will be surprised how they can then switch within your “bubble universe” their old grooved antagonistic programs as you take the dark anchor out.

Enjoy solitude and the natural world as a womb to practice it. Do not be afraid to face yourself in the mirror of your soul.

Consider the passage from Psalm 23: “He Leadeth Me Beside the Still Water.” God wants you to see your true self, your soul. The way to do this is through disciplined meditation, so you can see yourself in the “still waters” of hyperspace.

Surround yourself with simple inspiring décor, environment, friends, and activities.

Enjoy the Loving company of pets as they are energy batteries of pure unadulterated unconditional Love, reflecting the original Source.

They are often energy protectors are they connect to the Higher vibratory world above of nature which vibrates all Creations, well above the lower inverted shadow world of man where most of us reside.

Be ready to travel light. Reduce your material “stuff” and old heavy mental, physical, and spiritual luggage.

Become a nomad again traveling on the spur of the present, bent on learning, High experiences, and inspiration.

Learn to enjoy the simple in life.

Offer your advice and counsel, but do not get emotionally engaged if it is rejected and scorned. You are not here to prove anything to anybody. Do not see or judge yourself through the mirror of how other eyes perceive you.

You are here to prove yourself to your Self.

The more you fear any event, the more it is likely to enter your world and touch you personally. Stay centered in the One, and focus on the immense infinite protective capacity it bestows and envelops you in.

Now and this is the most important survival and protective mechanism I can share: PLEASE connect at least once a day, twice is better, thrice perfect, to the core of the One, even for only 10-15 min. If you have our Combo training system, you should be able to call upon it by listening, anchored deep within, to session 2,3 of the RV training, and sessions 9,10,11,12,13 of our RI course.

We will share additional added explanations and protocols in the very next months that will show you the incredible transformative and connective power that some of these techniques contain.

Use them as they have been prepared for you for these arduous times.

Eat healthy and regularly. Keep highly hydrated. Add vitamins C, E, A, and the minerals selenium, zinc, and magnesium to your diet.

Eat fresh fruits and green vegetables preferably organic ones. Eat 2-3 raw cloves of garlic per day taken in with food. Garlic has strong antiviral properties.

Exercise every day, keep your body moving, and sleep well. Keep your spirit high and KNOW yourself protected. Don’t ever doubt it.

And most importantly keep SMILING in your heart and have Happy Thoughts.

Realize that you are just experiencing life from within a 3D Holographic all surround sensory Divinely Created movie, so let’s decide in common agreement to change the content and program so that we can soon all experience a glorious Dream together as we decide to let go of old repetitive nightmares.

Much Love to all of you

Gerald O’Donnell

Gerald thinks like me. Or I think like Gerald. We both want the same thing: We want you to attract only the good things in life. When you attract the bad things, you’re screwing things up for yourself and the people around you.

One of the best ways to bring goodness into your life is to remote view the answers to your problems. Advocates of the law of attraction always push intense sensory imagery of the things you want in life to help make it happen, then you take the necessary steps to bring that intense sensory imagery to life; they realize that the solutions to their problems are out there, somewhere, waiting to happen.

The difference with a remote viewer is that the viewer gets to see exactly what answers are waiting out there. Wait! You might be saying, “don’t I need to know what my target is for RV?”

Yes, the target is You. Since remote viewing covers precognition, you can put yourself in those places where you want to see yourself, so you can see exactly how you would get to your destination and what you need to know to be there. Isn’t that convenient? With remote viewing, you know exactly what steps to take to take. What was once guess work in the law of attraction is now clarity when you remote view your chosen future.

Choose wisely, Choose goodness. Thanks for your Time.

Healing Thoughts, HealingMindN,

Randolph Fabian Directo

P.S. for more info on brainwave entrainment vs. guided meditation in learning remote viewing, please see Remote Viewing FAQs.

Activate Your Mind Powers, Remove Your Fears

Disciplinary Studies Mind Control Philosophy Psychoenergetics Self Improvement Spiritual Control

Mind Patterns: Abundance vs. Poverty

If you watch the part 3 video by Burt Goldman on Quantum Jumping, Burt mentions something in passing about abundant mind patterns versus impoverished mind patterns. I would like to go in depth with that concept because I believe I have some personal experience with it.

You ever notice how kids are so curious about things? How they seem to make a big deal out of something that’s become common place and inconspicuous with you like a gate latch or a box or a simple rock? That’s a mind pattern of abundance there. We’re all born with that.

Why is that curiousity an abundant mind pattern? That child is wondering how it works. That child is wondering how it exists. That child is wondering about his relationship to that object; the touch, the smell, the color, the mechanics, the function, etc.

The entire world is already stimulating to an impressionable, young mind. An impressionable, young mind is still absorbing information from the environment. When providing an artificial stimulation like a sugary snack or a video game, this becomes addictive to a young mind. (Please see Marketing to Limbic for more on this subject.)

Let’s say we only provide environments of natural stimulation for a child. As long as we provide no artificial stimulation to that child, that child remains curious about his world. That child is also remains open to positive values.

Abundant Personalities

Remember, we’re talking about a child. As long we teach that child positive values through modeling, lecturing, cooperative performance, independent performance, knowledge capture, and role reversal (let the child teach), then we nurture a personality of abundance.

A personality of abundance always maintains a positive outlook on the world; this is a person who recognises his place in the great circuit of life as well as the place of others. This type of person always remains curious and positive and always questions how he can best serve the people around him with his talents.

Impovershed Personalities

Unfortunately, the average public school environment consists of unruly peers, inflexible teaching methods, and (God Forbid) drugs. The average home life consists of over stimulation of the senses by sugary snacks, video games, F-bomb music, and (God Forbid) more drugs.

Kids easily become bored when their senses are overstimulated by these attributes of mainstream society. In many cases, their senses are deadened by school mandated neuroleptics and psychotropics and their immune systems compromised by fluoridated water, cellphones, and vaccine shots. These sources are conducive to mind patterns of poverty.

Mainstream society is notorious for turning out mind patterns of poverty; this is why we have so many drug addicts, low test scores, high school drop outs, and teen pregnancies. This is what happens when we allow dark age, life-negative hypocrites to run our lives and the lives of our children. I’ll give this rant a rest and compare abundant to impoverished mind patterns.

Abundance vs. Poverty

Are you still curious about your computer? I should hope so. You’re using it to read this.

What I notice about impoverished personalities is that they have almost zero curiousity; they have almost zero interest in learning about the world around them. They’ve lost that child-like quality. There are people who have blamed me for being child-like; that’s because I haven’t lost my curiousity.

An impoverished person will use everyday things like running water, a TV, a car, a computer, yet have no curiousity about how these objects work, the materials that went into creating that function it serves, the fabrication of the parts that make it work, the assembly of that object that made it work, or even how it was invented in the first place.

Do you understand? An abundant personality is curious about all of that because he can see all the work that went into that object with his mind’s eye. An abundant personality has an incredible imagination – like a child. That imagination allows an abundant personality to see the great circuit of life with his mind’s eye.

An abundant personality takes up interests, discovers his strengths, and develops a talent because he knows how that talent will serve others in the great circuit of life. In opposition, an impoverished personality doesn’t really care about himself; he’s not curious about himself or the world around him, so he doesn’t care about the great circuit of life.

The Circuit of Life

Do you understand what I mean when I say the “great circuit of life?” No? Then how can I help you? Let me teach you.

I’ve explained everything so far in the big picture sense. Allow me to go into detail with you. You see that keyboard in front of you? A lot of work went into that. Sure it was probably part of a huge assembly line in China, but a lot of work went into it.

There are probably machines pressing hot plastic molds to create a keyboard case. This is only one factory. There different factories for fabricating the keys and the PC board and other inner components. Then there’s a whole other factory for assembly. There’s probably quality control people for each part, then quality assurance teams to make sure your keyboard works.

Then there’s another factory that does the retail packaging which sent your keyboard to a distributor, who sent your keyboard to a retailer where you finally purchased it.

That was the great circuit of life that led to your keyboard. Of course, your keyboard is a townhouse compared to the Empire State Building which is your PC.

An impoverished personality has no interest whatsoever in how something so common place as a keyboard fits into the great circuit of life.

An abundant personality can see with his mind’s eye the work went into that keyboard; with his mind’s eye, an abundant personality can see the great circuit of life that goes into any object. Then if he doesn’t know, he finds out.

I’m not saying that abundant mind patterns are discursively obsessive, that they want to know the details about every little thing. An abundant mind pattern has a great imagination; he is able to interpolate and extract an experience in his mind’s eye from previous knowledge and experience.

An abundant personality recognises cause and effect, then creates synthesis in his mind’s eye, which then spills out, into the real world through his own works.

An impoverished personality has no synthesis in his mind’s eye. He has no curiousity about the world around him. He prefers preconceived notions, platitudes, and hyperbole to make up his reality- because it’s easy. That’s how we have so much poverty – it’s easy.

Here is an article that exemplifies the concept of abundant versus impoverished mind patterns:

(excerpt from)The Power of the Placebo Effect in Healing

The placebo effect in healing should not be dismissed lightly, argues Stephen Wright. More and more studies are illuminating the connection between mind, body and spirit…

…Eleven healers were asked to practise their craft while a patient was underthe scanner in a different room.

In nine cases, when the healer got to work, the patient’s brain literally lit up the scanner. It is the first demonstrable evidence I have seen of a change in the body when a healer is at work in a different room from that of the patient. The effect of patients’belief that they are being helped, or whether some unknown energy is being ‘sent’by the healers, is discussed in Achterberg’s study, now in press.

However, if the placebo effect works, there can also be a downside: what Hamer(2004) calls the ‘nocebo’ effect. His survey of negative expectations of health, for example among people who are depressed or feel God has abandoned them, raises some alarming concerns. Many studies on religiosity suggest positive benefits for health. But when we believe that we are not loved by God, or even worse that God has turned against us, or if we are atheist, we feel hopeless, unloved or that there is no future for us, we are more likely to get sick or die.

Mind, body and spirit are part of a whole, weaving together the complex pattern we call health. What more studies are showing is that the pattern can be unwoven as well, not just by the attacks of disease, but also by our state of consciousness…

That’s one more attribute to add to the mix: Positive versus Negative expectations. Guess who has the positive expectations? To an abundant mind pattern, just about anything positive serves as a placebo. Very few negative things can bring down an abundant mind pattern.

On the other hand, an impoverished mind pattern tends to turn just about everything into a negative, no matter how positive. Just about everything serves a personality of poverty as a nocebo. Have you every met these people who are pretty much negative about everything? I bet you have. That’s an impoverished mind pattern.

What do we do with impoverished mind patterns? Good question. My answer: Find a way to serve them. No. Not what they want. Serve them what they need. Here are a few examples:

Automatic Enlightenment. That’s what you’ll find when working with the Keys To Power system. Give up the worries, the stress, and the frustration of never getting quite what you want. Turn it all around today

Science of Getting Rich

Master Key System

Money Making Secrets of Mind Power Masters

Persuasion Secrets Revealed At PowerKeys Publishing – Discover the secrets of persuading others to your way of thinking. Make anyone do anything once you learn the secret keys behind the science of persuasion.

Sharing Prosperity. That’s the key.

Those of you with the personality of abundance understand the importance of sharing: Because we’re all part of the great circuit of life, therefore, you know that your sharing of knowledge, encouragement, and love comes back to you manifold.

On the other hand, a personality of poverty only understand the importance of having. Such a person doesn’t care about the great circuit of life. This person only cares about self indulgence in personal belongings, status symbols to show off to his peers, and cares only about the the next person can do for him.

In this sense, an impoverished personality will always serve as a constant drain on an abundant personality. An impoverished personality is always looking for handouts and latching onto the abundant personality. A lot of relationships are based on the impoverished personality taking advantage of the abundant personality; that’s why a lot of relationships don’t last. Holy Scripture of eons past know these relationships too well:

The wicked borroweth, and payeth not again: but the righteous sheweth mercy, and giveth. [Psalm 37:21]

“Why?” You might ask then, “if I am righteous, would I want to share more knowledge, more compassion, more love, more prosperity with a wicked person who will always serve as a constant drain upon me?”

Actually, I’m only asking you to share your knowledge and your compassion. More than anything, I’m asking you to use your talents. There’s an old saying that if you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. If you teach a man to fish, you feed him for life. I’m asking you to help me teach impoverished people how to fish. If you’re really into famous quotes, here are a few more on wealth from regular people:

“Thoughts and ideas are the source of all wealth, success, material gain, all great discoveries, inventions and achievement.” – Mark Victor Hansen

“Real wealth equals ideas plus energy.” – Buckminster Fuller

“For anything worth having one must pay the price; and the price is always work, patience, love, self-sacrifice. No paper currency, no promises to pay, but the gold of real service.” – John Burroughs

“If you want to be successful, it’s just this simple: Know what you are doing, love what you are doing, and believe in what you are doing.” – Will Rogers

These are all from people who chose to remain abundant. Remember, we were all born with personalities of abundance. Our Creator made us that way. Let me give you this reassurance from Holy Scripture:

But the meek shall inherit the earth; and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace. [Psalms 37:11]

Some people compare meekness to weakness, but if you read all of Psalms chapter 37, you will understand that we are all born into and are part of a greater design. To be meek is to be humble. We all start out humble. We start by with humility, but we also have cravings. Our cravings make us curious about the world around us.

Our curiousity makes us wonder how this world came to be and how we fit into this world. That’s why we’re all born into a personality of abundance: We’re all born into being humble, craving, curiosity seekers. This is how all of nature works. This is how nature sustains itself. Nature IS abundant. We are all part of that nature.

Unfortunately, the culture of mammon comes along and distorts this understanding, then children must cope the best way they know how. Then they end up with personalities of poverty.

You might ask, “What more can I do for these impoverished personalities who choose to remain ignorant?” Noone likes to be ignorant. The problem with impoverished people is that they have swollen egos and this makes them hard headed and cold hearted. A person who was once humble is humble no longer when he has a swollen ego. One of the big problems is Mainstream academia actually teach students to have swollen egos.

There are several ways to deal with swollen egos.

Way of the MindGate, encounters of the 3rd kind

This is when we are actually speaking with a mind pattern of poverty. Remember, these type of people have swollen egos, so they believe they’re expert at something even if they’ve actually had little experience. When you bring up their subject of “expertise” in a discussion, you must let them think they know more about the subject than you do.

That’s right. You’re going to have to swallow some pride. You’re an abundant person anyway, so it’s easy for you to be humble. Playing to this person’s ego can often times make them want to do more for you than upsetting their self image of superiority.

You might ask be asking me, “How am I supposed to teach the plebian anything if he thinks his knowledge is superior to mine?” You have to throw them a curve ball. If you have a copy of something like Money Making Secrets of Mind Power Masters, then share a copy with them. Then ask them what they think about it.

Deep down, that poverty personality knows that he doesn’t know jack. But what you have to do is stroke the ego and say something like, “I happened to find this report with this really silly title. I glanced through it, but I’m having trouble understanding it. Could you please have a look through it and explain to me how it works?”

Are you getting how to work that ego yet? You see, you’ve established their superiority to you, therefore stroked his ego through your admission of, “I don’t get it, but you probably can.”

Please remember that you have to lead this person, therefore, you should make it a leading question that lands on a particular piece of knowledge that you would like your prospect to learn. So, a better question would be, “…Could you please have a look at that chapter on abundance and explain to me how it works?”

Yes, I know this is being underhanded. So what? The end justifies the means. You’re not holding a gun to someone’s head. You’re using their ego to your advantage. By leading your prospect with questions, then giving them credit for the ideas stated, you boost their ego and transfer ownership of the idea to them.

This can help your position in many ways, especially if that poverty personality is in a leadership position. (Examples taken from “Blonde’s Secret Weapon” and “Leading Questions” from Keys To Power Persuasion)

Ordinarily, I would suggest mirroring and matching as I have discussed in other parts of this blog, but I know, from personal experience, that having too much empathy with an impoverished personality can actually rub off and make you feel the same way. That’s something that you probably don’t want because you want to remain righteous. Poverty can be infectious.

Personality assumption is even worse unless you’re at a distance which is what we discuss in the next section.

Way of the MindGate, encounters of the 2nd kind

We use these methods when we know where a person is and we know that person relatively well. The number one methods of influence for encounters of the 2nd kind are Emotional Freedom Techniques or EFT.

EFT is fascinating in that it can be used for remote influencing. This is sometimes called intentional or surrogate tapping and is the fascinating process of mentally doing EFT for another’s benefit while benefitting you as well. This is also called remote EFT. There are practitioners out there who actually do remote EFT over the phone to help their clients – and it really works.

There is a report on how this works called How to do Intentional (or Surrogate) EFT–a 4 Part Series. I discuss this fascinating subject further at this blog and my site at HealingMindN. For now, you can just grab the free EFT Tutorial + Manual and the above report, also yours for the taking, so you can see how this is done.

Basically, what it involves is that you assume the person’s identity in question, through your gifted imagination, of course. Then you tap for them. You imagine their feelings, their surroundings, their senses, the way they perceive the world and talk out their problems for them as you tap on those shotgun acupuncture points as indicated in the EFT Tutorial.

This method is obviously easy when you are familiar with the person and their environment.

What if you don’t know the person and you don’t really know their environment, but this person is causing you and your friend’s a lot of heartache? This means you’re going to have to use the most powerful method available for remote influencing.

Way of the MindGate, encounters of the 1st kind

When you have a general idea of where the troublemaker might be, but you don’t really know this person, you need the most esoteric solution for remote influencing. This is most likely a politician or some corporate CEO.

The first thing you have to learn is remote viewing. An interesting principle that has been proven is that you can remotely influence the same person who you are remote viewing. This principle was discovered by the western european intelligence agencies for whom Gerald O’Donnell was working.

Gerald O’Donnell formed the Academy of Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing wherein he teaches these intelligence methods to you. EFT also taps into the same “matrix” of intelligence, but Gerald O’Donnell’s course takes you into these amazing mental discipline exercises wherein your will becomes unbreakable and your personality of abundance is extended into the world around you. Gerald is a very spiritual person. You will most likely be a very spiritual person as well after trying a few of his exercises for extending your senses beyond your body. You can download one of his audios as an mp3 from Academy of Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing and try it right now.To be like Jesus Christ? Why Not? You’re an abundant person already. Jesus was an abundant person. Everyone should try to be like Jesus. The Meek shall inherit the earth…Healing Thoughts, HealingMindN


5 (Standard) Ways to Develop an Abundant Mindset:

1. Focus on people, not things: There are five very important principles that must you must do in order for you to live prosperously. The first and most important is your Ability to associate with people. Why? Because people are in the great circuit of life where the money is flowing! Ironically, when you put the values, needs, and wants of the people first, the money will come to you as a natural result of money flow… provided, you also follow the next steps.

2. Develop Insightful Expectations. Develop the ability to see abundance even in the face of “lacking.” The difference lies in your expectations and beliefs. False or misplaced expectations will destroy your success, relationships, – and your chances for true abundance. When you change the way you see something or someone, the person or thing you’re looking at changes. Your place in the great circuit of life is most important when you fulfill the expectations of others. You gain insight when you learn to meet the expectations of others like yourself.

3. Use AFFIRMATIONAL QUESTIONS. Instead of asking yourself, “Why am I so broke?” ask yourself, “What makes me rich? How can I be richer?” These are called empowering AFFIRMATIONAL QUESTIONS – NOT affirmations! For example, I’m sure that you’ve tried using an affirmation like, “I am rich.” And your mind says, “Yeah, right!”

Instead of making a statement that you don’t believe, ask yourself an Affirmation Question like: “Since I choose to be rich, how am I rich?” Asking empowering questions will cause your mind to search for why you are, in fact, so rich.

That’s why changing the question is extremely important to changing your life. The greatest scientists in the world such as Albert Einstein and Niels Bohr went to bed asking themselves important questions with the result of having the answer they needed the following morning. The difference is the greatest scientists like the greatest artists have passion about their work.

You are also wealthy in your passion. You are passionate about your work. When you wake up to something you love to do, you wake up to passion. Since others in the great circuit of life probably share your passion, it’s a matter of asking yourself, “How do I get the wealth to maintain (my passion) for myself and others like me?”

4. Focus on what you HAVE, not on what you don’t have: Millions suffer from the the depressed mind pattern of “lack-of this or not enough of that.” Some people even feed themselves negative affirmations like “I’m poor” or “I’m ugly.”

This comes from focusing on what you lack, which produces… more feelings of lack. This isn’t your fault. This is how you were raised. You were OK when you were born. The problem at the moment is that most people have trouble letting go of negativity.

The following exercise might help: Every morning, begin your day by writing five things for which you’re grateful and appreciative. Focus on what you HAVE to build feelings of confidence and self-worth. When you focus on being grateful for what you have, more will be given. This is a law of attraction concept.

If you’re a spiritually oriented person, so much the better. We accomplish more as a spiritually oriented people as scientifically proved on this paper on Collective DNA Consciousness. If you’re Christian, you can look up a number of scriptures in the Holy Bible including Galatians chap. 6, verses 7 – 8, which provides the old adage that “you reap what you sow.”

Therefore, focus more on the effort you invest into the great circuit of life and your return on investment. Rich people, in general, stay rich because they’re more focused on the flow of their work within the great circuit of life. An abundant personality always thinks in terms of “flow” like the flow of teaching and learning between instructors and students or the flow of a software program as it get’s distributed around the world.

When you have a work of passion that clearly identifies you as the source and you “sow” it into the great circuit of life where there is passion for your work, then you “reap” the benefits of your passion – which is what you have RIGHT NOW.

5. Find your Purpose: This is the most important step. Most people don’t know why they’re here on this planet. That’s because the mainstream academic system failed us. In a place where we are supposed to be nurturing our passions, we get jaded by “school spirit,” lack of acceptance by certain peers, and failure to meet teachers’ expectations. Mainstream academia is more interested in how kids will fit into present day society than nurturing their passions; this is a wholesale paradigm of failure.

This falsely induced feelings of failure lead to fear, depression, and anxiety to the depths of despair. It’s only natural that these feelings get amplified when situations look tough. Focusing on what’s wrong is really a bad habit that should be replaced by focusing on what is right. When you Find Your Purpose, you’ll realize that nothing compares to knowing you are doing your best at your personal passion.

Naturally, I’m hoping that you’re a life positive person, therefore, you passion is life positive. Some people would say that they have no passion. I’m telling you that you are reading this exactly because you do have love in your heart, therefore, you do have passion, for yourself as well as the great circuit of life.

An Introverted Virtuoso

Here’s a small story about one person who was emailing me on youtube. I get a lot of emails on youtube, but this one stood out for me. This was a man, I believe in his late 20’s who told me that he was so shy and introverted that he would lock himself in his room for hours at a time and that he had no social life. He said he had been doing this for the past eight years.

I asked him what he was doing with all his time. He said he was learning to play the guitar. I replied to him, “OMG! I wish I had that kind of discipline to lock myself up in my room for hours at a time to learn to play the guitar. You must be a virtuoso! There are recording studios who would love to get their hands on someone like you.”

After a few more exchanges, he got his confidence and did a video. Sure enough, he had a small studio going in his bedroom where he was playing classical guitar. He was a self made classical musician. A short time later, he told me he found a new job as a studio musician in another state and that he was moving.

Do you understand what happened? It’s simply a matter of waking up to your passion. No matter what you do, if you specialise in a certain art, science, or trade, this is your love. This is your passion. It’s simply a matter of placing faith in your passion and putting your passion into the flow of the great river of life (or great circuit, whatever you prefer) in order for you and others to reap the benefits.

It’s that simple. Now, if you still have trouble identifying your passion, I can help. All you need is inspiration. Please visit the post entitled, Your Personalized Living Mandala where I believe I can help you through your own inspirational supernatural “fiction.”

Disciplinary Studies Mind Control Self Improvement Spiritual Control

Power of Meditation: Enhancing Life Performance

Classrooms adding ‘M’ for meditation is an extention of the work discussed at Meditation in Schools towards the Maharishi Effect. The effort that started on the east coast took a few years, but it finally reached the west coast.

If there is a next generation that I would like to see take over this planet, it’s a generation of focused, disciplined children who are learning morality of deed and morality of mind. I was actually worried for a while that the mainstream school system would never catch onto the benefits of psychic discipline that’s been around for 1000’s of years. It’s about time. My heart is glad to know that the U.S. will be a nation of calm, collected focus rather than a nation of hot heads who want to lash out at whatever “enemy” is convenient.

Personally, I’m tired of the witchhunts. I’m far more interested in productivity. The greatest warriors and thinkers and leaders of humanity knew the benefits of meditation. It’s about time we teach this important skill set to enhance the life performance of the next generation who are only interested in advancing humanity.

Here’s an excerpt that demonstrates that the school officials are thinking in terms of reality, therefore, they want a real solution:

“..Right now, our country is facing extreme hardship,” said Laurie Grossman, one of the program’s founders. “And it trickles down to the kids.”

Numerous studies have tracked a rise in diagnoses of mental health problems and mood disorders among children over the past 10 years. Educators in Oakland report seeing the consequences of an increasingly digitalized, increasingly anxious society in their classrooms. Mandatory No Child Left Behind testing especially has spiked the stress level in classrooms among students and teachers, they said.

Studies from UCLA and Arizona State University have shown that mindfulness programs help elementary-school students regulate their behavior, control impulses, focus and plan ahead.

“When I tell them, ‘C’mon, let’s focus, concentrate,’ it doesn’t work,” said Pat Kaplan, a second-grade teacher at Bridges…

When Bush instituted “No Child Left Behind” I figure he either hates children, he’s not living in reality, or both. Obviously, children were getting left behind anyway which is why the meditation program was instituted. Now, let’s leave Bush behind.

What worries me about this article is not the article itself, but the comments at this article. I’m seeing comments that this is a waste of taxpayer money. That the Tibentan singing bowl is teaching kids religion. Then there’s a whole set hot headed hatred where people just want to flame each other.

One comment in particular to which the “Christian” hot heads might sympathize is this one: “What Mr. O teaches them is to chant to this Tibetian bowl nonsense. He is opening up their young minds and spirits to trancendental states which exposes them to demonic oppression or even posession…”

Then there are several arguements against this logic which I like, but I want to make special commentary here. I recall a “Christian” faith meeting wherein HaTha Yoga was condemned because it “pushes buttons on the practitioners to open them up to demonic possession…” I was utterly shocked.

Let me tell you why this logic is nonsense. Better yet, let the Holy Bible tell you why this cretinistic logic is so much witch hunting nonsense:

Psalms 119:80-97

[80] Let my heart be sound in thy statutes; that I be not ashamed.
[81] My soul fainteth for thy salvation: but I hope in thy word.
[82] Mine eyes fail for thy word, saying, When wilt thou comfort me?
[83] For I am become like a bottle in the smoke; yet do I not forget thy statutes.
[84] How many are the days of thy servant? when wilt thou execute judgment on them that persecute me?
[85] The proud have digged pits for me, which are not after thy law.
[86] All thy commandments are faithful: they persecute me wrongfully; help thou me.
[87] They had almost consumed me upon earth; but I forsook not thy precepts.
[88] Quicken me after thy lovingkindness; so shall I keep the testimony of thy mouth.
[89] For ever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven.
[90] Thy faithfulness is unto all generations: thou hast established the earth, and it abideth.
[91] They continue this day according to thine ordinances: for all are thy servants.
[92] Unless thy law had been my delights, I should then have perished in mine affliction.
[93] I will never forget thy precepts: for with them thou hast quickened me.
[94] I am thine, save me; for I have sought thy precepts.
[95] The wicked have waited for me to destroy me: but I will consider thy testimonies.
[96] I have seen an end of all perfection: but thy commandment is exceeding broad.
[97] O how love I thy law! it is my meditation all the day…

This scripture is testimony to undying faith – no matter the affliction. Can you imagine “devout” Christians completely forsaking this passage, so they can defame others with their own witch hunting arguements? That’s what they do. Witch hunters are very much alive and well today. Hundreds of years ago, many innocent women died horrible, torturous deaths by the witch hunter’s hands.

According to Psalms 119:80-97, there is nothing you can do to defeat truly devout Christian Faith – nothing. This means that the hot headed witch hunters are nothing more than snake handlers who borrow from the Holy Bible whatever scripture is convenient for them – in the same way they like to create convenient enemies.

Of course, they could be right about the kids. If that guys comes around them with the Tibetan Singing Bowl telling kids that they have to join the Taoist religion in order to receive the optimum effects, that’s wrong. Kids ARE a captive audience. Their minds are receptive and impressionable. This is why you should keep them away from those sugary snacks, F-bomb rap and death metal, mind warping TV, and especially violent video games.

Truth be told, I don’t know if this guy, Sofer, is the best guy to teach mindfulness meditation to kids, but if he’s helping them to make the grade and be more positive in their lives by handling stress better, then the kids experience with him must be positive.

My assumption is that there is no religion involved in his teachings, that he presents the Tibetan Singing Bowl as a bit of culture with practical uses. It’s not like he’s making them listen to F-bomb rap or death metal.
I have studied the Tibetan Singing Bowl myself; it is a psychic anchor. It anchors our experience in certain moods like relaxation. Have you ever seen one of my earlier NLP videos? I use a very similar instrument to the Singing Bowl; they are gemstone bowls. Supposedly, each of the gemstone tones opens up the psyche in different ways. This is correct. The tones are a form of brainwave entrainment.

And yes, these tones can cause transcendental states of consciousness through brainwave entrainment, but no different than when you go to sleep, dream, or wake up. These transcendental states of mind are utilised for hypnosis, NLP, and mind control by certain people – like me, but as long as you maintain the positive influence of relaxation around kids in combination with these entrainment tones, this will only increase their focus and discipline to handle stress.

I would be very dissappointed to hear if Sofer is trying to push religion or demonic possession on kids in tandem with mindfulness meditation. But until I hear about that, these kids who learn to have intense focus and discipline under stress are the good ones. Everyone who missed the boat are the ones to worry about.

There are all kinds of ways to benefit from the power of meditation. We’re all born to meditate. It’s our God-Given Gift to meditate; that’s why it’s in the Holy Bible. Those of us who missed the boat at a young age can still benefit through brainwave entrainment induced meditation. If you’re interested in enhancing your life performance, you can program yourself using your own music (hopefully classical or similar) and your own words in Mind Stereo.

Did you see that page I have on binaural harmonics? It talks about the benefits and ease of using Mind Stereo? It’s this huge wall of words that you may or may not have time to read, but there are some videos that give you a small demonstration. You can just go ahead and try the full version of Mind Stereo for two weeks.

The reason I was sold on Mind Stereo is that love that all the entrainment sessions are preprogrammed and can be changed and saved as new entrainment sessions. I love that I can use my own music as well as the 24/7 meditation music radio stations on the web. I love that I can put my own recorded affirmations in Mind Stereo to play with the music.

Most of all, I love the visualisations – and there are lots of them. When I get time at night, I play Enya or some other relaxing music, then turn on the visualisations full screen during the delta sessions. I actually get lucid dreams within a few minutes. These are intense, full sensory dreams where I know I’m dreaming and I can do anything. Sometimes, I’m a casual observer, so I’m looking at someone else’s life.

Fascinating things you can do when you really open your mind. Give Mind Stereo a try.

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Self Improvement Spiritual Control

Power of Intention: Feeding the Love

A Native American grandfather was talking to his grandson about how he felt. He said, ‘I feel as if I have two wolves fighting in my heart. One wolf is the vengeful, violent one, the other wolf is the loving compassionate one.’ The grandson asked him, ‘Which wolf will win the fight in your heart?’ The grandfather answered, ‘The one I feed.’ – Blackhawk

This is a very simple concept that many people fail to grasp. This is the concept of the power of intention. You give power to a person, place, or thing, when you dwell on them. For example, love or hate for another person can go either way. The difference is one is filling while the other is draining. You figure it out.

That small anecdote by Blackhawk gives us the perfect example of empowering intentions: One is vengeful. The other is loving. These are two polarities inside of us that can’t exist together in the same mind. Can you have both love and hate in your heart at the same time? No. We can have grey areas like ambivalence, self doubt, lack of confidence, anger, frustration, etc.

But to have pure emotions of love and hate in our hearts at the same time? Yes, we can have good and evil exist in the same person, but one must always be resolved for the sake of the other. And it’s always been my personal belief that we’re all here to defeat the evil – especially within ourselves.
It’s the same in the spirit world. Opposite polarities of good and evil can’t exist together. In a physical world, they can. The mind and the spirit world are very much the same. Each of us has equal capacity for actions based in love as well as evil. I believe that most of would choose actions based in love, but it’s difficult.

Most children are not brought up with this understanding. It’s up to the parents to teach their children about actions of good vs. actions of evil. An hour of sunday school every week can teach a child only so much. There might be some mainstream teachers who try to get their students to grasp morals, but they’re few and far between.

It’s up to the elders, like the grandfather teaching his grandson. Then the grandson understands how to give love and respect to his peers, by feeding the love within himself.

How do you do that?

First, It’s nice to have elders to teach us the morals on the importance of feeding the constructive emotions, the emotions based in love. The elders should also teach us the pitfalls of feeding the destructive emotions, the emotions based in hatred, so children don’t make mistakes of hatred that does nothing but serve hateful people.

Secondly, take on the studies and projects based on the love in your heart. If you find that you love it and that other people love it, then do it. In doing this, you base your life in your personal passion. If there’s anything that will drive you forwards into success in your life is following your passion and your desires based in love.

This is why we study study history and herstory. We want to find out who did what and who was successful at it. We want to discover the path that we want for ourselves, then improve upon it and make it our own. Some of us want to follow in the footsteps of others, but we should all go forward doing what we love and loving what we do.

This is how you feed the love within you.

Thanks for your time,

Healing Thoughts, HealingMindN,


P.S. Here’s a special note for those of you suffering the slings and arrows of an ailing economy. Perhaps, you’re already doing what you love and loving what you do, but you’re finding a hard time making ends meet. If you’re truly following your passion, then you know that where there’s a will, there’s a way.

These days, one job doesn’t cut the mustard, so we have to rely on multiple streams of income. No, this doesn’t mean moonlighting flipping burgers at night while you’re a “bestselling” author during the day.

This means, you make the best use of your talents by teaching others what you know. You probably have an amazing talent for doing what you love. There are people out there who are ready to pay you to teach them how to have that amazing talent.

Besides myself, one other example of a person doing what he loves and loving what he does is Gerald O’Donnell with his Academy of Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing (ARVARI). Let’s face it: Teaching other people psychic skills is a bizarre niche, but there’s incredible interest within this niche because it’s so controversial and there are so many rumors behind it’s use.

Beyond learning the psychic skills, people learn to use their remote viewing to find out things within their niche that others would not normally know. They also use remote influencing to influence their reality of their particular niche for the better. Gerald O’Donnell is just one example of a person who took his esoteric talents that he learned with Western European Intelligence and turned it into a full time business. He’s feeding his love. He’s helping people gain the same talent.

One more example is my favourite sifu, Dr. Yang Jwing Ming. This man is has a doctorate in electrical engineering, but he’s turned his love for soft style martial arts and qigong into a full time business. He is also feeding his love by helping people gain the same talent. Even more interesting is that he applies his knowledge in electrical engineering to yin/yang theory (In the Taijiquan, Classical Yang Style DVD lecture). Dr. Yang’s perspective completely opens the door to this esoteric concept.

Do you see where I am going with all of this? You can do the same by spreading your own light for others to enjoy. Thanks for your time.

Philosophy Self Improvement Spiritual Control

Gift of Spirit and Emotional Guidance for Valentines

A Spiritual Gift for Valentines


Vol. 2 Films

Happenstance, lyrical French Film starring Audrey Tatou

Happenstance (Feature Film – Domestic): This lyrical French film starring Audrey Tatou, revels in the wonderfully random nature of life and the meaning that “coincidentally” finds its way through.

Bab’Aziz is about a blind Sufi dervish on a rare excursion

Bab’Aziz (Feature Film – International): Bab’Aziz is a blind Sufi dervish who embarks with his granddaughter, Ishtar, on a journey to find the mysterious gathering of the dervishes that happens only once every 30 years.

Humanity Ascending, alternative and optimistic view of our future

Humanity Ascending (Short Film): In this brilliant short documentary exploring our own evolution, Barbara Marx Hubbard brings us hope in a time of immense change, offering an alternative and optimistic view of our future.

Love on Track, non verbal communication between 2 people on a train

Love on Track (Short Film): In this sweet short two people sit near each other on a train, trying to navigate the possibility between them while taking a crash course in non-verbal communication.

We Were One, a spiritual, emotional roller coaster

We Were One (Short Film): Blending humor with serious spiritual catharsis, our 4th film by Scott Cervine shares with us that sublime moment where we remember that we truly were (and are) all one.

Noted author, futurist, citizen diplomat and social architect, Barbara Marx Hubbard is one of the most renowned minds on the planet today exploring human evolution in a spiritual light. In the brilliant documentary, Humanity Ascending, she brings us hope in a time of immense change, offering an alternative voice from the media’s constant delivering stories of doom and destruction. What if humans are capable of consciously evolving into a new world? Could we become a people who live peacefully and gently on the planet, fulfilling a prophecy of love, equality and abundance for all?

Hubbard believes that evolutionary forces characterized by intensified social and technological creativity, deepening spirituality and environmental systems awareness are now coming together to create a global change magnitudes even greater than that of the Renaissance and the Industrial Revolution.

Humanity Ascending is offered by Spiritual Cinema Circle, the only DVD club that brings the finest inspiring new movies home to you. Receive Humanity Ascending and 3 other great films when you sign up for a FREE Trial membership (plus S&H).


Join the Circle Today!

Healing Thoughts, HealingMindN,



Start your Free Trial Today

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Mind Control Psychoenergetics Spiritual Control

Guilt & Depression: Head Knowledge vs. Heart Knowledge

Psychoneuroimmunology, Laughter as Medicine

Research scientists have spent considerable time investigating the effects of laughter. They have found that laughter can help patients recover from illnesses because it tends to lower blood pressure, reduce stress hormone levels, and recharges the body’s immune system. Laughter is also known to release a body’s natural painkilling substances to provide an overall feeling of well-being. This is a result of stimulating blood flow and aiding the heart.

It has been said that laughter has about the same benefits as aerobic exercise, but it comes without the pain sometimes experienced with physical exercise. Laughter also helps to control insulin levels and blood sugars, and while scientists don’t recommend that patients quit their diets or exercise regimens, they do say that laughing definitely helps. Doctors have discovered that laughter also has an effect on viruses, bacteria, cancer and heart disease. They determined that their patients boosted their immune systems just by watching funny videos and movies.

Laughter is one of the first things we learn as babies. Scientists note that babies who smile the quickest were smiled at more in general. If parents are happy and smiling, it is a given that the baby is likely to smile quickly as well. Much research on children has been performed, and scientists discovered that laughter helped with children’s ability to endure pain and was also effective in the healing process. This is a valuable discovery for young cancer patients. Laughing relaxed patients who had to have painful procedures or who suffered from the anxiety of pain expectation.

Researchers have found that there are many positive effects from laughter, but no known negative effects (except side splitting). Laughter really is the best medicine. Just thinking about something funny makes the hormones flow, and the body has a positive and healthy response.

Experiencing stress without laughter reduces the ability of the body to fight disease because it suppresses the immune system. A stressed body can’t fight infections and other disorders. Your body responds to emotions and feelings, so it’s good to laugh and release all the positive effects related to laughter. Basically, the immune system is closely linked to the positives resulting from laughter. Laughing helps to fight disease.

Stress levels can be reduced through daily exercise and having good eating habits, and when laughter is added, things get even better. People who laugh a lot have reduced stress levels, and reducing stress is a major step in fighting disease.

Some of you who read may be thinking, “I’m not a Mormon who’s secretly depressed through all the fake happiness. I’m not into those Far East Indian laughter therapy groups where you fake it ’til you make it. How can I possibly laugh when I feel guilty and depressed?”

Wow, that’s a good question. My question to you would be “how did you get guilty and depressed?” “Where did the negative vibes come from?” If you’re reading this, then I’m betting that you are someone you know suffers from depression, perhaps, brought on by guilt.

Now, I can intellectualise all day like laughter helps release endorphines which help you deal with physical/emotional pain. The problem is if you feel guilty, then you probably feel you don’t deserve to laugh. “What good is it to laugh if laughter is only going to make me feel more guilty?” Did I hit the nail on the head?

Let’s assume that you’re here to deal with this problem, not to just read about it and justify an existence of depression and guilt. Let’s assume for the moment that you’re reaching out, that you want to know how to deal with this problem.

The first thing we do is reach out to try and find someone is experiencing something similar to you or whoever has the problem. We want to find out how someone else dealt with guilt and depression. In essence, we prefer to find the heart knowledge as it applies to us personally rather than some head knowledge where a person is vying for the grade in his psychology class.

Tell me if I’m wrong, but history tells us that no amount of psychoanalysis cures a problem. No amount of psychotropic / neuroleptic drugs “cures” a psychological ailment. What we want is to identify with others who had the same experience and found their way how to healthier, satisfying life.

More importantly, we want to deal with the problem NOW, not five years from now or even five months from now, but NOW. What kind of cure exists NOW that we can use at this very moment? Please have a look at the following. Please click the title that comes closest to what you may be experiencing:

It’s possible that one or more of these apply to you. There are many more case histories / herstories of guilt and depression at the EFT site. EFT is a form of energy psychology wherein you talk out your difficulties while tapping shotgun points within your energy meridian system. It’s already worked for lots of people as you see the the video below.

From a personal standpoint, I’ve had to deal with death many times over with friends and family. I guess my personal perspective is optimistic rather than fatalistic. You see, I believe in people to do the right thing which is why I put up these posts at this blog.

I’m hoping that you do the right thing for yourself by going forward in your life. Someday you can laugh and learn that your laughter serves not only you, but the people around you. When you go forward, so do the people closest to you. If you care about the people around you, you take this knowledge to heart and go forward with your life.

Healing Thoughts, HealingMindN


Related Article:

Why is Our Mental Health Important?

So what do we know?

  • Depression occurs in 40 – 50% of patients who suffer from coronary disease.
  • Depression is a leading risk factor for heart disease.
  • 25% of patients suffering from cancer also suffer from depression.
  • Patients suffering from Bi Polar have a 10 – 15% increase in a risk for suicide.
  • Homicide and violence is increased among those suffering from a Bi Polar condition.
  • About 53% of mentally ill inmates were in prison for a violent offense, compared to 46% of other inmates…

Alternative treatments for depression:

1. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy seeks to help people change how they think about things. Unlike more traditional forms of therapy, it focuses on “here and now” problems and difficulties. Numerous clinical studies throughout the world have consistently demonstrated that cognitive behavioral therapy is as effective as antidepressant medication. Within 20 sessions of individual therapy, approximately 75 percent of patients experience a significant decrease in their symptoms.

2.St. John’s Wort

St John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum) is commonly used for the treatment of depression. It is available in tablets, capsules and liquid form from supermarkets and health food shops. Research suggests that it exerts its antidepressant action by inhibiting the reuptake of the neurotransmitters serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine. Numerous double-blind, placebo-controlled studies have examined the effectiveness of St. John’s wort for the treatment of mild to moderate major depression, and most have found the herb more effective than a placebo. It can be at least as effective as paroxetine (Paxil) in the treatment of moderate to severe depression in the short term.

3. S-Adenosylmethionine (SAMe)

SAMe is an amino acid derivative that occurs naturally in all cells. It plays a role in many biological reactions by transferring its methyl group to DNA, proteins, phospholipids and biogenic amines. Several scientific studies indicate that SAMe may be useful in the treatment of depression.

4. Light Therapy

For years, light therapy has been used to treat seasonal affective disorder, a type of depression caused by short winter days and extended darkness. A lack of exposure to sunlight is responsible for the secretion of the hormone melatonin, which can trigger a dispirited mood and a lethargic condition. Light therapy helps to regulate the body’s internal clock in the same way that sunlight does. Light therapy is an effective treatment for seasonal affective disorder, and it may reduce the symptoms of non-seasonal depression as well.

5. Exercise

Researchers have found that regular exercise, and the increase in physical fitness that results, alters serotonin levels in the brain and leads to improved mood and feelings of wellbeing. Study after study has shown that exercise promotes mental health and reduces symptoms of depression. The antidepressant effect of regular physical exercise is comparable to potent antidepressants like Sertraline.

6. 5-Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP)

5-Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) and tryptophan are also natural alternatives to traditional antidepressants. When your body sets about manufacturing serotonin, it first makes 5-HTP. Taking 5-HTP as a supplement may raise serotonin levels. The evidence suggests 5-HTP and tryptophan are better than a placebo at alleviating depression.

7. Massage

One of the best-known benefits of massage therapy is its ability to enhance feelings of well-being. Massage produces chemical changes in the brain that result in a feeling of relaxation and calm. It also reduces levels of stress hormones. Massage therapy lowers levels of stress hormone cortisol by an average of 30 percent. Massage also increases serotonin and dopamine, neurotransmitters that help reduce depression.

8. Acupuncture

Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese treatment in which needles are inserted at specific points in the body. Research suggests that acupuncture can decrease or eliminate the symptoms of depression. A review of 8 controlled trials supported the theory that acupuncture can significantly reduce the severity of depression.

9. Yoga & Meditation

Yoga is an ancient system of relaxation, exercise, and healing with origins in Indian philosophy. Practicing yoga can alter your brain chemistry. Some yoga positions are effective in stimulating the release of endorphins and reducing the level of stress hormone cortisol. Several human studies support the use of yoga for depression, and yoga postures have been specifically shown to increase levels of the neurotransmitter GABA, which may alleviate depression.

10. B Vitamins

B vitamins play a role in the production of certain neurotransmitters, which are important in regulating mood and other brain functions. Folic acid deficiency has been noted among people with depression. Vitamin B6, or pyridoxine, is the cofactor for enzymes that convert L-tryptophan to serotonin, so vitamin B6 deficiency might result in depression. And there is some evidence that people with depression respond better to treatment if they have higher levels of vitamin B12.

11. Magnesium

Dr. Dean is the author of “The Miracle of Magnesium.” she, and many other doctors and researchers are clear that Magnesium deficiency is a significant factor in many other severe illnesses including heart attacks and other forms of heart disease, asthma, anxiety and panic attacks, depression, fatigue, diabetes, migraines and other headaches, osteoporosis, insomnia, and most cases of muscular problems…

12. Emotional Freedom Techniques

Also try emotional freedom techniques (EFT), an energy psychology that is being developed by practitioners all over the world and has the best success rate in actually curing depression. Please see the following sample clinical case studies in utilising EFT where the problem was cured in just a few minutes:

Watch the new EFT video

Related Link:

Sunday May 10, 2009

Ho, ho, ha, ha, ha


A fuss-free, fun-filled way to better health and a happier life.

IT is amazing what laughter can do for us.

Earlier studies on laughter first suggested it could relieve pain, facilitate digestion and improve memory. Now, with more sophisticated tools, we can add these benefits to that list: it boosts our immune system, reduces levels of stress hormones and relaxes muscles throughout the body.

Members of laughter clubs doing the lion laugh during the World Laughter Day celebrations in the northern Indian city of Chandigarh May 3, 2009.

But science has sought to explain what we already know: laughter makes us feel better and happier.

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Philosophy Spiritual Control

Spiritual Cinema Circle: SWING INTO 2009

Vol. 1 Films


Swing (Feature Film): This fun feature film starring Jacqueline Bisset, Jonathan Winters, Tom Skerritt and Nel Carter, will get your heart pumping with the music and moves of swing dance.

Tanghi Argentini


Tanghi Argentini (Short Film): Andre is not one for asserting himself- but an upcoming blind date at a tango club forces him to enlist his most arrogant colleague as his tango coach in this comedic Oscar nominated short.


Passing (Short Film): In this gentle short film we are asked to examine how we give to those we cherish the most.


Greedy for Life

Greedy for Life (Short Film): This short documentary introduces us to two women over 80 years old, who are living life to its fullest, bringing us a hopeful glimpse of how good life can be at any age!

Are you ready for a movie that will remind you of a more kind and thoughtful era; when “follow your dreams” simply meant listening to your heart? If so, you will love SWING, a feature film that will get your heart pumping and your toes tapping. Offered by our friends at Spiritual Cinema Circle, SWING stars Jacqueline Bisset, Jonathan Winters, Tom Skerritt and Nell Carter in a film about keeping dreams alive. The film’s captivating Muse, played by the beautiful Ms. Bisset, teaches a young man to Swing dance by following her instructions, meanwhile following his heart. Receive this film plus 3 great short films Tanghi Argentini, Passing, and Greedy for Life when you sign up for a free trial membership (for a nominal shipping fee).

Healing Thoughts, HealingMindN


“The Spiritual Cinema Circle is providing a great service to those who want to evolve and be entertained at the same time”

Deepak Chopra

Start your Free Trial Today

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