Disciplinary Studies Sexual HealingMindN Spiritual Control

Fear of Intimacy: Sneezing and Post Coital Blues Syndrome

My google alerts have sent me this article more than once. It’s an article called “Sexy Thoughts Make You Sneeze.”

Dr Mahmood Bhutta, an ear, nose and throat specialist at the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford, launched a study after seeing a patient who suffered “uncontrollable” sneezing fits every time he had a sexual thought and after finding seventeen more people (on the web) suffering from the same malady.

Dr Mahmood Bhutta and many other people somehow prefer to categorize this reaction of sneezing in response to sexual excitation as nothing more than a mechanical reaction.

Dr. Bhutta calls it “wires getting crossed” while others such as at this post, Why to people sometimes sneeze suddenly during sexual intercourse?…” would prefer the vasodialation / histamine release explanation. These people who prefer the mechanical explanations are also having intimacy issues.

How do I know they have fear of intimacy? 99% of the people on the web who talk about these kinds of problems are on the web because they have a fear of being close to others; they fear intimate, emotional contact.

Self Improvement Spiritual Control

LOUISE HAY – The Movie, spiritual sources

Dear Friend,

LOUISE HAY, international leader in inspirational and self-help publishing and founder of Hay House, Inc., is the subject of an important documentary film entitled YOU CAN HEAL YOUR LIFE. This film, which offers an intimate look into Louise Hay’s moving and inspirational life story, shares her views on self-esteem, abundance and healing.

In this entertaining film, Wayne Dyer, Esther and Jerry Hicks, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Doreen Virtue, Gregg Braden, Gay Hendricks, and Cheryl Richardson, share their personal stories about the impact Louise Hay has had on their lives.

YOU CAN HEAL YOUR LIFE is the feature film in the Vol. 12, 2008 collection of films from the Spiritual Cinema Circle, the only DVD club specializing in films that inspire love and compassion. Receive YOU CAN HEAL YOUR LIFE plus 3 great short films free (plus nominal shipping fee) by visiting before December 14, 2008.

You Can Heal Your Life is the feature film in the Vol. 12 collection of films from Spiritual Cinema Circle. New subscribers to Spiritual Cinema Circle can receive a free trial membership (for a nominal shipping fee) by visiting Spiritual Cinema Circle before December 14th.

Best wishes,

Randolph Directo, Your HealingMindN

Start your Free Trial Today

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Mind Control Self Improvement Spiritual Control

Mind Control Paradigm vs. Self Discipline

Stewart Swerdlow – History of Mind Control

Mind Control: “The ability of a person or thing to have manipulative ability over another.”

Programming: “Imprinting or compartmentalization of a person’s thought process or mind pattern for specific purposes.”

“Both are life long processes…”

Example: Commercial imprinting where the same TV commercial is shown three times in a row within a short period to imprint the message on the viewers.

This is a lecture that Stewart Swerdlow provided a few years ago. I plan on bringing up a few key points in this lecture.

Whenever I use the term “mind control,” most people think that I’m out to control someone else. Actually, I’m talking about the mind control you have over yourself for your own self discipline.

Before I discovered the works of Stewart Swerdlow, I was into martial arts mind control which is all about self discipline. The works of Dr. Yang Jwing-Ming are my favorite, but when I was a teen, I found The mind in the martial arts: A key to winning by Thomas Nardi.

The mind in the martial arts trains self discipline and mind control for getting ahead in your martial arts training, but anyone can see how the methods provided by Nardi can be applied to any other walk of life.

The mind in the martial arts: A key to winning teaches you how to program yourself and imprint your mind with useful affirmations. For example, right before you go to sleep and the moment you wake up, you give yourself a simple suggestion. You can tell yourself, “I enjoy learning the double axe handle kick because I’m getting better all the time.”

By the same token, if you’re a student of calculus, for example, but you’re having trouble with understanding certain principles, you can go to bed and wake up with the affirmation, “I enjoy learning integrals because I benefit from the knowledge.” Nardi also provides the necessary breathing techniques to help you get a good night’s sleep and wake up refreshed.

I would go as far as to say that The mind in the martial arts even teaches remote viewing. In a fight situation, it helps to have the widest possible perspective of your situation for the best advantage. Nardi has you meditate on putting your consciousness outside of a situation, so you can observe objectively.

Nardi has you train, so you can actually see yourself, your opponent, and your environment, so you know all of your options in a fight situation. Imagine yourself right now seeing yourself from the outside as you read this. Pretend you can see yourself from a video camera as it revolves around you. at different angles. Then imagine that camera pointing at other places in your right outside of your vision, but you can see these places clearly in your mind’s eye.

This type of training is akin to remote viewing which I believe the most disciplined martial artists are capable of doing – if not already.

This is not to side step Stewart Swerdlow’s lecture. Yes, he’s right on the money about mind control programming from outside. This is why it’s so important to practice mind control from the inside to prevent any kind of ignominious influence from the outside. The most self disciplined people are the ones least likely to fall prey to mind control programming.

Swerdlow is not here just to scare us. He also provides all the tools necessary to stop and prevent negative influences. The Healer’s Handbook: A Journey into Hyperspace is my favorite because the methodologies are about remote healing. Remote healing is about creating positive results in your environment, so you’re more in control of your environment.

People fear “mind control” because they fear their own lack of control over their own lives. Self disciplined people have no such fear. Self disciplined people have confidence in their abilities and their control over their own lives. Some people are “supernatural” in their self control. This is who I want you to be.

I’m not here to raise hell about “mind control” or the illuminati. I’m here to tell you to be your own person and be confident in yourself through your own self discipline. I’ve opened the door to the resources. You need only take advantage of them.

Thanks for your time and Happy Thanksgiving,

Randolph Directo, HealingMindN

P.S. Try Kindle: The wireless reading pad from Star Trek for some of these out of print books.

Spiritual Control

Rahab: 5th Planet from the Sun, addendum

This is an addendum to the epilogue that I recently added to Rahab: 5th Planet from the Sun.

The epilogue talks about Rahab’s Babylonian equivalent, Tiamat, and the likely destruction of Rahab by one of the moons of Nibiru, a possible denizen of our solar system which is on a different trajectory outside of our ecliptic plane.

There are theories that Nibiru is a brown dwarf. I’ve thought over the possibility that there are natural disasters occurring every time Nibiru passes through our ecliptic plane, so I had a look at the last time Nibiru would have passed through which would be around 1700 B.C.

Indeed, there did seem to be a minor disasters recorded in different parts of the world around 1700 B.C. It seems there was a major earthquake in Mainland Greece, famine in Egypt, floods in parts of India, and a few other things, but not on the scale of what happened 25,000 years ago.

I supposed if we take that number 6.66 ad infinitum, seriously; it’s like saying that we’re living in the millenium of greatest evil and that Nibiru is somehow connected to it.

Have you ever visited If you’ve read the reports there, it seems that our planet is pretty important to ETs and UTs. (I’m not going to mention why. The post is inflammatory enough already.)

Exopolitics is even more complex than human politics. There are many shades of grey, so it’s difficult to say who is completely good or evil. From my perspective, compared to the size of the universe, there’s just not that much evil. The real problem is that a great deal of it is concentrated on our planet.

If this actually is the millenium of greatest evil, then good will always prevail. We were put in this physical reality, so we can understand and deal with evil, especially that which may exist in ourselves.

In spiritual reality, good and evil don’t know each other because they’re opposite sides of the pole. In spiritual reality, physical distance means nothing while spiritual closeness means everything. Realising this, God gave physical reality, so we know and understand evil. The only way good and evil can possibly coexist is in a physical body.

That’s why we’re here: To understand evil, to cope with it, and to diminish it for the sake of being good, for the sake of human spirit, in His Name.

God’s Word teaches us about “other-worldly” giants known as Anakims or “Anunnaki” according to Babylonian texts. Although God had Joshua deal with them swiftly, I’m not sure if they’re evil. I mean, they ARE alien to this world, so their ways are alien. Whether they are completely life negative or what kind of threat they represent, I’m not sure.

If their society also follows the precepts of exopolitics, then there are good Anakims and evil Anakims and every kind of Anakim in between – just like humans. Exactly how their presence affects human society is up to your research.

Thanks for your time,

Randolph, HealingMindN

P.S. If you’re interesting in remote viewing the Anunnaki and other ETs, you can get an immediate handle on the experience with the free audio downloads from ARVARI:

Academy Of Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing

Disciplinary Studies Mind Control Self Improvement Spiritual Control

You are Here to Heal Your Mind: Spiritual Healing

Do you know why you’re here looking for a Healing Mind? There are few other reasons for being here right now at this moment other than to Heal. Milton Erickson proved this principle in his practice. Here’s an example:

The legendary hypnotherapist, Milton Erickson was once visited by a psychiatrist who complained that several other therapists had tried and failed to cure his ailments. He asked Erickson to treat him, but only as “a fellow psychiatrist, with none of that funny hypnosis stuff.” Though Erickson agreed, he had other plans:

Erikson met his client’s gaze with unwavering eyes. “Now,” he declared in his hypnotic southwestern drawl, “it is fine for you not to want to undergo hypnosis and I will treat you as a psychiatrist, but for now please kindly fix your eyes on that clock on the wall over there…”

Sure enough, Erickson’s masterful technique (combined with the patient’s fragile state and suggestibility) soon lulled the man into a deep trance. Moreover, according to legend, the clock on the wall was merely a figment of Erikson’s imagination.

[Though Erickson clearly instructed trainees never to lie to patients, he may have justified himself in this case by arguing that, had the man not secretly wished to be hypnotized: (a) he would not have chosen to consult a hypnotist and (b) the attempted hypnosis would not have worked.]

By the same token, you secretly want to be a Healing Mind. You’re looking for spiritual healing or else you wouldn’t be here. Since you are looking for a healing that works, I would like to provide you with some esoteric tools.

Now, this is something personal I want to share with you about my own personal healing; these are only two of the many tool I like to use.

First are emotional freedom techniques (EFT) by Gary Craig; they are a form of energy psychology. EFT literally taps into our higher gauge symmetry through the energy meridians and astral bodies. I’ve already mentioned in a previous article, EFT vs. Ancient Keys, that EFT is a combination of qigong (e.g. Wild Goose Patting Qigong) and psionics like Jose Silva’s method of assumption which also “tunes” into feelings.

Gary Craig’s site has a free EFT Tutorial + Manual available for everyone to learn EFT. They also have videos of people going through the EFT process to solve problems in a few minutes. Most therapists would prefer to drag out problems for years, so it’s not that famous in the mainstream.

In conjunction with EFT, I like to use a book to help me along when I have difficulty phrasing or “Tuning in” exactly how I feel at a given moment. It’s called The 72 Names of God Meditation Book: Technology for the Soul by Yehuda Berg. This book is based in the Kabbalah, but you don’t have to be Kabbalist to use it. (It’s like spaghetti or pizza: You don’t have to be Italian to eat it.)

Yehuda painstakingly looked up the elemental for each of God’s Names to help us understand the meaning of each one. These elementals or angels are based on the Shemhamphorash, or the actual Name of God which represents the 72 levels of Heaven or Hell depending on which direction your life is going.

Each of the elementals has a different purpose like “Healing,” “Stop Fatal Attraction,” “Self Esteem,” “Thought into Action,” etc. I like to skip around in this book depending on which passages match my feelings at the time. In reality, we should all start at the lowest level of heaven at elemental 72 for “Spiritual Cleansing.” Here’s the passage written by Yehuda for this elemental (I want you to imagine doing your EFT tapping while saying these things):

No more cynicism.

I will not be jaded, nor give others attitude.

I will transform my life.

Dropping my ego, I will take the path of proactive transformation.

If sickness, heartache, financial woes or other problems arise,

I will work through them to connect to the Light,

making the job of transformation my own.

I concentrate on the sequence purifying iniquities from previous lives.

My spiritual slate is clean.

as I allow the Light to engulf my physical and spiritual realms.

Of course, you can accent the above passage with your own feelings about your attitude towards the outside world, what ravages you’ve experience, or blessings it should bring. This passage is Yehuda’s expression of thoughts and feelings concerning a specific angel, the number 72 elemental, “Moum.” Start with Yehuda’s, then apply your own.

“Moum” is derived from the Hebrew letters. The Hebrew letters are the sequence of which the above passage speaks. Consider it as spiritual EFT. We’re all spiritual beings anyway, intimately attached to physical bodies. When you concentrate on the sequence, you are literally calling upon an Angel of God for Guidance. “Moum” is there for your spiritual cleansing. There are 71 more, each with a different purpose to help you.

True, the Shemhamphorash is also used for calling upon demons that represent the complete opposite of what we want. All I can tell is – Don’t do that. It’s bad Ju-Ju. There are enough death metal bands doing that along with you-know-who-else. It’s time for us to call upon the angels too.

I should make special mention that this is still a form of EFT when you are tapping and tuning in according to how you feel, but it’s higher order since you’re calling upon God’s Elementals for Guidance. Shotgun EFT as it is practiced worldwide is good for the primitive mind; the primitive mind is where most ailments originate. That’s why it’s good.

Tapping into your higher gauge symmetry to tune in God’s Angels is even better; that’s where we should be. That’s where our true spiritual healing originates.

Thanks for your time.


Randolph Fabian Directo (HealingMindN)

P.S. There are two other works I should recommend: The Healer’s Handbook: A Journey into Hyperspace is an excellent book by Steward Swerdlow that helps us tune into other people radionically, psionically, and through dream symbols for a healing connection. This book will also accent your understanding of the Hebrew Sequences in terms of dream symbols.

Gerald O’Donnell’s course on remote viewing and remote influencing further helps you to affect and see healing changes in the world around you through an esoteric course of psychic discipline as utilised by western European Intelligence Agencies. Gerald thinks like me. If you like me. You like him.

Thanks again for your time

Philosophy Spiritual Control

Spiritual Cinema Circle Hidden Film Gem

Dear Friends,

If you had to choose one memory in which you would spend eternity, could you? This is the premise of After Life, the thought-provoking Japanese film available in the Spiritual Cinema Circle, Volume 11, 2008 DVD collection.

After Life is a Spiritual Cinema classic and this year’s carefully chosen “hidden gem.” It’s a film from the recent past that embodies the essence of spiritual cinema.

After Life, which was released ten years ago on the U.S art house circuit (with very little publicity), disappeared too quickly. Spiritual Cinema Circle is thrilled to offer this unique film to its subscribers.

In After Life, a team of counselors meet each week with a new group of people who have recently died. They are there to help them choose a memory from their lives that they will live out for all of eternity. As film crews gather to re-create the chosen memories, the subjects have just three days to decide which memory is the one to take with them.

Spiritual Cinema Circle scours film festivals and seeks out cutting edge filmmakers to find the most soulful, heartfelt and uplifting films to offer its subscribers.

After Life is the feature film in the Vol. 11 collection of films from Spiritual Cinema Circle. New subscribers to Spiritual Cinema Circle can receive a free trial membership (for a nominal shipping fee) by visiting: Spiritual Cinema Circle before November 14.

Enjoy the films,

Randolph (HealingMindN)

Start your Free Trial Today

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Philosophy Psychoenergetics Spiritual Control

Video: Super Human Morals of a Qigong Master

excerpt from:

Return of the Jedi: Five Questions with a Neigong Expert

neigong (pronounced nay-gung): the science of observing, strengthening and directing bio-energy, or chi.

A repository of extraordinary skills such as telekinesis, pyrogenesis, telepathy, remote viewing and levitation, the esoteric Eastern school known as Mo-Pai has been described as a real-life order of Jedi Knights. Some have even speculated that its history inspired George Lucas’ script for Attack of the Clones.

Jim McMillan, who identifies himself as a longtime disciple of John Chang, has graciously agreed to share a few of his experiences with Martial Development readers… (continued at Return of the Jedi: Five Questions with a Neigong Expert)

What was Dynamo Jack’s Moral Dilemma?

After you’ve watched this extraordinary video and read the interview with Jim McMillan, I would like to discuss some principles with you to help with your understanding.

What you see in that video is human achievement of Qigong (chi kung = energy training) through intense mental discipline. Anyone can achieve what “Dynamo Jack” is doing with the proper discipline. They can manifest their Chi or living energy as electricity and heat. They can push a wooden chopstick through a solid formica table by changing its molecular structure.

If you saw the video, then you know that there is an even greater truth attached to these powers: A code of ethics and a sense of morality.

When Dynamo Jack struck the chopstick from the table, a splinter hit a woman right between the eyes and made her bleed. This was very upsetting to Dynamo Jack. Do you know why? There is one main reason.

Prior to Dynamo Jack’s training with Mo-Pai, he, more than likely, swore an oath that he would use his abilities only to help people and never for personal gain. When he showed off his skill with the chopstick through the table, he was doing it for personal pride. That sliver which flew at the woman could just as easily have taken out her eye.

Dynamo Jack lost control of his faculties, his personal surroundings, because he was showing off his Qigong skill. As a result, someone got hurt. This sort of action goes completely against the morals and ethics of someone like Dynamo Jack, but when he did it, he saw how completely wrong he was. In doing this, he became an embarassment to his school, his master, and his way of life.

People of a modern day, western mind-set usually don’t understand this reasoning; they believe that getting these amazing abilities on video is all important for everyone to see.

True, it is important for people to realize true human potential; it’s also important to realize the intrinsic nature of Dynamo Jack’s abilities – which cannot be captured on video because it can only be experienced.

The Intrinsic Nature of Nei Gong Training

In his interview, Jim McMillan gives us some insight into the Nei Gong training which goes into building these amazing Qigong skills. As you might know Nei Gong is sort of a generic term for still meditation; there are all kinds of still meditation, yet they all train the flow of Chi or “living energy.”

The school of Mo-Pai has its own kind of Nei Gong particular to medical Qigong. There’s also scholarly Qigong and martial Qigong. In medical Qigong, you have a hypocratic oath as a healer as in Dynamo Jack’s practice in energy medicine.

But where is Jim McMillan coming from when he says that he has a greater connection with God? Jim goes on and on about his connection with God. A western mind-set might ask, “What does spirituality have to do with Nei Gong training?” According to my experience, everything.

I have an idea about the way Mo-Pai works because of the McMillan interview. I assume this medical form of Qigong for building inner power is similar to a martial form of Qigong known as Tenaga Dalam in Indonesia.

Tenega Dalam means “inner power.” Inner power in Indonesia is a part of the indigenous Indonesian art of self defense called Pencak Silat. If you’ve never seen this Indonesian Martial Art, think about those wild kung fu movies where the training methods are basically cruel and unusual punishment. Strangely enough, the kung fu movies are very accurate when it comes to the Pencak Silat training methods.

Beating large bamboo posts with hands and fists until they’re bruised and bloodied, running barefoot back and forth across river beds with sharp rocks, and sparring with real, razor sharp knives are just a few training methods in Pencak Silat. Be thankful for the American Style Dojo where they only make you sweat with a few strains and bruises here and there.

When you torture yourself with Pencak Silat training, you’ve got to have some kind of spiritual motivation to keep you going – like a good Christian. All martial arts have their own form of qigong, even the hard styles have qigong further down the line than the soft styles.

Pencak Silat has Tenega Dalam which runs parallel to the harsh training exercises. Tenega Dalam is spiritually oriented to an amazing degree. Tenega Dalam is Nei Gong Meditation wherein you actually call upon the Powers of God for inner power. I’m not even talking about a pagan God; the practitioners actually call upon the Biblical Names of the Lord of Jehovah, but this method comes along during the more advanced levels of building spiritual power or “Tenega Batin.”

Tenega Dalam uses pranayama breathing principles combined with intense visualization and feeling. Pranayama breathing means holding and adjusting the breath at precise moments. Soft-Hard styles of martial arts use pranayama breathing to build the Chi to a high level before a strike.

Tenega Dalam depends on the principle that all things in nature have auras (energy fields) that are inter-dependent upon one another. For example, your aura is a living extension of the earth’s aura. The earth’s aura is a living extention of the solar system’s aura, and so on. Through practice, you can channel your aura and the auras around you to manifest it as a force.

In a real fight situation where emotions run high, Tenega Dalam applied in the martial arts allows you to block your opponent’s attack without touching him. In addition, you can deliver a long distance blow, so your opponent is thrown back without your touching him. This is because you are taking advantage of your opponent’s aura in his high emotional state and using it against him.

This means the martial aspect of Tenega Dalam can only be used in a real fight situation, so it would not work in routine, unemotional dojo sparring.

But as a real world application, through mastering this technique of inner power, you could protect your property or protect someone from a criminal act from a distance. This inner power remains effective when you’re asleep or not immediately conscious of enemy or opponent.

Yes, this is real Jedi Knight business of which I speak. This all sounds incredible, but if you saw the video of the healer above and his incredible feats, and you are familiar with these concepts, then you know there are real “Jedi Knights” who also take human performance to new levels.

These type of people must live by strict principles of morals and ethics in order to maintain their power. Why don’t they stop the evil that’s happening in this world? They do. They’re few and far between, but they do stop evil in its tracks.

FYI: There is very little information if any on Tenega Dalam in the mainstream. You will find smatterings of information on inner power in Pencak Silat books here and there. Fortunately, I have my personal sources. I’ll see what I can do about sharing mine with you.

Thanks for your time.

Randolph (HealingMindN)

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Mind Control Psychoenergetics Self Improvement Spiritual Control

Remote Viewing is Mindfulness Meditation

A plethora of resources exist on the web on Remote Viewing as well as Mindfulness Meditation. My opinion on Mindfulness at Mind Body Medicine expounds on the fact that we are born with the natural ability to focus on the present on any particular function of the body. We all have the innate ability to focus on small things like the flow of our breathing and large things like the flow of our oceans.

I contend that Mindfulness Meditation is an ability with which we are all born. By the same token, Remote Viewing is an ability with which we are all born. Of course, you say that this is an ability with which we must be trained and disciplined to really experience. True, the same concept applies to Mindfulness Meditation. But this doesn’t mean that do not also experience these things at some level.

If you’ve read my Meditation Guide, then you know that I refer to those instances when you were a kid daydreaming in school as a form of meditation. We all also experience small instances here and there of psychic anamolies like:

  • Auto writing: As a kid did you ever find your hand with pencil just kind of going off on its own, drawing or writing things that you don’t quite understand? This is of the traits of remote viewing wherein you just let your hand follow your thought patterns.
  • Precognition: As a kid did you ever dream about what you were doing the next day, then go to school the next day to find yourself doing what you did in your dream? I still remember those times when the teacher thought I was nuts or get mad if I told her that we did this “yesterday.”
  • Clairvoyance: Did you ever think of someone who called or showed up at your doorstep a few moments later?
  • Synchronicity: Did you experience a moment when you had exactly the answers or resources you needed at exactly the time you needed them?

These are just a few moments of psychic anomolies which indicate that you already have all the tools for extra sensory perception. Training is for enhancing and focussing your psychic abilities.

The problem is the present paradigm of decadent western culture is not interested in any of those special abilities. Mindfulness is the most basic one, but how can grade school teachers teach Mindfulness to students if it was trained out of them at an early age. They can’t, so the decadent cycle continues.

Fortunately, there are a few teachers who are catching on to give their students the edge in their studies. I would like to provide you with an academic interpretation of Mindfulness Meditation then of Remote Viewing, so you can understand how the two abilities are inter-related.

Mindfulness Meditation

I’ve examined the Wikipedia definition and as a complementary alternative therapy as it applies lately to helping ailing patients in these departments of integrative medicine as administered by “experts” in “psychoneuroimmunology.”

At the moment, I’m interested in how an educator would define it because I, like many others, would like to see Mindfulness Meditation taught to kids in school to help them focus.

From College Teaching Methods & Styles Journal – April 2008, we have an article entitled, “Educating For Tolerance And Compassion: Is There A Place For Meditation In A College Classroom?” by Lana Zinger, Queensborough Community College. This paper in .pdf format should serve as a standard for all educators, so I hope you pick up your own copy.

Just in case you’re worried that such an educator is suffering from some kind of boogady woogady new age nonsense to teach kids how to contact UFO’s or ghosts, the following is Zinger’s actual intention towards her students:

Imagine A Classroom …

  • Where there is minimal waste of time, confusion or disruption.
  • Where a no-nonsense, work oriented tone prevails but there is a relaxed pleasant atmosphere.
  • Where mutual respect is established.
  • Where non-judgmental views are expressed when tackling controversial topics.
  • Where we develop realistic ways of teaching and learning that moves us toward compassion and tolerance.

Contemplative practices are used to facilitate mindfulness in students, which can be characterized as the capacity to concentrate on the here and now. The goal is to have students become more attentive in the classroom or more focused on what they are reading or discussing.

It is as if contemplative activity can cleanse the mind so that it can engage more fully with what one is currently experiencing even when living in a highly stressful environment.

In the field of education, contemplative practices have been integrated into programs of teacher preparation so that they can become a source for innovative pedagogy, in which they help to shape not only how the teacher interacts with students but also how students interact with each other…

My goal was to teach the students to focus on issues in the classroom by tapping into their individual experiences of compassion and meaning. Compassion, of course, cannot be taught but it can be discovered or remembered. I’ve discovered that simple breath meditation can transform students’ fundamental relation to themselves and their surrounding communities…

I think it’s even more important to examine how academic productivity rises according to Ms. Zinger’s experience of teaching Mindfulness to her students:

Why I teach meditation in my classroom?

Classroom Management through Meditation-I use meditation in the classroom when controversial issues arise. My goal was to teach students to be less reactive to life’s annoyances and to respect one another’s opinions.

Perception and Diversity– To help my students in understanding different points of view, expressing empathy and appreciating diversity.

Anger Management and Other Emotions-To teach my students how to cope with emotions such as sadness, fear and stress, and to sensitize students to their anger cues, triggers and style.

Effective Communication– To increase communication skills by teaching reflective listening, the use of I-statements and non-inflammatory ways of expressing one’s needs and emotions.

There are a number of other important reasons for bringing contemplative pedagogy into any classroom:

  • Reduced stress levels and lowered anxiety can have a noticeable effect on classroom productivity.
  • Decreases in school absenteeism.
  • Increased concentration and focus.
  • Improved memory; and a greater ability to ―be in the moment‖, to remove yourself from the chaos (centeredness).
  • Less stress when taking exams.
  • Less panic attacks and anxiety especially during public speaking.

Meditation and mindfulness lets the students perceive the world, the classroom and other people more openly, with more compassion…

You know what? Ms. Zinger is our dream teacher. We should have someone like her at every level of education. College kids in decadent society are not much better than they were as grade school kids because they don’t have anyone actively opening their minds and hearts to compassion and empathy.

Imagine having compassionate, empathetic kids who understand and feel the needs of the people around them rather than – something else; this is what most parents have because their kids want to emulate them.

I hear what you’re saying that compassion and empathy are moot points in the current corporate and social culture which is run by dispassionate, unempathetic, mindless adults.

Not really. Certain companies like Google for example, have regular meditation classes now in order to increase their productivity. More companies will catch on as they learn how their productivity levels can potentially rise by being “Mindful.” There are several “corporate meditation programs” that can be googled on the web exactly for this purpose.

Let’s examine Ms. Zinger’s practical definition of Mindfulness:

Mindfulness meditation is the practice of training the mind to focus in a steady and non-judging way on the different phases of human experience. With mindfulness meditation, we learn to experience non-judgmentally. A practice of seeing clearly, seeing things as they truly are, being aware of experiences…

Guess what? This is how Remote Viewing begins.

Remote Viewing

I’ve listened to these mp3’s that can be downloaded from Gerald O’Donnell’s site on Remote Viewing and Influencing; they all begin with focusing of phases of human experience, basically your sensations, while seeing things clearly, as they truly are, and being aware of all your experiences.

Then Gerald continues with the bonuses wherein you practice by expanding your internal light energies, first by a few feet. Then you focus on those sensations you experienced and remember them. With each practice, you expand your internal light energy further while remaining in the moment of those sensations and remembering them each time for the next session.

Remote Viewing is, in fact, next level Mindfulness Meditation wherein you are expanding your senses far beyond your body. To most adults, such a practice is nonsense and boulderdash, but remember: The big intelligence operations including CIA and FBI, west European Intel Ops, and your local police force have used psychics to help them “spy on the enemy” and unravel mysteries.

Besides Gerald O’Donnell, you probably already know of Maj. Ed Dames who with his crew have already helped solve a number of crimes with their local police. Although most people do not understand the science attached to Remote Viewing, there is science outside of the mainstream wherein remote viewers like to refer to “The Matrix” or the “Akashic Records.”

In fact, there’s a forum of Remote Viewers at TRV News that constantly refers to “The Matrix. This site has an animated flash video that explains “technical remote viewing” which refers to “The Matrix.”

The Stewart Swerdlow definition of Akashic Records: “Imprinted information on the group mind of a species.” This means when people are remote viewing, they are tapping into the “Matrix,” or the collective human intelligence all around them.

I’m pretty sure that the Akashic Records refers specifically to the group mind of a species while The Matrix refers to universal intelligence – for example, beyond the human species. Altogether, these sources form a collective consciousness. Rupert Scheldrake and William Tiller also agree on the concept of collective consciousness as the mind within “The Matrix.”
Now you know why I expound on these papers on Collective DNA Consciousness, Nature’s Mind: The Quantum Hologram, and the Holographic Paradigm. These papers attempt to explain the holographic model of the universe and how we fit in that model with ourselves functioning as holographic entities.

In order for you to be able to tap into human collective consciousness, you have to have all the qualities imbued through mindfulness meditation.

Navy SEAL officer’s report on ‘remote viewing’ urges ‘transcendent’ intelligence postulates further on what expanding the consciousness through remote viewing does for the practitioners:

..In fact, we might consider that variations on Bremseth’s term transcendent warfare could be “transcendent operations” or “transcendent solutions.” These terms provide a broader scope of use for remote viewing and other kinds of anomalous cognition.

Disease, poverty, hunger, injustice, crime, drug abuse, slavery, child abuse, political corruption, pollution of natural resources, emerging climate change and similar serious problems that currently challenge us may also be useful targets for transcendent operations and transcendent solutions.

For people interested in these problems and possible solutions, as well as the national defense applications that Navy SEAL officer Bremseth explored in his paper, the unconventional, unusual and transcendent phenomena of remote viewing and anomalous cognition seem to be valuable resources.

Bremseth demonstrated courage and insight to tackle such a sensitive topic for his Marine Corps War College report. His paper is worthwhile reading for anyone with an open mind and an interest in human potential.

In fact, if taken to its natural and logical conclusion, Bremseth’s concept of transcendence would bring us to a better world and achieve the peace, security, happiness, prosperity, beauty and discovery that, for now, we can only dream of…

This is basically an extention of what Lana Zinger wants her students to accomplish in the world through “Mindfulness:” A Spiritually, Morally, and Culturally Advanced World. Training Mindfulness like Remote Viewing helps to Save Humanity.

The Matrix

Some of you might be saying that I’m just postulating based on platitudes and hyperbole, that, in fact, I speak of pseudo-science and nothing more. The proof is in the pudding. Isn’t it? Or, shall I say, scientific experiment.

Now, you could look up the white papers through Dr. Tiller’s Site on Intention Imprinted Electronic Devices (IIED). Tiller had numerous controlled experiments that provide the necessary data for you to understand that human intention is key to precipitating reality.

You might insist that psychic experiments have failed too many times to actually prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that ESP exists. But according to Dean Radin, author of The Conscious Universe: The Scientific Truth of Psychic Phenomena, the success rate of a psychic is a function of environmental factors such as body chemistry, terrestrial magnetism, and solar activity – all of which vary over time; and that is why experiments of the paranormal appear to fail. When the regression model is expanded to include these factors the success rate of psychics becomes statistically significant.

Let’s consider Dean Radin’s experiments on random number generator’s concerning the event of 9/11/01 before you dismiss the idea of collective consciousness.

If anything, Dean’s findings have proved that the human collective consciousness itself is non-linear in respect to the time of the event and non-local in the respect that the random number generators were affected all over the world in and around the relatively local event of 9/11/01.

You need to understand that the human mind does not operate in a linear, local sense. Your mind’s only attachement to physical reality is your body. The human mind actually operates in a non-linear, non-local basis as a living extention of the holographic paradigm we know as the universe.Mindfulness allows you to center on your inner sensations which happen to be reflections of outside physical reality. We are microcosms reflecting the macrocosm of the universe. Each of us are pieces of the hologram we call the universe – And each piece still carries the same information as the rest of the universe. You have the same amount of information as the rest of the universe.

Water crystal replication study

Jan 9th, 2009

Friday, January 09, 2009

Radin, D., Lund, N., Emoto, M., Kizu, T. (2008). Effects of distant intention on water crystal formation: A triple-blind replication. Journal of Scientific Exploration, 22(4), 481-493.

An experiment tested the hypothesis that water exposed to distant intentions affects the aesthetic rating of ice crystals formed from that water. Over three days, 1,900 people in Austria and Germany focused their intentions towards water samples located inside an
electromagnetically shielded room in California. Water samples located near the target water, but unknown to the people providing intentions, acted as “proximal” controls. Other samples located outside the shielded room acted as distant controls.

Ice drops formed from samples of water in the different treatment conditions were photographed by a technician, each image was assessed for aesthetic beauty by over 2,500 independent judges, and the resulting data were analyzed, all by individuals blind with respect to the underlying treatment conditions.

Results suggested that crystal images in the intentionally treated condition were rated as aesthetically more beautiful than proximal control crystals (p = 0.03, one-tailed). This outcome replicates the results of an earlier (double blind) pilot test.

When you remote view, you are observing extentions of yourself. I know. It’s difficult to fathom that anything outside of yourself is an extention of you. Decadent society doesn’t train us to think that way; that’s why it lacks compassion and empathy.

As you understand, it’s far more than realising that remote viewing is mindfulness meditation. It’s about taking advantage of our natural gifts to go forward as a race.

Instead of war, famine, disease, and economic depravity, we should have extended ourselves towards the stars already. Instead of contemplating habitation on Mars, we should be there right now. The science exists to rehabitate Mars right now. And there’s so much more wonderful science that needs to be tapped.

I can only ask you to find a way to be “Mindful” – not only of where you are in your career, your love life, or your studies. I ask you to be mindful of where we are as a species – and be that advanced human that helps remote view the advancement of humanity.

related article:

The quantum vacuum and the singularities of integrated consciousness create the basic infrastructure of the universe – the essence of remote viewing

Activate Your Mind Powers, Remove Your Fears

Spiritual Control

24 Hour Meditation for World Peace

If you haven’t visited Holy Life, HealingMindN already, then I advise you to consider doing so. At the home page, I already discuss the events precipitated by a prayer group formed by Dion Fortune during World War II. I have copied it here for your convenience:

Dion Fortune’s “Society of Inner Light” during WWII had the threefold purpose of protecting Great Britain, blocking and destroying the evil which had taken over Germany, and laying the foundations for a better and more just world after the war. We must wonder about the still unresolved mystery of Hitler’s fanatical deputy, Rudolph Hess, and his strange, some say, insane flight to England on the night of May 10, 1941 bearing a peace offer. There are strong indications that far more forces were at work rather than a guilty conscience…

The proof is in the pudding. As you see, this is only one example of the practical use of prayer. There are more examples at collective DNA consciousness on how prayer affects the physical world. And as I’ve quoted already from the Maharishi, a number of times, prayer is for asking question, meditation is for listening to the answers.

Now, there’s an even better reason for you to participate with your own “Society of Inner Light.” We have a 24 Hour Meditation that began today. The article on World Peace through Prayer at the Olympian only speaks of the event at one particular location. Dion Fortune’s group proved that you don’t have to be at a particular location: You just need the same intention through opening that spiritual doorway as the rest of the group at the same relative time, then the space-time events that need to happen will precipitate.


Whether we understand these powers as coming from the outside in or inside out, we appreciate that they work. Our intentions and how we apply them make all the difference in the world.

If we really wish for world peace, we must apply our intentions to that end and the more of us who direct our “lamps” in the same direction, the brighter the future will become…

Intention from a sentient mind resonates with the same intention from other sentient minds. Similar mind patterns of a higher consciousness resonate with each other in the same quantum coherent particles are entangled with each other, but with the added spiritual aspect of intention.

Your special human facets allow your mind to travel anywhere in the universe at any time – beyond the imagination – because you are a living part of this universe. You are a living aspect of the One Mind, the Creator of the Universe. Therefore, you can accomplish anything when you put your mind to it.

Your ability to work miracles in concert with other sentient beings is your birth right. “But what protects good from evil?” you might ask, “if miracles are everyone’s birth right?” Very simple.

Your intention must be the same as God’s. Your miracles come when you resonate with the Mind of God. Evil cannot do this. Evil is a distortion of nature. Good people were put on this planet to defeat the evil. More importantly, good people are meant to defeat the evil within themselves. And if they can’t do that, the good people around them are meant to help them:

Some of the greatest advice from Ms. Fortune can be extrapolated from this quote: “Nothing and nobody is altogether evil, therefore it is never justifiable to destroy any person or thing by direct action, but only to open a channel whereby spiritual forces are brought to bear upon the problem… Our work is a work of healing, and no hate must come of it…”

This is the answer to the World’s Ills: It’s clear that answering evil with more evil is not the answer. Answering hatred and violence with more hatred and violence is not the answer.

The true reality, our spiritual reality that lies beyond and within each person is the only good that can defeat the evil that lies on the surface of evil people. Your goodness and your healing spiritual connections to others with the same healing intentions and the healing spiritual connection to the One Mind of God works the miracle of defeating evil by opening the doorway to the good person.

In doing so, you are simply revealing and giving power to the good person who is already there.

I wish for you, peace through goodness.


Randolph, HealingMindN Medicine Man

Evil Control Spiritual Control

Influencing social mood: example

I don’t like to focus on bad things or bad influences in this world because that tends to give those bad things power. I like to focus on the good things and your real power to change your reality. For now, let me give you an example of mainstream media that endeavors to take that power away from your reality by replacing it with fear and rumors of wars.

The following extract is from

Global warming could increase terrorism, official says

Global warming could destabilize “struggling and poor” countries around the world, prompting mass migrations and creating breeding grounds for terrorists, the chairman of the National Intelligence Council told Congress on Wednesday.

Climate change “will aggravate existing problems such as poverty, social tensions, environmental degradation, ineffectual leadership and weak political institutions,” Thomas Fingar said. “All of this threatens the domestic stability of a number of African, Asian, Central American and Central Asian countries.”

People are likely to flee destabilized countries, and some may turn to terrorism, he said.

“The conditions exacerbated by the effects of climate change could increase the pool of potential recruits into terrorist activity,” he said.

“Economic refugees will perceive additional reasons to flee their homes because of harsher climates,” Fingar predicted. That will put pressure on countries receiving refugees, many of which “will have neither the resources nor interest to host these climate migrants,” he said in testimony to the House Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming.

Reactions to the report broke down along partisan lines, with Democrats generally praising it and Republicans expressing doubts. Committee members had concerns about the report’s secrecy, reliability and use of intelligence resources.

Global warming may have a slight positive effect on the United States, since it is likely to produce larger farming yields, Fingar said…

Wealthy countries will be able to handle the situation better than poorer ones, he said…

The impact of fighting and preparing for climate change may be greater than the effect of global warming itself, Fingar said…

Fingar said the intelligence community had relied on the science of others because it did not itself monitor climate change. He said the assessment was based on midrange predictions of global warming.

Oh, dear.

There’s also petty theft in the US because of global warming and economic depravity. Does that mean everyone is potentially a terrorist the worse things get? Of course not. “Terrorist” is just a convenient label that eliminates any grey areas.

You saw that last statement from the article. This finger person is building inverted pyramids by relying on the science of others. He’s making grand assumptions.

The problem is as I stated in the post, Social Mood: Influencing the Elements: Mainstream media shapes public opinion. Public opinion becomes social mood, then social mood precipitates social patterns including whatever dramatic/traumatic events induced by that mood.

I’m not saying that the people precipitated the events of 9/11/01. The problem is that most people allow their emotional securities to be shaped and molded by mainstream media in such a way that they do not clearly comprehend and mostly deny all the facts behind the events of 9/11/01; such facts do not jive with the reality of the presiding social mood and emotional securities. They prefer the negative hallucinations which they label, “conspiracy theory.”

Most people do not want to face the reality of implicating their authority figures for any kind of wrong doing. Most people do not want and do not like the idea of having control over their own lives. Most people do not want to think and feel for themselves; they weren’t raised that way. They want the newspapers, magazines, TV, and big screen movie actors to do that for them. “That’s what authority figures are for…” is what they say.

You know what? I agree with you. “That’s what authority figures are for…” as long as they’re good people. So here’s a bit of advice, a rule to live by, a law of living life, holy scripture. If you’ve never heard this one, it’s time to get back to your roots, you lazy bastard:

Matthew 24:

[1] And Jesus went out, and departed from the temple: and his disciples came to him for to shew him the buildings of the temple.
[2] And Jesus said unto them, See ye not all these things? verily I say unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down.
[3] And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?
[4] And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.
[5] For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.
[6] And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.
[7] For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.
[8] All these are the beginning of sorrows.
[9] Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name’s sake.
[10] And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another.
[11] And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.
[12] And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.
[13] But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.
[14] And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.
[15] When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)
[16] Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains:
[17] Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take any thing out of his house:
[18] Neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes.
[19] And woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days!
[20] But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day:
[21] For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.
[22] And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened.
[23] Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not.
[24] For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
[25] Behold, I have told you before.
[26] Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not.
[27] For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
[28] For wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered together.
[29] Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:
[30] And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.
[31] And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.
[32] Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh:
[33] So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors.
[34] Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.
[35] Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.
[36] But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.
[37] But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
[38] For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,
[39] And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
[40] Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left.
[41] Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left.
[42] Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.
[43] But know this, that if the goodman of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to be broken up.
[44] Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.
[45] Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his lord hath made ruler over his household, to give them meat in due season?
[46] Blessed is that servant, whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing.
[47] Verily I say unto you, That he shall make him ruler over all his goods.
[48] But and if that evil servant shall say in his heart, My lord delayeth his coming;
[49] And shall begin to smite his fellowservants, and to eat and drink with the drunken;
[50] The lord of that servant shall come in a day when he looketh not for him, and in an hour that he is not aware of,
[51] And shall cut him asunder, and appoint him his portion with the hypocrites: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.