Disciplinary Studies Evil Control Mind Control Psychoenergetics Spiritual Control Spiritual Growth

When They Want to Suck the Life Out of You: Just Breathe

In response to the following article from the Socionomics Institute:

[Article] Society Has Passed a Historic Pinnacle of Health and Faces New Threats.

Here are a few excerpts that demonstrate how certain authoritarian figures and their scientific cretinism are sucking the life out of human society:

“..In fact, drug-resistant bacteria now account for 60% of the hospital-acquired infections in the US. In total, approximately 30 new diseases stalking the world today have brought us “to the brink of a global crisis in infectious diseases,” says a World Health Organization report. In light of this gigantic threat, consider that the latest “health care” bill passed by Congress criminalizes with draconian property seizures and prison sentences even minor paperwork infractions by doctors. This move accelerates the three-decade headlong rush by the US government to destroy the medical profession and force good doctors (and potential doctors) into other businesses…

“..The new national Affordable Care Act is going to make it worse, not better, he says. “We are going to have problems just like Massachusetts [which enacted its statewide health care insurance reform law in 2006. Massachusetts is] struggling with access problems; it takes one year to get into a primary care physician. Coverage does not equal access.” The Tallahassee Sun Sentinel summed it up last month: “Brace yourself for longer lines at the doctor’s office…””

The reason I trust The Socionomics Institute is that their stock market projections based in social mood have always been accurate. Their concepts of social mood based upon fractals in nature are accurate. “Society Has Passed a Historic Pinnacle of Health and Faces New Threats“was written long before the gov’t shutdown, yet they are accurate in how authority handles dissent. Unfortunately, their authoritarian methods are sucking the life out of us.

Disciplinary Studies Philosophy Spiritual Growth

20 Smartest Things Jeff Bezos Has Ever Said

As I’m writing this, I am trying to figure out why I’m not good buddies with Jeff Bezos after reading The 20 Smartest Things Jeff Bezos Has Ever Said; this is the concatenated business bible that everyone should follow – one way or another. Here are a few of my favs:

1.”All businesses need to be young forever. If your customer base ages with you, you’re Woolworth’s.”

3. “Your margin is my opportunity.”

4. “If you only do things where you know the answer in advance, your company goes away.”

7. “If you’re not stubborn, you’ll give up on experiments too soon. And if you’re not flexible, you’ll pound your head against the wall and you won’t see a different solution to a problem you’re trying to solve.”

8. “Any business plan won’t survive its first encounter with reality. The reality will always be different. It will never be the plan.”

9. “In the old world, you devoted 30% of your time to building a great service and 70% of your time to shouting about it. In the new world, that inverts.”

12. “We innovate by starting with the customer and working backwards. That becomes the touchstone for how we invent.”

15. “I think frugality drives innovation, just like other constraints do. One of the only ways to get out of a tight box is to invent your way out.”

16. “If you double the number of experiments you do per year, you’re going to double your inventiveness.”

17. “If you never want to be criticized, for goodness’ sake don’t do anything new.”

20. “You want to look at what other companies are doing. It’s very important not to be hermetically sealed. But you don’t want to look at it as if, ‘OK, we’re going to copy that.’ You want to look at it and say, ‘That’s very interesting. What can we be inspired to do as a result of that?’ And then put your own unique twist on it.”

OK, maybe it’s not just a few, but everything that Jeff Bezos has said has been true; even after adding state tax, Amazon is still that successful business model to follow. Even if you sell only a few products and you follow only a few of the above rules, Bezos’ Method of Kaizen can help you and anyone else achieve their goals.

Thanks for your time.

Healing Thoughts,

Related Article: How To Pitch Jeff Bezos (And Other “Giant-Brained Aliens”)


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Disciplinary Studies Healing Science Psychoenergetics Self Improvement Spiritual Growth

Free eBook on World Tai Chi QiGong Day + Maharishi Effect

Today and today only on World Tai Chi / QiGong Day (WTCQD), you can land an amazing Kindle Book for Taiji/QiGong practitioners:

Body Energy – Discover The Secrets Of The Chinese Body Energy Clock Healthy Living Techniques: Learn The Secret Of Tai Chi Chuan and Qi Gong Masters: Matthew Harrigan: Kindle Store.

Here is the note to Bill Douglas, organizer of WTCQD, from the author:
Dear Bill & World Tai Chi & Qigong Day supporters, I have been a fan and follower of World Tai Chi & Qigong Day since its inception.

I wanted to let you know that in honor of WTCQD I am giving away the kindle edition of my book, Body Energy – Discover The Secrets Of The Chinese Body Energy Clock all day on Saturday, 4/27, to anyone that wants to download it. They do not need to own a kindle, Amazon has apps for PC, Macs, iPads, and phones that allow anyone to read a kindle book. (see link below)

Body Energy – Discover The Secrets Of The Chinese Body Energy Clock Healthy Living Techniques: Learn The Secret Of Tai Chi Chuan and Qi Gong Masters: Matthew Harrigan: Kindle Store.

Please let your members know they can download the book for free on 4/27! Wishing you a very successful and peaceful WTCQD.

Matthew Harrigan, author of Body Energy

It is beneficial for Tai Chi and Qigong teachers to understand Chinese Medicine… Not to practice TCM, but just to fill in their tai chi and qigong understanding with another layer of depth.

As we know the old saying: “Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a life time.” That’s the idea behind learning the foundations of Taijiquan and QiGong. Rather than simply sticking a “fishing pole” in your hand and telling you, “Go Practice Tai Chi Now because it’s World Tai Chi QiGong Day,” it’s just as well to understand why you’re doing it such as “how does it benefit you?”

For now, I’m leaving the health benefits to your body with the experts. Bill Douglas has a touching story of why he advocated QiGong practice for his mother:

‘What drove me personally to organize World Tai Chi & Qigong Day was a note my mother wrote to me the night before she died. She had stress/heart disease and I’d tried to get her to do tai chi and qigong, but there was no validation of it from her doctor or popular culture, Reader’s Digest, etc. She didn’t do it. But, in that note she wrote to me the night before her passing, she wrote, “I wish I could go back a few years and practice the arts of relaxation Jr. tried to teach me. I so would have loved to see my grandchildren grow up…”‘

Subsequently, this event led to Bill Douglas organizing WTCQD. Now, that Tai Chi Chuan and QiGong practice have become mainstream, the “Big Guns” like Harvard Medical have something to say about the health benefits in their latest book:

The Harvard Medical School Guide to Tai Chi: 12 Weeks to a Healthy Body, Strong Heart, and Sharp Mind (Harvard Health Publications)

Book Description


April 9, 2013 Harvard Health Publications

Conventional medical science on the Chinese art of Tai Chi now shows what Tai Chi masters have known for centuries: regular practice leads to more vigor and flexibility, better balance and mobility, and a sense of well-being. Cutting-edge research from Harvard Medical School also supports the long-standing claims that Tai Chi also has a beneficial impact on the health of the heart, bones, nerves and muscles, immune system, and the mind. This research provides fascinating insight into the underlying physiological mechanisms that explain how Tai Chi actually works…

Therefore, if you want a western perspective rather than trying to understand Traditional Chinese Medical theory (which is esoteric), Harvard has the book for you.

Maharishi Effect

As I have explained in previous posts, We need only the square root of one tenth of one percent of the population to reach enlightenment to saturate the rest of human consciousness with greater understanding towards the rest of the universe. Every WTCQD has produced a day of peace and productivity. On every WTCQD, the lamestream news has “very little” to report because there has been no great tragedy.

On the other hand, creativity, mutual benefits, and productivity are lifted to greater heights with new concepts and achievements to further lift up humanity; this is what HealingMindN stands for.

Here is the press release and further information for finding a WTCQD event in your area:

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Disciplinary Studies Mind Control Psychoenergetics Self Improvement Spiritual Growth

The Psi Wars Just Went Nuclear on TED + Remote Viewing Report

The C4Chaos webmaster has published one of the most comprehensive, authoritative papers I’ve seen on remote viewing and other psychic phenomena: The Psi Wars Just Went Nuclear on TED < ~C4Chaos.

The paper contains video presentations and interviews with Russel Targ, Michael Persinger, Dr. Harold Puthoff, and Jaques Vallee on remote viewing; this paper is a response to TED Talks execs who fingered the practitioners of “pseudoscience” known as remote viewing. This condemnation is on the same level of White House Rep or other authority figures believing they represent the majority of public opinion while committing the error of projecting their personal opinions.

The Boston Marathon Incident and other disasters

Those of you who believe that there is no such thing as psychic powers because “people” would have been precognitive of the event must understand something: Most people are not trained to use their psychic powers – most people get “flashes,” but their “flashes” are easily and quickly dismissed because of the dismissive culture around them.

The people who do train are not only few and far between, their opinions, predictions, and even their existence are not acknowledged by mainstream media. When they are acknowledged, irregardless of valid studies and track records in psychic research, a few skeptics representing an organization like TED Talks will point the finger of “pseudoscience” at them.

Most people who train their psychic powers are not doing it as an end means to itself; that would be like a dog barking for the sake of barking. Our psychic powers are a tool to help us accomplish our objectives. Does this mean psychic powers should be merely for personal gain? Of course not.

Disciplinary Studies Healing Science Mind Control Self Improvement Spiritual Growth

NLP: Neurolinguistic Acupressure for Generating Positive Feelings to Sleep Well

The previous post, How To You Serve Your Love on Valentine’s Day: Sleep Well, let us know how important sleep is to our love lives. While I’m sure the Attitude Breathing® Tool is an effective sleep aid for followers of the Institute of Heart Math (IHM), I have chosen to elaborate upon their instructions for your personal benefit using NLP.

The neurolinguistic programming (NLP) approach to the IHM instructions may take you more than five minutes. More than likely, you will find yourself sound asleep before you are completely done; this is fine.

When you wake in the middle of the night – as many of us do – simply continue the exercise from where you left, so you can go back to sleep right away. You may find that your dreams are even more intense, enlightening, and memorable upon your waking. Below, please see how I elaborate upon each of the IHM instructions with NLP instructions.

Philosophy Spiritual Growth

How to Have a Merry Christmas No Matter What

Just so you know, before you continue, if you’re a greedy person, then you’re not interested in what I have to offer you today. Also, if you’re an egotistical person, then you won’t find much use for what I have to tell you.

Sadness can hit anyone, even during the Holidays. All things relative, Happiness is a matter of perspective. For example, where greedy, egotistical, and psychotic people for that matter, find happiness, the rest of us suffer in great sadness.

All things relative, where I might feel sadness because of some bad situation, I remember that someone who is much more deserving than me is worse off. All I have to do is listen to the evening news and hear about a shooting or a Hurricane Sandy Victim. Damn, what kind of Christmas is that?

So I go through my archives and try to remember what I’m doing and why I’m doing it. For example, The real birth date of Jesus Christ reminds me only too well that we’re living according to the convenience of our  predecessors – not ourselves. That is, we’re more accepting of how “authority” wants us to celebrate the birth of Christ rather than the Birth of Christ, Himself.

When I say, “authority,” I mean whomever and whatever pushes that commercial Christmas bandwagon. For example, my bro bought this Christmas cartoon for some reason; it was some kind of “Ice Age” theme wherein these prehistoric animal characters were celebrating “Christmas.”That’s right, before Christ was born, but, somehow, a human Santa Claus existed in prehistoric times to give presents to all the prehistoric creatures on “Christmas” day.

Then I thought to myself, “how royally confusing is this for young minds who are not being taught about Jesus Christ?”

Well, I’m not going to stop and teach you anything about Jesus Christ, but I AM going to ask you to do something you don’t normally do. I’m asking you to see the Christ in the people around you. That is, I’m asking you to see the goodness, the sacrifice, the sanctity, the devotion, the kindness, the generosity, and the love in the people around you.

True, we are all individuals with our own temperaments. We’re not always at our best, but, at Christmas Time, We Try. Then we show appreciation to each other for trying to be at our best with a gift. Some people may find the idea of trying to see the Christ in others as ludicrous. All we have to do is remember a piece of scripture:

“So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.” [Genesis 1:27]

For some religious zealots, not all, humanity is so full of sin and so far beneath heaven that WE are completely separated from God. Indeed, the more gothic thinkers believe that they are not worthy of God, therefore, what need is there for healing thoughts or goodness?

In each one of us, there is just as much capacity for good as well as evil. Within each one of us, there is just as much capacity for love as well as hatred.

What really matters is your perspective. Yeah, you saw this coming. Just like that Christmas Carol wherein Scrooge had his ghostly visitations and changed his perspective – in all likely hood, you are also looking for that miracle, those miraculous visitations before you change anything – is that right?

Guess what? We’ve had those visitations, and we’ve been getting those visitations for a while now. The problem is, most of us are like those Native Americans at Plymouth Rock when the first Pilgrams came across the ocean: The Natives did not recognize such large ships, so they couldn’t see them for what they were – large ships.

By the same token, most of us are unable to recognize those visitations because they have been so absolutely huge, yet, they’re right there, in front of our noses. A few of us do notice these visitations – and the rest of us are calling them “crazy.”

You’re probably wondering what I’m talking about. All you have to do is try and recognize the Christ within your closest friends and family when you give them their gifts. Then you will see the bigger picture on how you can have Merry Christmas no matter what happens. Your visitations are waiting for you.

Healing Thoughts and Happy Holidays,

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Disciplinary Studies Mind Control Psychoenergetics Self Improvement Spiritual Growth

Why the Mayan Prophesy for 21 December 2012 is a day for Transition (not doom)

Today, I was contacted by a few organizations which aim to open the consciousness of the human race to mass enlightenment on this day of Mayan Prophesy. Everyone who joins in whatever peace and meditation gathering they prefer helps to bring the human race closer to enlightenment (the Maharishi Effect) – which would be the end of civilization as we know it.

To me, this is a good end and an even better beginning for us. For you, this means you get your choice of good things to do on December 21st. When is the last time you asked yourself when you woke up, “What kind of good can I do in the world?” Now is your chance. Now you know. Now, You have your choice of groups to join, so you can meditate on world peace and enlightenment.

Mind Control Spiritual Growth

Black Friday Deals at Spiritual Cinema Circle + Unexplainable

Spiritual Cinema Circle

Our 3-month gift membership is a GREAT gift. Recipients will get 12 films on 3 DVDs (one per month) for only $49.95. That even includes shipping! No Expiration Date, On going. Spiritual Cinema Circle Films are discussed throughout HealingMindN Power Circle Blog.

The Unexplainable Store

We are offering a new savings plan with Thanksgiving coupons:

Nov 22-Nov 25, 2012

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 Use Coupons Above At:

Membership Credit Sale (Nov 22-Nov 25, 2012)

Get 50 Credits For $38
Get 100 Credits For $74

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Credits can be used on Downloads, CDs, And Astrology Readings.

Happy Thanksgiving!

The Unexplainable Store

Learn more about Unexplainable Products at Brain Wave Science: Introduction to Psychoneurophysiology.

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Disciplinary Studies Psychoenergetics Self Improvement Spiritual Growth

Special Care Focus: Israel and Gaza + Sam Worthington, The Letter Writer

Hamas controlled Gaza has fired rockets into Israel reaching Tel Aviv and near Jerusalem and Israeli warplanes are striking Gaza. Israel is amassing troops and tanks near the border of Gaza for a potential ground invasion. The new Egyptian Prime Minister met with Hamas officials and the world waits to see how Egypt and Mid-East countries will respond. Leaders across the world have called on Israeli and Palestinian governing bodies to show restraint.

It’s important that we send coherent heart energy to the leaders and people of Gaza and Israel. Visualize a dome of coherent heart energy surrounding the region and radiate peace and care into the dome, desiring the highest best outcome. Let’s remain vigilant in our care and compassion for the suffering that is occurring.

Please join us in the Global Care Room; you can enter the room directly from

First time users will need to sign up for access. You can use the e-mail and password that you use for the Global Coherence Initiative website. Then, simply log-in with your e-mail and GCI password, or just enter as a Guest – no signup required. Thank you for providing energetic care and support.

The GCI Steering Committee and Staff

Psychoenergetics Spiritual Control Spiritual Growth

Special GCI Care Focus: Recovery from Hurricane Sandy and Tropical Storm Son-Tinh

Let’s compassionately hold in our heart space all people affected by Hurricane Sandy in the United States and Caribbean and all people affected by typhoon level Tropical Storm Son-Tinh in Southeast Asia. Both storms caused tremendous damage over the past few days and are still ongoing. While radiating our unconditional love and compassion, let’s create a heart field environment to help facilitate and ease the recovery process. Please join us in the Global Care Room. You can enter the room directly from First time users will need to sign up for access. You can use the e-mail and password that you use for the Global Coherence Initiative website. Then, simply log-in with your e-mail and GCI password.

Thank you for providing energetic care and support.
The GCI Steering Committee and Staff
Global Coherence Initiative
14700 West Park Ave.,
Boulder Creek, CA 95006
tel (831) 706-2981 | fax (831) 338-8504

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