Self Improvement Spiritual Growth

The World Heals as Cinema gets Spiritual!

Can a Movie Inspire You to Live a Better Life, Find Happiness, and Believe in Love Again?

You bet!


Holocaust survivor Viktor Frankl once wrote that a person needs just three things in life to be happy: something to do, someone to love, and something to look forward to!

Do you know what I look forward to the most? Every month I get 4 inspirational movies delivered to my door. And no matter what challenges I¿m currently facing, I always find happiness and inspiration in these special films.

I¿m a member of Spiritual Cinema Circle, a club that that handpicks the best films from festivals all over the world. They look for the gems that you wouldn¿t ordinarily see in the theatre near your house. And they find movies that are always heart-warming, consciousness expanding and positive.

And every month, we send 4 films right to my door that I get to keep forever! I want you to have this opportunity too. If you take a look at the link below, you will even get a free trial. You¿ve got nothing to lose! Check it out:

Spiritual Cinema Circle is the only film club of its kind just for spiritual seekers like you.

Sign up for your free trial now:


Spiritual Cinema Circle

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Philosophy Spiritual Growth

How to Find HAPPINESS and Believe in Love Again

Can a Movie Inspire You to Live a Better Life, Find Happiness, and Believe in Love Again?

You bet!

Spiritual Cinema Circle brings you 4 touching films that address the how-to of happiness: discover your CALLING, follow your higher PURPOSE, and claim your true LOVE!


In this DVD of inspirational films, you will find that things are not always what they seem – And REAL HAPPINESS is definitely NOT an illusion.

No one knows the secret to illusion better than. . . MAGICIANS!

Ever wonder how magicians achieve the impossible, or how much practice is needed to master amazing sleight-of-hand?

Make Believe takes you behind the scenes as you meet the most dedicated and talented young magicians in the world as they prepare for the ULTIMATE magic competition in Las Vegas.

Some of these teens have been practicing magic for 5 hours a day since they were 8 years old! Watch how this incredible dedication became a passion for them, and see how much FUN they have together as they discover the happiness of belonging to a world of INTRIGUE and WONDER.

Notably a New York Times Critics Pick, this film will ENCHANT you, warm your heart, and INSPIRE you with feats of the impossible!

(And you might even learn how a few of these tricks are done. Shhh. . .)


Spiritual Cinema Circle is the only film club of its kind.

Every month you can expect to see films that have been handpicked from festivals all over the WORLD.

These are movies that won¿t come to your local cinema, so this is the ONLY way you can watch them!

And the films are yours to keep FOREVER!


Healing Thoughts,


P.S. These 4 incredible films are yours to enjoy and share with your friends when you sign up for your FREE trial with Spiritual Cinema Circle. Hurry, because these are movies you may NEVER have a chance to see again.

Sign Up Now!

 Spiritual Cinema Circle

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Disciplinary Studies Mind Control Psychoenergetics Self Improvement Spiritual Growth

Cognitive Resonance vs. Cognitive Dissonance in Training Psychic Powers

As you discovered from my post, Remote Viewing Morality and ARV, Session 7 Review,” the Academy of Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing Course from Probable Future is weak in it’s mere fifteen minute instruction on Associational Remote Viewing. My intention is to repair this situation as a value added seller through my years of gathering materials on paranormal human achievement.

First, let me give you the big picture of what the course is: The foundation of the ARVARI Course is guided meditation with brainwave entrainment. The intention is to get listeners into cognitive resonance with the world around them including all types of energies – from Sun Energy to Earth Energy and every living energy in between.

The catch-22 is that people in cognitive dissonance have very little if any sympathy and empathy for the world around them – including underlying, subtle energies. They are highly skeptical of the existence of “psychic powers” and the “soul.” Although they are in the most need of a course based in cognitive resonance, they wouldn’t be interested in it. Why would they want to learn how to “resonate” with others when they feel life on this planet is just one big accident with no real purpose, therefore, we are nothing more than “slabs of meat” with neurochemical reactions as “personalities?”

People in cognitive dissonance are part of a “herd” personality on this planet known as the “veil of darkness” – from the dark ages.

On the other hand, People in cognitive resonance have sympathy and empathy for the world around them; they are not necessarily “new age,” “born again,” or overtly spiritual. They are mostly people who prefer to keep to themselves, but talk about crazy things sometimes – like what you see at this blog. Some of these people choose to reveal themselves. Of all the people who publish materials and lecture on psychic powers, around 20% are actual psychics. Does that mean around 80% only want to cash in on the new age psychic crazies? Yes.

This doesn’t mean 80% of the books, audios, and videos on training the sixth sense are junk; what they’re doing is simply regurgitating material from that 20%. Let’s face it; people copy from each other. And the most helpful material (20%) gets copied.

To give us an example of that 20%, please have a look at this video from Lyn Buchanan:

Intro to Associative Remote Viewing Method by Lyn Buchanan

“Can I win the lottery?”

Self Improvement Spiritual Growth

Community Consciousness: Connection Is Closer Than You Think

Dear Movie Lover,

A great change is sweeping the globe. But what I’m about to tell you might surprise you. Perhaps you have been feeling it? More than in any other time on our planet, there is an emergence of community consciousness. With community consciousness comes community responsiveness.

In celebration of the spirit of community, this new volume of four inspiring films from Spiritual Cinema Circle offers you an opportunity to remember the JOY in what it means to be a human being: the joy in connecting to others, joining together, and CELEBRATING your community.

Never before in human history has so much help been offered to those in need. Never before in times of challenge have we been so CONNECTED to one another across cultures, countries, and boundaries and in real time.

The global human heart is opening WIDE. And the wider we open, the more connected to one another we feel. The more CONNECTED to one another we feel, the more good we do for the world we share. Get connected now to the Spiritual Cinema Circle Community!

Disciplinary Studies Mind Control Psychoenergetics Self Improvement Spiritual Control Spiritual Growth

Collective Consciousness and “Judgement Day”

Recent disastrous events and the foretold “judgement day” are subject to our collective consciousness. Decadent Human Society is the cause of the most heinous disasters on this planet. Please use this article to break out of the collective focus on dark themes and help bring real goodness into your life.

Gerald O’Donnell of the Academy of Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing has been in Israel for a few weeks. He goes there to meditate. I’m guessing the holy land is especially receptive to spiritual awakenings from God, or else why does he bother? I know other people who have traveled to the Holy Land to accomplish the same, so who am I to judge

On 1 May 2011, Gerald had yet another spiritual awakening when he was in Jerusalum. Then he turned around and put his spiritual awakening as well as he could in word language in his latest message to his subscribers: Message from the One and Only, Jerusalem, May 1, 2011..

Disciplinary Studies Psychoenergetics Spiritual Growth

World Tai Chi QiGong Day = World Healing Day = World Peace

Today is the day that the world gives back to you, the discipline which you put into yourself.

The last day of April, today, is World Tai Chi QiGong Day. Statistically, on this day, every year, there has been greater world peace. Look around you and listen. People every where  argue less. There are less tragedies in the world. More agreements. More Abundance.

Allow me to prove to you that, today, 30 April, we are also experiencing the Maharishi Effect which I have been pushing at HealingMindN for a while now:

From World Healing Day:

World Healing Day! Why?

The Global Consciousness Project, born out of research at Princeton University,
found that during times of great tragedy human consciousness focused to such a
degree that it
physically affected their computers all around the world. While other research found that when a small percentage of human beings harmonized their consciousness, they positively affected the behaviour of the community around them. 

Disciplinary Studies Psychoenergetics Self Improvement Spiritual Growth

Changing Reality through Symbols: The Psychic Punch

A while back, a post on healing through symbols, “How to Heal with a Biblical Name of God using Inner Power,” showed us how to heal a subject through a spiritual method of touch and focus.

Since we now have a (“class 7, Chernobyl type”) dire situation happening in Japan that is spreading toxic amounts of radiation all over the planet, I have to ask you to make a quantum leap in helping to render this nuclear disaster inert. I would prefer for to you learn baby steps, so you can do this properly, but now, I’m giving you a crash course by combining methods from different arenas in remote influencing.

This method is stressful since it involves isometrics; it also requires extreme focus and mental stamina. If you find this method is beyond your abilities, then please try to protect yourself and your loved ones using the complimentary detox manual offered at Bioenergetic Science Circle:

Prayer is also useful as long as you consistently have faith 24/7 in God to fulfill your prayers. Here is proof in the power of faith and prayer:

Disciplinary Studies Mind Control Psychoenergetics Self Improvement Spiritual Control Spiritual Growth

A Musical Approach to Remote Influencing

p { margin-bottom: 0.08in; }h4 { margin-bottom: 0.08in; }a:link { }For those of you who have trouble conceiving a Universal Creator or a Universal Mind as the basis of order in the universe, think of a song. What is the origin of music? Where did humans first get the idea to make music?

Nature, of course. But there’s far more to nature than the tweeting of birds or how the wind plays through trees. A driving force within each of us allows us to make music out of those sounds; this is because WE are part of nature. WE are part of that flawless order.

Let’s examine ourselves from a slightly bigger perspective: What is our reality based upon? What is our reference frame for “consciousness” based upon?

PNI Spiritual Growth

How to Cure Loneliness on Valentine’s Day and Beyond

The following article was among the latest findings in psychoneuroimmunology on the effects of loneliness:

Study: Loneliness Triggers Inflammatory Illnesses
Posted on: 02/09/2011

L O S A N G E L E S—U C L A researchers reported today that chronically lonely people may be at a higher risk for certain types of inflammatory disease, because their feelings of social isolation trigger the activity of pro- inflammatory immune cells.

The research appears in the Feb. 7 – 11 issue of the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

In their analysis of 93 older adults, the researchers screened for gene function among different types of immune cells and found that genes originating from two particular cell types — plasmacytoid dendritic cells and monocytes —were over expressed in chronically lonely individuals, compared with the remainder of the sample.

These cell types produce an inflammatory response to tissue damage, and are part of the immune system’s first line of defense, which produces an immediate inflammatory response to tissue damage.

It’s this same inflammatory response that, over the long- term, can promote cardiovascular disease, cancer and neuro-degeneration. The report provides further evidence of how lifestyle and social environments can impact human health.

In addition, the researchers suggest that evolutionarily ancient immune system cells may have developed a molecular sensitivity to our social environment in order to help defend us against socially transmitted pathogens… (Study: Loneliness Triggers Inflammatory Illnesses in .pdf)

Psychoenergetics Self Improvement Spiritual Control Spiritual Growth

How to Save the World with the Maharishi Effect

You have heard me mention the Maharishi Effect in previous posts. This effect takes places when the square root of 1% of the population focuses upon enlightenment and achieves inner peace – simultaneously. Allegedly, this action precipitates enlightenment and inner peace for the rest of the population – AND – it has worked in the past.

Even small prayer groups have significant effects on the spiritual attitude of a target such as the Society of Inner Light discussed at Holy Life, HealingMindN. Further discussion on the real life physical effects of prayer groups on a target are at Collective DNA Consciousness.

But how do we save entire regions of the world when a people need enlightenment and inner peace? The Maharishi Effect is the answer. As of this writing, world population is approximately 6,950,157,887. All we need for the Maharishi Effect to take place is 8,337 people; this is a miniscule number.

If you want to know when we should all get together to go for the Maharishi Effect, The Global Coherence Initiative provides exactly what we need: Times to gather and places in greatest need for us to focus. Here’s the latest newsletter from GCI: