Psychoenergetics Self Improvement Spiritual Growth

Cryptic 2011 New Year Message from GOD by GO’D on Humanity

Gerald O’Donnell of the Academy of Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing has all kinds of messages for us. On December 10, he did a radio interview where he was in good company with a few parapsychologists and psychics. You can listen to it here:

If I may be so bold, I believe that I can boil down his interview into one gist: Most people need to grasp The Big Picture.

To elaborate, most people need to meditate on advancing the human race, like learning from our mistakes throughout human history. recognizing what does and doesn’t work, and most of all, integrating good, clean, healthy, life-positive attributes into our lives that helps the human race move forward.

Notice how I included a link to The Big Picture. I’m not just selling the album; I’m selling an idea. I’m selling a thought form, that is, to meditate on The Big Picture. Here is the meditation derived from Yehuda Berg’s, “The 72 Names of God:”

I see more deeply into my life
into my consciousness,
and fully understand the seeds I am planting.

I notice the correlation between cause and effect in my own life,
and I understand where I am going.

I spread love and light knowing that they are what await me tomorrow.

I bring joy and fulfillment to others knowing this is what fills the world around me.

I focus on the big picture, the plans of the Divine Creator,
and connect to that Light Source.

Disciplinary Studies Mind Control Psychoenergetics Self Improvement Spiritual Control Spiritual Growth

Cryptic Holiday Message on Remote Influencing

Enclosed is a recent message from Academy of Remote Viewing and Influencing Founder, Gerald O’Donnell; it’s not so easy to understand on the surface, but there is a gist that comes through: When we take advantage of our birth right as co-creators of our reality rather than allow others to control our reality, we’re happier, healthier, and in control of our own lives.

Hello Dear Friends,

First let me wish you a peaceful and joyful Holiday season.

Please do yourself one gigantic favor during the harbinger of a new year:  let go if only for 2 weeks of all that you remember about this difficult period we are all experiencing during this dark night of the totality of the Soul of Creation.

Only think of your Joyful and Loving Sourcing in Light, be it within your inner heart-core where Source resides, be it within the warmth of your family origin who has given you the gift of Life and brought you so much Love, be it with your warm Motherly womb in the musical Light symphony of nature, or be it with total strangers who are all here to carry your dreams to its ultimate manifestation on the wings of a brilliant Flight in which you have so courageously engaged for you know its ultimate reward.

Please try and stay totally present in the moment for 2 weeks and laugh, dance, embrace, and hug all the creatures that you can and especially yourself.

Remember that every day is a new Creation;  that you spirit rejoins its Higher consciousness each night and that you are in fact  reborn each morning when you Heavenly Divine spirit rejoins the biological  consciousness vehicle which after having rested and rejuvenated itself is awaiting for your return .  So please try and make each future day a new chapter, a new Creation,  which it is, and do not let the memory of past hurt and fears emotionally overstep the holy boundary of the morning.

This will prepare you to fully Create in your mind a new world , a new Creation, unencumbered by all the old patterns and feeling of hurtful anxiety.  You all need to fully engage in this Co-creative process and regain you Divine power of Remote Influencing Reality which you all carry within.

In the next week I will release two interview which do address this very important subject of the inescapable reality of our needing to finally regain and then retain control over what has sadly until now not really been our Creation.  We need to stop being manipulated puppets and become fully conscious and especially fully conscience-filled Real beings.

I know that most are suffering in these harsh economic times. The cry is silent but is felt throughout the world.  In the spirit of this awareness I am announcing a very special and unprecedented deep discount on our combination Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing Courses.

Try to take advantage of it while it lasts. The rewards/cost ratio is incredibly high.

Here is a link to this Holidays’ Special

I send you much Love and thank you again for your kind support and Love. We do need it at the Academy for much antagonism to our work has been manifesting lately. I will leave this for another communication.

May the One bless you and all of your loved ones.

Gerald O’Donnell


Academy of Remote Viewing and Influencing

As far as that “antagonism” mentioned by Gerald, I can only imagine what he means because I have taken on skeptics, atheists, the Amazing Randi challenge myself.

  • There are people in this world that argue human beings are nothing more than meatsacks and accidents in the universe, that there is no such thing as the soul, therefore, no such thing as true order or universal intelligence in the universe, etcetera…
  • Meanwhile, arguements from people like me claim that we are spiritual beings inextricably connected to physical bodies, that there is REAL purpose for each and everyone of us in this reality because we are all part of an ordered universe and a universal intelligence.

Which arguement do you choose?

I choose a greater reality for myself and the people around me. The reality I choose consists of life positive morals and ethics – as opposed to life negative realities that allow BP to poison the Gulf of Mexico, for example.

It’s really a choice between life positive and life negative realities that we’re making every day. When you choose to be the co-creator of your own reality, I hope you choose to be life positive.

As you observe, people with life negative realities work like locusts: They need each other to support each other’s life negative realities.

In fact, the universe is a life positive place – which is very big. Unfortunately, we’re trapped on a very small planet controlled by life negative people. This can be changed. We can remote influence this reality to be life positive with the correct training such as that provided by Gerald O’Donnell.

Gerald teaches us how to draw upon the life positive energies in the universe including that of our own planet to influence our reality. We are trained to draw upon and focus these energies anywhere we want including that which we can remote view.

For example, my mother recently suffered malignant otitis externa (MOE) due to negligence of life negative doctors; she was severely incapacitated, but I chose a reality where my mother would live and recover.

Life positive doctors worked on her and I applied healing energies of the universe to her almost every day. About a month later, she is almost herself again and independent, whereas, one of the ENT surgeons would have sworn that she would never make it out of the hospital.

According to the surgeons, her recovery was remarkable. Please understand: My mother is an elderly diabetic with a compromised immune system, yet she has recovered from MOE whereas most people don’t. This is the power of remote influencing.

You can do this too with the correct training. Please take advantage of Gerald’s special Holiday Offer.

Healing Thoughts, Happy Holidays,

Randolph Fabian Directo

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Academy Of Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing

Disciplinary Studies Mind Control Self Improvement Spiritual Growth

How to Remain Happy and Productive during the Holidays

A positive mood allows your brain to think more creatively

PhysOrg, December 15, 2010 (excerpts)

“..Generally, positive mood has been found to enhance creative problem solving and flexible yet careful thinking,” says Ruby Nadler, a graduate student at the University of Western Ontario. She and colleagues Rahel Rabi and John Paul Minda carried out a new study published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science. For this study, Nadler and her colleagues looked at a particular kind of learning that is improved by creative thinking…

Happy volunteers were better at learning a rule to classify the patterns than sad or neutral volunteers. “If you have a project where you want to think innovatively, or you have a problem to carefully consider, being in a positive mood can help you to do that,” Nadler says. And music is an easy way to get into a good mood…

Nadler also thinks this may be a reason why people like to watch funny videos at work. “I think people are unconsciously trying to put themselves in a positive mood”—so that apparent time-wasting may actually be good news for employers.

More information: Article: “Better Mood and Better Performance: Learning Rule Described Categories Is Enhanced by Positive Mood,” Psychological Science.

Mind Control PNI Self Improvement Spiritual Growth

How to Meditate on The Big Picture

This post is a reprint of the most recent Way of the MindGate Newsletter.

Way of the MindGate Newsletter is about fulfilling the needs of others, mainly your needs in terms of mind control. In turn, the audio project I’ve been working on is all about fulfilling your needs. I’ve mentioned it in previous newsletters. Here are the (updated) samples in case you didn’t catch them yet:

  1. Thought into Action (concentration)
  2. Design Beneath Disorder (creative focus)
  3. The Big Picture (mental speed & acuity)

The entire album is just over 70 minutes of rhythms and meditations for building concentration, creative focus, and mental acuity and will soon be available on Amazon. Please see a further description by clicking The Big Picture thumbnail to your left.

Time and Money

The content on this album helps us unify two issues that concern most people: Time and Money. In fact, there was a recent study on the effects of people who meditate on either time or money:

Self Improvement Spiritual Growth

Another Guru Fad or Real Path to Health and Prosperity?

Dear Movie Lover,

Imagine if a modern day Holy Man existed… one who truly held the secret to enlightenment, everlasting health and prosperity…. someone who could bring bliss with the flick of a wrist. Wouldn’t that be amazing?

This someone DOES exist and his name is Sri Sri Sri Spankneesh. He is known as the “Bling” guru, and he synthesizes a rare blend of philosophy and teaching that is practical and applicable for the modern man.

Whether advising presidents, politicians, rock stars, celebrities or the everyday man, he has one sole aim: to bring about a more conscious, enlightened society. His vision is to cultivate what he calls “the new human,” a person who is fully rested in his Being as well as fully engaged in life.

Thanks to our friends at Spiritual Cinema Circle, you can see a new film about this Guru when you sign up for the free trial membership to this highly regarded DVD club. For just a small shipping fee ($4.95 in the U.S.) you will receive this film plus the terrific feature film Do You Wanna Dance plus two additional short films.

To see the trailers and start your free trial, click here!

Enjoy the movies,


P.S. Don’t miss these other great films on Volume 11: The Right Friend, Plastic, and The Bling of Being.

Join today!


Healing Thoughts,




P.S. Got popcorn? This holiday season, set up a home “movie night” for your family and friends. Spiritual Cinema Circle offers 4 feel-good films about love, friendship… even a spiritual comedy for all you seekers. For just the cost of shipping ($4.95 in the U.S.) you’ll get all 4 films on one DVD. Preview (or watch) the trailers here.

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Philosophy Self Improvement Spiritual Growth

How to Inspire Your Heart’s Desire through Film

Bob Proctor, one of the world’s living masters on achievement – you know him as one of the stars of The Secret – dropped out of high school just two months after he started. Poor, uneducated and unmotivated, Bob worked as a fireman, barely getting by. “I was unhappy, sick and broke,” he explains.

During that dark time, Bob was given a book and told, “This holds the secret to life; just see if it will work for you.” He credits what he’s learned with his transformation from a shy, withdrawn young man to a successful visionary and coach, living the life of his dreams and helping others do the same.

Discover Bob’s simple steps to realize your full potential in the original series Gaiam Portraits of Inspiring Lives presented by Spiritual Cinema Circle.

In this exclusive DVD, available only from Spiritual Cinema Circle, Bob shares his story as well as his contagious enthusiasm and simple-yet-powerful strategies to help you manifest your heart’s desire. Thanks to our friends at Spiritual Cinema Circle, we can offer you the DVD with Bob Proctor’s success secrets… along with three more inspiring films that will expand your mind, open your heart and stir your soul.

You can receive all four of these films for just the cost of shipping – $4.95 in the U.S. It’s our way of introducing you to the fulfilling, feel-good films of Spiritual Cinema Circle. Every month Spiritual Cinema Circle offers you entertainment that makes you think and warms the heart. Imagine a whole month’s worth of joy, inspiration and transformation delivered to your door! Get your free DVD now!

Join Spiritual Cinema Circle today and you’ll also be the first to get personal insights into the minds of today’s most influential thinkers – Marcia Wieder, Byron Katie, Neale Donald Walsch and more – in the Gaiam Portraits of Inspiring Lives series!

Enjoy! Healing Thoughts!

Randolph Directo

P.S. Don’t miss these other great films on Volume 10: Sabah, Diplomacy, and Born and Raised. Join today!
P.S.S. All four films included this month’s volume are FREE* (plus S&H) when you sign up for Spiritual Cinema Circle before October 14th.


Monthly Films Special Landing Page

Monthly Films Checkout Page

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Disciplinary Studies Psychoenergetics Self Improvement Sexual HealingMindN Spiritual Control Spiritual Growth

Keys to Psychic Energy and Remote Influencing

Session 10 of the ARVARI Remote Influencing Course is a startling revelation. As our guided meditation instructor, Gerald O’Donnell reveals our vital connections to our planet and nature in general.

He also reveals the ultimate modality for remote influencing which may vindicate or vilify you; this depends on your perspective, which is key. I cover this modality in detail under the heading “Kundalini.”

As stated within the enclosed RI manual, the goals of session 10 is as follows:

  • Come Home to The One
  • Merge and Unite with the Universe
  • Use the portal of nature and old trees to be both here and above this matrix
  • Heal yourself and the womb of life
  • Rebirth into the Eternal Light
  • Experience the Core Pulse of Our Creation
  • You are a Co-Creator
Healing Science Mind Control PNI Self Improvement Spiritual Growth

How We Get Our “Knee Jerk” Responses When We’re Awake

As of late, I’ve been collecting studies related to my latest work in progress, Brainstorm Trifecta, a music album that programs specific intentions during the waking state. Mainstream neuroscience studies have uncovered interesting data concerning our minds during the waking state.

The following graduate study work by Timothy Bardouille has ground breaking implications which I attempt to elucidate for you:

Title: Studies of Cortical Synchrony and Coherence in the Human Sensorimotor System
Authors: Bardouille, Timothy (Don Juan)
Advisor: Ross, Bernard
Department: Medical Science
Keywords: magnetoencephalography motor somatosensory beta
Issue Date: 4-Aug-2010

Spiritual Control Spiritual Growth

Spirituality: Way of the Healing Mind N

I was recently going through some old material at Holy Life, HealingMindN. I found an article that is timeless in it’s concept. The article is a leftover from another website I had years ago, but the incarnation drives home the concept of what being a healing mind is all about.

You will find that I am and always will be open to questions of all kinds, so please feel free to provide your own opinions about Way of the HealingMindN. Thanks for your time.

The following question was posed by, Stephen, an independent researcher who subscribes to my free energy list:

“If the people at the group ‘scientology’ wanted to they could because they are large and defiant to our corrupt government. They have aggressive defence and offence protocols that are effective. Yet, they don’t. Why?

“I think that there is power in numbers and if those numbers are loyal to one another to the very last then one has the power. Where in our present society will one find many of these? Our government grows incapable people from youth to adulthood and emphasizes individualization rather than group agendas. They know how to eliminate rebellion at its roots level. So, now what?”

Stephen has an interesting perspective on individuality and group agenda. Think about it:

  • Where are we taught more about individuality than any other arena?
  • More importantly, what form of individuality is emphasized more in our culture?
  • What do most people care about as a result of this emphasis?
  • What do most people believe in?
  • How many people believe that chronic disease can be healed or at least stopped?
  • How many people believe that no one on this planet has to suffer in sickness and economic depravity?
  • How many individual agendas on this planet add up to improving humanity as a group agenda?
Disciplinary Studies Psychoenergetics Self Improvement Spiritual Control Spiritual Growth

Spreading Love and Light on my belated Birthday

Gerald O’Donnell of the Academy of Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing had very simple requests of his listeners per his interview on 10 August 2010:

  • Connect with Nature
  • Be Kind to Others
  • Spread Love and Light

If you have yet to hear Gerald’s latest interview, you can listen to it or down load it here. He covers our general social mood and health related to world issues, especially concerning the disaster in the Gulf of Mexico.

Interestingly enough, the Remote Influencing Course teaches us how to connect with nature and be kind to others by spreading love and light. Of particular interest within this course is RI Disc 13 (AKA Training session 9).