Disciplinary Studies Economic Control Evil Control Mind Control Philosophy Psychoenergetics Self Improvement Spiritual Control Spiritual Growth

GO’D on Personal Issues, World Issues, and Social Mood

Gerald O’Donnell of ARVARI has invited us to a teleseminar in regards to current world issues. He will address social mood, certain personal problems we may be having because of negative events happening around us, and what we can do about it:

I’m glad you’re reading this because this upcoming teleseminar (aka telephone seminar) is going to shed some light on all the chaos in the world today and what YOU can do about it.This is Gerald O’Donnell, founder of Academy of Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing. Join me next week for a FREE teleseminar on the nature of reality.

Tuesday, August 10 at 6pm EST / 3pm Pacific / 10pm UTC/GMT

for a life-changing call on…

* * * “The Embrace to Heal the World.” * * *

Here are some of the questions I will be addressing:

  • –What is the real meaning of the 2012 period and thence after?
  • –Why have you felt so low on energy lately and often tensed, even after a night’s sleep?
  • –Why is it so important for humanity to wake up to our connectedness?
  • –How can connecting with Nature give you all the answers you need?
  • –Why are YOU such a vital piece in the puzzle facing humankind?
  • –What can you do to break free from your self-constructed prison?


Click this link for your FREE registration


Here are the call details:

WHEN: Tuesday, August 10, 2010

6:00pm – 7:00pm Eastern
3:00pm- 4:00pm Pacific

10:00pm – 11:00pm GMT

(but dial-in early, see below!)

Click here to see what timezone you are in:


Click this link for your FREE registration


Mind Control Self Improvement Spiritual Growth

Concentration, Creative Focus, Mental Speed & Acuity from Beta Rhythm Music


How I wish I really and truly had all the tools I needed when I was younger. Of course, I was in the same boat. All the kids had some kind of trouble with concentrating on their work. We were all raging hormones and giddy energy, so we weren’t interested in reading, writing, ‘rithmetic or any other “r’s,” like homewoRk.

What if you had a tool that not only helps you focus, but keeps you awake when you have to burn the midnite oil studying? Would your work get done so much faster? Imagine being able to focus, so you get your work done faster, then you don’t have to lose any sleep. What if this tool is not a neuroleptic drug like ritalin or caffeine, so you don’t suffer any (negative) side effects?

What if this tool isn’t a drug at all, but something you listen to as it plays passively in the background while you go on with focussing on your work and getting it done? Would you be interested? Would your kids be interested? Wouldn’t it be wonderful if this tool works for everyone?

Disciplinary Studies Evil Control Mind Control Psychoenergetics Self Improvement Spiritual Control Spiritual Growth

The Key to Defeating Evil through Remote Influencing in Psalms 73

{Evil People = The People of Psalms 73}

Political Ponerology: A Science of Evil Applied for Political Purposes


Truly evil people, on the other hand, actively rather than passively avoid extending themselves. They will take any action in their power to protect their own laziness, to preserve the integrity of their sick self. Rather than nurturing others, they will actually destroy others in this cause. If necessary, they will even kill to escape the pain of their own spiritual growth. As the integrity of their sick self is threatened by the spiritual health of those around them, they will seek by all manner of means to crush and demolish the spiritual health that may exist near them.

I define evil, then, as the exercise of political power – that is, the imposition of one’s will upon others by overt or covert coercion – in order to avoid extending one’s self for the purpose of nurturing spiritual growth. Ordinary laziness is non-love; evil is anti-love…

This section is an addendum to the three part series: How to Remote Influence using the Power of God. Some of you may find it difficult, if not impossible, to assume the identity of an evil target. We MUST assume the identity of a person, place, or thing in order to remote influence them.

According to the Political Ponerology excerpt, this type of person is probably the exact opposite of you. Please remember from the sections on How to Remote Influence using the Power of God that no person is truly evil. The evil part is consistently trying to crush the good within them by crushing the good around them.

Evil Control Spiritual Control Spiritual Growth

Holy Scripture on the Gulf Eco-Disaster and its Perpetrators

Mark Chap. 13 and Matthew Chap. 24 seem to elaborate on each other. Please notice the reference to “diver’s places:”


[1] And as he went out of the temple, one of his disciples saith unto him, Master, see what manner of stones and what buildings are here!
[2] And Jesus answering said unto him, Seest thou these great buildings? there shall not be left one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down.
[3] And as he sat upon the mount of Olives over against the temple, Peter and James and John and Andrew asked him privately,
[4] Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign when all these things shall be fulfilled?
[5] And Jesus answering them began to say, Take heed lest any man deceive you:
[6] For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.
[7] And when ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars, be ye not troubled: for such things must needs be; but the end shall not be yet.
[8] For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be earthquakes in divers places, and there shall be famines and troubles: these are the beginnings of sorrows.

Philosophy Spiritual Growth

How to Have Better Romance thru Spiritual Growth

This month’s feature film, PLAY THE GAME is a romantic comedy that tells the story of a self-described ladies’ man, who shares his dating tricks with his heartbroken widowed grandfather. Grandpa gets mixed up in a love triangle, while the grandson strikes out with the girl of his dreams. Will these would-be Don Juans discover the real secret about romance? Try Spiritual Cinema Circle for spiritual growth on romance.

Create an entire evening of great movies to watch with friends and family. For just the small cost of shipping you’ll receive PLAY THE GAME and three short films that deliver truly inspiring, motivating, and enlightening messages.

Start your free* trial today! You can receive a free* DVD that includes PLAY THE GAME and three inspiring short films, plus an interview with James Van Praagh.

*$4.95/$7.95 S&H applies to the free trial. Membership is just $21 + S&H per month.

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Philosophy Psychoenergetics Self Improvement Spiritual Growth

Positive Attitudes, Remote Influencing and the Law of Attraction

This month, Spiritual Cinema Circle is proud to present the feature film SMILE along with three truly phenomenal short films.



Beau Bridges, Linda Hamilton, Sean Astin and Saturday Night Live’s Cheri Oteri star in SMILE… a story about two girls, born on the same day, who lead very different lives. Katie is a beautiful pampered Malibu teen while Lin is a Chinese girl born with a cleft lip.


This moving, entertaining and inspiring movie, filmed in both Malibu and Shanghai, shares important messages of honor, integrity and responsibility that can be enjoyed by the entire family.

Spiritual Cinema Circle offers a whole month’s worth of joy, inspiration and liberation. I encourage you to check it out.


Start your free trial today! For just a small shipping fee, you can receive a *free DVD that includes SMILE plus three great short films, plus Mariel Hemingway’s very special in-depth interview with New York Times best-selling author Dr. Judith Orloff! [ Spiritual Cinema Circle]

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P.S. Some of you don’t think much of Spiritual Cinema Circle for some reason. Perhaps, you have some preconceived notions about the actors or the economic motivations behind getting people to subscribe to “Spiritual Cinema Circle.”

We must ask ourselves, “What is the main purpose of Spiritual Cinema Circle? What does it hope to accomplish?” The answer is simple: “To give us hope and faith in each other – and to shift our focus from fear to love.”

A drama always reflects its audience in different ways, but it always reflects its audience at the emotional level; this is the essence of drama, to reflect its audience at the emotional level.

The Law of Attraction

Drama serves us accordingly when we are able to positively apply lessons therein to our own lives. We also listen to music for the same reasons. The artists who we appreciate reflect our thoughts and feelings in their songs.

When we allow life positive feelings from these artistic media into our lives, we reflect those same feelings into the world as in the law of attraction. Our power of attraction is controlled by our underlying feelings. When we feel hope and goodness, these things are attracted into our lives per the law of attraction.

Remote Influencing

The same concept applies to remote influencing. In fact, there’s no difference between the law of attraction and remote influencing, except remote influencing breaks the space / time barrier to bring things into our lives according to our underlying feelings.

For this reason, the ARVARI Remote Influencing Course consists of many hours of programming positive feelings into us during altered states of consciousness. The difference between Spiritual Cinema Circle and the ARVARI Course is:

  • You take time to time to watch and listen to one program in the waking state while you are induced into trance states in the other.
  • You gain life positive feelings in the waking state watching one program while you gain life positive feelings listening to the other while you’re in a trance.

Which type of program is better than the other? Actually, they are both useful for inducing positive attitudes. They can both be enjoyed simultaneously by friends and family. They are both useful in the law of attraction.

Remote influencing takes us several steps further by programming us during altered states of consciousness with positive attitudes, for example, from the ARVARI Remote Influencing Course:

RI Training Session 2
  • Deprograms and cleanses past memories
  • Experience the Great Void
RI Training Session 3
  • Explores the levels of the mind with full consciousness: Alpha, Theta, and Delta
  • Create the flame of Eternal Joy within your heart
  • Reconnect to the Womb – The Source
RI Training Session 4
  • Experience Delta, your center of energy and the silvery cord
  • Reprogram your DNA and healing rejuvenation
  • Reprogram yourself into a new being; healing and strong physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually
  • Learn principles of manifestations and increase inner vibrations
  • Experience Joy, overcome fear-vibrations of mass-consciousness
  • Use flowers and nature’s portal to the non-physical quantum level
  • Liberate yourself from mind bondage
RI Training Session 5
  • Reach deep Delta and experience other mental states in the process
  • Cultivate your inner smile
  • Learn lucid dreaming and manifesting from that level
  • Use deep Delta as a Stargate to higher levels

The above lessons are from CDs 6 through 9 in the ARVARI Remote Influencing Course. I would love to tell you about the content from these CDs, except that I have been falling asleep each time, so I can’t remember any of the content, not on a waking level. As far as the effects, I have been getting some strange dreams lately.

As of late, I’ve been having dreams about things and people I don’t recognize. In my dreams, I seem to know everyone and everything I’m doing, but when I wake up, it’s all strange to me. Last night, I had a dream that I was playing this bizarre stringed instrument, a cross between a ukelele, mandolin and a violin; it had bizarre, yet beautiful sounds coming from it as I plucked and strummed the (6) strings which raised up and down as I played it – like a piano.

It turned out I was playing for a huge audience and they all seemed pleased with my performance. I still recall their smiling faces, but I didn’t recognize anyone. OK, I guess that was a good feeling type of dream; it might have something to do with the music programs I’ve been writing lately to go with the brainwave entrainment – and I’m always looking for these special sounds.

That’s another major difference: Watching a Spiritual Cinema Circle movie with family and friends, we can ask, “Do remember that downs syndrome guy with the tape recorder?” And we would remember.

But with the ARVARI Course, if we ask, “hey, do you remember using deep Delta as a Stargate to higher levels?” The response would be, “no, but I remember these strange dreams…”

In the next post, I’m covering how our dreams reflect our subconscious abilities to solve problems. Imagine combining that with a positive attitude, how much better life would be for us and the rest of humanity?

Thanks for your time.

Healing Thoughts,


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*$4.95 US shipping fee applies, $7.95 international.

Self Improvement Spiritual Growth

2012 According to Beliefs based in Love and Creation

With a seemingly endless stream of new books on the subject of the end of the Mayan Calendar everyone wants to know about 2012! Are we at the beginning of the most amazing and wonderful time on Earth, or is Armageddon just over the horizon? Here is a film exploring 2012.

Futurist Barbara Marx Hubbard brings us insight and excitement about life: through the (feature/short) film, Visions of a Universal Humanity – a must-see -based evidence that at the precipice of the greatest evolutionary jump in human history.

Wrapped in awe-inspiring imagery and soul-lifting music, this movie debunks the doomsday prophesies of the so-called “end of history,” inviting us to consider instead the conclusions of some of the finest minds of our time who present cutting-edge perspectives on humankind’s breathtaking potential to create the future of our dreams.

Watch in wonder as the story of our own evolution comes alive in a combination of sparkling intellect and vibrant artistry that is this remarkable motion picture, leaving us not only illuminated, but instigated—ready now to play our role in the co-creation of our collective tomorrows.

Start your free trial today! For just a small shipping fee, you can receive a *free DVD that includes Visions of a Universal Humanity plus three great short films, plus Mariel Hemingway’s very special in-depth interview with spiritual teacher, world renounced author, Debbie Ford! [Discover how beliefs based in love and creation apply to 12-21-2012]

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*$4.95 US shipping fee applies, $7.95 international.

Self Improvement Spiritual Growth

Healing the Soul, the Body Follows

Dear Movie Lover,

What do you do when the healing you require is really at the level of your own soul? We know that modern medicine can fix a broken bone, heal an infection or transplant a heart (or lung or kidney), but the healing of the soul requires insight and inspiration.

Our friends at Spiritual Cinema Circle have gathered a collection of films that each offer a glimpse into the myriad and sometimes magical ways we experience healing at the deepest level. These are films that will open your heart and lift your soul.

When Harvard’s championship basketball coach Kathy Delaney-Smith discovers she must endure surgery, chemo and radiation to battle breast cancer, she adopts a winning strategy from her own play book in the short film, Act As If. This engaging documentary of a decorated Ivy Leauge coach demonstrates the power of the mind to overcome any obstacle.

A broken heart nearly leads to suicide for young Trudie in the short film, Dandelion Dharma. During a visit to the community garden plot she once shared with her beloved, a mysterious trio of eccentric older women suddenly appear. While offering Trudie stiff drinks, they share saucy tales of their own doomed romances, where “beginnings come from endings, endings from beginnings.”

Sign up for a FREE trial of Spiritual Cinema Circle by April 14th to experience these magical short films, you also get:

* 4 “movies with heart” that are yours to keep & share
* Thought-provoking reflection questions
* Exclusive luminary interviews on each DVD featuring Sonia Choquette, Revolutionary Psychic, Vibrational Alchemist, Healer and Teacher

Put the enlightenment back into your entertainment & enjoy the movies!

“The Spiritual Cinema Circle is providing a great service to those who want to evolve and be entertained at the same time.” -Deepak Chopra

Start your free trial today! For just a small shipping fee, you can receive a *free DVD that includes Thomas and the Rainbow plus three great short films, plus and exclusive luminary interviews featuring Sonia Choquette, Revolutionary Psychic, Vibrational Alchemist, Healer and Teacher.

Healing Thoughts

*$4.95 US shipping fee applies, $7.95 international.

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Self Improvement Spiritual Growth

Cleansing the Soul, Healing the Mind, Spiritual Cinema

What do you do when the healing you require is really at the level of your own soul? We know that modern medicine can fix a broken bone, heal an infection or transplant a heart (or lung or kidney), but the healing of the soul requires insight and inspiration.

Our friends at Spiritual Cinema Circle have gathered a collection of films that each offer a glimpse into the myriad and sometimes magical ways we experience healing at the deepest level. These are films that will open your heart and lift your soul.

When Harvard’s championship basketball coach Kathy Delaney-Smith discovers she must endure surgery, chemo and radiation to battle breast cancer, she adopts a winning strategy from her own play book in the short film, Act As If. This engaging documentary of a decorated Ivy Leauge coach demonstrates the power of the mind to overcome any obstacle.

affID = “9RPLUPs2LiM”;

A broken heart nearly leads to suicide for young Trudie in the short film, Dandelion Dharma. During a visit to the community garden plot she once shared with her beloved, a mysterious trio of eccentric older women suddenly appear. While offering Trudie stiff drinks, they share saucy tales of their own doomed romances, where “beginnings come from endings, endings from beginnings.”

Sign up for a FREE trial of Spiritual Cinema Circle by April 14th to experience these magical short films, you also get:

* 4 “movies with heart” that are yours to keep & share
* Thought-provoking reflection questions
* Exclusive luminary interviews on each DVD featuring Sonia Choquette, Revolutionary Psychic, Vibrational Alchemist, Healer and Teacher

Put the enlightenment back into your entertainment & enjoy the movies!

“The Spiritual Cinema Circle is providing a great service to those who want to evolve and be entertained at the same time.” -Deepak Chopra

Start your free trial today! For just a small shipping fee, you can receive a *free DVD that includes Thomas and the Rainbow plus three great short films, plus and exclusive luminary interviews featuring Sonia Choquette, Revolutionary Psychic, Vibrational Alchemist, Healer and Teacher.

*$4.95 US shipping fee applies, $7.95 international.

Healing Thoughts,


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Self Improvement Spiritual Growth

Barbara Hershey and Ron Perlman in Uncross the Stars

Inspiration + Entertainment = Spiritual Cinema Circle

Spiritual Cinema Circle

Dear Friend,

In our youth-obsessed culture, have we forgotten that the aging process comes with many gifts? Start My Free Trial

The strength to know that “this too shall pass,” the courage to speak our truth, and wisdom from many hard-won life experiences are just a few of the Universal gifts brought to us through time and maturity.

Our friends at Spiritual Cinema Circle have brought together a collection of films that cinematically reveal the passion and humor of our gracefully aging seniors that aptly depict the gifts of experience.

Barbara Hershey and Ron Perlman star in the feature Uncross the Stars, a transformational story of spunky seniors who guide a young grieving widower to reopen his heart to the world around him.

You can receive a free DVD of this movie, plus three great short films, plus Mariel Hemingway’s very special in-depth interview with spiritual teacher John Holland. Simply click here now!

Enjoy the movies!

The Spiritual Cinema Circle is providing a great service to those who want to evolve and be entertained at the same time.”
–Deepak Chopra

It’s not often you can combine entertainment with personal growth, but that is exactly what The Spiritual Cinema Circle offers. These engaging films provide important messages about life, love, and the world we live in.”
–Jack Canfield


Start My Free Trial

*$4.95/$7.95 S&H applies to the free trial. Membership is just $21 + S&H per month.



Spiritual Cinema, Inc.

833 W. South Boulder Rd.
Louisville, CO 80027

Copyright ©2009 Spiritual Cinema Circle, A Gaiam Company