Psychoenergetics Spiritual Growth

Emotional Aspect of Psychic Sensitivity

I recently discovered a book on psychoenergetics written by a few medical doctors and recommened by a number of other doctors. The Spiritual Anatomy of Emotion: How Feelings Link the Brain, the Body, and the Sixth Sense would seem to me more of a subject on psychoneuroimmunology, but it treads into more esoteric areas of the paranormal; The authors discuss the general health constitution of psychically sensitive people.

Here is a description that introduces us to the concept of emotion as the gateway to psychic sensitivity:

A cutting-edge examination of feelings, not thoughts, as the gateway to understanding consciousness

• Contends that emotion is the greatest influence on personality development

• Offers a new perspective on immunity, stress, and psychosomatic conditions

• Explains how emotion is key to understanding out-of-body experience, apparitions, and other anomalous perceptions

Contemporary science holds that the brain rules the body and generates all our feelings and perceptions. Michael Jawer and Dr. Marc Micozzi disagree. They contend that it is our feelings that underlie our conscious selves and determine what we think and how we conduct our lives.

The less consciousness we have of our emotional being, the more physical disturbances we are likely to have–from ailments such as migraines, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, and post-traumatic stress to anomalous perceptions such as apparitions and involuntary out-of-body experiences.

Using the latest scientific research on immunity, sensation, stress, cognition, and emotional expression, the authors demonstrate that the way we process our feelings provides a key to who is most likely to experience these phenomena and why. They explain that emotion is a portal into the world of extraordinary perception, and they provide the studies that validate the science behind telepathic dreams, poltergeists, and ESP.

The Spiritual Anatomy of Emotion challenges the prevailing belief that the brain must necessarily rule the body. Far from being by-products of neurochemistry, the authors show that emotions are the key vehicle by which we can understand ourselves and our interactions with the world around us as well as our most intriguing–and perennially baffling–experiences.

Philosophy Self Improvement Spiritual Growth

Honest, Selfless, Loving, Caring = Meaning of Life?

It’s been said that the best things in life are free – although in our hyper-consumptive culture, you’d be hard-pressed to find many people who would agree with you.


Our friends at Spiritual Cinema Circle recently found a beautiful feature film entitled Amal. It’s a modern-day parable that tells the story of a man named Amal – a simple, humble auto-rickshaw driver in the colorful, bustling city of New Delhi, India. Content with the small but vital role he plays in life, to drive his customers throughout the city as safely as possible, Amal is a man who lives simply to do “the right thing” in every situation.


One day Amal drives an eccentric billionaire who, disguised as a vagabond, is searching the streets for the last morsel of humanity; someone he can leave all his money to. His children are ungrateful spoiled brats and his colleagues are corrupt, money-sucking leeches.


Despite all his wealth, the old man wanders the city hoping to find the two things his money has never brought him – hope for humanity and peace for his soul. In Amal, he discovers a dying breed: a man who is honest, selfless, loving, and caring.


This riveting and surprising tale ultimately reveals that the poorest of men are sometimes the richest.



Enjoy the movies!

“The Spiritual Cinema Circle is providing a great service to those who want to evolve and be entertained at the same time.”
-Deepak Chopra


“It’s not often you can combine entertainment with personal growth, but that is exactly what The Spiritual Cinema Circle offers. These engaging films provide important messages about life, love, and the world we live in.”
-Jack Canfield

“Spiritual Cinema Circle reminds us that goodness is reserved for the good ones.”


Start your free trial today! For just a small shipping fee, you can receive a *free DVD that includes Amal plus three great short films, plus Mariel Hemingway’s very special in-depth interview with spiritual teacher Alan Cohen! [Please Discover how these amazing stories on DVD tug on your heart strings.]


Spiritual Cinema, Inc.

833 W. South Boulder Rd. Louisville, CO 80027

Copyright ©2009 Spiritual Cinema Circle, A Gaiam Company

*$4.95 US shipping fee applies, $7.95 international.

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Philosophy Spiritual Control Spiritual Growth

Love Outside Your Comfort Zone vs. the Comfort of Death?

Imagine the following: You are a single, thirty-something professional…and you discover you have a very serious, life-threatening case of leukemia even though you are symptom-free. The next day you meet the love of your life at a nightclub and begin a relationship, knowing you haven’t long to live.



At what point, do you think, are you obligated to share what’s going on with your health?



We posed this question to a few of our favorite spiritual luminaries:



“I don’t have any judgment on someone doing otherwise, but I would personally feel an ethical responsibility to disclose that information sooner rather than later.”
Marianne Williamson



“Immediately. A good relationship and a real, loving relationship is based in truth and integrity.”
Deepak Chopra



“Decadent doctors focused on death functions rather than the spirit of their patients are the real threat. Love is the real cure.”




This scenario describes the plot of Counting Backwards, Spiritual Cinema Circle’s feature film for Volume 1. In this film, career-driven Joe is diagnosed with terminal leukemia on the eve of his big promotion. He reevaluates everything. Now that his days are numbered, the questions that used to be so easy to avoid are impossible to ignore.



Joe commits to living the life he always wanted and begins a quirky relationship with Claire, the fun-loving girl of his dreams. This romance sets the stage for an imaginative, inspiring take on what life could be about if Joe were willing to fight for it.



Thanks to our friends at Spiritual Cinema Circle, you can receive Counting Backwards plus a very special in-depth interview with WAYNE DYER along with 3great short films for free* (you just pay small shipping fee). Start your free trial today!



To see the trailers of the films and get your FREE* DVD, click here!




Healing Thoughts, Happy Holidays,







*$4.95 US shipping fee applies, $7.95 international.


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