Disciplinary Studies Mind Control Self Improvement

Fine Art of Story Telling, part 4b: Creativity and Objectivity

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You must be open minded and as objective as possible when analysing another person’s reality bubble or else you end up projecting your reality upon theirs.

For example, Ezekial Chapter One of the Holy Bible to most Christians is about an otherworldly angelic encounter. To most UFO enthusiasts, Ezekial Chapter One is about an otherworldly extra-terrestrial encounter. Who can really say what happened unless you knew the world from Ezekial’s Perspective?

Another example is Preston Nichols of the Montauk Project Series. To most people, he goes on like Grandpa Simpson from the Simpsons Cartoon – and he does.

In The Music of Time, he seems to be constantly tooting his own horn when he says: “I changed the face of Rock n’ Roll… I helped Phil Spector sell more records with hidden subliminals… I had to buy a radio station as a tax shelter because that’s what rich people do… Brookhaven Labs took advantage of my personal genius…” Ad Infinitum.

For most people who only read the Montauk Series for entertainment, Preston Nichols is a nut job. But if you have personal experience experimenting in the field of sound engineering and other esoteric science, you discover that Preston may really be a certifiable genius, but he still lives in his own reality bubble. Although his reality encompasses far more than most people, it still has boundaries; he believes that the Montauk Project experiments serve as the basis for present reality.

There’s a whole lot of reality to go around and everyone has their own projects. Have you ever switched to a different company, but the same kind of job? If you have been in that situation, you quickly find that nothing is standardized, that every company has its own way of doing things. Each company operates within its own reality bubble.

Preston could easily say that we are living in a Montauk Project generated reality bubble, but the Annunaki, Free Masons, Illuminati, Kaballah, etcetera, could also easily say that we are living in their reality bubbles.

All reality bubbles coexist until they clash. The only way to be objective is to see and understand reality from the other person’s perspective. The only way to be truly creative to be able to see and understand the world from different kinds of perspectives according to the different realities around us.

An important key, if not the most important key, is the basis of the belief system. The belief system of any reality bubble is always based within basic emotions of love, hate, or fear; there is no coexistence between opposing belief systems. Love and Hate are spiritual polarities.

Examine yourself to understand the basis of your own beliefs first, then you can make comparisons or contrasts to the reality bubbles around you. Remember, this is part of a series wherein you are learning the Fine Art of Story Telling according to the Milton Method. Knowing your target’s perspective is integral.

We all need to maintain our objectivity about other people’s realities or else we become mere skeptics of other people’s realities. The CIA manual on Psychology of Intelligence Analysis (available to Way of the MindGate Subscribers) helps us to maintain our objectivity by helping us to question our own belief systems and experience.

The next segment in this series helps us recognize our limitations within creativity.

Thanks for your time,

Healing Thoughts,


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