Disciplinary Studies Mind Control Self Improvement

Fine Art of Story Telling, part 4c: Creativity and Recognizing Your Limitations

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Could a person with a smaller reality bubble use the Milton Method on someone with a bigger reality bubble? No.

Decadent mainstream culture trains people to have small realities by basing their beliefs in fear. People with beliefs based in fear don’t question authority figures; they’re too fearful to do that.

By the same token, a person with beliefs based in fear lives in a very small reality bubble that is easily manipulated according to their fears.

If your belief system is based in fear, then you are grossly unable to apply the Milton Method. I’m sorry. People with beliefs based in fear have few, if any, healing intentions. You may have sympatico with the next person with similar beliefs, but you want to be better than the next person. Don’t you?

You must have healing intentions, therefore, your belief system must be based in love.

Martial Morality

Strangely enough, martial morality deeply embraces morals and ethics based in love and respect (of his dojo, family, friends, skill, etc.). Martial morality is often considered the most important criterion for teachers judging students

Morality of deed includes humility, respect, righteousness, trust, and loyalty.

Morality of mind consists of will, endurance, perseverance, patience, and courage.

We examined Courage a few segments back in terms of making ourselves vulnerable – like when we pursue a personal relationship. Beyond that, we need the courage to think outside of the “box” given to us by mainstream standards or else we experience limitations to our objectivity.

The classic method that elders and sifus use to teach the above qualities to students is through anecdote. Each of the above qualities are taught through their own story wherein the main character is lacking, but would learn that quality.

Most of the time, the main character represented the exact opposite of respect, patience, etcetera, but would gain morality given the impetus. For a student, the main character might represent the grosser aspects of immoral behavior within himself, but would always follow the path to morality.

This method of teaching through story telling is the way morals have been taught since time immemorial in every culture. A classic example is Aesop’s Fables.


In the modern day family unit, the art of storytelling has been lost.

Unfortunately, this art form has slowly been lost to modern day sensationalism like movies, video games, cellphones, swine flu scare, fiat economy, etc. Instant gratification through sensationalism displaces creativity, thus, ebbing away at human culture.

Very few people choose learning an art form over sensationalism. Most people lack the courage to be story tellers because they’re “afraid” to look like fools; this is another reason to have courage.

There was a time when kids would gather around parents or some other family elder who would tell stories that engrained them morals and ethics. Do you know who the average family gathers around now for those stories? Television, the web, and cellphones.

The average family unit gathers around a sensationalist information delivery device that’s not very interested in morals and ethics. Far more interesting than the average parent, TV shows and the web are the source of creativity for most children while the parents actually believe that they’re raising their kids.

The Sensationalism of mainstream media sets the standard in the lives of most people while morals and ethics take a back seat; many people who build their lives around TV shows, movies, actors, and musicians because they awaken feelings in people that the average parent doesn’t know how to reach.

That’s because the average parent / person lives in a very limited reality.

Because of this, the average family unit leaves the art of storytelling to screen play writers and script writers further relayed through actors who care more about doing their jobs for the big time producers rather than the morals and ethics they engrain in our kids.

When I think about how the art of storytelling has been discarded by modern day culture, it’s sad. Most people think storytelling is only about creative fiction or “lying your pants off.” The creativity of most people have been limited to mainstream media, so they think in terms of tweeting, texting, what their fav celeb is doing, etc.

The delivery of anecdotes with moral fiber have been relegated to priests and ministers on sunday while the rest of the week is but a small reality bubble relegated by mainstream media.

Milton Erickson was one of the few people who recaptured this lost art form of teaching through anecdote, but, like a magician, he could distract a person with other details while the subliminal message made its way to the subconscious.

The reason you’re here is to regain that lost art of storytelling using the Milton Method, but you have to unlock the shackles on you’re creativity to do that.

Creativity is the essence of communication. Rapport is the underlying structure. I choose martial morality to comprise the bulk of materials in this bridge between us because my intentions are to heal and provide goodness to the world around me. As I stated before, I hope this is also your intention.

Be like an Adept Martial Artist

An adept martial artist knows that he can defeat his opponent physically once he is mentally compromised. When a mind is open, thoughts of fear, hatred, and violence can be pacified or amplified depending on your intentions.

If you got the report, One Sentence Persuasion (available to Way of the MindGate Subscribers), then you know how to appeal to a mind pattern based in fear. My hope is that you use the Milton Method for healing rather than sink to a lower mind pattern to build rapport.

Rather than sink to that lower level, I prefer that you learn martial morality. When you learn these traits, you expand your horizons much further by learning how different mind patterns work.

When your mind pattern is based in love, you have to be tactful rather than sink to a baser mind pattern (read Marketing to Limbic). Most marketers push that sale to the limbic system, that is, they like selling to the baser instincts which lack morals.

(Weak minded) people want instant gratification, so they want to buy “feelings.” The need for instant gratification is the essence of the “reptile brain” or limbic system – and that reptile brain has a very small reality bubble.

Unfortunately, this speaks volumes about modern day culture because it works. Most people lack that moral fiber because the practice of learning morals is almost lost.

Devoid of objectivity and unlimited creativity, people want to buy feelings (in the form of drugs, status symbols, etc). People who want to buy feelings are generally not interested in morals; they’re interested in “feeling” moral, but they’re not interested in the morals themselves.

My intention is for you to learn the Milton Method to regain the power of teaching through anecdote. Guess what? Through the Milton Method, you give feelings away for free, thus giving you the advantage over people who “sell” feelings.

Irregardless of the “reptile brain,” the human spirit is still stronger. Human spirit is the basis of martial morality. Therefore, instead of pushing the “reptile brain,” I want you to help me push humanity – forward.

The only limit to the Milton Method is in the person using it. You have to “pop” that reality bubble that limits your beliefs by rediscovering martial morality within yourself using the Milton Method.

In the next post, we examine empathy. I’ll also begin sharing stories with you on martial morality.

Thanks for your time, Healing Thoughts,


P.S. Story tellers are mentors. Kenneth Alwyn Wetherell is an example of a famous mentor who’s been around for a while. He provides excellent examples of anecdotes. He’s also the father of the only woman I’ve ever loved with all my heart, but that’s another story.

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