Mind Control Self Improvement

How to Face Your Fears and Find Your Courage

Now, more than ever, we have to understand the source of our fears. In part one of this three part presentation by Jim McElwee on courage, we learn to understand the source of our fears and how to face them.

As Jim mentions in the following article, fear has made the transition from survival mechanism in the human species to a comfort mechanism: We fear letting go of our emotional securities more than we fear bodily harm. A conquering war hero baptised by fire on the front lines may still have fear of finding true love. A lion tamer may have fear of public speaking.

Invisible barriers form within the mind out of self doubt and inability to accept oneself. Jim mentions events that can take away our courage; these are more likely emotionally traumatic events that take away our dignity and self respect. More than likely, these events happen during our childhood.

Disciplinary Studies Mind Control Psychoenergetics Self Improvement Spiritual Control Spiritual Growth

Cryptic Holiday Message on Remote Influencing

Enclosed is a recent message from Academy of Remote Viewing and Influencing Founder, Gerald O’Donnell; it’s not so easy to understand on the surface, but there is a gist that comes through: When we take advantage of our birth right as co-creators of our reality rather than allow others to control our reality, we’re happier, healthier, and in control of our own lives.

Hello Dear Friends,

First let me wish you a peaceful and joyful Holiday season.

Please do yourself one gigantic favor during the harbinger of a new year:  let go if only for 2 weeks of all that you remember about this difficult period we are all experiencing during this dark night of the totality of the Soul of Creation.

Only think of your Joyful and Loving Sourcing in Light, be it within your inner heart-core where Source resides, be it within the warmth of your family origin who has given you the gift of Life and brought you so much Love, be it with your warm Motherly womb in the musical Light symphony of nature, or be it with total strangers who are all here to carry your dreams to its ultimate manifestation on the wings of a brilliant Flight in which you have so courageously engaged for you know its ultimate reward.

Please try and stay totally present in the moment for 2 weeks and laugh, dance, embrace, and hug all the creatures that you can and especially yourself.

Remember that every day is a new Creation;  that you spirit rejoins its Higher consciousness each night and that you are in fact  reborn each morning when you Heavenly Divine spirit rejoins the biological  consciousness vehicle which after having rested and rejuvenated itself is awaiting for your return .  So please try and make each future day a new chapter, a new Creation,  which it is, and do not let the memory of past hurt and fears emotionally overstep the holy boundary of the morning.

This will prepare you to fully Create in your mind a new world , a new Creation, unencumbered by all the old patterns and feeling of hurtful anxiety.  You all need to fully engage in this Co-creative process and regain you Divine power of Remote Influencing Reality which you all carry within.

In the next week I will release two interview which do address this very important subject of the inescapable reality of our needing to finally regain and then retain control over what has sadly until now not really been our Creation.  We need to stop being manipulated puppets and become fully conscious and especially fully conscience-filled Real beings.

I know that most are suffering in these harsh economic times. The cry is silent but is felt throughout the world.  In the spirit of this awareness I am announcing a very special and unprecedented deep discount on our combination Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing Courses.

Try to take advantage of it while it lasts. The rewards/cost ratio is incredibly high.

Here is a link to this Holidays’ Special

I send you much Love and thank you again for your kind support and Love. We do need it at the Academy for much antagonism to our work has been manifesting lately. I will leave this for another communication.

May the One bless you and all of your loved ones.

Gerald O’Donnell


Academy of Remote Viewing and Influencing

As far as that “antagonism” mentioned by Gerald, I can only imagine what he means because I have taken on skeptics, atheists, the Amazing Randi challenge myself.

  • There are people in this world that argue human beings are nothing more than meatsacks and accidents in the universe, that there is no such thing as the soul, therefore, no such thing as true order or universal intelligence in the universe, etcetera…
  • Meanwhile, arguements from people like me claim that we are spiritual beings inextricably connected to physical bodies, that there is REAL purpose for each and everyone of us in this reality because we are all part of an ordered universe and a universal intelligence.

Which arguement do you choose?

I choose a greater reality for myself and the people around me. The reality I choose consists of life positive morals and ethics – as opposed to life negative realities that allow BP to poison the Gulf of Mexico, for example.

It’s really a choice between life positive and life negative realities that we’re making every day. When you choose to be the co-creator of your own reality, I hope you choose to be life positive.

As you observe, people with life negative realities work like locusts: They need each other to support each other’s life negative realities.

In fact, the universe is a life positive place – which is very big. Unfortunately, we’re trapped on a very small planet controlled by life negative people. This can be changed. We can remote influence this reality to be life positive with the correct training such as that provided by Gerald O’Donnell.

Gerald teaches us how to draw upon the life positive energies in the universe including that of our own planet to influence our reality. We are trained to draw upon and focus these energies anywhere we want including that which we can remote view.

For example, my mother recently suffered malignant otitis externa (MOE) due to negligence of life negative doctors; she was severely incapacitated, but I chose a reality where my mother would live and recover.

Life positive doctors worked on her and I applied healing energies of the universe to her almost every day. About a month later, she is almost herself again and independent, whereas, one of the ENT surgeons would have sworn that she would never make it out of the hospital.

According to the surgeons, her recovery was remarkable. Please understand: My mother is an elderly diabetic with a compromised immune system, yet she has recovered from MOE whereas most people don’t. This is the power of remote influencing.

You can do this too with the correct training. Please take advantage of Gerald’s special Holiday Offer.

Healing Thoughts, Happy Holidays,

Randolph Fabian Directo

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Academy Of Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing

Disciplinary Studies Mind Control Self Improvement Spiritual Growth

How to Remain Happy and Productive during the Holidays

A positive mood allows your brain to think more creatively

PhysOrg, December 15, 2010 (excerpts)

“..Generally, positive mood has been found to enhance creative problem solving and flexible yet careful thinking,” says Ruby Nadler, a graduate student at the University of Western Ontario. She and colleagues Rahel Rabi and John Paul Minda carried out a new study published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science. For this study, Nadler and her colleagues looked at a particular kind of learning that is improved by creative thinking…

Happy volunteers were better at learning a rule to classify the patterns than sad or neutral volunteers. “If you have a project where you want to think innovatively, or you have a problem to carefully consider, being in a positive mood can help you to do that,” Nadler says. And music is an easy way to get into a good mood…

Nadler also thinks this may be a reason why people like to watch funny videos at work. “I think people are unconsciously trying to put themselves in a positive mood”—so that apparent time-wasting may actually be good news for employers.

More information: Article: “Better Mood and Better Performance: Learning Rule Described Categories Is Enhanced by Positive Mood,” Psychological Science.

Mind Control Spiritual Control

The Big Picture, Rhythms and Meditations for Self Improvement

The Big Picture, my latest album of rhythms and meditations is finally available on Amazon as a CD or mp3 download, and on Amazon’s Createspace.
The Big Picture
The main purpose of the album is to increase our concentration, creative focus, and mental acuity. The brainwave entrainment is in the storm which is in the background. The music and meditations is in the foreground and they’re all in sync together. Imagine a concert of street musicians in the city during a storm playing in sync to the thunder and background; it’s beautiful and strange at the same time, but that’s just my opinion.

Does it work for me? Of course it does. This is the self improvement tool I wish I had when I was going to school. Everyone can use it – especially kids. It works beyond expectations for me. I hope the reviewers will also be thrilled. Meanwhile, please see this expanded description that couldn’t fit at Amazon to Learn more about The Big Picture:

Psst, Hey? You wanna buzz? The Big Picture is your ticket. No need for negative side effects. No more need from caffeine and other false “pick-me-ups.” No more neuroleptic benders.

The Big Picture has everything you need to maintain concentration, increase your creative focus and encourage mental speed & acuity.

The latest, most effective neuroscience research in waking brainwave rhythms have been integrated into a city stormscape. The original music and spiritual meditations in the foreground are in sync with the storm. Imagine a bunch of wild and crazy street musicians giving concert in the middle of a city on a stormy day.

A storm is in the background this time as opposed to the previous HealingMindN
Brainwave Entrainments. Since there are about 2000 lightning storms on the planet at any given moment and we have neural activity similar to this geophysical phenomenon, we pay homage to the storm once again in “The Big Picture.”

Since this album of entrainments is oriented towards the waking state such as most mainstream music, it was a pleasure to include tunes synchronized with the storm that keep your toes tapping(1):

Thoughts into Action

Electro Rock-a-Billy World Fusion Storm increases your concentration and focus to help increase your academic performance or work productivity. “Thoughts into Action” is like an intense dose of caffeine without the harmful side effects.

Great for burning the midnite oil – The music is like interval exercise training with frantic rock-a-billy guitar taking turns with meditative heavy metal/electro-balkan fusions, so it helps you get your work done faster. In that sense, it’s also a perfect song for 20 minutes of intense exercise.

Design Beneath Disorder

New Age Trance Fusion Storm increases your creative focus for artwork, writing, reading, and brainstorming. 12 Hz high alpha rhythm session focuses the mind, but keeps you close enough to alpha to access higher states of creativity and intuition.

“Design Beneath Disorder” is true inspiration for your creative needs as choir, mantra, meditation and music all come together like an intense charismatic church service in the middle of a storm. The choir is central to “Design Beneath Disorder” with hypnotic world fusion beats and rhythms that further increase your creativity and intuition.

(On a side note: This song wrote itself. It’s a perfect song for brainstorming which is why I wanted to call this album “Brainstorm Trifecta;” that is until I finished my odyssey with “The Big Picture.”)

The Big Picture

Grand Funk-a-Fusion Acoustic Guitar Storm speeds up your brain, increases activity, and encourages brain growth. Listen during work time, play time, or rehab from sickness or injury.

“The Big Picture” tantalizes us with a world fusion of funkalicious medleys while the melodies are completely built upon one ubiquitous mantra. Strangely enough, thirty minutes goes by in very little time while listening to “The Big Picture.”

“The Big Picture” reflects neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity is a non-linear function of the brain, so we need a song to reflect that. In terms of “non-linear,” think of the beginning, middle, and end of a journey, then mix it up, but you still recognize the journey.

Recent studies indicate that waking rhythms increase neuroplasticity(2) which is a function of the brain that allows new neural pathways to take over functions from older or missing neural pathways due to disease or injury.

“The Big Picture” also has a surprise, funk slapping ending which you, hopefully, will make you happy. In that sense, it’s also a perfect song for lovemaking.


Q: What kind of brainwave entrainment technology is in The Big Picture?
A: Some low alpha with a majority of high alpha and beta rhythms using pulse modulation panning. The alpha rhythms are provided in the form of Schumann Resonances which are, in turn, based upon the Golden Ratio.

Q: Who are the musicians in The Big Picture?
A: Besides myself, I’m not sure. I produced this album by mashing up samples with my own recordings. I didn’t work with anyone else, personally, for this project, but it’s quite possible you are hearing a famous artist from years ago when they sold their studio licks.

Q: Why do you include meditations within these songs?
A: We are spiritual beings who are always meditating on things. Why not meditate on good things? The meditations are on positive concepts that enhance our performance which is further engrained in our minds by the brainwave entrainment. Think of the beatnik days in the 1950’s when the stage poets were accompanied by a mean bongo player, embellish that like you crave heaven on earth, then you get The Big Picture.

Q: How do we know “waking” brainwave entrainment rhythms are effective?
A: Clinical Studies at the Department of Psychology, Goldsmiths, University of London, Lewisham Way, New Cross, London and Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, the Program in Cognitive Science, and the Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute, University of California, Berkeley indicate that entrainment of waking rhythms in subjects increased neural activity and neural plasticity in varying brain regions using varying modes of stimulation.

Q: What should we listen to in this album for it to be effective?
A: You don’t have to focus on anything in this album; it works best when you listen to it passively. For this album to be most effective, simply play it in the background while you go about your normal daily focused activities – which is on YOUR work.

Turn the volume on your stereo system up just enough so you can hear the rain in the background. The rest comes naturally. A stereo system is best because there are a lot of panning effects. Repeat the entrainments that you need the most.

Use caution when operating dangerous equipment while listening because this album can induce a trance state, albeit a waking trance.

Q: Who influenced your work on this album?
A: Besides the obvious neuroscience researchers, here is a short list in alphabetical order: Yehuda Berg, Kate Bush, Gregg Braden, Michael Cretu, Bob Dylan, Amy Lee Haltzer, Michael Hedges, Lenny Kravitz, Preston Nichols, Greta Rose, and Samuel Sagan. The long list is on the CD Jewel Case.

Q: Given the strange influences, what esoteric technology is on this album?
A: Golden Ratios, Kundalini Activation, and a few methods discussed by Preston Nichols in the Music of Time. I’m sure there are people who will try to pick apart this project, but it’s not only the technology or the music or the entrainment. It’s about me, you, and how we do ’cause we’re all part of The Big Picture.

Q: You have discussed remote influencing at this site in detail. What kind of remote influencing is in The Big Picture?
A: Assuming there is remote influencing in The Big Picture, it’s about the same as any other rock and roll album. As I mentioned, Preston Nichols was a great influence on this album as he discussed some of the technologies he used as an audio engineer for famous groups like the Beach Boys in “Music of Time.” I would say that The Big Picture definitely contains my thought forms, but mainly for spiritual growth and healing.

The other influence would be Gerald O’Donnell’s ARVARI Course; that is, if The Big Picture DOES contain remote influencing.

In fact, neuroscience takes a regular part in the entertainment industry. The difference in The Big Picture is that it pushes us into the light so we feel fulfilled rather than darkness and emptiness offered by certain mainstream music. In essence, The Big Picture is an excellent substitute for death metal, thrash and all the other mind control garbage that’s out there. So Please, Treat your kids this Christmas to something that will really help them: Get The Big Picture.

Thanks for your time.

Healing Thoughts,

Randolph Fabian Directo

(1)”For neurons to work as a team, it helps to have a beat;” University of California, Berkeley.

(2)”Endogenous control of waking brain rhythms induces neuroplasticity in humans,” “Significant changes in brain plasticity observed following alpha brainwave training;” Ros T, Munneke MA, Ruge D, Gruzelier JH, Rothwell JC; Department of Psychology, Goldsmiths, University of London

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Disciplinary Studies Mind Control

Guest Article: Improve Your Reaction Time, part 1


Today I’d like to talk about your reflexes and the importance of reaction time. In life there are two factors that decide whether you succeed or not. The first is what you do, and the second is how quickly you do it. Imagine all the times you entered a conversation and couldn’t think of the right thing to say, only to later come across the perfect words for the situation. And what about other situations, if your reaction time is slow and sluggish, you won’t be able to more important and potentially disastrous situations as swiftly as you should be able to. And various sports are important as well.

By introducing our reaction time entrainment therapy into your routine, you are actually changing your brainwave patterns in ways that create new neural pathways in your brain. These neural pathways are the highways on which your thoughts travel. By creating a familiarity in the paths connected to reaction, you are actually introducing a far faster reaction superhighway in your brain. You can just time yourself to find the incredible results after using our program: Reaction Time Isochronic.

Wit is simply finding a clever thing to say delivered with excellent timing. And if your mind is slow at thinking something up you miss the timing aspect of it and your word is less than half as effective as it would have been if delivered on time. But in order to constantly be engaged, you have to actually build these pathways. One requirement is socialization. New situations leave much still to the imagination. It’s only after being in a social situation once or twice that you can really grasp what it means to succeed in it. But how can you be sure you’re ready right from the start?

Sports are about reaction time as well. You’ve probably heard the phrase “get your head in the game” several times. This is actually spot on for how reaction time is slowed if one’s mind is divided into several different areas. Virtually all competitive sports require a fast reaction time. And yet so often players find their minds wandering and are unable to perform properly.

And there are inevitably situations in every day life where we must perform with superior ability. What if you suddenly find yourself walking on the street when it starts to rain? What if a fire starts in your kitchen? Would you immediately start working to put it out, or would you hesitate? The end result could be quite different depending on whether or not you have trained yourself to have a quicker reaction time. And it may be important to react quickly now and stop by Reaction Time Binaural to check it out.

In the future we will be covering the different aspects of your reaction time, and how you can improve them while using our product.

Have a safe and enlightened journey!

Jim McElwee
RR1 Box 320A Effort, PA 18330

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Mind Control PNI Self Improvement Spiritual Growth

How to Meditate on The Big Picture

This post is a reprint of the most recent Way of the MindGate Newsletter.

Way of the MindGate Newsletter is about fulfilling the needs of others, mainly your needs in terms of mind control. In turn, the audio project I’ve been working on is all about fulfilling your needs. I’ve mentioned it in previous newsletters. Here are the (updated) samples in case you didn’t catch them yet:

  1. Thought into Action (concentration)
  2. Design Beneath Disorder (creative focus)
  3. The Big Picture (mental speed & acuity)

The entire album is just over 70 minutes of rhythms and meditations for building concentration, creative focus, and mental acuity and will soon be available on Amazon. Please see a further description by clicking The Big Picture thumbnail to your left.

Time and Money

The content on this album helps us unify two issues that concern most people: Time and Money. In fact, there was a recent study on the effects of people who meditate on either time or money:

Healing Science Mind Control Self Improvement

How to Maintain Health and Well Being through Sleep

You know me. I like to discuss all kinds of esoterica, especially what happens when we sleep, but then I’ll bypass the most basic tenets of health and well being under the assumption that you know the most basic things already.

A majority of people have trouble with sleep and I want to address this basic, but intensely important facet of life. Fortunately, Jim McElwee, the Rudolph Steiner of brainwave entrainment has taken care of this for me.

Below, Please find the three part series of his dissertation on sleep (with my personal embellishments) in order to help you maintain health and well being. Then later, we’ll talk more about the weird stuff with a clear mind. OK?

Later in this article, I’ll tell you how you can download a personal gift from me to you that will help you get to sleep and wake up refreshed.3

Are We Getting Enough Sleep?

Today I’d like to explore a topic that is all too often ignored in our lives, but directly affects the quality of our happiness, memory, concentration, and general health. Sleep is often the first thing sacrificed in our struggle with stress.

A shocking statistic by the nonprofit Better Sleep Council revealed that 65% of those studied did not receive adequate sleep due to stress alone. When we take into consideration caffeine intake, environmental factors such as noise, and general discomfort the statistics are even more staggering.

Why is Sleep Important?

The truth is, sleep is just as important as breathing or eating when it comes to our survival. Asthma sufferers often relate how desperate their bodies feel when they are not receiving enough oxygen. The stress on the body felt due to insomnia is very similar, though unlike asthma it feels less urgent. This quiet desperate fatigue lasts for hours and sometimes weeks if you aren’t getting the right quality of sleep. Some people forget entirely what it feels like to be refreshed.

Sleep actually does more than rejuvenate our minds. All stages of cancer are fought as cells repair DNA and defenses are bolstered to terminate possibly malignant cells. Minor scrapes and wounds on the outside of the body regenerate, but more importantly internal wearing on the organs and muscles heal during this time as well. The body needs this in order to survive long-term, meaning there is no alternative to a good night’s sleep.

How Can We Entrain Our Minds and Bodies for Proper Sleep?

Because so much of our thinking is long term now, we spend an inordinate amount of time worrying about the future. This worry is not part of the body’s natural state. The goal of our entrainment therapy is to take the body from this unnatural state into the pre-stages of sleep which cannot be ignored.

Our entrainment tools have been specially designed to guide the brain, letting it coast from the alpha down through theta and finally arriving at the much sought after delta brainwave pattern that soothes you to sleep. If you want to know what the perfect night’s sleep feels like, you can find our entrainment tools like the Sleep Package1.

How do I Establish a Regular Sleep Pattern?

But there are some important tips to remember while using these recordings. On weekends we’re tempted to stay up late if we have nowhere to be in the morning. Instead, try to make sure you go to bed at the same time every night. This helps ensure your circadian rhythm (your day/night sleep cycle) is never confused or disrupted. Take some time before you go to sleep to perform your nightly “winding down” rituals.

How to Establish a Relaxing Ritual

It’s important not to watch tv less than a half hour before actually going to sleep as television perks your brain into an alert yet passive state, and can also have a negative effect on dreams.

In fact, any luminated technology such as computer or smart phone screens leaves a lasting impression on the retina; it’s the same as suddenly looking at a bright window when your eyes were resting in the dark. We experience difficulty relaxing when a bright image is burned into our retinas. For this reason, it’s a good idea to put away the luminated screens for at least a half hour before bed time.

We also worry; this disturbs our ability to relax. A lot of worrying just after going to bed comes from transitioning from a stressful state to a sleeping state too quickly. Wind down with a book (an actual hard copy), some relaxing music, or a pleasant no stress conversation.

Establish a Healthy Diet for Healthy Sleep

It’s important to monitor your diet too. We’ll cover this more in-depth in the future, but it’s worth noting here that caffeine will last in your body far longer than you might think. An afternoon cup of coffee may rob you of sleep several hours later, and affect the quality as well.

I hope you enjoyed our introductory guide to a better night’s sleep. Next, we take a closer look at sleep induction techniques such as breathing and positioning. Did you know there is actually a cardinal direction that you should face for a good night’s sleep?

Establish a Healthy Physical Fitness Regimen for Healthy Sleep

Here’s one that Jim missed. Even for people who are infirmed, it’s important to have some kind of fitness regimen to keep the blood/oxygen circulating in order to remove toxins from the body and keep all the organs healthy.

People with a regular exercise regimen’s have an easier time to fall asleep since the body craves sleep in order to rejuvenate tissues; it’s also easier for people who are physically fit to maintain regular, peaceful sleeping patterns and remember their dreams.

Athletic people are particularly good at visualizing and following through with a plan because their minds are so clear from the excellent circulation, but anyone can have visual clarity (in the mind’s eye) and good memory with regular exercise.

What is the Best Body Position to Entrain Sleep?

Sleep is one of the most important activities you can engage in to maintain and ensure proper health and functioning in both the mind and body. It is essential you not only get enough sleep, but that you get the right kind of sleep as well.

Today I’d like to help you start getting the right kind of sleep. There are several aspects of your nightly ritual you might be overlooking with the stress of work and family. Many of these are subconscious tricks your body uses when it’s relaxed, but a stressed mind won’t think about.

First, check your positioning. When you wake up in the morning, what position do you wake up in? This is most likely the position your body finds comfortable. If you’re going to sleep in a vastly different position than you wake up in, this suggests a lot of frustrated movement while you sleep. If, for example, you wake up on your side and go to sleep on your back, this suggests at least once where your body’s position interrupted some much needed rest.

While a few seconds might not sound like a lot, it actually can have a profound effect on your daytime energy levels if you interrupt Rapid Eye Movement (REM) or dream sleep. This interruption can actually cause your REM cycle to be cut short making seven hours of sleep feel like five. When using our entrainment therapy to help you reach sleep, position yourself in a way where the headphones will feel comfortable on your ears. And sleep is most effective when your head is pointed to the North (like a compass needle? If so, then Jim means to orient your whole body with your head pointing north. Move the furniture…).

How to Choose a Mattress According to Science

So far, we see there are a number of factors to consider to help induce a restful sleep. Since we mentioned furniture, let’s summarize the most important questions that cover that most important furniture to induce a restful sleep according to the Jen Reviews Article:

  1. Which Type Of Mattresses Can You Buy?
  2. What Kind Of Sleeper Are You?
  3. What Are Your Sleeping Habits?
  4. Choosing The Right Mattress Size
  5. Determining Your Budget
  6. Always Check The Temperature
  7. Buy According To Your Body Weight
  8. Choosing The Right Firmness Level
  9. Don’t Forget To Test The Mattress

How do I Breathe to Entrain Better Sleep?

Second, let’s take a look at one of the most important aspects of relaxation – breathing. After you’re done getting ready for bed, between the time your head touches the pillow and you begin the first stage of sleep, focusing on breathing can be particularly helpful to quieting your mind and works in perfect conjunction with brain wave entrainment therapy.

To focus on your breathing, inhale gently through your nose and exhale through your lips. The movement should be fluid, gentle, calming, and quiet. As you inhale, picture your lungs filling with positive life affirming and pleasant energy that passes through your whole body. (White Light is good enough. Surrounding yourself with gold light while breathing in the white is even better.)

And when you exhale, picture your breath as the grip you have on daytime cares. As you exhale them, you are releasing the grip you have on them and subsequently releasing the grip they have on you.

Think in positive mantras as well. “I’m feeling more relaxed with each soothing breath,” is good as well as, “Each breath takes me deeper into relaxation.” With each breath you should soon be feeling more relaxed and more ready to enter a soothing world of good dreams.

A 3/5 breathing pattern also improves your trance state: Inhale for a count of five. Exhale for a count of three. If necessary, Inhale for a count of eight, then exhale for a count of five as you repeat poems like Bible Passages in your head.

How do I deal with Bad Dreams?

This brings up an important point as well. Negative dreams often come from tension and negative emotions we take with us to bed. By releasing the tension we feel during the day and taking the time to relax just before sleeping, you actually improve the quality of your dreams.

If you’ve ever been awakened by a nightmare in the middle of the night you’ll know how much havoc it can wreak on your restfulness for the whole next day. Not only is it a guaranteed interruption of REM sleep, it makes getting back to sleep difficult as well. With this simple positive relaxation technique and our entrainment therapy, we can help you keep away bad dreams and ensure you get the kind of sleep you need.

I hope you enjoyed this guide on proper sleep and relaxation. In our final installment, we look at foods to avoid if you’ve been having trouble getting to sleep, and include some good foods to include to ensure your brain gets exactly what it needs.

Eating to Sleep Well = Eating to Live

I’d like to finish up our manual on proper and effective sleep by talking about the nutritional aspect. Because food is not always interpreted the same way by our bodies, there are some specific foods to avoid right before going to sleep and others that will help sleep come more naturally.

To get a proper night’s sleep you’ll need to be aware of a few foods to keep an eye on. Foods higher in carbohydrates help the body relax if there isn’t also too much protein present. If you’re planning on having a high protein dinner, don’t have it right before bed. The same goes for fats as well.

Good Fat is a source of energy like any other food. Hopefully, you are eating organic virgin fats as part of your healthy diet, especially as a source of energy before you exercise.

If your body is filled with fatty foods at bed time, it will still be digesting by the time your head hits the pillow. This will largely reduce your ability to relax. On the other hand, when you burn that energy source through exercise, you have no trouble getting to sleep at bed time.

What you want is a relaxing end to your day. After keeping in mind the other aspects of winding down, you’ll find it easy to avoid getting keyed up. After that, put on the headphones, relax, and you’ll be having pleasant dreams before you know it.

Now, let’s talk about the amino acid tryptophan. You may have heard that turkey contains tryptophan (an amino acid), which is why people so often feel sleepy after Thanksgiving dinner. This is partially true. Turkey does contain tryptophan, but the powerful somniferous effect is also from the amount of food eaten.

Since we can’t eat a whole turkey every night, some other foods to consider for tryptophan are eggs, whole grains like rice, tofu, milk, cheese, and lentils. While they’re not necessary, these are foods that will have relatively high levels of naturally occurring tryptophan in them.

But tryptophan isn’t reliable enough by itself to make you fall asleep. (But I’ve seen my brother in law pass out in buffets after eating.) Remember, our entrainment therapy works with your mind to provide a long restful night’s sleep you can ease into comfortably. Check out Self-hypnosis for Restful Sleep2.

Substances to Avoid if You Want to Sleep

Now let’s take a look at important things to avoid right before going to sleep. Obviously caffeine is going to give you a difficult time with sleep. But how long does it stay in your system? An adult can have difficulty sleeping due to caffeine in their system up to (and in some cases exceeding) eight hours after drinking a cup of coffee.

Coffee contains approximately 100 to 125 milligrams of caffeine in it while caffeinated colas have approximately 35. If you go to sleep at 10:00pm, you may want to be aware of any caffeine intake after 2:00pm. And if you’re up till midnight, you’re usually going to be safe until 4:00pm. Keep in mind the importance of your day night schedules and try not to shock your system with too many different bedtimes. And caffeine is one definite way to disrupt your circadian rhythm.

Are there other substances that can interrupt your sleep? Absolutely. Nicotine addiction can cause a disruption in sleep patterns as the body metabolizes the drug often long before a sleep cycle is over making you more tired when you wake up.

Medications can sometimes have a similar effect or even contain stimulants. (Drugs) should (state) side effects on the label.

Also, spicy foods are good to avoid shortly before going to sleep. Spicy foods will often cause sleeplessness or heart burn and can also contribute to bad dreams. (like Scrooge in a Christmas Carol?)

I hope you found this lesson on sleep and diet helpful. Keep in mind just how important sleep is, and how much you need it to maintain a happy and stable life.

Have a safe and enlightened journey!

Jim McElwee
RR1 Box 320A Effort, PA 18330

1With our Sleep Package

it’s no longer difficult to fall into a quick relaxation state and get started with important REM sleep. Rather than toss and turn for hours on end, just have this system immediately downloaded to your computer, plug in your headphones, and press play. Almost immediately you’ll enjoy a more relaxed state. Before you even know for sure that it’s working, you will be quickly transported to that state of consciousness you’ve been desperately trying to get all night: Sleep Package

2Why Self-hypnosis for Restful Sleep?

  • A number of advanced hypnosis technologies are employed for delivering best results
  • Both direct and indirect suggestion is interwoven into each session to maximize its effectiveness for the broadest range of listeners.
  • The flow of speech and background music is paced specifically to induce relaxation and hypnosis, and facilitate transition into restful sleep.
  • The music background tracks were specially written for this subject, and are keyed to tones known to produce relaxation and drowsiness.
  • Four visualization patterns that help inducing sleep.

3Download Your “Back to Sleep” Isochronic BWE Recording NOW!

15 Minute Sample

The Unexplainable Store® provides this sample for our close examination. A Soothing soundscape of synthetic wind keyboards paired with a beehive like humming drone is just a small sample of the full version of “Back to Sleep.”

Get It Here: Back to Sleep.

We hope you enjoy.

Healing Thoughts,

Randolph Fabian Directo

Related Articles:

Healing Science Mind Control PNI Self Improvement Spiritual Growth

How We Get Our “Knee Jerk” Responses When We’re Awake

As of late, I’ve been collecting studies related to my latest work in progress, Brainstorm Trifecta, a music album that programs specific intentions during the waking state. Mainstream neuroscience studies have uncovered interesting data concerning our minds during the waking state.

The following graduate study work by Timothy Bardouille has ground breaking implications which I attempt to elucidate for you:

Title: Studies of Cortical Synchrony and Coherence in the Human Sensorimotor System
Authors: Bardouille, Timothy (Don Juan)
Advisor: Ross, Bernard
Department: Medical Science
Keywords: magnetoencephalography motor somatosensory beta
Issue Date: 4-Aug-2010

Disciplinary Studies Economic Control Evil Control Mind Control Philosophy Psychoenergetics Self Improvement Spiritual Control Spiritual Growth

GO’D on Personal Issues, World Issues, and Social Mood

Gerald O’Donnell of ARVARI has invited us to a teleseminar in regards to current world issues. He will address social mood, certain personal problems we may be having because of negative events happening around us, and what we can do about it:

I’m glad you’re reading this because this upcoming teleseminar (aka telephone seminar) is going to shed some light on all the chaos in the world today and what YOU can do about it.This is Gerald O’Donnell, founder of Academy of Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing. Join me next week for a FREE teleseminar on the nature of reality.

Tuesday, August 10 at 6pm EST / 3pm Pacific / 10pm UTC/GMT

for a life-changing call on…

* * * “The Embrace to Heal the World.” * * *

Here are some of the questions I will be addressing:

  • –What is the real meaning of the 2012 period and thence after?
  • –Why have you felt so low on energy lately and often tensed, even after a night’s sleep?
  • –Why is it so important for humanity to wake up to our connectedness?
  • –How can connecting with Nature give you all the answers you need?
  • –Why are YOU such a vital piece in the puzzle facing humankind?
  • –What can you do to break free from your self-constructed prison?


Click this link for your FREE registration


Here are the call details:

WHEN: Tuesday, August 10, 2010

6:00pm – 7:00pm Eastern
3:00pm- 4:00pm Pacific

10:00pm – 11:00pm GMT

(but dial-in early, see below!)

Click here to see what timezone you are in:


Click this link for your FREE registration


Mind Control Self Improvement Spiritual Growth

Concentration, Creative Focus, Mental Speed & Acuity from Beta Rhythm Music


How I wish I really and truly had all the tools I needed when I was younger. Of course, I was in the same boat. All the kids had some kind of trouble with concentrating on their work. We were all raging hormones and giddy energy, so we weren’t interested in reading, writing, ‘rithmetic or any other “r’s,” like homewoRk.

What if you had a tool that not only helps you focus, but keeps you awake when you have to burn the midnite oil studying? Would your work get done so much faster? Imagine being able to focus, so you get your work done faster, then you don’t have to lose any sleep. What if this tool is not a neuroleptic drug like ritalin or caffeine, so you don’t suffer any (negative) side effects?

What if this tool isn’t a drug at all, but something you listen to as it plays passively in the background while you go on with focussing on your work and getting it done? Would you be interested? Would your kids be interested? Wouldn’t it be wonderful if this tool works for everyone?